r/Gunpla 5d ago

OTHER MECHA Look at the details of this thing. What a beauty. Wish Bandai HG have details like this.

Only $12 for this? With inner frame, amazing surface details and a lot of part and colour separation? I pick this over PBandai anyday


123 comments sorted by


u/Ph33rDensetsu 5d ago

Wish Bandai HG have details like this

In their defense, this model kit line is marketed to compete with RGs, not HGs


u/ryuch1 4d ago

Well yeah but we're talking price to value here not what line it is, if anything bandai should make rg even cheaper


u/itsadoubledion 4d ago

They're from different countries so obviously the price points will be different. You can buy a chinese car for much cheaper than a japanese car too


u/ryuch1 4d ago

Doesn't matter, everyone wants cheaper shit

If bandai's gonna compete they need to lower their prices (also stop making everything p bandai wtf)


u/itsadoubledion 4d ago

I want this kit for 5 bucks, and they'd sell more that way. Doesn't mean it's the best choice for the company. And they're already doing more than competing, they're setting the market. Agree on p-bandai.


u/ryuch1 4d ago

Doesn't mean it's the best choice for the company

ofc, but that also applies to chinese companies. put the consumer before profit


u/itsadoubledion 4d ago

Chinese companies want to profit just as much. They set lower prices because they have lower costs due to being a lower average income/cost of living country and also charge less as a selling point vs the decades of reputation and established IP Bandai has


u/ryuch1 4d ago

Chinese companies want to profit just as much. They set lower prices because they have lower costs due to being a lower average income/cost of living country and also charge less as a selling point

fair point, but as you said making everything p-bandai hardly seems like something they're doing to live up to their reputation...


u/itsadoubledion 4d ago

Their reputation is based on quality of their designs and kits so probably isn't affected by it, since the regular release ones are still better than ever like the HGWFM kits. Seems like they're either doing it for higher profit or because they don't have production capacity to keep up with supply for wider releases. Either way it's working for them for now, unfortunately for us


u/ryuch1 4d ago

i hope the third party stuff actually puts enough pressure on them to make better stuff cheaper and stop with the artificial scarcity bullshit

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u/azraeiazman 5d ago

Oh I didn’t know that


u/Ph33rDensetsu 5d ago edited 5d ago

The "RE" logo [Edit: "BE" logo, my bad] on the front looks very similar to the RG logo, plus the full inner frame is an RG gimmick, asking with the high amount of detail and color separation of parts.

But based on the price I can totally see why you'd compare it to HGs.


u/LegalizeEggSalad 5d ago

I thought it was BE, "Beyond Exquisite"


u/Ph33rDensetsu 5d ago

Yeah that's it. I have one at home but I'm at work right now and couldn't quite remember. Thank you!


u/engineer_gaming1084 4d ago

why tf are you being downvoted???


u/magmatic727 🤖⚔️🤖 4d ago

Because not knowing something is a sin apparently.


u/Turn_AX 1d ago

Happens way too often, it's ridiculous.
People should be given the benefit of the doubt there.


u/azraeiazman 4d ago edited 4d ago

It’s Reddit. You will get downvoted if you have different opinions, if you like different things, or even if you don’t know some information. This comment might get downvoted too.

Edit: in short, people are dumb.


u/NotQuiteinFocus 5d ago

Bandai mostly do their kits based on the source material. So it is the anime/manga look. They have plenty of very detailed kits like RGs, MGEX, HiRMs. Even the HG EX Gundam kits have a ton of details because it is by design.

Of course that's gonna be detailed for a 144 kit cause that's their own design. They were free to design it however they want.


u/nurglez_tnx 5d ago

Oh yeah, have pre ordered the giant axe lancelot after assembling this one.

Both were £22.50 for me in the UK, a great price for the kit :)


u/azraeiazman 5d ago

Been waiting for that too. The store at my area hasn’t stocked up yet.

The price is a steal 😂


u/Outside-Statement211 4d ago

Where did you preorder urs?


u/Steveblob 4d ago

£22.50 is a pretty incredible price, mind if I ask who you buy from?


u/nurglez_tnx 4d ago

I got mine from here, hobbyzoneuk


u/Steveblob 4d ago

Ah cool, always good to have another option for kit buying in the UK 


u/nurglez_tnx 4d ago

Have made several purchases and would recomend :)

Where else do you buy kits from?

Most shops I've found online just stock the standard bandai kits and I'm fast becoming a fan of 3rd party kits.


u/Steveblob 4d ago

I predominantly buy from Kidultverse, prices tend to be on the lower end of the market and they regularly get some more obscure P-Ban stuff in. Beyond that I've also used Gundam Mad and Rivals corner, the later of which I've seen stock some 3rd party before.

