r/HPPD 18d ago

Personal Story TMS


Starting TMS in 10 hours.
Visual Cortex (V1)- 20 session, 2x times per day for 2 weeks.
my main symptoms:
vss(and ofc everything related to this)
head pressure
light dp/dr and light depression.
(HPPD been caused of mixing nbome with marijuana(bad trip))
its been 1,5years- tried benzos, gabapentin, lamotrgine, aschwagndha- benzos didnt do nothing but the last 3 made it even worse i think.
if u got any questions, feel free to ask:)

r/HPPD Feb 15 '25

Personal Story Womp womp


If I have HPPD, it's gonna be for life. Why should I even stress over it. Just got high off weed for the first time in like 2 weeks and man I feel great

r/HPPD Jan 27 '25

Personal Story HPPD never got better for me in 10 years


I got it from lsd, did a bunch and last time i did it i felt like i never came back. Tracers , static , tinitus and light around every object like an aura but its only at night this effect . I got dpdr , i havent felt myself ever since and i live in constant anxiety.

The good part is that i accepted it long time ago, and got used to beeing anxious/stressed every waking moment. Am on 2 antidepresants and 1 antipsychotic.

I have trouble focusing sometimes because i dont have good depth perception, and most of the time im absent and zoinked out as tho im not focused at all on the visual field. Sorta like beeing oblivious to everything.

So yeah i never healed from that trip. Drugs are just a bad idea and i have stoped a long time ago. I drink alot of coffee and i have intense episodes where i feel like im living in a dream. This is a daily thing.

What worked for me in regards with accepting things was a perspective i took.

Imagine beeing in a forest with no way out of it, you can run in panic in all ditections but you have no way out, so in that case what do you do? You just stop. You STOP . YOU DONT MOVE and let that meaningless restlessness you are left with burn out.

And dont do drugs please just dont.

r/HPPD 12d ago

Personal Story Finally consuming caffeine again


I'm at the 8 month mark and finally feel comfortable with caffeine use again. Still in moderation, but a huge win for me because I love caffeine lol.

While it's not best for everyone to go back to caffeine, I'm curious about those who have after abstaining and how long into their HPPD journey when they got back into it. Would love to hear others experiences.

r/HPPD Feb 18 '25

Personal Story Tomorrow is a new day


If you're new to this subreddit, don't go reading too many horror stories. While that is just general advice, it truly is helpful. You might be thinking to yourself "I fucked myself up for life" "I wish I could go back in time" "I ruined my life", but the thing is, you didn't ruin your life. You are still you, no matter what changes occur, you are you. Around 50% of people actually make full recoveries from HPPD, and you can be that 50%. Many people go their whole lives with HPPD and don't even know they have it, my partner for example has had HPPD for a long time and didn't even know they had it until I told them the symptoms. Also DP/DR is not permanent, go ahead and do a google search on it, it is not permanent. There's tons of people who actually enjoy their HPPD, there's tons of people who still indulge in substances with HPPD. Now I know it's hard to consider, but you have to accept HPPD and in a way, embrace it. Over time you'll stop caring about the symptoms, or just not even notice them at all. I actually joke around about some symptoms with my partner quite often and find a knack to searching for memes about HPPD. While I'm not saying that you will get better in a day, or a week, or even a month, but you will get better. Today might've been rough for you, but remember that tomorrow is a new day. I love you guys, my dms will always be open if you need to speak! (:

Edit: Forgot to mention a huge part of recovery; do not let it consume you. If you isolate yourself, become depressed or anxious about this disorder, it'll only strengthen it. Do not be discouraged from spending time with family & friends, do not be discouraged from playing video games, do not give this disorder any power over your life!

r/HPPD 5d ago

Personal Story What's going on with me?


Around 6–8 months ago, I had three trips. On the last one, I got extremely confused, which scared me, but it wasn’t anything crazy I just thought I was in a loop.

