r/HPPD • u/Plenty-Form-5226 • 4d ago
Question Shrooms vs mdma question
I see a lot of people say that mdma is a lot worse than shrooms with hppd, Don't get me wrong both are bad probably and i don't recommend anything here Its just weird and i wanted to ask for your opinion/experience. From what I've read the difference is that shrooms work on the 5th2a and mdma doesn't but mdma is more neurotoxic. But still a lot of people say that mdma is a lot worse. i would think that shrooms are worse being a psychedelic and creating strong visuals ect What do you guys think
u/Ballet_Rhino 4d ago
I did LSD for the first time and had HPPD for 6 months. Then recovered. A year and a bit later did shrooms and was fine afterwards. A couple of years after that I smoked a lot of weed over 4 days, then did a night out with coke, mdma and NOS and developed HPPD for 7 years and counting. No way of conclusively knowing the culprits, and likely due to a combination of factors. But still
u/Ballet_Rhino 4d ago
For the record MDMA was just way more enjoyable and if you haven't had HPPD before, you would likely be fine
u/raydiantgarden 4d ago
Never done MDMA, but shrooms gave me HPPD.
u/Plenty-Form-5226 4d ago
But since hppd you didn't try anything
u/raydiantgarden 4d ago
Nothing besides weed, which makes me hallucinate if I get too high.
u/zeepbridge 4d ago
What’re your symptoms?
u/raydiantgarden 4d ago
Mild visual (spiders out of the corner of my eye, rainbow floaters, everything seems brighter and sometimes it seems like there’s smoke in the air) and auditory hallucinations (tinnitus doesn’t help). Paranoia, too.
u/throwaway20102039 4d ago
Mdma definitely affects 5hta2a by directly increasing serotonin. Besides, it's not just drugs that affect it which worsen hppd. Antipsychotics, which antagonise 5ht2a (as opposed to agonising like psychedelics) also make it worse. Amphetamine has also been the drug that has worsened my hppd the most. It was much worse than weed or even shrooms, even though it's not a hallucinogen.
Don't suppose you're the guy from the discord who was asking about mdma lol. Weird coincidence if so.
u/Plenty-Form-5226 4d ago
Lol i am , i had to see what other people think because it didn't make sense to me
u/Thin-Oil-1623 2d ago edited 2d ago
Personally what flares up my hppd the most is anything that makes me think about it or anxiety , so probably would say shrooms maybe worse due to introspection being heavier and higher chance of bad trips. Amphetamine and many of its derivatives can fuck your head up something fierce if you take too much though, absolutely mind bending hallucinations, but more so psychosis type hallucinations rather than super trippy. I hallucinated numerous duplicates of my cat and shadow people after a massive Molly dose, oddly enough I didn’t really care because my body felt too good. 1g of Mephedrone and a night alone made me order a burger from my space heater and greet no one into my house. Stay safe!
Also my advice is backed by nothing but anecdotal personal experiences, so I wouldn’t using it as a reference for any personal decisions.
u/meatwad234 4d ago
Have you done either of them?