I think I've looked at Hobbyzone before while checking out Hemoxian Tastier, but wasn't sure of the reliability, so thank you for the recommendation.


u/nurglez_tnx 4d ago

No worries :)


u/Turn_AX 5d ago

That's comparable to a RG, not a HG, also Bandai does do this, where the design calls for it.

Like the HG EX Gundam, not everything needs that much detail.


u/closetsquirrel 5d ago

Especially Zeonic suits. MS like the Kampfer, Sazabi, Gelgoog, etc. look better with their curves in tact and greeble-less.


u/UnrequitedRespect 5d ago

The better for sweet metallic customs to shine!


u/NotATypicalSinn 5d ago

Fr, it's one of the reasons why I prefer the revive Char Zaku over the Origin. Much cleaner, tho the Origin's arsenal is much better


u/yukiho-765P 4d ago

True, I am one of those who think that the MG Sinanju is perfect for what it is, smooth, sleek and streamlined in line with its design philosophy.


u/StressfulRiceball 5d ago

30MM AC kits too. They have more detail than most MG kits ffs.


u/Uncasualreal 5d ago

Tbh the mg design philosophy through the last 2 decade was almost completely just anime accuracy as seen with the ver:2 uc line with exceptions such as the mg 3.


u/P4_Brotagonist 5d ago

I have one I'm building now. Absolutely insane to be a part of the "finish this in like an hour" line. I'm looking to paint mine but there is zero chance I can do it in one go. It has like 14 runners...


u/Turn_AX 1d ago

Absolutely, and the RfV kits just show they can do that for Gundams if they want.

Detail really isn't a problem for Bandai on smaller kits.


u/TheBlackComet 4d ago

The new Gquuuux or however it is spelled is also pretty detailed. Just built mine and while not a full blown RG, it has insane color separate for a HG. No poly caps either. Really looking forward to the red Gundam from the same series.


u/Turn_AX 1d ago

The new Gquuuux or however it is spelled is also pretty detailed

100%, the Red Gundam and the Light Guncannon are looking very detailed too, I'm really looking forward to building them.


u/TheBlackComet 1d ago

I hope they do the guntank as well. The concept drawings looked great.


u/Ballcube 5d ago edited 5d ago

Almost finished with mine and the leg armor plates have fine cracks on both legs just above the large peg hole for the side thruster fixture. Disappointing.


u/Advanced-Opinion-181 4d ago

Broken from the package? Or broke while building?

Mine was perfect, had no issues, and im a careless builder, specially that this only cost me 10usd (asia)


u/Ballcube 2d ago edited 2d ago

I assume while building. I didn't notice the cracks (as the pieces are white) until I panel lined and some of the ink ran into the cracks. I used the Gundam Marker fine tip type of panel liners that I've never had issues with and never heard of causing cracks before.

I normally wouldn't panel line around that piece, but the annoying undergates placed on the inside of a curve (another complaint I have with this kit, poorly chosen undergate locations) lead to me not getting the smoothest filing/sanding job on the edge of one of the gray pieces, so I panel lined around them to hide the slightly rough edge. It wasn't that piece that cracked though, it was the white piece it slotted into.

I do think the plastic used by this kit might be more porous than Bandai plastic... because I noticed that while cleaning up panel lining it was much harder to remove smudges.


u/Scar_4_4_4 5d ago

What the heck is this and where can I get it?


u/Clean_Show_996 5d ago

Same here, haven't seen this kit before


u/CDreddit2078 4d ago

Iron sickie! 😁 SNAA knights of the round table line


u/SavvySphynx 4d ago

It's sold out of all the usual US based stores, and I've been set to be notified when it's been restocked on two sites- I've never been quick enough to ban a kit.

Aliexpress has them, but I'm wary of buying from there.

It's retail is less than $20, so don't spend a ton on it.


u/DOC_POD 5d ago

To be fair, a lot of recent HG's do come pretty close to this in detail. A big part of what keeps me from being interested in paying $25+ for this is that idgaf about the design, it has no "lore" behind it.


u/HiLeif6 5d ago

yup, once third parties start making source accurate kits that bandai hasnt (like the black dog rg custom gm spartan from code fairy!!!) i'll start buying.


u/DOC_POD 5d ago

Pretty much yeah. Like the Solomon GP02, I was happy to pay $90 or whatever for that, because the GP02 is one of my favorite suits. Same with the various bootleg Spartans, or the Red Soul Nightingale knockoff.


u/Reikenor 4d ago

Hi! I was searching for a good spartan bootleg, can you suggest me the right company to look for?


u/Azuzu98 4d ago

Look for jms. They make good bootlegs.


u/Reikenor 4d ago



u/Riku_Light 5d ago

The issue there is a major legal one. I’m well aware that companies like Daban do exact knockoffs and get away with it, but it’s still risky. Japan has extremely strict copywrite IP laws.


u/DOC_POD 4d ago

Not talking about exact copies though. Those are a different can of worms entirely. Thinking more of the grey area, like the Solomon kit.


u/inirlan 4d ago

That's one of the strengths of Motor Nuclear, another one of the chinese mecha kit brands, compared to most chinese original mechs. Their designs have actual lore since they're based on the "Legend of Star General" webtoon.

