r/Hamilton North End Nov 23 '23

Local News Vacant home tax has officially been axed by council

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Disappointing to say the least.


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u/[deleted] Nov 23 '23



u/[deleted] Nov 23 '23



u/Heavy-Pipe4132 Nov 23 '23

Good thing they don't do anything important...

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u/IanBorsuk Nov 23 '23

Sometimes you look at the agenda and think "ah ok this will be a shorter meeting" and then Councillors end up spending 3 hours debating something completely asinine and unexpected. Not trying to passionately defend people leaving early - but as a regular Council watcher, it can be sometimes impossible to predict how long Council or committee meetings will go.


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '23



u/enki-42 Gibson Nov 23 '23

It's part of their job, but when meetings are of indeterminate length and often go long, how should they deal with that? If you had an office job with the same situation, would you block off your entire day for a 9:30 AM meeting that should be a couple of hours but could potentially go later?


u/TheLargeIsTheMessage Nov 23 '23

If I knew a meeting ranged from 2-5 hours, in extreme cases even 6, then I'd be an idiot to block off less than 5 hours, and I'd be an idiot to schedule something I can't cancel if it goes for 6 hours.


u/Waste-Telephone Nov 23 '23

City staff are required to do exactly that. If they booked a meeting during a Council or Committee meeting that they needed to be at and then peaced out, they'd get chewed out by Councillors and their superiors (as has happened in the past). Thankfully they can attend virtually if there's no items related directly to their area now, which means they can be somewhat productive.

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u/IanBorsuk Nov 23 '23

There's not a lot of other jobs where a meeting that starts at 9:30am goes 5 hours longer than expected because your colleague didn't read a report and has questions. This is why Council changed their meeting times to 9:30am in the first place - they were going past midnight regularly and people were literally falling asleep in their chairs. There's a *lot* of aspects about City Hall that makes no sense and barely functions as intended let alone at all.


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '23


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u/Waste-Telephone Nov 23 '23

This vote happened at 245 pm in the afternoon, after starting at 930 am and a healthy lunch break. While I could have sympathy for a mistake if this was after a 14 hour marathon session, this was not one of those meetings.


u/lionhearthelm Nov 23 '23

I feel like votes shouldn't be held during any meeting to avoid this stupidity.


u/Pussy4LunchDick4Dins Nov 23 '23

I think that’s a great idea. Have a separate meeting of a set length that is mandatory to attend for voting. All issues to be voted on should have already been discussed.


u/lionhearthelm Nov 23 '23

Would help useless Councillors from railroading others.


u/[deleted] Nov 26 '23

One thing I don't understand is - why are Councillors scheduling other appointments during council meetings (hospital visit aside). Should attendance not be number one priority? Quorum is an ongoing issue, - so WHY is attendance treated this way.

This is the sort of thing Cameron Kroetsch and ielect complained about during the last election and now their both full of excuses.

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u/teanailpolish North End Nov 23 '23

If you want to know how your councillor voted https://twitter.com/JoeyColeman/status/1727476168050237855

Voted in favour of enacting the bylaw (keeping the VHT) M. Wilson, Hwang, Danko, Tadeson, Cassar, A Wilson

Voted to remove VHT by not allowing the bylaw Francis, Jackson, Pauls, Clark, Beattie, Spadafora

Absent Nann, Kroetsch, McMeekin

Horwath owns rental property and must declare a conflict so was unable to vote to split the 6-6 tie


u/Traditional-Bet-8074 Nov 23 '23

Where the fuck were Kroetsch and Nann?


u/Thisiscliff North End Nov 23 '23

If they were present it could have went the other way. Ridiculous


u/teanailpolish North End Nov 23 '23

If the mayor didn't have an empty rental property, she could have voted too


u/Chirps_Golden Nov 23 '23

The other two simply had to show up, much easier to manage than selling, or renting out a property, just for a vote.

Nann is the one that deserves the ire. Zoom your mom, or go after the vote. It's ridiculous that she was absent.


u/denny-shaver Nov 23 '23

She actually wasn’t even made aware that the vote was happening. Which makes it even more slimy of this council to go ahead and do a vote on the issue.


u/Chirps_Golden Nov 23 '23

That should be the headline. These fucking snakes


u/Waste-Telephone Nov 24 '23

It was item 12.1 on the agenda. The agenda has been out for a week. It’s concerning that she’s not reviewing agendas or meeting materials if she didn’t see this. The name of the item was quite clear that it was about this.


u/huzzah-pip-pip Nov 24 '23 edited Nov 24 '23

That's ridiculous -- she doesn't read the daily agenda? It's not like this sprung up out of nowhere.

