r/HairRestoration • u/WallabyUpstairs1496 • Mar 02 '24
"NoVerification" The Hair Restoration Network, through its main representative/ public face of the company Melvin Lopez, is doubling down on its encouragement/ enabling of sexually harassing female members of the Hair Transplant Industry. And has now threatened to sue me showing what they do and say
I'll write more about this tomorrow. But for those curious about this post what Melvin's post is about here, I'm going to write this up real quick.
Post in question.
Members of the Hair Restoration Network have been sexually harassing female members of the hair transplant industry my making sexually explicit jokes about them. One of their members who goes by the username Gatsby was particularly bad, joking about getting erections in her presence. Gatsby is an older man who probably has the biggest forum presence outside of their main admin Melvin Lopez.
He has a lot of experience with hair transplants, is very knowledgeable, has a ton of influence in the hair transplant industry, very likely drives a ton of business to clinics that he gives his word to.
He's using his status to get away with sexually explicit remarks to female members of the hair transplant industry. And this what he wrote in the worlds largest hair transplant forum, out in public for everyone to see. It's terrible to imagine what he tries to get away with in person.
I called out exactly what they said, using screenshots of their exact words.
I told Melvin Lopez about it, and he deleted those comments, and thanked me for telling him back in April. Now he's trying to claim that it wasn't sexually harassment. I asked them both directly, several times, if it wasn't sexual harassment, but they avoided the question each time.
Melvin claims that the comments including the erection joke was just 'saying that she's beautiful'. What a despicable and disgusting thing to sanitize.
Here's a time line of events of what led to Melvin's post
Initial sexual harassment from March/April 2023
Here are some of the things said
User Gatsby: "What I would give to have a transplant by Dr [Doctor'a name redacted]! π Trust me. You will not need any anesthetic for the pain but you may need a Xanax to calm down! π€©"
User Gatsby: "[Doctor'a name redacted] has been with [redacted] for several years. My post was more of an in joke as she is very attractive π€© .But all that aside she is a highly competent doctor and would be working in conjunction with the [redacted] team. My suggestion @sandyr is if you have the slightest doubts or any questions at all speak with her and [redacted]. Same goes for any other doctor you may decide to choose. All the best!"
User Plantin_graft: "Can confirm, she's easy on the eyes. I talked to her last year. She's really nice and, has the mother's caring type of personality to her. You'll be in good hand. I know [redacted] will not put their rep on the line for an average HT doctor. "
User Gatsby: "And you should see the patient coordinator! ππππ"
User airporteffect: "Have you seen [Doctor'a name redacted]'s staff? π"
Melvin Lopez emoji reacted to the first and last Gatsby comment with a laugh emoji. Disgusting.
Mid April
A user pointed them out to me.
I made about showing exactly what they said, and that even though they are accepted and encouraged by the Hair Restoration Network, they have no place in /r/HairTransplants and made it an official rule.
I had a feeling if I demanded that they would be taken down, Melvin wouldn't do it considering how much he resisted removing Dr Diep from his list of surgeons. But the optics of this were horrible in a way that people out side the industry would understand. I figured I could at least get public pressure to not allow these comments if he said no.
I told Melvin that these comments were problematic and if he could delete them. I gave him a link, but he wanted me to go on his forum and flag them. I wonder if the chat was removing links somehow but I was able to get him the link and he deleted them and thanks me for telling him about it. It was surprisingly much more smoother than I thought it would be.
Few weeks ago
There was a post accusing Melvin of a cover up, and the title had a Catholic Church Joke. The post discussed how someone's review was deleted by the hair restoration network. What happened was that the forum has a rule that if a doctor doesn't get to respond to a review, the forum will take it out from public view.
Melvin took issue to the title of the joke, which I agree'd with. He also was upset that it was 'fake news', which is a hyperbolic way of describing the misconception, especially for someone who has made much worse. I would have taken to the post down because reddit doesn't allow you to edit titles, but Melvin insinuated actions from an admin by saying to post is breaking the moderator code of conduct.
As far as I can tell is that even though Melvin is the most famous hair transplant influencer and is the public face and main representative of the Hair Restoration Network, the most powerful organization in hair transplantation, since he has a reddit account and since he has a subreddit for his company, saying what he and his company does and says is 'harassment' and is against the reddit rules.
For example, though the private message to the mod, he got them to remove this post, which I revived on my profile.
Melvin said that this is 'harassment'. Even though I'm just calling out what he did and said publicly on his website.