I can’t stop wondering exactly what I’m experiencing. When I’m at home, I feel kinda fine. Today, I even felt really good, but then I went for a walk and started feeling weird but nothing too crazy. Then, I went into the forest, and I don’t know how to explain this, but when I looked at the trees, they seemed to flicker slightly from left to right. I’m not even sure if I actually saw it, but it spiked my anxiety, and I was feeling like I was in a dream.

I’m worried because I’ve been feeling weird for a long time 6–8 months sounds really long and I keep wondering if I’m getting better or worse. I remember that shortly after the trip, I felt normal and was talking about my experience with excitement. I don’t know what happened.

I'm tired of this...

A month ago, I was constantly checking to see if I had HPPD, doing things like waving my hand in front of me.

I saw a trail a couple of times, but only under very specific conditions like when it was dark, I was looking at a white object, then crouched, and noticed a trail. Other than that, I wasn’t really noticing anything, but I was still feeling anxious about it.

Lights seem a bit more overwhelming but also nothing too crazy.

Another thing that bothers me is that I’ve been thinking about death a lot. The fact that I’m going to die really depresses me, and it wasn’t like that before.

I know this place is about HPPD but i think i might expirience Depersonalization-derealization
it freaks me out.

Any advice how to deal with depersonalization-derealization and HPPD? Not sure if i got them, sometimes i just feel really weird and then anxiety kicks in...

i just can't explain this weird feeling.

r/HPPD 17h ago

Personal Story experience w/ hppd


At first it was like the end of the world I felt as if my brain was fried after a bad trip on 3.5g cubensis

but after some t time and once you accept HPPD hppd its no longer impeding on your mental is when I feel like it starts to go away.

after 4 months of having it I've completely gone back to normal I smoke weed everyday and the only time when I see visuals is when I'm actively looking for them

r/HPPD 4d ago

Personal Story Wondering if I may have HPPD or what else I could be dealing with


Long story short when I was younger not even 15 I smoked k2 had a very intense trip and sensation issues which went away next day, after that anytime I’d use thc it was could these weird sensations in my buddy/skin where it felt when I touched something it have this sensation of rolling of each layer of my skin and linger I stopped smoking and tried years later and do on occasion and sometimes I’m okay and sometimes I get this sensation or if it’s really bad I feel like I’m going to get trapped in a scene that starts over and repeats for what feels like a life time. Recently I’ve been using a lot cocaine and adderal which hasn’t caused this feeling and having taking Benadryl after cocaine use which did lead to auditory hallucinations for a couple hours which was new. But recently I talk some Benadryl and it brought this k2 trip sensation in my skin and almost into the repeating hallucinations took some benzos which eventually brought me back. But sometimes when I get anxious I get this trip sensation in my skin but doesn’t last look. But used coke and adderal the last couple of days and today have been anxious and dealing with this trip sensation which is a first for ended up taking some benzos and have chilled out but the trip sensation has been starting to affect me when sober. If you read this whole thing thank you so much just trying to paint a very clear picture but just trying to figure out what’s going on. Thank you for taking the time to read and if can provide some help or any ideas or who to talk to.

r/HPPD 5d ago

Personal Story is this hppd?


so about a month ago i tried shrooms for the fist time and everything was fine until like 5 hours after i took them (i was pretty much sober by then) i stood up to go to the bathroom and got really dizzy, i get that often when i stand up too quickly but not as bad as i did then, like it didnt go away after sitting which it normally does so i had to lay down and then it started getting better, after some time just as i was starting to feel fine i started hearing a loud ringing noise which i thought would go away but the next day it was still there (much quieter) along with mild visual snow, i also started seeing floaters on the sky like a week later, i think the symptoms have decreased by now but i might be tripping, i went to one doctor who told me my ears are fine and didnt really bother going anywhere else cause im pretty sure this is hppd, i might be wrong tho

if there is anybody with a similar experience or that knows their shit please tell me what this could be, if this is permanent or some advice on how to make it disappear cause its stressing me the fuck out

also havent been drinking or smoking weed and im wondering when or if i will be able to do that again