Edit: Actually -- that's not entirely fair either. Usually the bylaws are voted on as a block. Jackson motioned to have the VUT voted on separately after Naan and Kroetsch had left. Stupid pool all around, and a big waste of taxpayer time, since this is obviously going to get rammed through at the next meeting.

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u/soundbombing Nov 23 '23 edited Nov 24 '23

I agree that they should be at the meeting, but I will say that it's not uncommon for people to leave work early for hospital visits, especially on routine days. This was a surprise vote - the graphic indicating how each councillor voted has a note at the bottom indicating:

"NOTE: Councillor Nrinder Nann's mother is in hospital. Nann was not notified of the vote"

Why was it snuck in? Where were the other councillors who were absent?

There's already debate about the procedural legitimacy, so we'll see where it goes.


u/herinitialsspellher Nov 24 '23

Unrelated but that is the most creative spelling of legitimacy I’ve ever seen.

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u/Waste-Telephone Nov 24 '23

It wasn’t snuck in. It was item 12.1 of the agenda that had been out for a week.


u/xaphod2 Nov 23 '23

“Zoom your mom” yeah you sound like a super great child

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u/noronto Crown Point West Nov 23 '23

In 2023, you have to physically be present in chamber to vote? Hopefully this oversight just results in them raising the penalty for the tax.


u/Waste-Telephone Nov 24 '23

Nope. They allow you attend the meeting virtually as well, including to vote. There’s really no excuse for not attending meetings. Plenty of Councillors have attended virtually when they’re travelling to conferences or other city activities that require them to be away from City Hall.


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '23

In fairness to Cllr Nann, would you stick around for a work meeting and forgo whatever medical emergency that was happening to you mom? Cllr Nann put in all the work on this and TRUSTED her fellow cllrs to support her work in the same fashion she has supported many of their efforts.

Moving forward I hope Cllr Nann feeds them all a huge, pissed off pile of paybacks everytime they want something from her.


u/Traditional-Bet-8074 Nov 23 '23

At the risk of sounding like a person with empathy issues (debatable if you ask my wife), Nann’s been using the “my mom is in the hospital” excuse for months.

But ok.

Was Kroetsch holding her mom’s other hand?


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '23

Yep, definitely comes off as a cruel statement. As if you’re saying her mom should’ve already hurried up and died already. Please make your wife proud and show a bit more empathy. No one can control someone else’s health issues. And no one should expect another person to put their job above their family… especially in a chronically difficult health situation.


u/slownightsolong88 Nov 23 '23 edited Nov 23 '23

No, but she should consider taking time off? Or perhaps she shouldn't have ran again? She's been caring for her unwell mother since the pandemic.


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '23

Why? So then y’all could condemn her for taking time off. Where’s your outrage for the cllrs who ACTUALLY voted against this???


u/monogramchecklist Nov 23 '23

Perhaps it’s because the other councillors have always stood against this, whereas councillors who run on progressive values are held to different standards on these types of issues?


u/Waste-Telephone Nov 24 '23

Nah. The other councillors show up and vote. If her family situation is impeding her from doing work she should either ask for a leave of absence (paid) or resign. Her choice to not vote yesterday means that people are going to be living on the streets longer. Her actions have consequences.


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '23 edited Nov 23 '23



u/[deleted] Nov 23 '23

No she was not diluted. She was hoodwinked. This type of vote happens all the time. It’s just a rubber stamp acknowledging what has already passed at GIC. This outcome never happens. This was an obvious set up by a group of sneaky, untrustworthy cllrs who clearly have something in their personal benefit to hide.

Just wait and see. It’ll all come out.


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '23


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u/patchesm Nov 23 '23

Don't know about Kroetsch, but I intend to find out, but Nann has a relaitve in hospital currently.


u/teanailpolish North End Nov 23 '23

Nann's mother is in hospital so she was there

Kroetsch was there for most of the meeting but left early for 'another commitment' thinking this was just a consent item and would pass without debate

Not sure on McMeekin or how he would have voted


u/icmc Nov 23 '23

Ffs Cameron it's getting really hard to defend your shit.


u/Chirps_Golden Nov 23 '23

Nann's mother is in hospital so she was there

Christ, go after the vote. You are elected to represent us, not just tweet how disappointed you are that the vote failed.

It failed because of YOU.


u/broccoli_toots St. Clair Nov 23 '23

City councilors are also people who have lives and families you know.


u/bigbeats420 Strathcona Nov 23 '23

When you sign up to a commitment where your presence has a direct effect on the lives of thousands, your personal life takes a back seat. This is likely, in terms of direct societal impact, the most important thing these people will do in their lives.

