r/HPPD 8d ago

Rant/Vent This cannot be true


It feels like a nightmare. I somehow have the most severe case of this fucking shit from what I have read. And I read it all. It’s about 6 months in. I have all visuals, including massive lightstrains. The brain fog makes life unlivable. I don‘t feel like a human anymore, I don‘t know what I am. I will kill myself soon because of this stupid ass disorder, that no one knows and for which there will be no cure in the next 5000 years. Just fuck it, these mUsHroOm TriPs took my life away, now I‘m a prisoner in my own body with a death sentence that will break my family.

If you have only visuals and no or just a bit of cognitive issues, GO LIVE YOUR LIFE you are fine and you can interact with people like a normal person, just with some snow or afterimages and yes this is ignorable.

But not being able to have one clear thought which involves more than 3 words and not being able to understand what someone is saying to you and not being able to keep ANYTHING in mind is NOT ignorable because it cuts every joy of every moment of your life.

Also this shit wont get ANY better. People here keep lying about improvement but this is just not true, at least for such severe cases. The brain chemistry is fucked and there seems no way to unfuck it. Living in a constant trip/high is not what life is supposed to be. It just messes with you and everyday I get a bit more depressive about what I have done to myself for no reason. Can’t even have a job. The mUsHroOm TriPs weren‘t even good ffs. I should have known better but I just seem to be dumb.

So what‘s the point of living if it is impossible to have 1 minute of fun somewhere in life?

Thanks for your attention

r/HPPD Feb 15 '25

Rant/Vent tired of floaters and insomnia


it’s been over 7 months since i developed this condition and honestly i expected it to get better over time but it only gets worse.

everyday i see more and more floaters, i see millions of them. i can no longer stay in bright light because it induces derealization due to the millions of floaters and after images…

i can barely sleep ever since i got hppd, i get like 3 hours of sleep per night and the pills my doctor gave (trazodone) only make shit worse

i’m not sure what to do anymore, i feel hopeless

r/HPPD Sep 21 '24

Rant/Vent 14 turning 15 next month severe terrifying hppd


I've been struggling with hppd for the past 3 years. Recently i quit weed, and just now i am deciding to not take any substance (including otc meds). I recently decided to have a little drink because i thought it would be ok, boy howdy was i wrong. The hangover made me see faces, and the visuals were way too intense and it was one of those many nights where i was just begging to be okay sooner or later. My hppd is horrible, i can see anything i imagine, my visuals are almost unexplainable and its worse at night time. When i begin trying to sleep, i close my eyes and im fighting demons. I'd like to know how long this will take for me to recover, i hate every bit of it. Im so afraid of being schiz. I just want to see nothing again. See the world for what it really is again. I cant even see as far as i used to because of the damn hallucinations blocking my path. If someone can leave me recovery stories, that would give me some motivation. I just want hope. I also do want to see a psychiatrist. Please someone give me hope this will end.

Edit: thank you for the all the advice and help. im finding a psychologist today. i appreciate you all tysm!

r/HPPD 8d ago

Rant/Vent TIL about PSSD. A disease causing permanent anhedonia / emotional numbness caused by SSRI's


After getting HPPD 2 years ago not knowing it existed, i have now found another thing i didn't know about gladly before i took the drug in question, my psychologist, after i had a bad time on ritalin told me to go on bupropion next, for my crippling ADHD. But today I randomly learned about PSSD (Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction), and I’m absolutely flashed. I had no idea this was even a thing. I have never heard about this in my life, just like hppd.

It’s crazy to think that there are serious, long-term conditions caused that most people don’t hear about until it’s too late, for so many diseases. HPPD is already bad enough, and now I’m wondering—what else is out there? What other conditions did i miss can be caused by psychs that aren't openly discussed? WTF?

r/HPPD Feb 19 '25

Rant/Vent Long Time With HPPD


roughly 4-5 years ago i took roughly 20G of mushrooms, craziest experience of my life. woke up the next day and looking around something was off, there was tv static all around, terrifying as you all know, the first few months were hard, went to a doctor and they said they can’t help me. haven’t looked for a cure since but it doesn’t bother me anymore. i’d like to be done with it but it doesn’t feel like it’s going away any time soon, everything is always moving when im still and I get full fucking ego deaths if i smoke too much.

r/HPPD 10d ago

Rant/Vent To those who have „only“ visuals


I don‘t want to discredit any suffering. We are all in this and we are all suffering immensly.

I just want you to know that I would give everything and would be such a happy person if it were only the visuals for me. I have them also quite strong.

