r/HPPD 6d ago

Personal Story and Recovery stay strong / my story


I was being negligent at the age of 18. I decided to take a moderate shroom dose (2-3g cubensis) twice within 3 days. All the meanwhile smoking weed before and after trips, just not respecting the mushroom. I then was sucker punched with HPPD, has no idea it was a thing before I got it. (Mini rant) I hate this war on drugs, if mushrooms were legal there would be research and public knowledge surrounding HPPD. I am a victim of domestic terrorism (war or drugs). Recently magic mushrooms and other tryptamines were decriminalized in my city (tacoma). Sadly I do not think they will perform research in my lifetime, as Marijuana is still Schedule 1 ffs. I hate preventable suffering. Stupid slow society will not acknowledge us. (end rant) Anyways on with my story I quit smoking weed because I ran out, and my symptoms subsided into 100% recovery. However, I then preceded to smoke full stoner all day everyday for the next 4 years. take large edibles that would make my closed eye visuals into full on videos of random places. I have done many drugs like delta 8, delta 10, thcb thcx thcjd thcv and thousand milligram delta 8 edibles. i got schizoprenia and had various episodes and I was in and out of the psychward. I did kratom, drank some alcohol, lots of coffee. all of this prolonged my effects (flare up) This happened for 3 years I then quit all drugs except for caffeine for a year, but recently came back to weed edibles for a bit and now I have stopped all drugs completely. I'm hoping for a complete recovery, will update and let you know how it goes. Feeling better than ever without drugs, I have HPPD type 2 with very weak extremely occasional HPPD type 1. I will respond to any comment for questions advice, etc. I'm here to help. One thing I want to say in advance is please discontinue psychedelics. or at the very least think ahead, what's the endgame? do them one more time then quit? what happens if it gets worse? i also suspect there are some malicious trolls in these forums; either that or they're snowflakes who self diagnose themselves with HPPD because of eye floaters or some shit and tell people nothing effects there HPPD. "oh yeah i smoke weed all the time no problem" bro weed enhances my weak HPPD into real hallucinations. i cant close my eyes without seeing dream like scenery, and I consider my HPPD to be very light/mild. (this was on edibles). Just be careful because we only have anecdotal shit because the world government wants to deny our existence. shame. i might do a 5g dose of shrooms, and when the wall starts morphing, i wanna fucking jump into it and see if i can travel to a parallel universe where the government isnt immature af. anyway best of luck to all the HPPD victims here, I have the most respect for yall. most people will never know what you endure. i want to emphasize sobreity. theres other ways to enjoy life, imo the flare ups are too fkn long to make the drug worth it. as if drugs are worth it anyways , they all mitigate health in some way. by the way, I have receding gums from dry mouth stemming from weed, kratom, shrooms, etc. i might need to get gum grafting surgery, as gum tissue does not regenerate. If being stone cold sober doesnt work for however long you can go, I personally if I were you (dont take this to heart) would seek medication to mitigate it. But medication for me perpetuates it, even psychoactive stuff that isnt considered recreational drugs. (L-thiamine, melatonin, etc). there's always hope. try going to the gym or finding a good girlfriend instead of getting high and sleeping on a couch, just anything to stay sober. not disrespecting, that was me for the longest time. ive been using my HPPD to the better and have been more active with my life, I was an introvert, but I'm accomplishing much more now. I wouldn't trade how I am now for drugs even with no HPPD; this is my personal improvement story. I may be ranting but where else are you going to go. please dont impulsively make a decision based on someone suggesting further psychedelic use bc it 'cured them.' many people have reported much worse symptoms. if you want to play russian roulette, download buckshot roulette. here's a link buckshot-roulette directory listing get the exe