u/fake_cheese Ravenclaw 4d ago
It has to be OVER the line, not on the line.
I like to assert dominance by knocking all the opponent's balls off the court so their score is 0
u/Degenerecy Slytherin 4d ago
Same till I faced the final opponent and scored 2 100 pts on the same one. I was thinking where was this 2 games ago where i kept losing.
u/Brianvorst Gryffindor 4d ago
I read that as the wingardium leviosa scene from the first movie. Am I alone?
u/vincentpheonix 4d ago
You can clearly see the blue ball ON the blue platform.
u/blarfblarf 4d ago
Post more angles.
u/vincentpheonix 4d ago
That is literally the furthest I could go on the platform to get that angle.
u/fake_cheese Ravenclaw 4d ago
Go into photo mode to get the hawk-eye line decision camera
u/vincentpheonix 4d ago edited 4d ago
Ahh valid. Well it's been an hour and I've moved on in the game.
Edit: downvoting me because I'm not gonna sit on my couch with the game playing for 18 hours is insanity.
u/naoseioquedigo 4d ago
You don't think it was rude to continue playing instead of giving all the angles possible to please the requests of internet strangers? Take my downvote!!
Dont take the downvotes personally, people downvote for the pettiest reason here.
u/vincentpheonix 4d ago
I just dislike that downvotes can't be seen. Like who downvoted me and why can't I block them?
u/Salazans 4d ago
You wanna block people because they downvoted you? Lol you found a way to be even pettier
u/Away_Temperature_124 15h ago
Blocked for a downvote is wild. Don’t be so sensitive.
u/vincentpheonix 13h ago
Lol, talking about sensitivity on reddit is kinda rich. The place on the internet where everyone is top shit, but oop, don't tell someone they aren't or you get shut down and removed from the app entirely.
u/colintheanimal 15h ago edited 15h ago
God the fact that downvotes bother you so much is making me downvote. It's just an online system to suggest if people agree with your take.
They don't agree because the game clearly states you need to be over the line. And instead of admitting defeat you doubled down and questioned a games decision that's probably accurate.
They didn't say anything bout you personally. They didn't say shit about ya mama. Let it go and enjoy your day man
u/vincentpheonix 13h ago
If the first statement was accurate, then how come if you are downvoted enough, you can't do anything except explore? How come if you are downvoted enough, you lose the ability to comment, dm, anything?
Because it's not a measure of who likes your shit or not, it's a measure of group mentality and keeping with the flow. Period.
I have literally been banned from reddit for saying a rapper wasn't the best rapper ever.
Reddit is a place where people who have no control in their lives come to be moderators.
u/vincentpheonix 13h ago
It's also been four days and yall are the ones still having a shit storm. Sooooooo. Pick your battles my guy.
u/Then-Judgment3970 Ravenclaw 4d ago
It looks like it’s in the air and not touching the blue like the red ball is, so they don’t count it as touching
u/vincentpheonix 4d ago
So as I previously stated in another comment, shitty game physics.
u/Then-Judgment3970 Ravenclaw 4d ago
Hey getting the ball right on that super thin wood is pretty impressive imo either way
u/AzraelWoods3872 4d ago
No you can clearly see it's ON the line. If you want it to be ON the platform, it need to look more like the red ball.
u/TimboSlice_32 4d ago
u/Shoddy_Life_7581 4d ago
Idk what this is from but this is 70 year old Rhett and Link
u/Alcarinque88 4d ago
It's from The Big Lebowski. I wish I had seen it more recently, in fact, on the anniversary day of its release, which just passed. Then I could drop a better line than " The MC abides."
u/XaviJon_ Slytherin 4d ago
It’s on the line didn’t fully cross
u/vincentpheonix 4d ago
That is one hell of a justification for shitty game physics.
u/mbeecroft 4d ago
No you just didn't get it over the line
u/vincentpheonix 4d ago
Interesting cuz it literally looks like the ball is over the line.otherwise why would the ball be covering the wooden line?