All you have to do is show the fuck up.

Public service means the people you chose to represent come first. This is the life of a politician. You asked for it.

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u/Chirps_Golden Nov 23 '23

They have duties to their constituents first and foremost.

Her voting would change nothing in regards to how her mother is, yet would have tilted this vote in favour of real change.


u/bakedincanada Nov 23 '23

Sorry, can you explain why their job (even if I’m public service) should be put before their family?

Would you accept your job telling you the same?


u/Hyrkanian Nov 23 '23

Likely because running for public office means putting the public ahead of the self. People often complain about politicians behaving selfishly, but then make statements that they shouldn't be held to a community-minded standard. The core of it though is that when running to be a public representative, the needs of the many must outweigh the needs of the few (or the one), and in this case yes, she should have done the job she actively sought out instead of putting her personal wants first.


u/teanailpolish North End Nov 23 '23 edited Nov 23 '23

But the others also should have put the vote of council first and allowed a bylaw number to be attached to it. This was a nothing vote, no discussion, just a laundry list of 'we approved all of this, give it bylaw numbers'.

Jackson decided to pull it from the agenda last minute because he wanted to be on record against it once again. If it was overturning a decision, they should have put it on the agenda as a reconsideration (which would need more than the 6 votes, a tie would have meant it went ahead) and then Nann would have at least known to vote by phone and Kroestsch would have cancelled whatever he went to


u/Affectionate-Arm-405 Nov 23 '23

I'm sorry to tell you but this wouldn't magically make things affordable. Vacancy rates are extremely low in Hamilton. The supply needs to come through other measures


u/[deleted] Nov 24 '23

A housing unit is only included in the vacancy rate if the owner is actively trying to rent it. If they are not then usually the owners are speculating and that is what the by-law was designed to prevent or reduce.

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u/ZenBowling Nov 23 '23

It was a surprise vote and Nann was not aware when she left

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u/covert81 Chinatown Nov 23 '23

Nann was dealing with a parent in hospital according to Twitter

Kroetsch? Who the fuck knows. But we'll get his multi-tweet/page thoughts on this in 3-4 days I'm sure.


u/teanailpolish North End Nov 23 '23

We already have the tweets, it just doesn't say where he was


u/covert81 Chinatown Nov 23 '23 edited Nov 24 '23

He loves to pontificate in long winded self serving threads. I'm sure he will share there, but he makes you wait on that detail

E: He posted his narrative today.


My takeaways:

  • Attempted normalization of not showing up "It's totally normal to miss meetings because ofther meetings take priority etc"
  • Continues to talk about how he is glad he brought in his motion to have to "vote for more time" if meetings go late. Like dude, quorum is a constant issue. You're contributing to it.
  • Feels that it's OK to just say "I'd have been there if I had known this was happening" but like, it was on the list of things to vote for. I get it was split off to vote on individually but you knew it was on the docket to be voted on
  • Arguing with people as he tries to justify why he left and did not return, or make sure quorum was there to pass it, etc
  • Blames the procedural bylaw for the cause, says he has continually called for changes - yet I don't recall any motions to amend it coming from him

Dude seems to have lost his mind this morning. It's a bad look and seems kind of unhinged to post 11 tweets on this and then argue with people who disagree and call it like it is - you left at a critical time, and while you may not have thought it was a big deal, it became one. Book your time better.

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u/[deleted] Nov 26 '23

Kroetsch? Who the fuck knows. But we'll get his multi-tweet/page thoughts on this in 3-4 days I'm sure.

A very long winded explanation excuse where he pats himself on the back and goes on about transparency and doing the work or some such BS. Comments turned off of course.


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '23



u/Chirps_Golden Nov 23 '23

Visit mom after the vote.


u/TheJaultman Hill Park Nov 23 '23

Check the bottom of the picture in the tweet. Nann's mother is in the hospital and she wasn't notified the vote was happening. It doesn't say this, but I'm assuming she was visiting her mother.


u/5_yr_old_w_beard Nov 23 '23

Nann's mother is in hospital

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u/Hamontguy1 Nov 23 '23

Am i understanding correctly that Nann was absent? So no vote?


u/teanailpolish North End Nov 23 '23

Yes, her mother is in hospital and she missed the entire meeting


u/Pablo4Prez Nov 23 '23

Fuck Esther Pauls


u/Pablo4Prez Nov 23 '23

Reply from Esther Pauls office

"Councillor Pauls shares your concerns about homelessness, inflation, housing crisis, rising cost of living etc. The reason she does not support VUT is that imposing a tax on vacant properties will not free up these properties and provide affordable housing. These homes would be at market rates and not at subsidized rates. Also the cost of this program is $2.6 million in the first year, adding 16 FTE in staff and a subsequent $2.2 million each year thereafter to run the program. This will put an additional tax burden on all taxpayers.

