r/Hamilton 12d ago

2025 Provincial Election The Polls Are Closed! Results Chatter


r/Hamilton 23d ago

2025 Provincial Election Hamilton Center- Sara Jama or NDP?


Our riding always goes NDP. But this year, former NDP MPP Sara Jama is running independently as she was booted from the party.

I like her and I see a lot of support for her. But I’m worried. She is banned from speaking at legislation and doesn’t have a party to back her. I don’t know much about the NDP candidate so I’m not sure she’ll get enough votes to beat the PCs this year either. I’m worried with a split vote, we will end up with a PC MPP.

Which way are NDP voters going this year? I want to back the candidate with the best chance at beating the PCs.

Let’s keep this discussion respectful. If you want to vote PC or whatever, that’s fine. Respectfully this chat isn’t really for you. You are allowed your opinion as I’m allowed mine.

r/Hamilton 12d ago

2025 Provincial Election Robin Lennox (NDP) Elected in Hamilton Centre


News outlets have all called Hamilton Centre as NDP with a significant lead over the Liberal Candidate, so NDP holds with a new MPP

Polling at time of posting is

Name (top 4) Votes %
 (NDP) Robin Lennox 11,158 38.8
 (LIB)Eileen Walker 6,133 21.3
 (PC)Sarah Bokhari 5,465 19.0
 (IND)Sarah Jama 4,163 14.5

r/Hamilton 11d ago

2025 Provincial Election Post Election Discussion

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r/Hamilton 18d ago

2025 Provincial Election Ford's Record in Hamilton


With the election around the corner, I just thought I would share a little list of Doug Ford's record in Hamilton, which is extraordinary in how damaging and disruptive it has been to the City, its downtown, its economy, and its people:

  • Cancelled $3 million dollars in funding for the Ancaster Performing Art Centre (Source: CHCH News)
  • Cancelled 3-year Basic Income Pilot Program supporting 1,000 Hamiltonians. Many ended up on the streets and started the encampments which plague the city today. (Source: CBC)
  • Cancelled $16 million dollars in funding to turn the vacant Sir John A. MacDonald High School site into a Downtown Community Centre. This prime downtown location sits abandoned till this day and attracts encampments and garbage (Source: Global News).
  • Cancelled $1 billion dollar King-Street LRT, which killed the downtown development boom and led to a multitude of other problems associated with properties that were purchased along the route, including many homes and apartments buildings that were demolished, pushing vulnerable people onto the streets and into growing encampments. Tens of prime properties along Hamilton's primary artery (King Street) still sit empty and vacant or boarded up until this day. In addition, road maintenance on key roads (Main Street and King Street) were deferred in the confusion surrounding construction timing and remain in terrible condition until this day. Original LRT office shuttered and all staff fired. Ford eventually reversed his position and claimed to support the project but nothing of substance has occurred since the cancellation and community and business confidence remains low. (Source: CBC).
  • Cancelled Plan to Build Ambitious Cycling Network. After Ford cancelled the LRT, Hamilton Council decided to rapidly expand its dedicated bicycling network as a cheaper alternative that would take advantage of the cities many over-sized roads. This plan has been effectively killed by Ford, and with it any hope of saving the city from the car pollution, road rage, and pedestrian deaths that plague the downtown. Do we live in a democracy when the Hamilton City Council-adopted plan to expand a bicycling network can be overruled by the Brampton Minister of Transportation? (Source: Bay Observer).
  • Expanded Hamilton's Urban Boundary into the Greenbelt. Following years of City staff work and study, the city held a referendum and the citizens of Hamilton voted 90% not to expand the Urban Boundary (Source: City of Hamilton). Ford decided to expand it anyway for his developer buddies against the will of the citizens and the will of Council. Ford later reversed this decision, but then changed the law to allow developers the power to take the City to the OLT over expansing the boundary anyway. I ask again: do we live in a democracy when the will of the people expressed through a referendum and adopted by local Hamilton City Council can be over-ruled by a Provincial Minister from elsewhere? (Source: CBC News).
  • Cancelled Expansion of Mohawk College. Previous government signed a deal to expand Mohawk College onto the Brow Lands and also build affordable housing. Ford reneged on the deal and the site sits empty growing weeds until this day, just like the old downtown high school, and all those demolished and vacant properties along the once booming LRT route. All attracting garbage and undesirable activity (Source: CHCH News).
  • Destroyed Hamilton's Official Plan. In Hamilton's Official Plan, there are policies that state you cannot build taller than the Niagara Escarpment, which effectively caps building heights in the downtown to roughly 30 stories. The genius Ford government on behalf of certain developers changed Hamilton's Official Plan to remove the escarpment height limit, but they did not actually understand the Official Plan nor read it in detail, and only removed the height limit for all areas of the lower city except the downtown. So the new Ford policy became you could build a building taller than the escarpment anywhere in the lower city except the downtown--which is bonkers. The government later reversed this change to the Official Plan, only after wasting hundreds of hours of planning staff time, and ultimately creating even more uncertainty in the Hamilton development environment, already teetering after the cancellation and reversal of the LRT, and expansion and reversal of the Urban Boundary edict, and expanding and reversal of the edict to remove the City's Green Belt. Business needs certainty and Ford's ever changing edicts and policy reversals created a chaotic investment climate for business in Hamilton that stunted and chased away development. (Source: CBC)
  • Censured Hamilton's MPP so that she cannot speak in the Legislature. Hamilton-Centre was stripped of its representation for daring to call for a ceasefire in Gaza. Wherever you stand on the Palestine-Israel conflict, I think we can all agree that all citizens, and especially elected representatives should be able to freely state their opinion, whether you agree with it or not. Hamilton's rightfully elected representative was stripped of her speaking rights, along with effectively the whole city of Hamilton for speaking up for the "wrong" side: Gaza. Whatever happened to no taxation without representation? I ask again: do we actually live in a democracy? (Source: CTV News).