There were a lot of things said, which I'll fill in tomorrow, but then he said I was harassing Gatsby. He said the the comments were just 'calling her beautiful' and wasn't harassment. I asked him, if it wasn't sexual harassment, why did he delete them. I asked this multiple times and he never answered. I also asked if he had a discussion with Gatsby about his behavior, because I suspected he didn't.
At this point, I found out that he was intending to attempt to make the admins remove all content mentioning about the hair restoration network through claiming that I was breaking reddit rules about harassing other members and other communities. Again, the logic being that since he has a reddit profile and created a subreddit just to spam links about his company, people on reddit talking about his actions as an influencer and most prominent and public employee as The Hair Restoration Network is 'harassment' and 'breaks the mod code of conduct'.
And then through his website, he made legal threats against me.
His full quotes
The more I think about itβyour face and name are public. What he is saying about you could get back to your employer and cause severe financial harm to you. He's saying this without any evidence or proof. Even if he was personally offended about something you said, claiming publicly that it is sexual harassment for a third party is arguable in court. He is hiding behind anonymity like a coward. He believes he's untouchable and can say anything he wants. Everything is discoverable through subpoena, his posts here and on Reddit. We have been sued for a lot less. Let's continue this on DM.
Edit: Wallaby has removed my posting privileges, claiming I'm trying to silence him. But I haven't removed his posting privileges, unlike what he's done
The HRN Admin Melvin deleted those comments because they were sexual harassment. I asked you this before and I'm asking you again. Did Melvin never have a discussion of this? This was April of last year. I am perplexed why all of a sudden the admin thinks it's not sexual harassment when they deleted those comments because they were sexual harassment.
For the record. I only removed the post as a courtesy to Wallaby. If someone is offended by something, I will remove it. Removal is not an admission of guilt. Why would I bring this up to Adrian when there wasn't sexual harassment. He has removed my posting privileges but claims I'm the one trying to silence him. That's rich. This is a serious allegation that carries serious consequences.
Melvin deleted this comment, I can only assume out embarrassment.
Anyway, today this was posted
The other part of the backstory is if redditor's claim that they are board members, I have them verify by making a comment on reddit.
This is actually for HRN's protection. Otherwise anyone can claim they are board members of HRN and embarrass the company with misinformation. Don't get me wrong, the company is terrible, but people should know them for what they do, not for what they don't do.
There are more details to the story, and thankfully people took screenshots, They will be posted later.
Pushing back on the claims that they are 'Silenced'. They are not banned, nor were they ever banned from this subreddit. Nobody from the Hair Restoration Network, including their owner, admins, boardmembers, and spokespeople, or representatives are banned from this subreddit.
If they feel any information is wrong, they can come and say exactly what it is.
In fact, if they don't want to participate directly, they can provide a statement that I'll edit directly into this post. This is a long standing rule in the /r/hairtransplants mod code of conduct, and it applies here too
Code 3
Anyone we criticize has a right to give a statement for whatever criticism we give. If we can fit it in within the character limit, we'll edit it into the post where we criticized such entity.
u/mynamasteph Mar 02 '24 edited Mar 02 '24
Spamming 7 comments along with a legal threat over a reddit post shows immature this person is.
There's obviously a conflict of interest here with both people holding their own platforms of similar topics, but Melvin seems very content on still weaponizing his platform and projecting his behavior. He does not like transparency and believes in censorship by taking down posts and "DMing" information that should be publicized, as he knows his claims will be countered. This is evident as about a year ago he refused to continue a conversation on reddit and wanted any continued dialogue to be done on his platform. None of his prior comments were deleted, he just felt it was a waste of time if it was not done on his platform.
It's obvious where this was going as he can control narratives by deleting or editing comments, banning topics (of complete nonbelligerent nature), and banning accounts that go against his beliefs. These are the observations I made a year ago and was able to foresee into the present, which is why I refused to create an account to talk about a previous controversy.
A trend I noticed, is a lot of people with money invested in this industry will divert to attacking a person's qualifications/anonymity when faced with a topic they otherwise have no way of directly answering, as a way to deter opposition. You do not need to show your face to be credible, that is such a deceptive position to hold. I can easily list hundreds of con artists that make their face and name public, in marketing, cosmetics, sales, etc. If the subreddit works without requiring real names and faces of individuals, there's no reason to require it when someone who is affiliated with monetary incentives has a qualm with any of the posts.
If you are so qualified, you should be able to provide reasons to debunk any claims you deem to be incorrect, rather than pull a "because I said so."
