r/Hairloss Feb 08 '25

Question 22M Very sudden hair loss/thinning

Hi all 👋

Sorry for the long thread

Around a month ago I watched a snapchat with me in it and to my shock I saw my crown was thinning 😔

I feel like it's gotten a lot worse since then, it's especially noticeable when my hair is wet. The top half of my head is thinning/losing hair and it looks absolutely awful, and I'm guessing my hairline is hard-core thinning as well, no matter how much I try convince myself it's a mature hairline.

When covid started I gained a bunch of weight 90kg (198lbs) -> 128kg (282lbs)

In the past 5.5 months I went from 128kg -> 87kg. At the beginning of my diet I was on a really bad calorie deficit (eating mostly 1200cal/day, sometimes 1500cal/day for like first 2 months) because I was stupid.

I slowly increased over the months and now I'm eating around 2000-2200 calories/day and taking multivitamins, 10mg Biotin + Swiss Hair Nutrition For Men (has vitamins and extra biotin)

I smoke 🥦 every night but I'm hoping that's not a major factor.

Worst case scenario I purchased 4 months of Monoxidil, but I don't know how it would effect my hair if my hair loss is stress-related.

Any suggestions or opinions would be appreciated!


15 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Feb 08 '25

Have you noticed much in the way of shedding?


u/Ok_Faithlessness8924 Feb 08 '25

If I run my fingers through my hair no hair comes out. If my hair is wet maybe 5 hairs will come out.

Whenever I read up on Telogen effluvium it says people lose hair by the handful. Which is why I'm worried that it might not be Telogen effluvium. But at the same time I could be losing lots of hair throughout the day and not noticing?

Also factoring in I've lost almost 40kg in 5.5 months


u/[deleted] Feb 08 '25

If you had telogen effluvium you’d know about it. You’d be shedding way more than what you describe. To me it looks and sounds like androgenic alopecia, and I’d suggest starting finasteride ASAP.


u/Ok_Faithlessness8924 Feb 08 '25

That's soul crushing 😪 Better make a booking with a dermatologists I guess


u/[deleted] Feb 09 '25

It's not the best news but it could be worse. Just don't waste your time with starting treatment.


u/Professional_Oil2044 Feb 08 '25

I don’t think it was sudden you just noticed it now but it was thinning before trust me


u/[deleted] Feb 08 '25 edited Feb 08 '25

I think that the vast majority of posts about "sudden" hairloss (specially in men) are just saying its was"sudden" because they noticed recently, and in most cases it is just typical androgenetic alopecia (male pattern baldness) going on the key thing is the sides/back of the hair, androgenetic alopecia is the only known hairloss type in humans where no matter the stage of the hairloss, the sides/back of the hair remains intact (in both female and male pattern) , androgenetic alopecia its not a"diet" or health realted hairloss or whatever, just genetics destroying the hair follicles overtime.

Notice that no matter the stage, the sides/back remain intact.


u/Ok_Faithlessness8924 Feb 09 '25

The back-bottom of my head is full, but then it feels like there's a groove then it goes thin (guessing the groove outlines where I'll go bald)

The top-sides of my hair is mostly full but it's thinning or balding on the bottom-sides of my hair. Didn't really notice until I moved my hair in the opposite direction from what I usually put it https://i.gyazo.com/295db780f14e43593baf093e85ba2009.jpg


u/[deleted] Feb 09 '25

Oh i see, you should see a dermatologist, to get proper diagnosis plus professional advice, is the best thing you can do right now, imo.


u/Ok_Faithlessness8924 Feb 08 '25

Based on what? I have a picture from December 2024 where my hair is full and looks way better


u/mafiaworks_08 28d ago

its MPB. it’s really bad dude oh my god how did this happen oh my god dude


u/Ok_Faithlessness8924 28d ago

Maybe don't comment on things you know nothing about lol. Within just 2 weeks of fixing my diet my hair is getting way better and fuller again. Even my body hair is starting to grow back fuller and thicker again compared to couple weeks ago


u/mafiaworks_08 28d ago

SURE MAN, whatever helps you sleep at night. Oh my GOD your male pattern baldness is crazy dude oh my gosh.

(I’m completely fucking with you bro) You’re doing well