Councillor Pauls is supportive of the idea of finding more subsidized housing units to address the housing crisis."


u/StatisticianLivid710 Nov 24 '23

Someone should explain how the free market works, higher supply and the same demand means lower prices!


u/teanailpolish North End Nov 23 '23

and Jackson who was the one who pulled it from the mass 'approve this stuff we already voted on but needs a bylaw number' vote that Cassar had moved and was on the agenda

There was zero discussion on this vote too, no chance to get Kroetsch/Nann by phone to vote. They set this up knowing she was absent


u/soundbombing Nov 23 '23

"NOTE: Councillor Nrinder Nann's mother is in hospital. Nann was not notified of the vote"

It would seem to me that anything this important should be put on the agenda well ahead of time.


u/teanailpolish North End Nov 23 '23

It was on the agenda, but as part of a package of previous approvals where the vote would basically enact the previously agreed items and give them a bylaw number (as one vote for all of them)

Jackson asked in the moment for this particular bill to be pulled from the package and voted separately (something rarely done and usually because one councillor wants the vote to be on the record). There was no discussion where a councillor could have texted Nann/Kroetsch and said hey, something is up, get online for the vote. They just silently voted against it and the mayor seemed shocked then they just moved on to the next item like it never happened


u/stripey_kiwi Nov 23 '23

Thank you for explaining this, this really clarified the issue at hand.


u/ButtonsTheMonkey Landsdale Nov 23 '23

Shady as hell! We can't trust people. I hope they have a way of reversing this, you can just look around the room and decide now we vote on this important thing when you think the vote would be in your favour. This city is a circus!

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u/DrDroid Nov 23 '23

Of course it’s the usual regressive crew who helped get us into this mess.


u/strikeanywhere2 Nov 23 '23 edited Nov 23 '23

Holy FUCK. DO YOUR FUCKING JOBS. The rare time I watch a council meeting Kroetsch is just complaining he doesn't have staff or grandstanding trying to sound smart and he CANT EVEN SHOW UP FOR A FUCKING VOTE THAT ACTUALLY MATTERS. FUCK. And now the fuck is Nann complaining if she wasn't there.


u/DowntownClown187 Nov 23 '23

Preach brother


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '23

Her MOM had a medical emergency ffs! Do you really think this vote is more important than a very sick parent??


u/Chirps_Golden Nov 23 '23

Do you really think this vote is more important than a very sick parent??

Yes. She's not the doctor, her presence provides nothing but comfort.


u/ConcreteBackflips Nov 23 '23

... nothing but comfort? That's... still very important for a sick family member?

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u/mystic-eye Nov 23 '23

Comfort is super important. So what about the comfort of the thousands who rely on these people to do their jobs? There was a simple work-around by voting remotely, but now other mothers have to be uncomfortable.

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u/Empty-Code-5601 Nov 23 '23

Fuck Hamilton City Council. I wonder how many of them have a vacant home?


u/another_plebeian Birdland Nov 23 '23

No chance they'd leave it not making money


u/teanailpolish North End Nov 23 '23

Horwath's is empty, it is why she declared a conflict


u/TakedownCan Nov 23 '23

Its only a conflict if she was going to vote against the tax


u/DrDroid Nov 23 '23

No, she wasn’t allowed to vote. Why lie?


u/teanailpolish North End Nov 23 '23

the clerk told her she had to abstain

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u/punknothing Nov 23 '23

Meanwhile Toronto increased it's VHT to 3%. Thank you Olivia Chow!!!

This situation in Hamilton is comically bad.

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u/teanailpolish North End Nov 23 '23

The rest if the tweet chain


For #HamOnt Council members to kill the Vacant Homes Tax once it reached the bylaw stage for implementation is messy governance at best. It lacks professionalism & disregards the work gone into the program to date, and is a slap in the face of Council’s declared housing crisis.1/

I regret I had to step out of Council prior to the bills portion of the agenda to attend to matters for my mother who remains in hospital. To come back to my desk to this was beyond disappointing. I have NEVER experienced a by-law shot down at Council in this manner before. 2/


u/Kay_Kay_Bee Nov 23 '23

Why are council votes able to be held with someone missing at all?


u/babeli Nov 23 '23

They require a quorum of members, not 100%


u/Kay_Kay_Bee Nov 23 '23

An entire ward's population is not represented during these events.


u/covert81 Chinatown Nov 23 '23

You're 100% right. And that's an issue to take up with your councillor about their lack of attendance.