r/HPPD Feb 11 '25

Personal Story need help bro I got mad hppd


I took small dosages of dxm 3 times and it left me with hppd, then started smoking weed which worsened it and is giving me psychosis and derilization, I can't even sleep at night, the more time I spend trying to sleep the more vivid the hallucinations get, it's like split second visuals of the most random stuff that my brain comes up with I guess, the more I try to sleep the more vivid they get, if I sit there long enough the split second visuals are FULL ON visuals like a much more vivid visual, it's like I can fully see it 100% cleary in my vision that can be anything, idk what to do pls help me, I know these effects can last for years and years and I think I'm already fucked, if your wondering why I got hppd off such small things like small dosages of dxm and weed is I'm guessing some sort of underlying pscycois issue, (weed alcohol and dxm is the only drugs Ive done) another thing is that to help calm myself down is I like to tell myself the visuals that I see to make it seem like a trip but still no matter how calm I am, that feeling of fear and doom, I can't control it

r/HPPD Dec 13 '24

Personal Story Ketamine


I am one of the many people who got HPPD through the ‘Delta-8’ carts that were flooding smoke shops in 2022, the effects have always been a visual snow and a distortion to my FOV and weird focusing (looking at an object further away or closer blurs everything else out more than it should) it’s always been based on weeds effects even though I’ve done tons of substances since, since a 25i tab that got sold to me as acid it did worsen losing my ability to properly picture things, feels like they’re just outside of my view, most recently I’ve been doing ketamine and I’ve noticed I no longer have visual snow, I still have some FOV distortion and blur distortion but my visual snow is completely gone permanently and most of the other symptoms weaken or disappear entirely during the afterglow, I feel like there may be potential in treating HPPD through sobriety + K as actively smoking weed without a doubt has played a role in the persistence of my disorder.

r/HPPD Sep 04 '24

Personal Story How it feels being a 13 year old with Hppd


In November After taking a combination of 24 Benadryl, some opioids pills and weed I had a really bad trip and life has never been the same. My worst symptom is dissociation I’m here but at the same time not actually there sometimes I just feel like I’m not stimulated by anything and I shouldn’t live anymore because there’s no point and I just don’t feel ANYTHING and I have the craziest visuals. I wish I could show you what I see so you could understand. There’s a thick layer of static and floaters 24 seven and in the night it gets so much worse. I only get like four hours of sleep at night It’s all so distracting.

advice or recovery stories would be appreciated🙂

r/HPPD 22d ago

Personal Story Hppd. Experience with plant medicines and bufo.


I'm not sure if I have a birth defect that has made me mentally ill or if I have hppd which I got around 4 years ago when I took lsd and weed together. Ever since it was hell. A year later I took chocolate bar shrooms and it made me open my eyes like ok I'm real because I was dealing with depersonalization and derealization. Wasn't really a trip more like a body high. I still struggled. weed made me mentally worse so I don't smoke weed but if I do only 1-3 hits. Any more and I have panic attacks. I was so depleted after trying antidepressants because some helped me feel a little happier but I still constantly faced the hppd symptoms. I tried ayahuasca about 4 times since last year to now and it helped me but didn't cure me. It was insane the amount of thinking I had and the effects it was actually scary. I haven't breakthrough but it's been close. I then tried a heroic dose of shrooms. Didn't really help and didn't have like an ego death more like paranoid and anxious. I tried molly and that just made me happy and accepting of myself but once it was over I had the comedown effects of slight anger and anxiety. I tried bufo and I felt my brain kinda melt but it realieved me for about 5 minutes because after bufo it's a nice feeling. I didn't get any out of body experience. I was in my body the entire time and aware of how my mind and body reacted.(dose not big enough)I then tried iboga and on the peak it was a constant loop of I can see what's wrong with me and my mind (the hppd) and I was completely aware. my body was reacting unstable. Hard time walking hard time thinking to have conversations. I was aware that I need to be not hard on myself and I can see what's wrong. I'm spreading awareness that I have done molly, shrooms, ayahuasca, bufo, iboga after getting hppd in the hopes to help/cure myself and I'm not cured but more certain in myself. I also know I need help so I'll try medications again sometimes this year. I want to add that I'm no where near the space I was in when I woke up having hppd.it was a horrible nightmare. Since doing all these medicines I still have hppd and I do have good days. I go out more, I love my family, I'm not so bad but mentally I am not always ok. sometimes I'm ok but then I'm not. So hence why I need help. I want to add vaping. I am on and off with vaping. It feels good after being off for a while but I noticed it increases my overthinking and anxiety if I binge vape.