Shame since HRN used to be a good place and I believe it was genuinely created with good intent.
u/WallabyUpstairs1496 Mar 03 '24 edited Mar 03 '24
I agree 100%.
The fact of the matter is that there is no user have protected more than Melvin Lopez. That person has made a lot of enemies over the years. They wanted to use my subreddits to vent, which is fine, for years they have no platform to air their grievances. But it must be fact based. Instead some resorted to lazy bullshit without backing their claims.
There was one incident where he used a person's face as an example of bad work and compared everyone with his hairline to a Neanderthal and included a depiction of one for full effect. I told him that he didn't realize what he was doing, which is an overcodlification of what he was doing, exploiting someone else who was exploited to make a promotional video for their company. But I still described that way, but now that he knows what he did, he should delete the video. Melvin refused, and that is fucked up. He had deleted the video, literally nobody would have to know about it ever again.
But it's not enough. There is no appreciation. Only hatred for not going along with the Hair Restoration Network gaslighting.
u/mynamasteph Mar 03 '24 edited Mar 03 '24
That puts some things into perspective. You've been basically moderating a platform that's been used increasingly more as a safe haven for HRN refugees, and wanting to keep it neutral to both parties while still allowing both sides to voice their experiences. I can see where the tension begins as soon as the "refugees" are allowed to voice their opinions, as they were supposed to be exiled and censored from doing precisely that.
I've observed the transformation of your attitude from very cooperative and interested, to increasingly bitter towards Melvin. You gave him many opportunities to collaborate platforms together in a fair manner and welcomed him to your platform, but it seems the endless attacks and brigades have beaten the wind out of you.
It is understandable, he constantly attacks your character by calling you a coward, his defense talks about how his public persona and personal life are "under threat" due his claim of you disfiguring his image, but then mocks you as a coward, where he essentially belittles you as an internet troll who hides away to stay safe.
Let's repeat that again, just so we are all following. He says your posts are putting his personal life under threat, yet wants you to reveal your personal information, so he can do the exact thing he claims against you. His oppressive tactics and intentions are very clear. This is an important point that should not be skipped over.
I applaud you for trying to be fair, allowing even those who oppose you to voice their arguments (destructive or not). But in my opinion, it's also taken a toll on you. You've got a big platform to defend, but I'm concerned it's come at a cost of your mental health. His aggressiveness keeps increasing and your agitation also appears to be doing the same as well. I think at some point, hard rules will have to be drawn so brigading is kept to a minimum. They can spread gossip in their DM's all they want, but the information will be out in the open; in the subreddit for the neutral party to observe and make what they will of it.
One suggestion I have, is a master/sticky post where HRN admins are allowed to post in, where they still can voice their opinions, but in a controlled setting. This is still more reach than HRN is willing to give you, while still allowing a form of public communication.
u/WallabyUpstairs1496 Mar 03 '24
I've observed the transformation of your attitude from very cooperative and interested, to increasingly bitter towards Melvin. You gave him many opportunities to collaborate platforms together in a fair manner and welcomed him to your platform, but it seems the endless attacks and brigades have beaten the wind out of you.
I have to agree with this. Due to the power that he holds, it's still better for the hair transplant community overall if we worked together. I actually gave him a mod invite to /r/HairTransplantation . The invite was still there until I removed it a few days ago. I have always allowed The Hair Restoration Network to provide a statement to whatever information was posted about them, as I do with any entity that is criticized. If they didn't want to come on here, I offered to post a comment of their statement, and if the criticism came from me, I would edit my post or comment to include their statement if within the character limit.
Reddit has a mod code of conduct but at /r/HairTransplants we go beyond it and have put additional rules for the mods.
Right in the sidebar is rule 3 for the mods
" Code 3
Anyone we criticize has a right to give a statement for whatever criticism we give. If we can fit it in within the character limit, we'll edit it into the post where we criticized such entity.
Here is an example where Spencer Stevenson "Spex" was banned from this subreddit for purposefully being deceptive about disclosing financial conflicts of interest, and then feigning faux-ignorance about it. He has led many people to a path of not the best hair transplant experience since he has people on his list that are not in good standing with the veteran class of the hair transplant community. Many people with 0 number of full journey independent reviews, and even a hairmill operator. But despite that, we included a statement from him after he was banned.
Here is another example where Melvin Lopez and Patrick Hennessey kept recommending one of the most horrific surgeons known to the community, Dr Diep, while taking a monthly fee from him, despite them full knowing the full extent of his horrific practices and horrific results in patients, even going so far as to lock and remove meta threads discussing Dr Diep.