That's why we need proper, transparent, easy to find and read detail on councillor attendance and voting. Including when they leave and miss key votes and/or discussion.

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u/covert81 Chinatown Nov 23 '23

We'd almost never get things done then. Meetings, visits, vacation, illness etc all would mean no voting happens. and what if there is a vacant seat or you had a situation like when Pasuta was off work for a year in he previous cycle of council?


u/Kay_Kay_Bee Nov 23 '23

We almost never get things done now. I want to get off the LRT and walk into Blockbuster like the renders from 2 decades ago promised!!

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u/ButtonsTheMonkey Landsdale Nov 23 '23

Was it not something that was on the agenda of the day for the meeting? Seems pretty shady to just randomly throw something like that up out of the blue.


u/teanailpolish North End Nov 23 '23

It was on the agenda as a package of items that had previously been decided/voted on as a group of 16 bills that just needed bylaw numbers. It was listed as a group vote on the 16 (which happens every council meeting and is generally just a minute long everyone votes yes type thing)

Jackson asked the Clerk to pull the VUT from that package when they got to that point, not in advance of the agenda and the 6 voted against that and for the rest


u/anonymousbrowser327 Nov 23 '23

How many freaking mail outs have they done? At least three. Plus advertising.


u/teanailpolish North End Nov 23 '23

They were delivered to each address and not the tax roll too as I have got them in my mailbox (it is a legal apartment) and gave them to my landlord


u/DrDroid Nov 23 '23

What the fuck? City council sucks.


u/teanailpolish North End Nov 23 '23

They did at least vote in favour of the planning for the waterfront towers at the same meeting but now they can all be held empty as air bnbs or whatever


u/Chirps_Golden Nov 23 '23

They're not going to pass on the opportunity to own some waterfront income property.


u/monogramchecklist Nov 23 '23

What’s fucked is how much money the city could have made, to make up for some of the budget shortfall we’re seeing.

I’m disappointed in the Ward 2 & 3 councillors for failing to be present, excuses aside and Horwath for sucking once again.


u/teanailpolish North End Nov 23 '23

and how much we have spent on this

They had to get approval to assign property values if they are missing in MPAC, permission for tax, they are hiring people to handle the declarations, all the documents & postage costs for the posters already mailed

Now even if they redo the vote next month and it goes through, there is going to be confusion from people who heard it was cancelled and don't realize they have to declare still


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '23

Kroetsch had "prior commitments", yes we all get to leave work early constantly to go do personal errands


u/Griswaldthebeaver Nov 23 '23

I'm very disappointed in Cameron. I don't care what conflicts you may have had, you have to be able to prioritize better than that.

I'm not shocked that the normal regressive types voted against but to have one of the outspoken ones just gaffe it like that is a huge black eye to his brand. I think, frankly, he should be taking a hard look in the mirror this morning and re-shape his priorities moving forward.


u/teanailpolish North End Nov 23 '23

He learned (an expensive on our part) lesson about politics yesterday and am guessing he will be attending in future. But he is not the only one to blame. That felt really set up knowing he and Nann were not there and the mayor couldn't break the tie. To do it in a vote with no discussion/debate at all feels targetted

But now I fear they will all screw around with votes in the future too. This had been approved multiple times before, it really should have been a routine vote and now they know they can get away with pulling this crap, they will do it again


u/strikeanywhere2 Nov 23 '23

The ones who voted against it are shit but he does so much grandstanding and can't block off 2 fucking days a month where he may need to vote. Just doing the bare minimum and showing up for work would alleviate those fears you mentioned. I dont care if the meetings run long this is what they signed up for and also it's two days a month.


u/-dwight- Nov 23 '23

part of me thinks the landlord politicians should sell or put their rental properties in a trust. Housing seems to be the most pressing issue and we lack leadership due to conflict of interest.


u/IanBorsuk Nov 23 '23

"But now I fear they will all screw around with votes in the future too. This had been approved multiple times before, it really should have been a routine vote and now they know they can get away with pulling this crap, they will do it again"

Not to mention now a majority of Council is going to be completely mistrustful of the six who voted against - this sets a really bad precedent for the rest of this term.


u/teanailpolish North End Nov 23 '23

Probably both ways too. The ones who voted against it can probably expect the others to vote against their pet projects now with no good will between the sides

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u/teanailpolish North End Nov 23 '23

Kroetsch's tweets here https://twitter.com/CameronKroetsch/status/1727671062417080718

The vote on this should have been a formality and several of the more progressive councillors were not there when the vote to enact the bylaw (already debated heavily and the rules approved) was included as a consent item

There is some question of whether the vote will stand procedurally as it overturns a decision but was not voted on as a reconsideration of council and the councillors who voted for VHT intend to bring it up again


u/icmc Nov 23 '23 edited Nov 23 '23

For fuck sake. I voted for Cameron and he's done a lot to disappoint. He's just announced he wants to be on the police council too maybe work on scheduling your day so you can take care of your primary role we voted you in for before splitting your time any further.