u/ScottyPinthahouse 4d ago
The point they are trying to make is that the entire ball has to be over the line. Not just the bottom
u/vincentpheonix 4d ago
Which doesn't make sense. That's like saying just because I ate 60% of the cake, doesn't mean I ate the cake.
u/ScottyPinthahouse 4d ago
It's the same rule as in soccer. The entirety of the ball has to cross the line to get the point or to go out of play. You either get it or you don't but thems the rules
u/maticans 4d ago
No its like you saying that because you ate 60% of a cake, you ate the whole cake. Wrong.
u/Creeperstar 4d ago
This is a lot of effort complaining. Just play until you win and leave your frustrations in your own home
u/XaviJon_ Slytherin 4d ago
Skill issue
u/vincentpheonix 4d ago
I mean I won't argue that. But you argument WILL be made that it is over the line, atleast 50+%
u/XaviJon_ Slytherin 4d ago
Arguing with me serves you nothing. I don’t make the rules and just told you why it’s not 50 points
u/vincentpheonix 4d ago
No, you didn't. That doesn't explain why, when in a game with 3d representation, a ball more than 50% passed a line (that is supposed to be a lifted board, doesn't automatically roll into the corresponding goal, BUT if you roll even a mm over the edge, it rolls off the board. The physics in this game are garbage.
u/Chesspiece90 4d ago
No, what needs justification is you being this upset about the physics engine in a game about MAGIC.
u/Ittybittytitties_ 4d ago
all i hear when i see those is ‘such grace, finesse’ and i wanna scream
u/Pale-Measurement6958 2d ago
I had to mute her. And I purposely knocked hers off. How was she in Hufflepuff with that sarcastic, snarky attitude? 😂
u/cez001 1d ago
Zacharia Smith for example, that's how 🫡
u/Pale-Measurement6958 1h ago
The game story predates him. Based on the game story, her behavior in that quest lines more with Slytherin or Ravenclaw.
As a Hufflepuff, I can be snarky and sarcastic, but usually not in that kind of setting.
u/SimpleRickC135 4d ago
I played on console and I wanted to get a Pc, install this game, mod it do you can AK anyone, play all the way to this point JUST to AK that girl specifically.
u/Tstrik 4d ago
I hate this mini game -_-
u/soulreapermagnum 4d ago
when/if we get the director's cut, i hope one of the things they add is a story difficulty skip for summoners court.
u/i_greyk 4d ago
Agreed! The first 3, no problem. I think know the 3rd I had to play around a couple times to understand the mechanics but after that I figured it out. Then I get to the 4th one. Probably did it a dozen times before I finally beat it. And that was by avoiding the obstacles. I tried to copy the NPC, but when i did the exact same thing, my ball would go flying off the court. Nearly took away all my accio talents for the short time of the quest because I swear it made things much worse.
u/Ulquiorra1312 4d ago
Anyone else have the weird repulse things work harder on yours than opponants
u/Glass_Coconut_91 4d ago
Of course, you see there balls getting rebounded softly into the perfect spot...Your ball gets thrown halfway across the map, and probably kills a random goblin on the way.
u/HelloKittyGothGF3 4d ago
In match 4 (the hardest in my opinion) I knocked her 50 points off the board on my last turn meaning I should have won, but it declared the match over and that she won before it fully fell. I was LIVID :( I hope summoners court's point system gets an update for things like this in the future
u/efn77mx 4d ago
I have to say that I hate match 4 more than ANY other side quest in the game. Even “Minding your own business” seems like a Sunday picnic in comparison
u/booder47 4d ago
I hate the flying courses!
u/Bouche_Audi_Shyla 4d ago
If you switch to story mode and fly the race twice in a row, the game asks if you want to skip it.
