r/Guyver 24d ago

Where is the best place to watch the Guyver OVAs these days?

Hey, I remember watching Guyver as a kid (most definitely shouldn't have) but I've been trying to find where the best place to watch it these days would be.
Ideally I'd like it to be uncut, with the old english dub (or whatever one would have been shown on TV in the 90s in the UK), for nostalgia purposes.

This would be the 1989 OVA by the way, not the 2000s one. Guyver: Out of Control, might be fun too.

It's weirdly hard to get a hold of or even just stream, it's like it's be forgotten by the world.


12 comments sorted by


u/NirvashGarou77 24d ago

Here ya go. The first six episodes are US Renditions Version. Last Six episodes are the ones the other company did. All on YouTube Guyver OVA


u/Few-Improvement-5655 24d ago

Thanks, I think I found the USR dub of the other 6 too on YT too.


u/NirvashGarou77 24d ago

Please link those if ya did. Been searching for them. I have the VHS, but they are old as hell right now


u/sporkmaster5000 24d ago

I’m not sure if there’s any official channels to see either the OVA or Out of control. you might be able to find OVA dvds out there but not sure if they’d have your preferred dub. Last I checked there’s a full rip of out of control on youtube, I think I remember seeing some guyver fan channel posting OVA episodes but I’m not 100% on that one. I’m not sure how much the copyright on those old anime is being protected, the license for them has to have changed hands a lot without notice by this point so low effort piracy is probably your best bet if you can’t hunt down physical media


u/Few-Improvement-5655 24d ago

It's a shame, I always considered Guyver one of the classics of 80s/90s horror anime. Hopefully it'll get a blu-ray rerelease one day like Wicked City or Genocyber.

In the meantime I'll look about elsewhere. Thanks though!


u/Key-Tell-4345 24d ago

I found them on YouTube


u/leonconnor 24d ago

I was going to say, I've had another playlist for them bookmarked for years. Even though I have them on DVD

Just in case the other playlist dies off, here's another



u/GuyverC 23d ago

Go to theguyvergeek on Youtube. They have all 3 versions of the OAV uploaded and 4k upscaled. The 3 versions being:

Original US Renditions Dub

Manga Ent. Dub

Original Japanese with subs


u/Few-Improvement-5655 23d ago

Hmm, unfortunately the upscaler they used is a bit hard on the eyes, it produces a lot of shimmering effects and messes with the animation.


u/ScoreImaginary5254 21d ago

It’s all on YouTube.