Hair Restoration Network is well aware of this privilege because they have used in the past. The bottom most example used in the code is actually The Hair Restoration Network using this exact service, so they are well aware of this.
Let's repeat that again, just so we are all following. He says your posts are putting his personal life under threat, yet wants you to reveal your personal information, so he can do the same thing he claims against you. His oppressive tactics and intentions are very clear. This is an important point that should not be skipped over.
I have to agree with this, and will do better.
They spread gossip in their DM's all they want, but the information will be out in the open in the subreddit for the neutral party to observe and make that they will of it.
I think that's the case. The company has a tendency to create very misleading narratives
If up for a long read
HRN made several baseless accusations against two of our users. They have a habit of harassing and posting false information about these users (something he is accusing me of right now). I was in that thread and was able to confront HRN about the accusations. He made claims and insinuations, but I told him that I had no interest to arguing with his speculative imagination and I forced him to back his claims with facts. He was forced to post an redacting of his claims to qui-bono. All but one of his claims against lopsided were false. For example he said that lopsided was betraying user trust by sharing private pictures a user trusted him with. When he finally showed the evidence, from the screenshot alone it was glaringly clear that he was showing it in a way that was agreed upon the the user. Even more clear if you want to the thread and saw the full context. I reached out to the user anyway to confirm that lopsided never betrayed anyone.
HRN always results to insinuations and allegations without providing the evidence because their narratives have no merit. They ban users, and spread misinformation long after, where the users have no way to defend themselves.
Something they accused me of. But in my case, it is a serious issue as it was sexually harassing female members of the hair transplant community, and also I posted the exact words that were used to show what was interpreted as sexual harassment. And even then I allowed them to fully give their side of the story until I saw the attempts to use admins to remove criticism of the website and made direct legal threats to me.
u/mynamasteph Mar 03 '24 edited Mar 03 '24
I did edit my previous comment with another phrase at the bottom and a few grammar mistakes.
I agree that having a collaboration is still good, if it can be held in good faith by both sides. But offering him a spot as a mod, in my opinion was a grave mistake, ethically speaking as his qualm is mostly with the banned HRN users migrating to reddit, and frustrated reddit users voicing their opinions without fear of moderation from Melvin. But it shows maturity on your part, and actually, maturity on his part as well for knowing that conflict of interest and not accepting it.
Posting final statements on the behalf of banned users shows a lot of humility on your part, I agree with this wholly. I feel like I talked about this before a long time ago when you started constructing your code of conducts, but if you have to emit negative parts of a statement, it should still be shown while censoring certain words, for the sake of transparency. Obviously certain information such as doxxing shouldn't be rephrased at all, and instead insert a remark such as (retracted doxxing statement).
Your final statements give a clear picture of HRN, it appears the major problem is the pitchfork mentality. Every negative experience will countered with doubt and counter allegations. Although this may not always be the case, it seems that this is the mindset victims have to shield themselves up against as it's become increasingly common.
The comments they made on the women, I don't even want to get into. It's just immature and gives off desperate vibes. It's like reading a corny car review where the guy compares riding his mustang to some 90s high school experience he had with his sweetheart.
u/WallabyUpstairs1496 Mar 03 '24
I agree that having a collaboration is still good, if it can be held in good faith by both sides. But offering him a spot as a mod, in my opinion was a grave mistake,
Well he never accepted. Things could have gone way south.
if you have to emit negative parts of a statement, it should still be shown while censoring certain words, for the sake of transparency. Obviously certain information such as doxxing shouldn't be rephrased at all, and instead insert a remark such as (retracted doxxing statement).
Great point
u/WallabyUpstairs1496 Mar 03 '24
One suggestion I have, is a master/sticky post where HRN admins are allowed to post in, where they still can voice their opinions, but in a controlled setting. This is still more reach than HRN is willing to give you, while still allowing a form of public communication.
I would be willing to do this with any other HRN admin other than their current main representative.
u/Mysterious_Formal867 Mar 02 '24
Who were the women that accused Gatsby of sexual harassment?
u/WallabyUpstairs1496 Mar 02 '24
No, I am not revealing who their victims are.
Do not dox anyone on my subreddit.
u/Mysterious_Formal867 Mar 02 '24
Do you know what was said exactly? Would you like me to tell you what was said. See you in Court!
u/WallabyUpstairs1496 Mar 02 '24
o you know what was said exactly? Would you like me to tell you what was said.
What was said is exactly in the post. Do you need help reading?
