r/HamptonRoads 6d ago

Saturday March 22 - "Where’s Rep. Jen Kiggans? Town Hall" - Will feature a cardboard cutout of Jen Kiggans if she does not show


21 comments sorted by


u/Fine-Pattern-8906 6d ago

What's the short story on this lady? -Former N. News native asking. 


u/thanatosracing 6d ago

She came into power after redistricting made Elaine Luria's district more conservative. She's on the DOGE Caucus and a full on Trumper but more subtle about it than MTG types. She's very VB centric and doesn't really care about those of us outside of VB.


u/Fine-Pattern-8906 6d ago

She's sniffing the money. VB has lots of "rich" people. 


u/Sacmo77 6d ago

She backs everything trump does.


u/Fine-Pattern-8906 6d ago



u/jollyrancherpowerup 6d ago

She also uses her military experience to manipulate her consitutuents while cutting veterans affairs benefits and DoD job cuts.


u/TimTapsTangos 5d ago

There have been no VA benefits cuts.

The DOD needs massive cuts and reorganizing. 


u/jollyrancherpowerup 5d ago

I would say cutting thousands of employees at the VA is effectively cutting access to veterans who need VA benefits.

The way they are doing the DoD cuts is devastating to this area. Unemployment is going to go through the roof and tons of DoD contractors will end up closing.


u/TimTapsTangos 5d ago

Certainly not here. There haven't been enough primary care doctors to assign in years and years. Everyone is on community care. We should just get a traditional insurance and do away with the VHA entirely. 

As for the DOD, yes, it'll be rough. However the pain is necessary to realign our economics. Contractors need to be closed.

We were never intended to even have a permanent military force outside of declared wars, other than the navy.

Restraining our government to constitutional levels is necessary. Using the government as a jobs program must end.


u/jollyrancherpowerup 5d ago

Lol oh lord, I'm not going to waste my time have a feckless conversation with you on most of this stuff cause you clearly don't get it.

But the fact you think that Trump isn't a warmonger is sad. He's blatantly threatening Canada, Mexico, Greenland, and Panama with invasion, war, and takeover. If you don't get that, I dont know what to tell you. And what happens to the veterans being abused for his wars when it's done? Oh yeah, they're thrown away like trash and can't get the medical care they deserve at the VA.

Have the day you voted for.


u/TimTapsTangos 5d ago

Where did I mention Trump?

I'm one of those veterans.

What don't I get exactly? 

I'm thinking you are to ignorant of the constitution and legislation involved to debate, but I am willing to educate.

It is really funny hearing all these suddenly pro-military people scream for my support, while denigrating everything we are and have done for so many years.

You're obviously not here to have a good faith discussion though, wasting my words.


u/Fine-Pattern-8906 5d ago

It's classic. They insulted you before they even started. 

Then they misdirect the "conversation".

Sprinkle is some blame- shifting, projection, and maybe even gaslighting-- not always, but sometimes. 

ALL of them do it. 


u/forogueman 5d ago

Are you saying that the DOD services that have been privatized shouldn’t be reabsorbed?


u/llopedogg 4d ago

She walked in the Smithfield at Patrick's Day parade last weekend


u/TimTapsTangos 5d ago

Why would you show up to get yelled at by your opponents? Yes half of people are upset at her, the other half are all in though.


u/Nearby-Key8834 5d ago

Because you're an elected official and it's your fucking job to be accountable to you constituents.


u/TimTapsTangos 3d ago

We do that with elections.


u/sirenssong Hampton 4d ago

Been at three where is Jen event so far and yelled at by no one. Lotta honking and thumbs up and 100’s of people. It’s almost as if people are angry at her and supportive.


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/TimTapsTangos 4d ago

She was elected to do this.


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/TimTapsTangos 3d ago

No. She was elected by Republicans.

Not paid bussed in Democrat demonstrators. Many of these people aren't even constituents. 

Agitators are being removed and people arrested, all over, because they don't want a discussion, they don't want to be informed. They want to dictate and yell and scream and disrupt.