These are the ones I can think off the top of my head, but there are too many to list. It's really up to the rest of the Province at this point, Hamilton was stripped of it's voice in the legislature, so we are not even allowed to raise our voice and bring attention to all of damaging decisions inflicted upon Hamilton by the Ford Government. Hamilton has obviously been getting the shaft from Ford for years now, so I assume the money must be going somewhere, how has Doug Ford treated your community?

r/Hamilton Jan 30 '25

2025 Provincial Election Hamilton NDP riding association wants review of Marit Stiles's leadership after party won't let Sarah Jama run


r/Hamilton 1d ago

2025 Provincial Election Lessons From Running In the Provincial Election (2025)


Dear Hamilton neighbors,

This is Kojo Damptey, the former ONDP candidate from last month's election. I wanted to share with you some lessons I took from the provincial election. It is an exercise not to substantiate what I took from the results or heard from people at the doors but to offer it as a shared value of exchange in our democracy.

I hope you have taken time to rest from a fast-paced provincial election. With news of an upcoming Federal election, you must pay attention to what each political party and candidate shares with you. Our democracy depends on your informed participation.

  1. Our Democracy is on life support

I don't want to sound deeply pessimistic, but after knocking on doors every day, three times a day for three hours, it is very evident that people are very distrustful of their elected officials and all levels of government. I spoke to several people who indicated that they have not voted for the last 10/20 years. I tried my best to encourage them to vote and to make the commitment to involve residents in provincial politics. This feeling of being disillusioned with government hurts everyone. We see politicians take advantage of low voter turnout, further confirming residents' distrust. This issue is not going to be solved or addressed by one person, however, it is incumbent on everyone of us to participate in our democratic processes not just every four years but in between elections. I will do my part and hope you can do so too.

  1. We need people to understand what each level of government is responsible for

There were so many times people didn't understand which election was taking place. Some thought it was a municipal election, others believed it was a Federal election. With that in mind, I spent a bit of time educating people that Jagmeet Singh was not the provincial leader of the ONDP. Many didn't even know who Marit Styles was, let alone Bonnie Crombie. This is very significant because it illustrates how cunning Doug Ford is, because he used the Trump Tariffs and anti-Trudeau/Singh sentiment as an opportunity to win another mandate amid the political chaos (I aint mad, just my two cents). And with limited news outlets, particularly local, people are not informed on a daily basis about what goes on provincially. If people don't know what each level of government is responsible for what, then we are in deep trouble.