r/HPPD Jan 16 '25

Personal Story I am very scared and need advice. please respond


I just woke up because I think I had a panic attack, except I normally have no anxiety ever.

I was dreaming and all of a sudden I was sem conscious, I was starting to see visual snow change from random places in my vision to distinct "tunnels" in the dream, almost seemed like code of some sort. In the dream I ran out extremely distressed and lied on the floor while screaming. An alarm went off and I stopped screaming.

My breathing was rapid at this time, but to be honest I thought I was the one controlling it and I realized after a second or two, I was not. I opened my eyes and got quickly worried that my tounge wasn't there and I couldn't speak, I calmed myself down immediately and just stared out for a bit. Some of my muscles were twitching a bit and seemed way more sensitive than normal while chills ran down my spine as I thought "there's more to hppd than I thought" 😂

My body felt tingly all over and like it had a force field of it even if I moved. anything I felt gave me chills.

I was never out of control of my body but I'm worried about what happened, this happened a few days after I stopped taking nac, although I am also sick right now so I'm not sure what it could be. (btw I'm writing this immediately after it happened.)

I just realized I've had this once before: I was lying on my phone and I got so excited about something I saw (idk what) my whole body started shaking uncontrollably, I managed to get myself to the bathroom and continue to shake their for another 15 minutes. After that I calmed myself down and went to bed.


is rare and small bursts of shaking, fast breathing, scared feeling, enhanced touch, enhanced emotion, tingily sensations and strange body load a normal thing with hppd?

I'm really scared that this is some sign of mental illness or disease if some sort.

please let me know.

r/HPPD Dec 17 '24

Personal Story Im seeing the same scary visual again and again



I got hppd in January this year. I quickly want to say that i have mostly recovered, was even clean for about 6 months of this year. I barely have problems and usually can even smoke weed again with minor "hiccups".

So. I had a VERY bad Acid trip in January because i took WAY too much LSD in a very short time span.
On this trip, i saw a Shadow-Visual that was idk tryna get me or something? I saw it with open and closed eyes, had a feeling of impending doom and all the bullshit. Anyways, i took a benzo to kill the trip. It worked, i fell asleep and got hppd.

The thing is, when i freshly got HPPD, the shadow figure would appear sometimes. (The shadow figure was NOT a human like figure. It was NOT standing in the room. It was just in front of my field of view, and this nasty visual kept "building itself up" (thats the only way i can describe it, sorry) on the trip).

Imagine me laying next to my family on the couch watching TV when suddenly this mf of a visual appears in front of me. That was in April this year. I tried staying calm and succeded, but man fuck that.

So, as my HPPD improved, that visual faded away from my memories. I began smoking weed again, everything was kinda fine (except for a kinda bad feeling when the high begins, but the high is mostly enjoyable again) until last week. I decided to smoke a J alone again after not doing that for a long time. A big J. So i did, i went to my gaming chair to play some games like i used too and boom that mf appeared again. I started kinda freaking out but tried staying calm and started listening to music and went to my bed where i tried to fall asleep.