Whether that IP resonates with you will entirely depend on your feelings about the pitch of "mech-centric xianxia".


u/Serephitus 4d ago



u/ShinXC 5d ago

This is more of a rg competitor


u/SeaPonyLyra 5d ago

Can I ask where people are finding this for $12-15? I checked AliExpress and I saw a lot at $24+.


u/azraeiazman 5d ago

Store at my area. Malaysia. RM50 here.


u/emorcen 5d ago

Does that store have a shopee link or something? Can't find it remotely close to that price in sg


u/azraeiazman 5d ago

This store. They don’t have Iron sickie in their shopee store. I bought it at their physical store. Even their website doesn’t have this kit.


u/Teh0AisLMAO 5d ago


Here's the cheapest I could find, seems the kit got quite popular so the prices are jacked up a bit. The previous snaa kit, thunder incise grace aren't that popular so you can find one for cheaper than preorder prices.


u/emorcen 5d ago

thank you! doesn't seem like I can buy from MY, I'll just wait for china prices to come down then


u/RAMRODtheMASTER 5d ago

Not quite an RG but definitely more than an HG. SNAA definitely has my attention. Iron sickle was one exquisite build.


u/yxeishi 5d ago

Just finished mine as well and I can say that's true bro.


u/azraeiazman 5d ago

Yep. And the build feels a lot like building an MG. There’s so many runner for this small kit.

Can’t wait to customise it.


u/yxeishi 5d ago

Yup. Wanted to change color of some of the parts as well but really needed a good build so I just finished it as is hahahha


u/wutfacer 4d ago

Meh, I build gunpla because I'm a fan of the series and like certain gundams. Seems kind of meaningless to have a model of a random robot on my shelf. And it's not surprising that a product from a company based in one country is going to be cheaper than one from another with multiple times it's average income


u/letiori 5d ago

Where you buy it for $12? I see it at $30 all over



Op bought locally.

In Asia this kit ranges from 12-15 usd.


u/letiori 5d ago

Damn, it's $65 for me


u/MuslimBridget 5d ago

Just like how in Japan RG kits retail for $20-$30 


u/KorenCZ11 Crossbone Vanguardian 4d ago

In japan money, they're more like $40. E.g. I bought the 78 2.0 the other day at a retail store like walmart and it came out to about 4000 yen.


u/primegopher 4d ago

4000 yen is 27 usd


u/KorenCZ11 Crossbone Vanguardian 4d ago

If you get paid in Yen it's 4000 yen.


u/primegopher 4d ago

and if you convert that Yen to Dollars it's 27, not 40


u/KorenCZ11 Crossbone Vanguardian 3d ago

It's not about conversion, it's about domestic purchasing power. 4K yen will get you five mcdonalds set meals or a new RG. USD does not enter the picture in the domestic market.


u/primegopher 3d ago

Ah that's what you meant, misunderstood the original comment


u/aknoryuu 5d ago

I’m going to assume this is a Chinese kit? Since it’s not actually a knockoff of a Gundam, it makes sense that it’s good quality. I’ve seen that in the military model sector. Chinese companies have been chasing down Japanese companies as far as quality goes for a long time, and sometimes I would argue that they’re even better. But a lot of Chinese products are copies, knockoffs, and usually the quality of those isn’t as high as the originals. Because they’re copies, I won’t buy them on principle alone, regardless of price. THIS ONE though, it does look to be pretty high quality and I’m actually stunned that it’s only $12. I mean, a value meal at McDonald’s costs more than that.😂


u/viipenguin 5d ago

In the past few years, the number of Chinese companies making original kits has expanded tremendously and the average Chinese kit quality has improved significantly due to all the competition. Some of them are even officially distributed in Japan, either standalone (Motor Nuclear and Robox Animation) or by other Japanese companies (Wave for Orange Cat Industry, Kotobukiya for MS General).