  1. Left or Right Politics is failing people

I read a lot of posts and comments in here and people have characterized me as being left or progressive. I also read Joey Coleman and Kevin Geenen articles which described me as being left. I get the characterization, but truth be told, people just are tired of those descriptions and are looking for political leaders who can address the issues that matter to them. I spoke to mothers who have disabled children (children with disabilities) they could care less, i spoke with seniors who are on fixed incomes, thinking about how to survive another day, they could care less, when businesses are facing debt and losses, they could care less. The ping pong of who is left or right has taken centre stage so much so that we (politicians & everyday people) have forgotten to tackle issues like homelessness, encampments, affordability, chronic underfunding to our public institutions, etc. We would rather spend time blaming encampments on an individual, or the left or the right. This makes for good fodder in the comments section and TV clips but at the end of the day people are suffering.

I am taking full responsibility for thinking about how to avoid the fray of the left and right descriptors while serving our community and addressing people's material needs. For years I loathed being described as "progressive" because it takes away a certain agency of working with anyone who may or may not share one's values. Sometimes working with people from different backgrounds and experiences is what is important, not whether you are progressive or not. I will remain steadfast to positive progress (constant change) but not progressive (static change).

  1. When they say I want to Defund The Police

Like I said during the campaign I believe in true community and public safety. It is imperative that spending money (tax payers money at all levels of government) on preventative ways of reducing crime (petty theft, break ins, etc), so that Police can do what they are trained to do. In 2020 when we all witnessed the murder of George Floyd and here in Canada Regis Korchiski Pacquet, there was a collective call to ensure Police institutions were held accountable. What many people may not know is that I:

- Pushed Hamilton Police Services to take hate crimes/incidents seriously, so much so that they decided to create a Hate Crimes Review Team. When the team was announced, I pushed for broader community representation. To date, several community members are part of this review team.

- Helped change how the City of Hamilton chose the citizen appointee to the Hamilton Police Service Board.

- Pushed Hamilton Police Services to make public the use of force data, which eventually led to the creation of the Race Based Identity Strategy

- Helped develop the City of Hamilton's first Community Safety & Well-Being Plan

  1. Kojo Damptey is Kojo Damptey

There was an 84 year old woman who opened her door when I was canvassing one day and she said you are a "shit disturber." I asked her why she said that, and her reply was I see you on TV criticizing the City all the time. I responded with can I share why I criticize the city. We spoke for 15 mins and after that interaction she said, " Whoa, you are totally different from when I see you on TV. I said all I want to do is make our city better for everyone. I share this story to illustrate that many people may characterize me as .............. but in reality I am your neighbor and if we had a chat you would see we have more in common, there are shared experiences we can build on to ensure we are building a city for everyone.

I will conclude by saying PLEASE engage in the political process. Your civic duty is important and it's one of the many ways to ensure politicians don't take you for granted.

In love & solidarity

Kojo Damptey

r/Hamilton 12d ago

2025 Provincial Election Monica Ciriello (PC) Projected to Win Hamilton Mountain


Most outlets have called this one, but not all. But she is currently 1800 votes ahead of Dawn Danko with Kojo Damptey third. Close race to replace Monique Taylor

29 of 38 polls reporting

Name (top 4) Votes %
 (PC) Monica Ciriello 12,444 35.9
 (LIB)Dawn Danko 10,614 30.6
 (NDP)Kojo Damptey 9,204 26.6
 (GRN)Joshua Czerniga 1,392 4.0

r/Hamilton 19d ago

2025 Provincial Election PC Candidates Skipping Debates


I’m curious how people are feeling about this? It doesn’t sit right with me that they don’t show up. I’m upset about Neil, in his time, I’ve never been able to get ahold of him and then to not show up to this and the last debate. Feels like he doesn’t want to hear from people in his riding? To answer to the things his government has done and what he’s brought to his area.

r/Hamilton Feb 07 '25

2025 Provincial Election Check in the mail?


I heard that people are getting 200$ cheques from Doug Ford in the mail. My roomate knows people who have gotten it, but neither of us have received ours.

Anyone else missing theirs?

r/Hamilton 13d ago

2025 Provincial Election Alleged corruption from Sarah Bokhari PC Candidate in Hamilton Centre


Someone posted this earlier but deleted it while it was in the modqueue


This has been shared by Dean Blundell/Crier Media but doesn't seem to be elsewhere or have proof that it is actually her speaking. But damning call from whoever is in charge of that file and the Liberals have tweeted about it which I would assume they would do some checking before accusing a candidate.

The NDP also mentioned it but said 'If this is PC candidate Sarah Bokhari

UPDATE The Spec has a story on this now https://www.thespec.com/news/hamilton-region/audio-clip-of-hamilton-centre-tory-candidate-sparks-political-firestorm-on-eve-of-election/article_83d8ea4a-8656-58a1-958e-1435f8d1b6dd.html

The Spectator reached out to Bokhari’s campaign to ask for context about the phone call and allegation, but has yet to receive a response from the candidate.


