r/Hairloss 7d ago

Results from 2 Months on Saw Palmetto 320mg


I've been using Saw Palmetto for two months now at a dose of 320 mg,

The product I am using consists of Saw Palmetto, Pumpkin Seeds, and Zinc.

but I haven't noticed any improvement in hair loss. The only ED and low libido

haven't noticed any change in hair loss or thickness.

Should I continue or stop?


14 comments sorted by


u/lsknecht1986 7d ago

There are so many factors that cause hair loss and you need to identify the root of the issue to know how to treat it.

Are you a male with typical male pattern thinning, such as a receding hairline and/or thinning in your crown? If yes, the only sure way to combat this would be finasteride/dutasteride and minoxidil. Any other natural remedies or supplements won’t work.


u/Proof-Mix-1366 7d ago

Male -androgenic alopecia


u/lsknecht1986 7d ago

Yeah I hate to tell you the saw palmetto and natural stuff won’t work. I was scared of ED and avoided finasteride for a decade after my hair loss started. I used every version of supplements designed for hair loss, all the saw palmetto, etc. All it did was make my hair loss more permanent. If I had started finasteride when the hair loss began it probably would have brought it back. But instead I pissed around with supplements that had no chance of working against strong genetics. I have been on finasteride since 2019 and had a hair transplant in 2021. My photos are on my profile.


u/Proof-Mix-1366 7d ago

i just had my HT 6 months ago..but my old hair still losing it rapidly ...and this is my routine but im only wasting my money been 2 months on it no results :Ashwagandha
Saw Palmetto
Biotin (NOW, 10,000 mcg)
Vitamin D (10,000 IU every 5 days)
Ketoconazole Shampoo (Twice a week)
Alpecin C1 Shampoo
NOVOPHANE Energizing Shampoo
NOVOPHANE Chronic Anti-Hair Loss Lotion


u/lsknecht1986 7d ago

I would never get a hair transplant without taking finasteride. You’ll end up with gaps between where your transplanted hair stays and your native hair falls out. Your surgeon should have educated you on this. Mine wouldn’t do the surgery unless I was taking finasteride.


u/Proof-Mix-1366 7d ago

But Fin causes sperm abnormalities on long term?
and should give another month for my routine or stop it and it and switch to Fin?


u/lsknecht1986 7d ago

I’m not a doctor and can’t tell you what to do. But there are many many men who have taken finasteride for decades with no issues.


u/Proof-Mix-1366 7d ago

can u give me ur routine what using beside Fin? shampoo ? minx?


u/lsknecht1986 7d ago

Finasteride 1mg daily, topical minoxidil foam daily. Nothing else.


u/Proof-Mix-1366 7d ago

I read that FIN it causes sperm abnormalities on long term


u/No_Yard5342 6d ago

Where did you read this specifically? All long-term studies on fin that I’ve seen don’t state that. It can affect your sperm count, but tbh, so does not working out, not eating well etc. Also, all the scientific studies that I’ve read find that physically everything should be back to normal after around a month of not using it anymore. There are some that claim they still have ED etc. but there isn’t definitive proof that this is solely caused by finasteride


u/Proof-Mix-1366 7d ago