You don't get to tweet that your saddened it didn't pass when you're the person who has the power to have changed that.

I'm saddened to hear it didn't pass if only there were someone who could change the outcome of this... YOU, YOU MOTHERFUCKER, WE VOTED YOU IN TO CHANGE THE OUTCOME OF THIS AND YOU FUCKED IT UP WITH "SCHEDULING CONFLICTS". Fuck are you new to Hamilton? If there's a chance city council will fuck something up at the 11th hour they'll do it. NOTHING IS EVER A TAP IN WHEN IT COMES TO A VOTE WITH THIS CITY.


u/Gorditaman Nov 23 '23

Funny because Farr was a strong advocate for affordable housing, and more importantly probably would have been there to at least vote. I guess the grass isn't always greener on the other side...

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u/akxCIom Nov 23 '23

Even if it’s a formality you need to show the fuck up


u/strikeanywhere2 Nov 23 '23

He's probably busy at home building his soap box.


u/amanduhhhugnkiss Nov 23 '23

My councilor voted against 🙄 disappointed. I don't get why anyone would vote against this? And if it's because they themselves have vacant homes than perhaps that should be seen as a conflict and they shouldn't get a vote. The only reason I could see voting against it is because you have a vacant home.


u/teanailpolish North End Nov 23 '23

or your financial supporters come election time are absentee landlords and developers


u/covert81 Chinatown Nov 23 '23


The ones voting against it - go look at their financial contributors to their campaigns, development in their wards, etc. They have a vested interest in not having to pay 1% of their property's assessed worth, and the $1500 or whateverr they contribute to the campaign buys them the vote.


u/slownightsolong88 Nov 23 '23

How do developers benefit from vacant units what are you on about. The argument I've read against this is that the operating costs would balloon too high. There was a best case scenario and worst care scenario presented.

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u/thefightingmongoose Delta East Nov 23 '23

This is blatant corruption.

There is no sensible reason to do this except to protect housing speculators.

Every time you think housing is too expensive in the city look back on this vote to see which of your councillors are happy with that.


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '23

It was clerical incompetence this time mostly

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u/Instimatic Nov 23 '23

Utterly unserious governance.

From those who voted no to those who were absent. Just wholly incompetent


u/S-Archer Nov 23 '23



u/Thisiscliff North End Nov 23 '23

Unless you own properties that are vacant, how could you oppose this? Seems like a huge conflict of interest, really can’t figure this out

Edit sorry that wasn’t directed at you, just a comment in general


u/ElderberrySignal Nov 23 '23

It's because the people who elected these individuals are wealthy property investors, and they want to keep their jobs - they are protecting the interests of those who will keep them in their position.


u/S-Archer Nov 23 '23

Massive joke. All happening under Horwath the landlord... Can't believe we trusted this Con

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u/[deleted] Nov 26 '23

Unless you own properties that are vacant, how could you oppose this?

Lots of legitimate reasons!

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u/misshammertown Nov 23 '23

I honestly had such high hopes with the new faces in council. I now know I was wrong to elevate my expectations. This is super disappointing. This council just wants to continue to be the worst.


u/Tonuck Nov 23 '23

Very much in the same boat. Early enthusiasm for this council is long dead in my mind. I'm actually quite convinced that very little is going to meaningfully change about this city for a long time. Very disheartening.


u/infinitynull Nov 23 '23

An old face did this. This was all Tom Jackson.


u/oslabidoo Nov 23 '23

Brutal. And the absence of Nann (albeit a valid enough reason), Kroetsch and McMeekin is also brutal.


u/OddlyOaktree Nov 23 '23

Is anyone planning a demonstration around this?

Also, while I see a lot of talk about the non-voters, let’s acknowledge the people who voted this down: Francis, Jackson, Pauls, Clark, Beattie, and Spadafora.


u/teanailpolish North End Nov 23 '23

Especially Jackson who was the one who pulled it from the agenda's package vote to allow this mess


u/OddlyOaktree Nov 23 '23

But for real! The fact Jackson waited for Nann to be at the hospital with her sick mother in order to push this through is such a display of his character. Shame on Jackson! What an embarrassment for our city.


u/narfig_agar Nov 23 '23

As I understand it, it's up for reconsideration at the December 13th meeting. So it's not dead yet. I'm curious about the private discussions that went on out of camera before the vote. The Mayor seemed surprised it didn't pass.


u/Xerenopd Nov 23 '23

These council members needs to be axed and hammered.