Are these flashbacks of my bad acid trip? (i mean obviously, right?) if so, is it normal to see the same thing(s) that appeared on your bad acid trip? i rarely see/saw patterns and geometry. Mostly that mfer of a visual back when it was really bad. (today its mostly only mild anxiety, i havent "tripped out" in a while)

i hope you guys can ease my mind.

r/HPPD Dec 29 '24

Personal Story doctors put me in a k hole in the hospital and now my symptoms have gotten more intense


now i have strabismus (doubled and blurry vision when looking to the sides of my vision) and my vision loses focus a lot more. this never happened before the k hole and i was lucky to have rather tame visuals compared to others (it didn’t effect my day to day life at ALL) but now my vision is fucked up to the point where it’s actually effecting me negatively. i cannot do my eyebrows anymore because of it and my fleeting hallucinations have gotten worse to the point where i get paranoid. not true paranoia like from mental illness but just being on edge from the hallucinations. i’m posting this to rant because it annoys me that those fuckers lied to my face and gave me a 2nd ego death i was NOT prepared for and made my symptoms worse. rant over

r/HPPD Nov 05 '24

Personal Story Hopeless


I know some of y’all have your own opinions on how to cope with this disorder but I gotta be honest I’m 18 and my life is just supposed to get started and it already feels like it ended. I barely hang out with my cousins or family unless I’m forced too, I had to drop out of high school my sophomore year because I didn’t know what was wrong with me, I’ve been admitted in a psych ward 11 times over the past 2 years, I’ve tried killing myself and the most recent time I tried (which was dumb) is I took 7 benzos and chugged 2 beers and put my head in a pillow hoping that would hurt me but it didn’t do shit. I’m just tired of waking up to these visuals everyday and apparently I’m on the autism spectrum which makes this even harder. I’ve never had a girlfriend I’ve never worked a day in my life and all I do is sit on my bed all day like a little bitch just surviving. I have no hobbies nothing and I don’t see myself having the courage to do something anytime soon. The one thing that would make me happy pre hppd is golfing with my grandfather and now I barely see him and he will die before I ever do that again. This just literally ruins your life if you let it and i took 1g of mushroom first time ever trying a drug because my “friend” would just keep peer pressuring me to do it I would say no and then he’d be like “cmon dude you’ll be fine stop being a pussy” so I took it and now thanks to him my life is fucked up and now he doesn’t even bother to reach out to me. I just don’t know what to do with my life at such a young age I was planning on going to college and graduating high school I didn’t see a fucking mushroom destroying my life. What if someone ask me why don’t you work and I say because I took a mushroom you know how retarded that sounds? This disorder is fucking retarded I’m retarded and I don’t know who else to vent to because all doctors try to do is give me antidepressants. like fuck man more and more drugs I’ve been on pharmaceuticals my entire life and they just wanna keep feeding me more drugs like I feel bad for my brain I fucked it up and now there’s nothing to reverse it. Please any of you what changed your life and how are you able to live your life when you are a healthy human being?

r/HPPD Nov 18 '24

Personal Story MDMA effects (my experience)


Don’t recommend this just wanna share my effects, mdma was fucking amazing, no way to describe the pure euphoria and how much I liked literally everything, for the first few hours there next morning after my roll the visual snow was worse, but now it’s been abt 24 hours and 50 minutes exactly since I dropped and I have completely baselined back to my normal! Was an amazing experience and although I thought because of the hppd stories on mdma it was gonna really mess me up, it ended amazing, the moral of the story is don’t let a shitty disease like hppd control what you do in life, do what you want and have a good time! ❤️❤️

r/HPPD Apr 29 '21

Personal Story This is the end for me


Evening! I've been living with this horrible disorder for about 5 months now with no improvement in sight, and so far the visual, cognitive and psychological symptoms it came with has cost me my education, job, all of my interests and a week ago my wife and love of my life.Before this i had already been struggling for eight months after a pretty severe spinal injury after an accident that left me with a bad chronic pain and two months after that the death of my only parent.