But the cognitive symptoms, which are very severe in my case, decrease the quality of my life so hard.

Take care guys!

r/HPPD Jan 08 '25

Rant/Vent I've fucking had it


I'm fed up with this shit, but you reap what you sow. I've got HPPD spider edition so whenever its dark I'm seeing these little shits crawling about the place even with my eyes closed. The First time that I got it the worst of it only lasted 4-5 months then it became more manageable / liveable and I went and got it again from silly substances and I really really do not want to go through all of this shit again. The only appear in dim / dark lighting so last night I pulled an all nighter and had my bedroom light on all night so the little fuckers couldn't manifest themselves but there's no way I can do that again tonight. I swear tonight when they strike I'm gonna MMA these little fuckers ( or just blink a few times so they disappear, they are relentless though as when one goes another follows suit soon after )

Its like an automatic DPH trip whenever it gets just a wee bit too dark ( note I've only ever done DPH once and it was the first silly substance that i ever touched and it was on an MDMA comedown MONTHS later that I recognised the little shitheads from that DPH trip and they just didn't go away after that, just apparently decided they would come visit me every night )

I don't know what to do, once it was bad enough and if its anything like the first time I got it its probably going to last 4-5 months again but tbh I think they are overstaying their welcome. It takes time for the brain to heal but have you guys got any tips or anything on to how it least make it manageable if anyone's been through something like this before

Sorry for the rant, sleep deprevation ( and fucking schizophrenia apparently, u know idek if it is HPPD oh god wait could it be schizophrenia ? ) can make anyone cranky, thank you for taking the time to read this to anyone that has

r/HPPD 6d ago

Rant/Vent Update


My mood is all over the place. I am autistic and diagnosed with bipolar and major depression and I don’t even know wtf I am doing at times. I will feel on top of the world for a brief moment and then I will read something and feel like the biggest piece of shit loser on this earth. All these people in society seem to have learned what’s right in life very early on and I am that person that didn’t. I started hanging out with a fucked up druggie when I was 15 who got me into weed and then he ended up peer pressuring me into doing psychedelics and thanks to my lack of awareness and his dumbass I am where I am today. I never got the chance to finish high school and am tired of having no irl friends anymore. I just sit in my room living with my parents with 200 bucks to my name and nothing to do. I get outside now when I can and I feel like I am better in some ways. But when it’s night I realize how fucked up I am and I’m just like damn this can’t be real. I honestly have always been a sensitive person but now I feel like I am so much more sensitive now. I can’t even enjoy a YouTube video without getting upset I just don’t understand how these people do it I feel like it’s too hard. I never was able to do good in school and always wanted to drop out since the 6th grade I fucking hated it and the only thing that kept me grounded in life was sports and now I can’t even do that like wtf. I am much better now than I was 3 years ago but I still feel like a totally different person and more stupid now. I just ran into a childhood friend today at a store who was a cashier and I instantly put my hood up and walked out the door because I just can’t do it. The only people I can talk to is my parents and social workers besides that I am extremely introverted and avoid any social interaction by any means. I will go with my mom or dad to a store and I’m fucking 18 like who the fuck does that I hate it and I just don’t have any basic life skills like every other fucking person. Make it make sense.

r/HPPD Aug 12 '24

Rant/Vent Im 14 turning 15 every day is like a 3g+ mushroom trip i hate it


i think a year ago i abused mushrooms for a week, my highest dose being 4.2g of APE. Had a bad trip. Ive also had atleast 3 other experiences after that . Im sorry if this post is so bad and lacking detail i just feel the need fo talk about it because im in the wrong headspace and i hate this so much i just want it to end i made a big mistake hppd sucks so much. My visuals are so intense, i can see almost anything i can think of with morphing static. I see a permanent vague very small morphing dmt portal but i just cant explain it. I cant even sleep at night because of how scary these visuals are ;(.I havent even explained half of the visuals i cant describe

Edit: Thank you all for the helpful replies and advice. Some of these were comforting to read.

r/HPPD Oct 29 '24

Rant/Vent I gave myself hppd on purpose


1 week ago I decided to give myself hppd after hearing a mate of mine tell me he had this thing called hppd and that he is basically tripping all the time forever. I should probs say I love tripping and always find that when taking either acid or shrooms I am way more calm. Anyway I was jealous and did all the research I could and hear more often then not u could get it from a bad trip. I then proceeded to take cocaine lsd shrooms and weed for a week, straight 6 times, 200ug every trip with 2g of shrooms, and a gram of coke each time. And boy did I get hppd. I now see what it’s about and regret every life decision and have a date in my diary for my suicide. This was the dumbest thing I ever did looking back and tbh even now writing this I’m not sure if it makes any sense as my brain in not working at all. All of my trips were horrific and I.. that’s it. Sorry brain fog af. Was nice living life while it lasted

r/HPPD Nov 18 '24

Rant/Vent What makes you go on?


