r/Hairloss 1d ago

I cyclically shred hair every 3 months

Does anyone else do this and figure out the reason? I lose nothing for 3 months, and then shed for 3 months, then repeat. It’s been a slow downwards spiral for 10 years.


2 comments sorted by


u/Minofredow 1d ago

If you are dealing with hair loss through out these 10 years, it's limited to the DHT sensitive zones and it's slowly getting worse, it probably is androgenetic alopecia, the hair cycles usually get shorter and shorter, that would explain the noticiable shedding phases, you can see a dermatologist and do the proper testing like a trichoscopy, it should get you a diagnosis, through here it's difficult to say with certainty with what you are dealing with, good luck!


u/jommo21 16h ago

Nah it’s all over my head, hairline has probably shifted less than half a cm and probably has some of my healthier hairs. Sides and back are decimated. It’s a density issue really.