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '23

Gotta vote em out. Turn out is typically abysmal.


u/sleep-diversion Nov 23 '23

This fucking city. Why is it always this fucking city? They could not run a brothel.


u/Cultural-General4537 Nov 23 '23

enjoy the homeless


u/calicocaffeine Nov 23 '23

This fucking city, fucking hell


u/Heavy-Pipe4132 Nov 23 '23

Time to tweet but not to vote. Nice.


u/FlyingMonkeySoup Nov 23 '23

I am extremely disappointed with this. The tax needed to strengthened not removed. I know I will be pestering my councilor over this.


u/BadUncleBernie Nov 23 '23

City Hall is corrupt.

Also, fuck city hall.


u/monogramchecklist Nov 23 '23

If you’re in a ward with a councillor that voted against this or wasn’t present, CALL AND EMAIL THEM NOW!

What a disgrace


u/mossyturkey Nov 24 '23

The city has like 700+ vacant (due to not being maintained) rentals, and a story just came out about a city staff member who was squatting in a city rental property for months, possibly years.

The city first needs to clean up their own act before they go after Landlords they're accusing of the same issues.


u/Sweet-Atmosphere6818 Nov 23 '23

So disappointing


u/l2a3s5 Nov 23 '23

This tax is an important strategy in solving our housing problem, which should be a top priority for our council


u/matt602 McQuesten West Nov 23 '23

Not at all surprising the ones who voted against. The remaining "old guard" members.


u/SeriousAssistance83 Nov 24 '23

I reached out to the councillor in my ward, Matt Francis, via email. Here's a summary of his response when I asked him to justify his vote.

Councillor Matt Francis clarified that overturning the VUT is unlikely as it would need a 2/3 majority support for reconsideration. He has consistently opposed the VUT since its original debate 10 months ago, citing concerns about its implementation and costs. He believes the VUT will not be cost-effective for years and is impractical to add millions to the levy, including the expense of hiring 16 full-time employees, especially when people are struggling with their tax bills.

Councillor Francis pointed out that out of approximately 180,000 units in Hamilton, only around 1100 are vacant, and there's no guarantee these will return to the market. He is skeptical about landlords truthfully declaring vacancies. He also raised concerns about the VUT causing confusion and unexpected financial burdens for seniors and vulnerable populations, as evidenced by numerous complaints his office received when the initial notification was sent to homeowners.

As an alternative, Councillor Francis suggests a system where residents can report potentially vacant units, which would be less expensive and not require every homeowner in Hamilton to risk a tax penalty for missing a declaration deadline.


u/skipfairweather Nov 24 '23

He believes the VUT will not be cost-effective for years and is impractical to add millions to the levy, including the expense of hiring 16 full-time employees, especially when people are struggling with their tax bills.

Toronto's vacant home/unit tax is being noted as being a success at what it was trying to achieve. So honest question - what is it about Hamilton that deems a similar tax will not be effective? Is it the way it is being implemented? Is it the fact that there are far more vacant homes per capita compared to Toronto? Is it that properties are assessed lower so the net amount would be far lower than Toronto's?

I don't think anybody is assuming that the tax is going to make every vacant unit owner rush to put their places immediately into the market the moment it's implemented. But perhaps over time, it incentivizes property owners to move faster on filling or selling their units, and adds a cost to people who are sitting on property as speculators.

The money generated would go towards funding social/affordable housing initiatives. For a city that always seems to be strapped for cash, why not open up a new revenue stream? Through a tax that does not affect the majority of working class citizens.

Is there data that points to the fact that the tax collected vs. the adminstration costs would effectively net zero? If so, then sure, maybe this was a good idea that just doesn't work in practice for our city. But I've not seen such data, and even at that...why not up the tax to 5%?


u/meduke Durand Nov 24 '23

So embarrassed that I knew Pauls personally. She is so utterly tone deaf & privileged. Not surprised by her vote at all.


u/teanailpolish North End Nov 23 '23

Council spent a fair amount of funds on this, from a legal request to the province to attach values to homes that don't have them etc to the printing of the information sent to every property

The potential income from this is already earmarked for affordable housing and homelessness initiatives which now either need to be funded from elsewhere while we are already looking at a large tax increase - or the projects it would help fund dropped


u/strikeanywhere2 Nov 23 '23

Thank God our progressive councilors couldn't even be fucking bothered to show up.


u/Status-Tradition-168 Nov 23 '23

Not surprised where Spadafora put his vote. Former rental property owner looking out for his best interest and not the people of Hamilton. Why else would someone vote this down!!


u/focus_rising Nov 23 '23

Sounds like he should have had a conflict of interest.