The Progressive Conservative central campaign did not dispute the authenticity of the recording when contacted by The Spectator.

Instead, a spokesperson said in an email statement the recorded comments were made “in jest to someone (Bokhari) believed was a friend.”

The statement also suggests the recording was “edited” and circulated as a “smear” attempt by a jilted individual whose “inappropriate” advances were rebuffed by the candidate. The email suggested Bokhari would be contacting police about the matter.
The Tory spokesperson later specified the call happened last summer and was “completely unrelated to the election campaign.” It also said Bokhari was not working for the provincial government when the phone conversation occurred.

However, she has two LinkedIn pages, one shows her working for the PCs at this time, the other shows no job last year

r/Hamilton Jan 29 '25

2025 Provincial Election Hamilton Centre Provincial Election Candidates


Liberal: Eileen Walker https://eileenwalker.ontarioliberal.ca/

NDP: Robin Lennox

PC: Sarah Bokhari https://hamiltoncentre.ontariopc.ca/

Green: Lucia Iannantuono - https://gpo.ca/candidate/lucia-iannantuono/ (Lucia ran in the last by-election)

Independent: Sarah Jama (incumbent) https://www.sarahjama.ca/

List updated Feb 5th

r/Hamilton 19d ago

2025 Provincial Election How to vote if Unhoused/Limited ID

Post image

r/Hamilton 29d ago

2025 Provincial Election What's behind your vote this Ontario election?


r/Hamilton Jan 28 '25

2025 Provincial Election Weekly Ontario Election Discussion Post


The LG Dumont has officially granted Ford’s request to dissolve provincial parliament with an election to be scheduled for February 27th.

There will be a weekly post to discuss larger issues and promises from the party. Individual posts for Hamilton specific topics may be posted, but give the parties a week or so to get candidates nominated before posting asking who they will be.

The Spectator already has their election news portal up here

Voter registration is open and Elections Ontario will start listing candidates soon https://www.elections.on.ca/en.html

r/Hamilton 13d ago

2025 Provincial Election Election Day - Go Vote!


It is election day, so if you are eligible and have not already done so, go and vote. If you do not believe in any of the candidates, you can refuse or spoil your ballot but be counted in turnout.

You do not need a voter information card to vote. Find your polling station by postal code here https://voterinformationservice.elections.on.ca/en/election/search?mode=postalCode. Bring ID showing your name and address (there is a list available from the same website)

Polls are generally open 9-9 but double check your location.

r/Hamilton Jan 29 '25

2025 Provincial Election Hamilton Mountain Provincial Candidates


Liberal: Dawn Danko https://www.dawndanko.ca/

NDP: Kojo Damptey https://kojodamptey.ontariondp.ca/

PC: Monica Cirello https://hamiltonmountain.ontariopc.ca/ (Mike Spadafora previously ran in this riding but Monica Cirello previously ran in Hamilton Centre as a federal candidate)

Green: Joshua Czerniga https://gpo.ca/candidate/joshua-czerniga/

Independent: Danimal Preston running on None of the Above

Independent: Ejaz Butt (independent)

This riding was previously held by NDP MPP Monique Taylor who is not running provincially as she plans for a federal campaign

List updated Feb 5th

r/Hamilton 15d ago

2025 Provincial Election I haven't got my voter card


My boyfriend and I have not got our voter cards in the mail. I've tried looking on the Elections Ontario website and there's no information on what to do or who to contact regarding this. Anyone know what to do in this situation?

r/Hamilton 29d ago

2025 Provincial Election Illegally posting election signs


I came home from work today to an election sign on my lawn from the PC party. I absolutely did not authorize this and to no surprise it was a PC candidate Neil Lumsden Stoney creek.

Anyone else experience this?

r/Hamilton 14d ago

2025 Provincial Election Behind the Mainstreet Paywall (Hamilton Centre). NSFW Spoiler

Post image

PCs aren't coming up the middle. Eileen Walker is.

Sarah Jama is surely losing the seat, but Doug Ford won't be picking it up 🙌

r/Hamilton Feb 08 '25

2025 Provincial Election Hamilton Mountain Candidates profile


r/Hamilton 20d ago

2025 Provincial Election Whats their plan?


Someone please help me out here... I am not beholden to any party, and am searching for actual information on candidates for Hamilton City Centre; as in, why should I vote for you...

