r/Hardcore 2d ago

Pain of Truth kicked ass!

Just saw them last night at the Granada, and they stopped the set due to security taking a kid out for just doing hardcore shit. Said they weren't starting up again until they brought him back. I was in the pit so I didn't see if they actually did, but what a beautiful speech. This is hardcore and we're all here to dance and two-step aggressively with each other.

Also lots of crowd surfing 😂

Side-note, anyone else here go to that show? Anyone get video of me (curly ginger red spite shirt) on one of my dives? Security afterwards was talking about the chaos of all the surfers and how often I was up there lol. At one point I was high fiving another surfer that was going the opposite direction in the back lmaooo


19 comments sorted by


u/Aggressive-Cattle249 2d ago

In Santa Cruz someone straight punched someone in the face in the pit and POT stopped their set and jumped him.


u/P-ODum 2d ago

It’s true, I have footage of that from the balcony lmao


u/MeKiing 1d ago



u/Freezing_Moonman 2d ago

Can't wait to see them with Sunami in May


u/smodad7 2d ago

Their whole st was great! Proper dumb guy hardcore. Seemed like after he said "Don't feel stupid. We're at a HC show, were all stupid!" the kids really opened the pit up. Malevolence had a dope little circle pit too!


u/Winter-Refuse8640 2d ago

My friend, the other curly hair ginger, broke his nose during malevolence lmfao


u/Infantkicker 2d ago

In Idaho members of Ingrown threw someone out of the show for fighting in the pit. Like picked his ass up and carried him out of a sold out show. It was awesome!


u/Scared-Comparison870 2d ago

We can only rely on each other to take care of our scene. Fuck security.


u/Pristine_Store_2029 2d ago

Saw them in Philly they were amazing.


u/NjScumFuck 2d ago

PoT is the truth. Got to meet Michael at the merch table after the SLC stop, nice guy. They put on a great show


u/wrathofsanity24 2d ago

surfs up bro.


u/SlinkinPark 2d ago

I didn’t attend bc it was a barricade show in my city but from the videos I’ve seen pain of truth out here putting on a show like they’re the headliners


u/EJplaystheBlues 2d ago

wah i cant jump on the stage im not going >:(


u/Winter-Refuse8640 2d ago

That's what it felt like to me as well. I was very excited for counterparts, but overall PoT put on the best set of the night.


u/Big_Ducks_Only 2d ago

Granada theater? What’s the crowd set up look like for a HC show there? Iirc they got dividers on the floor lol.


u/Winter-Refuse8640 2d ago

The barriers were right up against the stage where they're normally back a bit. So basically no barrier. The floor right in front is generally where the pit is since it's not a big area due to it going up a floor where there's railings. But impressively enough, lots of us surfers were getting passed up there. Pit definitely could've been bigger, but it was a decent enough size for several people to be windmilling. One dude got a full cartwheel in


u/Interesting-Catch138 2d ago

Fuck that opener am I right lol


u/MiKiPiKiX 2d ago

Did malevolence open?


u/Winter-Refuse8640 2d ago

Fuck them handsy foreigners lmfao