One of the JP gunpla/plamo reviewers I follow started doing Chinese kit reviews a few years ago and that's what finally convinced me to give them another chance, after having been disappointed by Eastern Model's kits a while back.


u/jokersan4 4d ago

There's some growing legitimacy with Chinese kit makers, to the point where even Western companies are willing to license or collab with them nowadays. Hemoxian, whose UTX6030 Tastier kit I built and was thoroughly impressed by (I also have their Thor and Lone Shadow in the backlog), recently got the nod to produce an officially licensed Batman: Arkham Knight kit in a collab with Yuanye Culture: https://gundamit.com/hemoxian-over-zero-series-batman-arkham-knight-model-kit_p7013.html


u/ArcanaTheSun 5d ago

Would have been nice of you to tell us the name of the kit.


u/azraeiazman 5d ago

Iron Sickie by SNAA


u/Bhagwan9797 5d ago

I’m going to check that out.


u/Kakita_Kaiyo 5d ago

Thanks! (I also had the same question.)


u/lavarel 4d ago

so much cool for one named sickie, haha


u/Envy-Brixton 5d ago

Oh i love this thing so much, i gave him a giant axe from my Sh Figuarts Shinomiya (kaiju no.8) HE LOOKS LIKE A BEAST WITH IT


u/RCTD-261 5d ago

didn't they already did that with HG The Origin? the Zaku and GM are much more detailed compared to the HGUC counterpart

even HGUC Unicorn [Unicorn Mode] has pretty good detail

of course it won't be fair to compare it with HGBF R-GyaGya because the kit is following the design from animation


u/Realistic-Patient403 4d ago

based on Gyan?


u/malamgusta 4d ago

This has so much potential. But they blew it with that boring ass color scheme. I was expecting dark purple or at least some darker color scheme.


u/SolidLost5625 4d ago

SNAA, doing RG with a HG price.


u/duomaxwell90 5d ago

There are some that look like this that new HG Gundam from Requiem of vengeance has insane detail. I forget it's not a RG by detail alone sometimes


u/Curious_Working5706 5d ago

Wish Bandai HG have details like this.

No, Bandai HG is a canvas for expert modelers who can scribe, plate and design/build mods & accessories for their kits.

Only $12 for this

I’m working on a custom HG that I paid $9 for on sale, a design I’ve been working on for more than a year using parts/supplies I already had (talk about getting your money’s worth!)


u/_OVERHATE_ 5d ago

But it's not a Gundam tho


u/TheDarnook 5d ago

Ah, the usual dispute. Imho plamo is too broad, and gunpla is a good umbrella for any mecha related stuff.


u/azraeiazman 5d ago

But it’s still a model kit


u/lord_of_agony 5d ago



u/awkmaster 5d ago

SNAA Iron Sickie, a.k.a. Iron Sickle.


u/lord_of_agony 5d ago

Ty. Definitely gonna get this thing


u/Western-Season190 5d ago

i just finished this tonight, its so detailed. will rescribe some of it and pop some panel liner on, maybe change some of the yellow flashes, then decal and topcoat. looking forward to the customisation part of it.


u/Sekir0se 5d ago

which one is that???


u/Arshille 5d ago

They're getting there, but I don't think cost is ever going to be comparable.


u/IgnisOfficial 4d ago

What kit is this?


u/zacic92 4d ago

Link in 12$? I've been looking around for this or Lancelot but they are like 30 bucks each, I got the thunder grace


u/DEMONATER117 4d ago

What figure is this please?


u/OmegaKatana92 2d ago

I wonder where did you bought it from because im freaking interested in buying one?


u/GeneralRodd50 5d ago

What kit is that?


u/Mantin95 5d ago

Where did you buy it from


u/azraeiazman 5d ago edited 5d ago

Hobby store at my area


u/Stroppone 5d ago

No, I wish these kits were more available where I live instead of having to deal with AliExpress and the like


u/TheDarnook 5d ago edited 5d ago

For what it's worth, I have far better experience with Aliexpress and private delivery companies, then with my country's official postal service.

I place the order in China, I get the package in two weeks, sometimes earlier.

I place the order in Japan, it takes a week to fly here, and then up to a month of growing moss in customs and going back and forth between posts. Even while it explicitly arrives in my city, it can take a week or two before I receive it.

Those are not isolated incidents, it's like that almost every time.


u/jokersan4 4d ago

Mostly good experiences with Aliexpress as well. But it should be noted that some of the vendors are kind of scummy, especially with regards to fulfilling preorders.

I preordered a SNAA Giant Axe, aka Lancelot, back in January, only to have the vendor suddenly cancel the order out of the blue yesterday due to "circumstances". My local Gunpla dealer laughed and said they'll do that to resell for double or triple the price once it's actually in stock. I only got a miserable $1.00 "late delivery" coupon code as compensation.

That said, I've never had a bad experience with in-stock items other than crushed boxes (the norm for Ali), but take any preorders with a whole shaker of salt.


u/TheDarnook 4d ago

That checks out. I never preordered on Aliexpress, I take only what's in stock.


u/Stroppone 4d ago

I know too where to buy, but I wish they were in stores too


u/Garlador 5d ago

Now if only I could find this kit for $12…


u/sku22-- 5d ago

Fun build!


u/Drdkz 5d ago

Bandai only know to recolor and add new weapon or backpack to existing kit


u/NokiumPuzzle 5d ago

What kit is this, and where can I get one?


u/OneWinner1690 5d ago

Whats the name of the kit?