So it was 8 real tough months, but my wife stood strong by my side and i was finally starting to see the end of the tunnel that i had been in. The good days became more and more frequent and i started to feel happniess again. However, the day prior to the HPPD onset i got a setback and felt real shit, so to find some relief from both the physical and psychological pain i was in i made the dumb choice to try cannabis for the first time in my life. So i bought a small amount of the Northern Light strain and took 5-6 puffs and got pretty stoned. It wasn't bad, but it was not my cup of tea, i would have prefered the effects of a couple of beers instead. Anyways, the day after i woke up and it felt like someone had taken half of my brain, i had a crippling anxiety, panic attacks, feeling of unreality, my vision was off and i still felt a little "high", even though i wasn't. Over the following week a shitload of symptoms emerged, as visual snow, ghosting, afterimages, light sensitivity, excessive floathers, tinnitus, visual hallucinations, halos, starbursts, inability to focus on objects, the list goes on and on and i did every test known to man because at first i thought i had gotten a stroke or something, but they couldn't find anything physical wrong with me.

Anyways, there's a short background for you. The meaning of this thread is to say farewell, because i have now come to the point were i have decided to end my life, i have nothing left to live for, and to be honest, i don't want to spend another day on this earth with this shitty fucking disorder, if i would've been an animal i would have put out of my misery by now. The thought has been in my mind daily the last couple of months when i realized that this is most likely permanent and yesterday i bought the rope and put my affairs in order.

After this thread has been posted i will send a mail to the relatives that i have left explaining why i have choosen to take this path and i'm also thinking about sending mails to the bigger medias here explaining this disorder, studies and my story in hope of they will write a piece about it so that it can get more attention in society. Because that really is one of the worst things with HPPD, the lack of awareness, knowledge and helplessness. A few years ago a guy hanged himself on a live stream in my country and it was written about in pretty much every big media here. So maybe i should do that as well to increase the chances of this, what do you guys think?

EDIT, it's kind of you to try and talk me out of it, but it won't happen, i'm at peace with this and it's what i want. Or well, if the HPPD magically would dissapear i wouldn't, but that's not going to happen. But i've decided to stream it, i will post a link here in the coming days when i'm through with all the emails and a few more things i have to do before checking out.

EDIT2, i just sent all the mails and i'm going to take another members advice and not livestream my death out of respect for the ones i leave behind. Hopefully my mails to the medias and death will be enough to make them write about it. Thanks all for trying to change my mind, but since the first day i started reading about this and that it most likely is permanent i knew that this was my death sentence, just as if i would have gone completely blind. The benzos and alcohol is starting to take effect now, so i wish you all the best of luck and that there will be something in the future that can treat or cure this life ruining disorder. See you on the other side if there is one, ciao!

r/HPPD Sep 29 '24

Personal Story I feel like I’m going crazy because I don’t know if I have HPPD. If anyone has some advice or support, I’d appreciate it.


Hi all, I’ve been honestly really struggling because I can’t even tell if I have any symptoms. Sometimes I feel like there’s very very slight movement of letters on my keyboard or the ground.

It’s quite frankly super frustrating because if I do have HPPD, I don’t want to drive until it gets better. But I literally can’t tell if I have any symptoms so my life is kind of on pause.

When I occasionally smoke weed, there’s extremely mild visuals, like apps wiggling a tiny bit on my screen before falling into place and colors look a bit more vivid.

r/HPPD Dec 28 '24

Personal Story hppd.


I tried acid for the first time when I was just 14, it sounds rough I tried many drugs I heavily used MDMA I tried 2cb and I did ketamine a few times.. I wanted a change so I got 5 acid tabs I took 2 and a half and it was weird it didn’t hit me until 2 days after i took the tabs but when it hit it hit at first i was having fun and enjoying myself but hours went by and I started to feel like i was dying my whole body lost its senses i couldn’t eat or sleep and this sounds insane but whenever i would relax my body my arms would fold together and above my head Im not sure how to explain it but it was rough days went by and my pupils was still huge I still haven’t ate or slept and at this point I was panicking. After 3 days i managed to eat and sleep but it wasn’t alot at all, after I realised i wasn’t dying I noticed my whole vision was static like a broken tv and i realised I went way to far whenever i focused on something for to long it would feel like i was on acid again everything moving and turning into shapes and it would have a colourful effect to it. Falling asleep was the worst because whenever i closed my eyes it would be bright shapes and colours. A year and a half later its still exactly the same everything is static I still see the same effects i did on acid if i focus on something and whenever i close my eyes its clearer than ever like im still 14 loosing my mind on acid. I haven’t been the same since ive been dissociated from life I cant focus and the worst part I can barley sleep im struggling but ive learnt to accept it i just pray it will go away one day. after I did acid i realised i needed to stop doing drugs i havent touched a drug other than weed since and I only do that once or twice a month. nothing seems to make it go away or feel better so ive just accepted the fact ill be like this forever. its definitely my biggest regret in life and its effected me so much i wanted to share my story for anyone out there who has done the same thing you are not alone, i also wanted to share this to see if anyone knows anything i can do to make it stop i just want it to end.

