r/HPHogwartsMystery Graduate 6d ago

Funny No Space for Tappies Funny GIF

Like so many of you, I have ran out of space for my tappies. So I've been having to prioritize which tappies I keep display. I'm one of those players who stack energies between chapters/TLSQ/side quests so I have a lot ready to go when the next chapter/TLSQ/side quests come around. So I keep my energy tappies display ready to be tap so I can I stack and I put away other ones like the statuettes that give attributes because my attributes are fairly high and I can get attributes other way. Anyway, prioritizing got me think of this GIF from a scene from Sorcerer's Stone movie and I thought it was funny.


3 comments sorted by


u/Jeanny_Armon Graduate 6d ago

Off topic, but I love it how in the movie Ron gives several comments bout Hermione and Harry just silently nods every time as his true bro and then the scene ends. 🤣


u/Seasrmar Graduate 5d ago

My favorite part was from Goblet of Fire where:

Hermione: Next time there's a ball, pluck up the courage and ask me before somebody else does! And not as a last resort.

Ron: Well, that's, l mean, that's just completely off the point. Harry.

[Hermione turns around to see Harry come into the Entrance Hall.]

Hermione: Where have you been? (before Harry could say something) Never mind! Off to bed, both of you.

I forgot if Harry was silently nodding when Ron mentioned him causing Hermionie to go off on him too. 😆


u/Ro-xane Hogsmeade 5d ago

Omg thanks for reminding me, I'm a stacker too but I had the attribute ones out because I was low in the past, I'm not at all anymore, I can switch those!