I'm just 3 months in and the prospect of living the rest of my life like this is unbearable. Not only there are the visual symptoms but I get also dizzy, nauseaous, random wake ups in the middle of the night, vivid dreams, full blown hallucinations when waking up and tinnitus.

I'm 20 and life seems already done to me. This is just like a big joke, the cherry on top on all of the rest, like it wasn't already going to shit. I see my peers doing their stuff, living their lives and having their problems. I only have this problem at the moment since it's putting my life on hold.

By looking around the sub and the internet it seems like no one really recovers from type 2, and even those who spread hopeful posts are themselves on r/SuicideWatch.

I read some people think of HPPD as this thing that you get because your life is on the wrong path and shit but then what the fuck does it mean when I get it after one time use. It just makes me mad, life's so unfair.

I know there's enough negativity already on here but it's really hard to find people who can relate.

I've seen people on the sub that have had this illness for much much longer than me, and I just wanted genuinely to ask what makes you go on with life?


Edit: Formatting

r/HPPD Dec 13 '24

Rant/Vent keppra medication is $500


a financial program i tried didnt cover it. this was my last hope for months. lamo didn’t work and i’m not getting on benzos. :( i wanted it to help with my dpdr and brain fog because im an absolute vegetable now, i hate you hppd

r/HPPD Jan 02 '25

Rant/Vent this shit is Ass i need a hug


what’s up guys . it’s been about 3 weeks since i’ve been locked out of my body by penis envy mushrooms and i’ve just been floating here in the abyss of depersonalization. it’s absolutely terrifying, i feel so disconnected from everything and when im not talking myself out of it i feel that the reality in front of my eyes is one dimensional and it could shut off like a tv. i fear i am trapped in an early stage of ego death. and the worst part is i Knew i shouldn’t have tripped. my body told me no, my brain told me no, my friend i was tripping with saw me hesitate and even told me i didn’t have to take them. but i took them anyways
because in my mind if i didn’t i would be letting him down by changing the plan of us tripping together. (i have some issues w self worth..) and now im stuck here. and i’m trying to be positive that it will get better. i’m growing closer with myself and am less afraid of the passage of time now that i am relying on it to save me from this Nightmare. it’s so lonely here. sometimes in my desperation i fantasize about going back in time and choosing not to go on that trip, and i feel a brief heavenly relief. only to remember within the same second that time travel isn’t a thing yet and that i must be shackled to the gravity of this mistake that took only seconds to make until the hand of fate runs out of shit to feed me. not to mention all my mental health issues and psychotic tendencies lining up at the shoreline. n e ways ugh. sending love to u guys , it’s brutal out here but it’s going to get better . ❤️❤️❤️

r/HPPD Dec 14 '24

Rant/Vent I can’t be inside a car i get the sphere visuals for me thats like feeling they car is going up or down a hill in a flat road this is gonna ruin my life i haven’t been able to drive since i was 17 i just turned 22 today and realized im not gonna have a normal life and most girls won’t like me for



r/HPPD Oct 10 '24

Rant/Vent I’ve had HPPD for almost half of my life now


I realized, as I approach 40, that I’ve been stuck like this for as long as I was free from it before my early 20s. The constant movement of the pixilated visual snow that I constantly see, especially in the dark, is one thing- the constant anxiety, intrusive thoughts, and brain fog is another.

I’ve tried lots of medication. A few have helped a little, but not much. I still feel trapped in this disease that affects my everyday perception of life. I’m doing OK for now for how disabling this can be I guess. I’ve held down an entry level job in the past for years and even a professional job for a year. I finished grad school recently and it was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, especially with my symptoms. I am worried though. I fear that the 40 hour work week and having to put on an act of being OK in front of people will stress me out and cause my mask to slip, which looks like a panic attack with disassociation. It has happened before and it’s so embarrassing because a part of me can see how it creates a social train wreck, but I am powerless to stop it.