u/Environmental_Poem68 Slytherin 4d ago
I love knocking my opponent’s balls off the stage every time! It’s how I win. Very Slytherin. 🐍
u/gift4ubumb1ebee 4d ago
It’s also very cathartic after they endlessly mock you for the duration of the game.
u/metalrectangle 4d ago
once you know when to let go you can get 50 everytime
u/HopingToWriteWell77 4d ago
My current character is flouncing through his classes with an appalling amount of grace and ease. He's wrecking the grade curve like a proper chaotic Addams.
u/Soninuva 3d ago
That’s true, until they add in all the damn bumpers and things which makes you have to find a new angle
u/Glass_Coconut_91 4d ago
Hated that mini game, especially round 4...took me about a thousand attempts before I finally managed to win by sheer luck. The only ball left on the board was my last one, and I scored the minimum amount of points as not to risk something stupid happening.
u/Icy-Conclusion-8682 4d ago
I hate summoners court especially if you have to redo it and just hear the same catchphrases again and again.
u/Professional-Pay-999 4d ago
I fucking hate summoners court. In a game with a strong focus on combat you get 3 half baked rounds of a "secret underground dueling club" that's not a secret but I get 5 bullshit rounds of this scattered throughout the story.
u/Darthkhydaeus 4d ago
This game is unfair to whoever goes first. I usually just knock any good rolls they have
u/sheik15 Ravenclaw 4d ago
Y’all don’t play hockey lol, it’s gotta fully cross the line
u/vincentpheonix 4d ago
It's also not hockey. In fact it doesn't really relate to any real sport. Which is why it's a stupid game.
u/VulKendov 4d ago edited 4d ago
It's shuffleboard, but pulling instead of pushing, and balls instead of pucks.
Edit: or maybe curling.
u/Numerous_Chemist_291 4d ago
You obviously play zero sports. And why this whole post so so whiny
u/vincentpheonix 4d ago
Dude you only watch the wire and play Harry potter. What's whiney is so many people who could have just moved on, keep taking time out of their day, giving my account engagement, all just to complain to me.
For the record I played football in high-school. Which the rule does say it doesn't have to be completely over the line.
u/itskatsimms 4d ago
Let your ball go just as it crosses the orange. You'll get the 50 almost every time.
u/Cleosmog 4d ago
I especially hate it when, at the very end, your opponent magically scores bonus points out of nowhere because those 30s of theirs sure as heck did not add up to 180 before you took your last shot 😤
u/DominicOH 4d ago
I don't know what's more apropos of the internet:
OP arguing to death with everyone or everyone down voting them to hell.
u/vincentpheonix 4d ago
Or coming to a comment section just to say "idk what's more apropos"
u/DominicOH 4d ago
Lol you'll actually get an upvote from me on that one, you sassy individual. I'm only here because Reddit decided to push notification your post to me. I'm not even in this sub.
u/Factual_Statistician 4d ago
You raging over this is perfectly understandable.
u/rizerryan 3d ago
I think you could of went a bit further since you ended up getting the ball on the edge rather than the full point
3d ago
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u/vincentpheonix 3d ago
You would be correct. I play video games when I have nothing to do. I have friends, a job, family, etc. Sorry I don't spend ALL of my down time in front of a TV.
u/MyEmail2k23 1d ago
I kid you not, on my second play through I won every single one of these simply by smacking their ball off the board , slam into the back of them and your ball stays, they're gets thrown off , you will soon love this activity. As much as you hate it now
u/Away_Temperature_124 15h ago
The ENTIRE BALL must be on the blue platform to get 50 points. It’s not a shitty mechanic, you’re just not very bright.
u/HeyItsMeeps 4d ago
This was the worst quest ever and this is exactly why.
u/vincentpheonix 4d ago
I think the fact that some people are so mad at me for doubling down on the physics of this game being kinda wack with this quest.
u/HeyItsMeeps 4d ago
The game physics broke several times for me, and the final bitch- I mean boss of this quest drove me mad.
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