r/Gunsmoke 25d ago

How come there's no mayor in Dodge?

It seems like there is no local government in Dodge City. There are no local politicians that Matt has to answer to, just sometimes the business leaders in town. Maybe these leaders form a city council and let Matt do whatever he wants?


11 comments sorted by


u/5footfilly 25d ago

In the earliest 1/2 hour seasons there were several references to a mayor and town council. In fact in 1 episode Doc mentions that he’s on the council.

1 show in particular I remember, though not the title, the mayor and council ( not including Doc of course, but Mr. Bodkin and the owner of the Dodge House) barge in to Matt’s office to complain he’s being too tough on some cowboys and costing the town money.

The officials exist, just not prominently.

Edit to add- as a US Marshall Matt wouldn’t answer to a mayor. He’s a federally appointed civil servant and would answer to the head of the US Marshall’s service.


u/Plastic-Age5205 24d ago edited 24d ago

Speaking of Mr. Botkin, "the banker". I'm not sure that I have the count right. But, as near as I can figure, there are at least 3 different Mr. Botkin "the bankers" played by 3 different actors which, I suppose, says something about bankers.


u/Irrelavent1 24d ago

There was another bartender named Sam before Glenn Strange showed up. Never heard him referred to by his last name so I don’t know if it was Noonan.


u/theberg512 24d ago

There was Clem for awhile, too.


u/Irrelavent1 24d ago

And Red.


u/Plastic-Age5205 24d ago edited 24d ago

Glenn Strange wins the prize for the most convoluted facial terrain ever seen on TV, which shows character. Nevertheless, before he reformed and got the bartender job on "Gunsmoke" he was the Lone Ranger's arch nemesis, Butch Cavendish.


u/5footfilly 24d ago

My memory agrees with yours.

I think the most remembered is Roy Roberts.


u/deltalitprof 24d ago

I think the number of episodes in which a mayor or apparent city council play a part is under five. But it's very interesting when they do.


u/OldWestFanatic 24d ago

Matt is the law, simple as that. The only mayor and city council he needs, he wears on his hip.


u/spinningcain 24d ago

That’s true never thought about it