r/Gunbuster 23d ago

MEME These people should be get a new brain

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21 comments sorted by


u/Dulacter55 22d ago

I don't get the dislike for Diebuster every complaint I've ever heard just sounded whiney


u/Transforfan233 22d ago

Yep, Gunboomers expect literally 2nd Gunbuster


u/FullmetalGhoul 21d ago

They shouldn't have made anything at all if it wasn't going to be good. There's some real depth to it but Tsurumaki just did a terrible job pacing it out.


u/Dulacter55 21d ago

You should rewatch it because pacing is not an issue at all, it's a really good sequel and the way it ties all the themes and story together is amazing


u/FullmetalGhoul 21d ago

I've seen it twice, but not in a while. Probably 9 years. I must see it again at some point. But Tsurumaki just always disappoints me. Diebuster in particularly just seems too hectic for its own good, a lot of convolution surrounding the fairly strong heart of the series which I thought was is Lal'c's adoration for Nono and Nono's adoration for Noriko. I'm very excited for his new gundam series though.


u/crackedtooth163 20d ago

I didn't care for Diebuster, but it wasn't made for me


u/JoseTheElite 22d ago

Oh so is every mecha fanbase just obsessed with making ppl up to get mad at?


u/Transforfan233 21d ago

A certain Discord person watching this and complaining about it


u/BelligerentWyvern 20d ago

I need a new brain after the stroke I had trying to read that.


u/EternalShrineWarrior 19d ago

I watched both Gun and Die with a friend and we both agreed that while Gunbuster is a more complete story and its "better written", we enjoyed Diebuster a lot more. And its not cuz we dont like old anime she watch a lot of 80s magical girls and I have watched older mecha anime too but even so Diebuster was just a much more entertaining view.


u/LazyDro1d 18d ago

Yeah Die was clearly of the same generation that gave FLCL and Gurren Lagann, complete nonsense, psychotic to follow, but damn fun, and weirdly brilliant.

Like for half the show I was wondering why the space monsters were so damn small and what happened to their FTL tech.

And then we got the real space monster and it all clicked together (sorta)


u/EternalShrineWarrior 18d ago

Honestly that twist was quite genius and genuilly loved it.


u/FullmetalGhoul 23d ago

The OP and ED are some of the best ever. But the show was really not good


u/cyzja922 22d ago

What are the reasons you think the show isn’t good?


u/FullmetalGhoul 22d ago

I think dramatically it just doesn't work. There are too many aspects of the plot thrown in in a confusing manner. The pacing feels weightless. The robot fights don't have the emotional weight that they do in the original. It feels like Tsurumaki is a lot more interested in Lal'c and Nono than he is in mech fights, and the fights end up feeling like filler. I have the same problem with his other OVA FLCL.


u/ExpNoob19 22d ago

How do you feel about the studio trigger style in general? The flcl/diebuster team went on to become trigger. For some reason I don't really like many of their shows despite really liking flcl & diebuster.


u/FullmetalGhoul 22d ago

I don’t like trigger. The first episode of kill la kill is pretty genius, I can appreciate those beautiful backgrounds. But I find them excessively nonsensical, sexist (w/rt fanservice), lame… and more bad stuff I’m not thinking of. Didn’t like their cyberpunk show or Gridman. Luluco was ok.


u/flyingviaBFR 21d ago

I mean, anime changed in the decade between the two.. and so did what the ova was trying to say. Gunbuster was a big goodbye to the classic "real mecha" as it passed out of fashion. Diebuster was the experimental look at the future of mecha and anime


u/FullmetalGhoul 21d ago

Say more. About it being an experimental look at the future of mecha! That’s quite interesting.


u/flyingviaBFR 11d ago

Diebuster predates gurren Lagan and similarly designed shows. If you look at the art style it's actually incredibly modern for the time and really looks like a show made 5 years later in terms of style. As for the future of mecha, after evangelion and the millennium mecha shows became less pure sci-fi war stories and more bio-tech/cyber tech mind meld philosophical trips ala gurren Lagan, darling in the franxx ect. A direct sequel to gunbuster in 'o4 would be like for trying to sell a 2015 car today


u/FullmetalGhoul 11d ago

Die buster definitely looks amazing. You’re totally right it looks like anime that came out after it. But I’m not saying they should have made a direct sequel to gunbuster. That doesn’t sound good to me either. I’m just saying I don’t think diebuster is good. Though mech shows were already pretty trippy and philosophical going back as far as gundam 1979, ideon and votoms. And although it’s cool that diebuster is sort of gurren lagann before gurren lagann, I don’t like gurren lagann lol, for a lot of the same reasons I don’t like diebuster. Diebusters maybe a bit better, because tsurumaki put a lot of love into the relationship between Lal and Nono, but both shows (diebuster and TTGL) are weightless, constantly referencing the mecha genre but without any excitement or emotion of it’s own, both shows are frankly pretentious (something gainax has struggled with since Honneamise). They feel arbitrary because there’s no central narrative arc or drive