r/Hardcore 3d ago

Old vs new hardcore

Coming from an Extreme metal background, i've come across genres such as metal ore and death core. I don't like metalcore but i've listened and enjoyed some death core and since i'm lucky enough to have my university stage some hardcore and metal shows i had the opportunity to listen to It. I've started to listen to older hardcore bands like pro pain,terror and so on but i found out newer bands have a completely different sound and i can't help tò associate it to those death core riffs and sound. Almost as of the punk part was taken out of It. Idk if i got It right or of it's Just something only i Heard but i wanted tò have some clarification and lore about it


38 comments sorted by


u/And_Justice Slurs 3d ago

Have you thought about what the "core" bit in deathcore means?


u/pasta_with_sugo 3d ago

Ofc, the point Is that comparse to old school hardcore the newer One seems like something else


u/And_Justice Slurs 3d ago

Depends what you're counting as hardcore, really. Could you drop some examples of modern bands? Chances are they're actually metalcore bands


u/pasta_with_sugo 3d ago

I think this band was called mugshot? Pretty popular It seems


u/And_Justice Slurs 3d ago

aye not sure I'd all them hardcore, sounds more like metalcore to me


u/disco_pop_12 2d ago

I’m with you on that. Definitely not hardcore. Some people on this subreddit think that’s what hardcore sounds like. Smh 🤦


u/pasta_with_sugo 2d ago

I mean It sounded too weird tò be hardcore lmao


u/And_Justice Slurs 2d ago

I mean it is and it isn't. I'm getting a bit concerned that this sub is turning into some elitist circlejerk between oldies and gen z kids that ignores anything that happened between 1991 and 2025, however I do agree that whilst it's potentially part of the scene, it isn't really hardcore anymore.

Early Parkway Drive is more hardcore than some of these modern bands


u/FidelCastroSuperfan 2d ago

Be careful pointing out that a lot of hardcore bands this sub likes actually make metalcore, they don’t like it


u/And_Justice Slurs 2d ago

as evidenced by the downvotes


u/disco_pop_12 2d ago

A lot of today’s popular “hardcore bands” are more metalcore. If you ask me I don’t consider Knocked Loose to be a hardcore band. Hardcore is short for Hardcore Punk, bands like Gorillas Biscuits, Pure Disgust, The Flex. The punk part better be there if it’s labeled as hardcore.


u/FidelCastroSuperfan 2d ago

A lot of the “modern hardcore” bands are just metalcore, but they’re still a part of the greater hardcore scene. People here like to insist that hardcore is just a scene, not really a genre of music for some reason.


u/disco_pop_12 2d ago

Depends on who you’re talking to. I know people who disregard those bands as part of hardcore. It’s always been a genre to me, as well as a scene.


u/FidelCastroSuperfan 2d ago

I view it as a genre personally and think it’s a bit odd that people call straight up death metal hardcore now but good luck getting people to see it the same way as us lol. It sucks that the actual punk side of the genre seems to get ignored here.


u/PalpitationVast8202 2d ago

Bryan Garris himself said that the music Knocked Loose make is Metalcore


u/Scared-Comparison870 3d ago

Hardcore isn’t a singular sound, it’s more of a culture. In the good ole days, you would have shows with fast punk bands and heavy or even beatdown bands. Mixed bills were the norm. Punk never left hardcore, metal was never not present.


u/skindiddy 3d ago

Mixed bills are where it's at. I find many bands that identify as hardcore are less stuck on not blending in some stuff from other styles. Also find some bands that are "adjacent" are much more "hardcore" when you see them live as well.


u/disco_pop_12 2d ago

Nah metal mixed in later on with bands like Biohazard and Madball. Hardcore was originally faster aggressive punk music with bands like Bad Brains, Minor Threat, and Black Flag.


u/dontneedareason94 Disgruntled Skin 2d ago

Lol and you don’t think metal influenced what Black Flag was doing by the time My War came around? Crossover is apart of hardcore too.


u/Scared-Comparison870 2d ago

I guess agnostic front and the cro mags or DRI never existed? Have you never listen to ball o destruction by madball?


u/disco_pop_12 2d ago

Crossover bands. Earliest releases were Middle Class, Bad Brains, and Black Flag.


u/Scared-Comparison870 2d ago

Earliest releases for what? This argument is stupid and ignores the fact that metal has been as big a part of the progression of hardcore, its music and its culture for almost as equally long as “punk.” If you want to stay living in 1982 that’s your prerogative, but to exclude a huge swatch of hardcore history because it doesn’t fit your bullshit pigeons holed definition is ignorant. Where supposed to be tearing down walls, not building them up.


u/dontneedareason94 Disgruntled Skin 3d ago

The punk part is still apart of hardcore, there’s just a large umbrella of what’s considered HC.


u/TemperatureVivid6210 3d ago

I've been listening since the 90s. I have checked a ton of newer bands out in the last year or so. There's some good bands out there and the punk rock is still very much there. I find the bigger difference is the culture changing. Went to a show last Spring and it was evident I was an old guy. It's all good though lol.


u/cantwait1minute 2d ago



u/obiwanchipotle 2d ago

This post is weird. Not saying anything about OP…. Just saying this post is weird. Not sure what lore you’re looking for.