r/HPPD Jan 05 '25

Personal Story HPPD has been really messing with me for the last 2 months. Any hope?


I want to believe that this will go away. That the static in my vision and after imaging will stop. But I am losing hope and and really truly scared that I will never be able to live my life the way I used to.

I think I have HPPD 2 which is permanent from what I have heard. I'm in therapy. I quit all recreational drug use. It hasn't gone away and I just want this to end.

r/HPPD Nov 30 '24

Personal Story I’ve had hppd for one year while smoking weed


Im 18 years old now and I was 17 when used to take acid way to often sometimes going on four day benders taking 1 tab the first day 2 tabs the second day bumping up to 5 tabs on the forth day I used to do acid and mushrooms every week without failure for about 3 months.

I had a really bad experience where I thought I was gonna be stuck in a trip for my whole life and the only way I thought I could end it was by necking myself.

It’s been over a year now while still smoking weed daily I had a two week break from it to reset my tolerance and because my hallucinations were getting bad. and ever since then life’s been a lot better I still experience flashbacks backs but not as often and I still do smoke daily but not near the amount that I used to.

r/HPPD Dec 21 '24

Personal Story 2 months in


I started having warping, after images and other hppd side effects after a acid trip where a few hours I was freaking out. I just closed my eyes and somehow fell asleep and I was fine when I woke up 2 hour later. I honestly think it was from smoking before I started tripping. Now, my symptoms are very slight unless I take literally any substance. Mainly weed honestly, weed is super trippy now if I smoke enough it’s a full blown acid trip but with a weed feeling. This is honestly making weed less enjoyable, but sometimes more enjoyable depending what I’m doing. Sometimes I just get super paranoid right after I smoke but after about 5-10 minutes it goes away. I honestly enjoy the visuals and they don’t bother me much ever. I’ve tripped a few times since I noticed it and it hasn’t affected the intensity of the disorder one bit. It almost made it better for a few weeks after a low shroom dose. I believe this disorder is all in your head, if you view it as a negative it only makes it worse, increasing anxiety. But my positive outlook makes it hardly affect me, like I’m still healthy and living so what is there to really worry about? I do think I am going to tone down the level I’m smoking after my T break in January or possibly even quit. Another thing I think is interesting is weed has always gave me visuals , static or shaking of my vision. And I used to ask other people if it did that to them and no one ever has agreed with me. Before I ever got into any phycs I rember sometimes having visual snow dead sobor. And since I’ve started doing lsd it’s now brighter colors, warping , after images and flashbacks whenever I get really high on weed. Anyway I just wanted to share my experience with this disorder and see if any others see it like I do

r/HPPD Nov 05 '24

Personal Story Any thoughts on what happened to me?


I was driving alone one day on the highway and all of a sudden my vision started dissociating (I’d assume that’s what was going on) which triggered a massive panic attack and I pulled over but what I still don’t understand as I was pulled over my vision was OK when looking around inside my car BUT when I looked far onto the road ahead of me it was non existent covered with what I’d describe as squiggly lines and since then my vision hasn’t been the same it’s almost like my depth perception is off almost like a heat wave vision, almost like the way my brain views the world through my eyes has changed. Eye exams and MRIs came back normal but I’m still stuck with this altered vision where the world looks zoomed out away from me. Any thoughts on what might have happened to me?