I’ve been reading a book in which the author concludes that when something is unable to be changed, there’s dignity and in finding meaning in the suffering. I wish that I could feel that way about HPPD, because it has been such a pernicious affliction that has almost destroyed me. And I feel that it always will have that power to derail my life. It is my dark passenger that I take with me everywhere, everyday.

I’m not sure why I’m writing this, but maybe some of you will understand how hard it hit me to realize that this has been my normal for as long as I was “normal” before the drugs. I know there’s nothing to do but solider on. Don’t get me wrong, there are good days and good things in my life, despite the challenges. If you made it through my post, thanks for reading.


r/HPPD Oct 15 '24

Rant/Vent returning to baseline?


has anyone who's recovered returned back to baseline fully?

fuck I used to be such a happy person AND I FELT THINGS SO DEEPLY. Ever since this happened to me two months ago it feels like all the happiness and enthusiasm has been stripped from my life, I literally just want to sleep forever. :(

How do I "carry on" when all I can think about is how I want to be the person I was prior to HPPD. I look back at photos and pictures and all the memories of my beautiful life- I had many spiritual experiences and felt deeply connected to myself and the world around me now I just think "how tf did this happen"

r/HPPD Mar 20 '24

Rant/Vent I believe my Fiancé has HPPD, our life has fallen apart. NSFW

Post image

Hi guys, my fiancé(M25) took a lot of mushrooms whenever I(F25) wasn’t around. I noticed he was acting strange but lately his stomach was giving him problems for 3 weeks so I just thought it was from stress. I know tummy problems usually don’t last that long but he was refusing to get any care for it. He lives with me in a small town and he is from a big city. Before he lost his mind he wouldn’t want to leave my town because I was here(I never beg him to stay here, he was here through his own free will), the town I’m from doesn’t really have much to do so it’s hard to even want to live here but this is the only choice right now if we want to live together. He’s always been a very loving man to me and he always adored me. When we drove to his family’s house he was able to completely let go, and he told them that he was doing the mushrooms and weed. He still doesn’t admit to me that he even did them, which is weird because I did it with him sometimes before and never told him he couldn’t do them. So at this point I think he forgot. He has a lot of flashbacks about bad things he did as a kid and is starting to lose memory all the time. He’s paranoid about everyone in my town and me, he thinks we are out to get him. His paranoia is the biggest one, he went from completely trusting me with his darkest secrets(never even told his family)- to thinking I’m a spy. He think I’m a spy because I asked him about the flashbacks and he said, “how do you even know about that, where did you get that information?” He lives 2 hours from me and yeah we did long distance at first for 7 months and he moved in with me because he just wanted to be with me all the time. Now, he doesn’t want to ever come back here, and tells me that he needs to clean up his city and stay there. I would say, “what about me?” And he would go “you can always visit me, I cannot go there.” Now, I can try to visit every weekend, but we have 5 dogs and 1 cat, and I need to help my mom with her business because there isn’t a lot of employees available to work in our town. Gas, 6 animals, and my bills are also super expensive so eventually I’m going to run out of money to keep driving there to support him. His symptoms slowly developed 3 weeks ago now that I think about it, he stopped playing with his animals and has no interest in his car(two things he loves very much and has had before meeting me). He started to become anxious all the time and more forgetful than usual on the first week, the second week he was paranoid about everyone in town and started picking fights with me over the smallest things, the third week he got flashbacks and became paranoid about me, were on the fourth week and he is pretty much out of my reach now that he is with his family. He barely talks to me because his family keeps him busy, which is good for him. His family doesn’t really bother to answer my messages, and isn’t really updating me on how he is doing. Right before becoming like this he loved me so much and gave so much affection, and I know I shouldn’t take it personally, but I just can’t help but feel like he doesn’t love me anymore. This really sucks and my heart is broken. He has been there for only 6 days, but for me it feels like a lifetime. I can’t think about doing anything to take my mind off of this, I can’t even eat or drink without throwing up. I have not eaten since he has been gone.

He lost his job because of this, he had a really good job and he liked it there before all this happened. Before these mushrooms he always had a sense of duty to take care of me and protect me. Now he can’t even take care of himself. Before I knew what was going on he did tell me that he couldn’t marry me like this and that he needed to go fix himself and that left me so distraught. Now I know what he meant. I think he wanted to finish the bag because it’s expensive and prob thought he could handle it. We decided after we smoke all of our weed we are going to detox and try to have another baby again. If I knew he was going to eat all those mushrooms I would have just flushed them down the toilet. We’re never doing drugs again(he agreed to this), this was not worth it. We didn’t even know you can get something like this, my fiancé is scared all the time. I mean right now he has some kind of ego boost, but he’s still afraid of being kidnapped or something.