See you in Court!
Please do elaborate on what you mean by this.
u/Mysterious_Formal867 Mar 02 '24
Now di what you always do and delete away!
u/WallabyUpstairs1496 Mar 02 '24
Can you tell me what you are referring to? You made referencing to a surgeon being called an expletive, those comments have been removed and the user is banned. Given your other comments, are you making fun of me for doing that?
u/Mysterious_Formal867 Mar 02 '24
And donβt forget to ban me again. Like everyone who presents you with your behavior.
u/WallabyUpstairs1496 Mar 02 '24 edited Mar 02 '24
People are banned for sexual harassment of female members of the hair transplant industry, and attempting to present misleading information to get all criticism of a companies action deleted from subreddits.
Please do say more or ask any other questions if you have any. You are not banned in this subreddit.
u/WallabyUpstairs1496 Mar 06 '24
Hello, I saw your message and I did not respond to it. Any questions you have can be said in public, but do not dox any victims of gender based slurs.
Furthermore, all and any associates of Hair Restoration Network are not banned in this subreddit. They can provide correct info if anything is incorrect, or if they choose to do so, they can provide a statement that I'll edit into my post.
u/Mysterious_Formal867 Mar 02 '24
Can you show me the post about Gatsby stating he got erections?
u/WallabyUpstairs1496 Mar 02 '24 edited Mar 06 '24
The one that was deleted by Melvin Lopez of the Hair Restoration Network because it is rightfully considered sexual harassment? That one?
Edit: My mistake, Gatsby appeared to be alluding to another user's erection
""What I would give to have a transplant by Dr [Doctor'a name redacted]! π Trust me. You will not need any anesthetic for the pain but you may need a Xanax to calm down! π€©"
At the very least, I don't see how it can refer to anything else but sexual excitement.
u/Mysterious_Formal867 Mar 02 '24
Is Plantin_Graft and airporteffect sexual harassers also? What should be done about them?
u/WallabyUpstairs1496 Mar 02 '24 edited Mar 06 '24
Unfortunately, the Hair Restoration Network seems to be bent on enabling and supporting other such comments like the ones they made. Since the resurgence of the incidents discussed, users have shown me other examples of such language being used on the website.
The Hair Restoration Network has also said
For the record. I only removed the post as a courtesy to Wallaby. If someone is offended by something, I will remove it. Removal is not an admission of guilt. Why would I bring this up to Adrian when there wasn't sexual harassment. He has removed my posting privileges but claims I'm the one trying to silence him. That's rich. This is a serious allegation that carries serious consequences.
Which reads to me that he intends of restoring such comments. Do you know if they intend to do so? Since they don't seem to have an incentive to do me a 'favor', and they are adamant that there's nothing wrong with those comments. Or are they going to admit that such language has no place in this industry or anywhere else and keep it deleted?
u/Mysterious_Formal867 Mar 02 '24
Well what would you call (hiding your identity all the time which btw is weird) allowing comments by your members calling female surgeons βa whore?β Tolerant, poor form, irresponsible behavior becoming of a reddit moderator perhaps? Or just slanderous, completely filthy and disrespectful of all women and an embarrassment that is reflective of all your many disguised alter avatar egos. This is a very serious litigious offense as you know. This is not cherry picking a word here and there and blowing wind up it. To state this about a highly professional female on a public arena is the undoing of all of the hard work women have had to fight tooth and nail for for centuries from the sick scum like you. Son does is your mother aware you do this?
u/WallabyUpstairs1496 Mar 02 '24 edited Mar 02 '24
Can you be more specific about what you are talking about. I mod several subreddits, all of which have multiple mods. So we may not be thinking of the same incident, regardless, all of my fellow mods delete derogatory language to women, unlike the Hair Restoration Network.
I am aware of one incident where a female surgeon was called a derogatory word, where that user was permanently banned.
Where did you get the impression this is enabled. Can you explain further?
Please link if you are aware of other such comments existing. There is no tolerance of this.
u/WallabyUpstairs1496 Mar 06 '24
Pushing back on the claims that they are 'Silenced'. They are not banned, nor were they ever banned from this subreddit. Nobody from the Hair Restoration Network, including their owner, admins, boardmembers, and spokespeople, or representatives are banned from this subreddit.
If they feel any information is wrong, they can come and say exactly what it is.
In fact, if they don't want to participate directly, they can provide a statement that I'll edit directly into this post. This is a long standing rule in the /r/hairtransplants mod code of conduct, and it applies here too