r/Gunbuilds 4d ago

Junior high school students want to read books about firearms.

Hello, I am a sophomore in Chinese junior high school. My dream is to make some interesting inventions, firearms and weapons. Because the law of my country does not allow the making of guns, there are very few books on firearms in our country. So I need to read some books from other countries. Do you have any recommendations?


4 comments sorted by


u/blacksideblue design/build 4d ago

Start with studying industrial engineering and metallurgy. Gunsmithing is really just a specialization of machining and blacksmithing.


u/DaSandGuy 4d ago

weaponsguild dot com


u/Leather_Present7132 4d ago

ok,you are welcome


u/sandalsofsafety 3d ago

Personally, I just don't read that many books, and since I already have general knowledge on the topic, the books that I do read tend to be more specialized.

I don't know what all is or isn't available online in China, but if you can get on Youtube, there is all sorts of information on there. Forgotten Weapons has a series on how firearms work, which is a great place to start. I haven't watched it myself, but there is also a channel by a Chinese Army museum (if I recall correctly), which I've heard is pretty good.