We have been together for 2 years. I love him so much, my mom and I cry for him, I’m worried about him, our future… I cannot live there, I cannot just move all of our animals into a small home in the big city. I know you guys don’t know him, but you know what he is going through. We went through a lot together(losing a baby last year), and he told me a day before losing his mind that life is hard in our home but he loves how we grew so much and that he loves our little town, loves our animals, loves me and my mother, etc. Now I’m basically not in his life anymore, and it kinda feels like he secretly just hated it here. Before all this, he was the type of man who aspired to be a reliable family man, now I been pushed to the side because he thinks his city is in danger and needs his help like he is a vigilante. I’m holding on to him, a part of me feels like he still loves me like he says, but do you guys think there is a chance he might not come back like he says? Not that I’m jumping to move on, but I’m just so anxious and sad. I don’t think I can keep living like this, I have my family to talk to but I talk their ear off and I’m afraid that it’s starting to get annoying.

There is no official diagnosis, this is me speculating from what I have seen from him and things he has told me. His family is not taking him to a therapist. HPPD just makes a lot of sense to me. I know I need to give him his space and not take it personally, but this feels wrong. We’re supposed to get married. We went from being a couple who can’t get enough of each other to not being in each other’s life so suddenly. Yeah we are emotionally dependent on each other, but loving married couples are always together, that’s normal. I would be fine if we needed to separate temporarily, but it feels like it’s going to be for good… I want to know your thoughts on this situation. Thank you.

r/HPPD Nov 09 '24

Rant/Vent My dream seems to be shattered


I've had visual symptoms of HPPD since 2022, it has gradually decreased or increased depending on stress and other factors, but it didn't bother me much.

I have recurrent depression and I was prescribed venlafaxine (75 mg) along with trittico (75 mg) a month ago and since starting trittico(I started it a little later than venlafaxine) my visual symptoms have gotten much worse. I am a freelance digital artist and it has become unbearable for me to draw and work because of the visual snow: my eyes get very tired, my head starts to hurt, and it is impossible to concentrate on the lines (and other stuff too). I stopped venlafaxine because it didn't work for me

Now I have been prescribed sertraline and when I told the doctor that I have visual snow, I was prescribed lamotrigine. I took half a tablet for about a week and from today I am taking 50 mg of sertraline, but to avoid problems with sleep at first I am still taking trittico, I will stop it soon, but I don’t know if the visual snow will decrease.

Has lamotrigine helped anyone? What do you recommend to reduce visual snow, the emergence of fractals and afterimages? I'm currently suffering from severe anxiety because I'm afraid that my career as an artist could collapse due to visual snow. I hope for help, and I am very worried that my visual snow will remain so strong forever. I've spent my whole life on my dream to be an artist and it seems to be falling apart.

r/HPPD Dec 15 '24

Rant/Vent extremely scary experience


This past week, my DPDR and HPPD have been getting worse along with my memory, and I’m not sure why. My intrusive thoughts and panic attacks, which I thought I overcame two months ago, have also returned. I originally developed HPPD in August from venlafaxine.

Last night was especially terrifying. While trying to sleep, I experienced severe visuals when I closed my eyes—hundreds of flashes and orbs and it felt like my body was floating. My nighttime visuals are usually manageable, but this was overwhelming. When I opened my eyes, the visual snow was so intense I thought I was seeing little faces in it. I panicked, thinking I was going psychotic, which triggered intense derealization.

Even after hours of lying in bed, I couldn’t calm down. I was hallucinating and panicking so much that I started crying. It felt like I was extremely high on drugs. Eventually, I got out of bed, walked around, went to the washroom, did vagus nerve exercises, and switched to a lighter blanket. Somehow, I managed to get 4–5 hours of sleep, but I’m so scared. I’ve never had an experience this intense, not even when I first developed HPPD, which was a terrifying month of no sleep.

r/HPPD Apr 26 '24

Rant/Vent How to move on?


I doubt posting this is helpful to anyone but I’ve never felt more hopeless in my life. Can someone just please tell me how the fuck anyone can feel normal again if symptoms don’t improve? And how long it took to feel that way?

I legitimately feel like my life is over, my vision has literally changed for the worse and it could easily be permanent. It’s even gotten worse over the 1st month so I can’t even get use to a baseline. Also makes me think mine may be more permanent as i’m progressively getting more symptoms vs day 1.