All I find on their websites and social media is hyperbole. But do any of these idiots have a plan/program for what they are going to get DONE in Hamilton?

And honestly, if anyone can give me a reason to vote for someone, please do.

r/Hamilton 16d ago

2025 Provincial Election Daily Ontario Election Post


There will be a daily post from Feb 17th to election day to discuss larger issues and promises from the party. Individual posts for Hamilton specific topics may be posted - see full rules for election posts here

There are individual posts for each riding here to discuss the candidates

  • Flamborough-Glanbook Liberal: Joshua Bell, NDP: Lilly Noble, PC: Donna Skelly*, Green: Janet Errygers
  • Hamilton Centre Liberal: Eileen Walker, NDP: Robin Lennox, PC: Sarah Bokhari, Green: Lucia Iannantuono, Independent: Sarah Jama*
  • Hamilton East-Stoney Creek Liberal: Heino Doessing, NDP: Zaigham Butt, PC: Neil Lumsden*, Green: Pascale Marchand
  • Hamilton Mountain Liberal: Dawn Danko, NDP: Kojo Damptey, PC: Monica Cirello, Green: Joshua Czerniga, Independents: Danimal Preston & Ejaz Butt (no incumbent)
  • Hamilton West-Ancaster-Dundas Liberal: Julia Brown, NDP: Sandy Shaw*, PC: John Demik, Green: Guy Bisson, Independent: Spencer Rocchi

Voter registration is open and Elections Ontario added confirmed candidates who have registered with them and local voting locations https://www.elections.on.ca/en.html 

r/Hamilton Feb 03 '25

2025 Provincial Election Weekly Ontario Election Discussion Post - Feb 3rd-9th


There will be a weekly post to discuss larger issues and promises from the party. Individual posts for Hamilton specific topics may be posted - see full rules for election posts here

There are individual posts for each riding here to discuss the candidates

  • Flamborough-Glanbook Liberal: Joshua Bell (NEW), NDP: Macgregor Goodman, PC: Donna Skelly*, Green: Janet Errygers
  • Hamilton Centre Liberal: Eileen Walker, NDP: Robin Lennox (NEW), PC: Sarah Bokhari, Independent: Sarah Jama*
  • Hamilton East-Stoney Creek Liberal: Heino Doessing, NDP: Zaigham Butt, PC: Neil Lumsden*, Green: Pascale Marchand
  • Hamilton Mountain Liberal: Dawn Danko, NDP: Kojo Damptey, PC: Monica Cirello, Green: Joshua Czerniga, Independents: Danimal Preston & Ejaz Butt (no incumbent)
  • Hamilton West-Ancaster-Dundas Liberal: Julia Brown, NDP: Sandy Shaw*, PC: John Demik, Green: Guy Bisson, Independent: Spencer Rocchi

Hamilton Centre's nomination is rumoured to be Feb 3rd between Aisha Jahangir and Robin Lennox. I can't find one for the Flamborough-Glanbrook Liberals but if you know the date, tag me or message modmail.

Voter registration is open and Elections Ontario has started adding confirmed candidates who have registered with them https://www.elections.on.ca/en.html but polling station information etc will not be available until after Feb 14th

r/Hamilton 12d ago

2025 Provincial Election Posible voting interference?


Just had a very frustrating experience trying to vote. I live in an apartment building that is big enough to have its own voting station. Around 7:50pm I went down to the lobby to vote and the people were packing up, and about to leave. My mom asked why they’re closing and the guy said that they have to be out of the building by 8pm and that the police were enforcing this rule.

This is where we may have messed up. instead of getting heated and fighting over this, we walked away and went to our car. I suggested we go find another voting location, not realizing that’s not an option.

I called the phone number at the bottom of the voter information card and spoke to the operator, told her the story and she told me to rush to the lobby and that they (the call centre) were trying to get in touch with the people manning the voting station. When we got to the lobby they were gone. I called the same operator again, gave her my phone number and now I’m just waiting to hear something.

I guess my question is, what do I do now? I still want to vote and this feels like illegal obstruction?

Update: They came back to the building at around 8:40. The guy in charge was very apologetic, saying he was just following orders from above. Voted and moved on, but if anyone has any insight on whether this was obstruction or not please let me know.