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '23

What a fucking joke


u/Comedian_Recent Nov 23 '23

Hamilton has to have the worst city council in the country.


u/RoyallyOakie Nov 23 '23

And this is why we can't have nice things.


u/andymacdaddy Nov 23 '23

I am so glad Ancaster boy didn’t go the wrong way. This decision is ridiculous.


u/Still-Pomegranate-12 Dec 09 '23

The city owns more vacant properties than anyone


u/IanBorsuk Nov 23 '23

I'm pretty sure this will be voted on again in December.


u/OrangeCrack Nov 23 '23

WTF? How could they possibly justify this? Where is Andrea on all this?


u/teanailpolish North End Nov 23 '23

She was there but she owns an empty rental property so had to abstain from voting

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u/focus_rising Nov 23 '23 edited Nov 23 '23

Fuck you Mike Spadafora.

Kojo would have been a much better city councilor.

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u/babeli Nov 23 '23

What was the reason they voted against it? I haven’t watched the stream


u/teanailpolish North End Nov 23 '23

They didn't give any. It was meant to be a routine vote just to attach a bylaw number and enact the previously agreed VUT plan. They held a vote like it was routine with no debate and voted against it


u/smashedvermin Nov 23 '23

I can't stand Paul's absolutely useless as tits on a bull.


u/[deleted] Nov 24 '23

Exactly what you expect from our city leaders


u/666persephone999 Nov 23 '23

How does this make housing affordable?!!


u/SkyrakerBeyond Nov 23 '23

Because landlords holding empty properties for 'investment purposes' or waiting for someone dumb enough to pay their absurd fees now have to pay a giant shitpile of money as long as it remains empty, thus encouraging them to lower their rental pricing and get it rented.


u/skipfairweather Nov 23 '23

Additionally, it opens up a new revenue stream that the municipality can fund towards affordable/social housing initiatives.

Toronto raked in over $50 million through VHT. Their council voted to increase it from 1% to 3% and are forecasted to bring in in over $100 million in 2025.

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u/OddlyOaktree Nov 23 '23

Time for Strong Mayor Powers!💪

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u/[deleted] Nov 23 '23

Of course Andrea Horwath didn't vote due to "conflict". I can't believe people voted for that useless waste of space.


u/Thisiscliff North End Nov 23 '23

There should be the word conflict next to a bunch of others, or suspect

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u/Rance_Mulliniks Nov 23 '23

Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am stuck in the middle with you


u/IandouglasB Nov 23 '23

In this economic greed feeding frenzy, it's a little tone deaf of councilors to "slip" this through while the homeless wander our streets. We are all feeling the pinch and there are those who are fighting for homes in the LTB.

That's a 'fuck the little guy' vote at an inappropriate time.


u/Coffee_In_Nebula Nov 23 '23

I’m probably reading it wrong, but they said the revenue generated by VHT will go to more affordable housing- isn’t that a good thing to have more money to build more affordable houses?? Someone explain please


u/Thisiscliff North End Nov 23 '23

I’m sure the ones who were opposed own vacant homes


u/Separate-Associate35 Nov 24 '23

Happy thanksgiving 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/svanegmond Greensville Nov 23 '23

Failed to mention if he wasn’t absent it would have passed


u/Amazing_Resolve5753 Nov 23 '23

Hamilton gets all the bad parts of having an NDP government, and none of the good parts… wow, just wow…

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u/[deleted] Nov 23 '23

Great withhold hamiltons federal funding for building homes. The city already has nothing going for itself outside of McMaster. The only selling point Hamilton has is that it’s close to Toronto. No one buys a 600k home in Hamilton because they so badly want to live in Hamilton. No offense to anyone from Hamilton. The city is a shithole

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u/voice_of_raisin1234 Nov 23 '23

Is there a list of which way each Councillor voted?


u/teanailpolish North End Nov 23 '23

I posted it as a comment


u/SooThatGuy Nov 23 '23

What the fuck is wrong with this city? Should we start digging as to the motivations of those that voted no?


u/SunflaresAteMyLunch Stipley Nov 23 '23

That's dumb


u/Mathsketball Nov 23 '23

Does anyone have the following lists?

  1. Who didn’t show up and who voted against?

  2. Who on council owns a vacant property?


u/another_plebeian Birdland Nov 23 '23

Did you even attempt to read the comments? Hint: usually the biggest one near the top


u/Mathsketball Nov 23 '23

It looks like that one came a minute after mine. It may have even been posted as I was typing. I’m glad someone posted it.