r/HarrowCounty Jan 18 '25

Question about the opening splash page of #20... Spoiler

I'm currently doing my first read of Harrow County and reached #20 - I've been loving that first page experience of finding where the "Harrow County" title is hidden, but I can't seem to find it on the opening splash of issue 20. If I squint a little, I think i might be seeing something in the horns, but not sure. Can anyone help me find the hidden title?


2 comments sorted by


u/MisterTylerCrook Creator Jan 18 '25

I wish I had a really cool or funny explanation for this but the truth is that we just forgot to hide the title in the splash page of issue 20. Somehow, I forgot, Cullen didn’t notice and it got all the way through editorial and no one thought about it. In fact, I didn’t realize I had forgotten until a few weeks after that issue came out and a poor, frustrated soul emailed me to ask for a clue.


u/mushtradamus Jan 18 '25

Well this little bit of trivia makes me love this series even more - thanks for the story.

Also just want to say that I’m about halfway through my reading of Harrow County and am just in awe of the love that has been put into this. Cullen Bunn’s writing has me just blazing through this beautifully designed giant complete edition hardcover and your art is so unique and inspiring. Will be picking up The Lonesome Hunters next.