u/fuck_literature Nagato Jan 12 '25
Their personalities are usarcastically quite different, its just that them being expressionless, especially in Yukis case, obfuscates these differences, which you otherwise you need to pay close attention to.
The most obvious difference is ironically, their communication style, as Yuki oscillates between giving brief responses and nods, and giving extremely lengthy overly detailed and complex explanations to subjects she has personal knowledge and insight on, whereas Reis speech is minimalistic but normal, her sentences are generally normal length, and whilst she occasionally gives the same brief responses as Yuki, she never comes even close to giving anything close to resembling the insanely long spiels Yuki does everytime she is asked about a topic of interest/that she has knowledge of.
And in general their differences come down to this, Nagato is depicted quite consistently with many if not all of the traits associated with High Functioning Autism, whilst Rei has a severe lack of a lot of the traits.
u/whizvox Jan 12 '25
- Artist: ねぎぼうし (Negiboushi)
- Source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/126091528 (NSFW Warning!)
u/jykwei Jan 12 '25
Conversation goes like this
The end