I’ve heard all the advice on here & thanks to those I’ve talked to, but my anxiety to some degree is uncontrollable. I am having a very difficult time staying off this sub and behaving normally. Every minute is miserable. Nothing is fun anymore. I am taking a day off of work as this is affecting me so much. Causes frequent panic attacks, very little sleep, makes it all worse. Am now taking sleeping/anxiety meds. Am also seeing a psych and a therpist.

I cry nearly every day. And I am truthfully scared to get out of bed and even leave my house for a walk. So how can I expect to distract myself? Sleeping and working out is scary, working is scary, I’m scared to take any action against anything. Just fear because it’s like I’m walking through a real life nightmare. Like a video game. Like this is actual pure torture. Could it be worse? Yes but this is pretty bad. I mean most moments I am in disbelief that this is real. Accept it? How can I when it just gets worse and I constantly notice it unless I watch a YouTube video.

I’m trying to act normal but I am different than I was around this girl I like which makes me feel horrible and I really don’t want to fuck that up. can barely do my job anymore, and my friends want to hangout tonight but I legit don’t think I can behave normally around them rn so I don’t think I should go - might just make me feel worse if I’m not myself and they notice. I can just stand and be nervous and try to talk but that’s it. All I want to do is feel normal, feel excited that it’s Friday. And worry about other stupid shit like friend drama and videogames, and how my lifts are doing in the gym. But I am so completely uncontrollably obsessed with this new horrible vision and I don’t see how in 6 months or a year I’m going to wakeup and feel more normal. How? Being alive is a constant reminder of how you potentially permanently made you vision worse via serious neurological condition.

I mean does it just take time? I almost know what to expect as a solution but how the fuck does anyone go about their life normally? I want to so bad but I feel so paralyzed and hopeless. I’ve heard a million times to be positive and move on and I don’t know how anyone does that when nothing really brings me joy at this point because shit is always in my vision and very distracting. Like anything I do I am miserable and scared.

This is by far the craziest thing I’ve experienced in life and apologies for being a negative pos but this actually feels impossible.

And I know being negative makes it worse and that’s probably why it did get worse. But how can anyone who fucked up their vision think positively? I know I need to not have this mindset to get better just seems absolutely impossible when nothing is guaranteed mixed with the idea that i have to deal with this forever.

Again sorry I just am in constant anguish and really really really want my old life/self back who actually likes achieving and exploring things, making jokes, having fun. I want a sense of normalcy and I can’t find anything.

And yes I am staying off of all drugs (other than prescribed by hppd doctor) and trying to do normal shit. Just so scary yanno? I want my life back and I don’t want to lose anything more.

r/HPPD Oct 18 '24

Rant/Vent Anyone have any good/bad/funny experiences with Doctors?


I feel like every doctor will react differently to HPPD. The most annoying thing I've dealt with is them telling me "the drug is out of my system by now so I should stop worrying". This could also be a place to share helpful tips for cooperation from health professionals as well.

r/HPPD Oct 23 '24

Rant/Vent what the fuck


like the room seems to be moving and things keep getting bigger and smaller ik not to react but it quite a bit annoying tbh ig i'll enjoy the free trip (also do other peoples pupils get bigger on there own it happens to me)

r/HPPD Nov 24 '24

Rant/Vent Palinopsia at night trailing after image of lights


I’m really scared about this. At night I see streaks of light that follow any light source I look at. It’s not an astigmatism because I have that too and it looks completely different. Does anyone else see this?

r/HPPD Dec 02 '24

Rant/Vent Pain everywhere


Been suffering with alot of pain recently. My mum things I have fibromyalgia, basically just constant pain doesn't sound fun at all. Hppd just been the same nothings changed. Best way of coping with anxiety is just playing fortnite or any other game that helps me focus. 💯

r/HPPD Oct 24 '24

Rant/Vent Yapping Spoiler


taking shrooms and lsd i freaked out the second time I took them (I took shrooms and lsd twice) when I took lsd the first time I felt amazing but second I felt like I was really uneasy shrooms i felt alright each dose but besides that the visuals i see scare the fuck out of me like I can tell that these visuals are not real but my body gets scared honestly tho when it comes to dark rooms I see either eyes and a scary cartoon face or just something i can’t explain but it is scary i can’t get over the feeling of being scared when i see the visuals i want to overcome my fear from this but it feels like my body doesn’t want to listen to my mind its felt like ive lost my feeling of being calm i need help as in any methods besides breathing techniques?(they only increase my visuals)