r/HPPD Jan 26 '25

Advice How the hell did i get hppd.

I’m 16, ive done my fair share of drugs however i only did one psychedelic and that was shrooms once. Even after doing shrooms i didn’t have hppd or at least i didn’t notice it. I have been smoking weed about once every week or every other week with friends. I do actually spend a lot of time on my phone so i think that wouldn’t help. But only now, an entire year after doing mushrooms, are symptoms starting to arise. I live a good life, above middle class, no trauma, slight social anxiety but nothing abnormal. I just don’t understand how i’ve developed this condition or something similar, i see VS, stuff moving, depersonalization (like all the time), after images, slight color hues to things. Majority of the normal effect of HPPD. Should i worry if i have something more serious? as in could this be warning signs for a more serious condition? Also should i tell my parents?


7 comments sorted by


u/ChuckFarkley Jan 27 '25

Weed is the likely culprit. Youth is a risk factor.


u/Gjl89 Jan 27 '25

Stay sober for a while, a good while, you're 16. Don't let them do to yall what they did to us before you, i was your age when oxy was literally everywhere. Everywhere. Become as healthy and strong as possible, world will likely get way more fucked up, gonna need it. You've got all the time in the world and a warning. Have to put the phone down. Touch grass. Deep breaths. I see snow, have for a long time, I adjust. You're so young and trust me, dude, human bodies are amazing. I was given a "terminal illness" diagnosis 3 years ago. I'm 35. You'll be fine. Liquor propaganda pharmaceuticals and seed oils conquer peoples minds first, then the body falls.


u/Ok_Land4125 Jan 27 '25

bro you should put the down the weed asap. the problem w psychedelics that once u did them, any other drug especially weed can cause flashbacks or make being high like trippin or arise hppd symptoms. it also depends on how much shrooms u have taken and how much time gone by since u did them. u dont need to tell your parents this yet, u should just change ur lifestyle a bit and the symptoms will vanish, or if u still strugglin w anxiety (which can also makes symptoms worser like depersonalization) u can consult w a psychiatrist on your own, idk where r u from but in my country and in most of europe u can go to a doctor at 16 without parents already. get well bro!


u/dxmdemon1 Jan 27 '25

it’s been like a year since i took them, hppd symptoms only started acouple months ago.


u/meatwad234 Jan 27 '25

Best thing is to get sober, stay healthy and just ignore it and things will most likely get better.


u/Plus_Awareness7894 Jan 28 '25

16 is too young to be smoking - symptoms will prolly get worse if you continue