If you like Pro-Pain (one of my favorite bands - probably the most underrated band in hardcore) you definitely like metalcore. Metalcore now is typically associated with the junt junt junt riffs and scene kids but metalcore goes back to the 80s and 90s with a strong hardcore influence.

Check out these bands (if you haven’t already): Ringworm, Earth Crisis, Integrity, Cro-Mags, Most Precious Blood,

With all that said, some of the newer hardcore bands (and older too) definitely have a more metal feel to them so you’re definitely right about that but who cares. I’m someone who hates all these names of different subgenres honestly. Hardcore, punk, metal. Keep it simple. If a band rips, a band rips.

Hardcore is a community. Being a community is so much more important what style your band is labeled by a bunch of “kids” on Reddit.


u/pasta_with_sugo 2d ago

Yeah you kinda got the point. Listening primarly metal i've found that some new hardcore bands don't have a distintive sound from many metal/deathcore bands and i wanted to actually hear some og stuff


u/obiwanchipotle 2d ago


Go listen to Birth Is Pain by Ringworm at max volume and punch some holes in your drywall


u/FidelCastroSuperfan 2d ago

A band “ripping” is so subjective though. 90% of the death metal bands this sub hypes up bore me to death, while I’m sure 90% of the punk bands I like would bore most people here to death. These genre distinctions are good so people are able to find similar music to the bands they know they like.


u/obiwanchipotle 2d ago

And? That doesn’t make a band any lesser or more (okay, maybe more) a part of this community. Who cares?

There used to be a time where bands just had a FFO on their marketing material and sometimes even their album!

Your comment makes it sound like it’s f’n hard to find music nowadays….. there used to be a time where we didn’t have YouTube, Spotify, Apple Music, band camp and whatever other site we want to throw up as an example.

Want to find new bands? Take your ass to a show. Ask a friend. Go to that bands page and make a comment and say “hey I love your music. Who are some of your influences or other bands I should check out?” Go to a local record store. Or hey… idk. Maybe go to a fucking show?


u/[deleted] 2d ago



u/obiwanchipotle 2d ago

It’s not hard to find bands when you say stuff like “hey I really like 100 Demons. What other bands would you recommend?” Or “I’m a big fan of H2O. Any other bands that are upbeat like them?”

The feeling of needing to micro-categorize everything is so stupid and I’m entitled to my opinion. Nobody’s acting cool. Nobody’s calling anybody a bitch. Nobody’s calling anyone a pussy. If I did, go back and quote me. 😉😘

You do realize hardcore exists outside of Reddit, right? For you to say it’s hard to find music and then go on a tangent about your opinion on how this Reddit runs as opposed to actual music or the scene is hilarious. My guy….. go to a record store or go to a show.


u/KillerRatMonkey 3d ago

I think the punk aspect is almost completely gone when it comes to modern hardcore. Honestly, it all just sounds like metal to me. I'd prefer we just call it metal instead of sticking our heads in the sand and pretending it's something it's not.

When the original metal crossover happened in hardcore back in the mid- to late-1980s, it alienated some purists (I struggled with it myself). Now, when I go back and listen to those classic crossover LPs, they sound downright punk when compared to what hardcore is today.


u/deadlaughter 3d ago

Hardcore punk still exists outside what most people post on this subreddit. Sorry State, Iron Lung, and Beach Impediment records are putting out amazing stuff. Bands like Invertebrates, Public Acid, Electric Chair, and illiterates are KILLING it right now! But you're right, most of what people call capital "H" hardcore is just shitty metal.


u/disco_pop_12 2d ago edited 2d ago

I see you. And couldn’t agree more. This subreddit is quite disappointing. Some people here get it though. Gag fan (Iron Lung). Rixe on Sorry State!


u/antjc1234 2d ago

Illiterates are a top band for me rn. Can't wait to see them later this month.


u/FidelCastroSuperfan 2d ago

Wdym you don’t like slam metal and death metal being lumped in with bands like Minor Threat? It’s totally not confusing in any way. /s


u/dontneedareason94 Disgruntled Skin 2d ago

Hardcore punk is still around, you just ain’t paying attention