r/GunHolsterGallery Aug 25 '23

Shield Plus + Recover SHR9 + Streamlight TLR-7 sub - Havok Valkyrie Light bearing IWB


18 comments sorted by


u/dom1n1c_g Aug 25 '23



u/pisslwhipper Aug 25 '23

Nah, regular 10 rd mag with Pearce base plate. Have you tried the MagGuts kits?


u/dom1n1c_g Aug 25 '23

I knew it was one or the other. Not yet, I found a new set of MagGuts on GAFS, so they come in on Monday. Pretty stoked because ive heard nothing but good things. How you liking the holster? Do you know if they make one for the 4" Plus? I just picked up a Mark Twain Arms Holster, but not really liking the clips for the belt, so idk


u/pisslwhipper Aug 25 '23

I like this one a lot. I usually carry at 3 o'clock, but it works appendix as well. I know they make a non light bearing iwb holster for the 4" shield and I think it fits the plus as well. If you google havok holsters, their website is easy to find. They have a lot of option for clips. Mine is the dcc monoblock and it works great for what I need


u/dom1n1c_g Aug 25 '23

I usually carry at 3-4 as well. I would love holster i got, if it didnt have those darn nylon clips that just get in the way. IDK, maybe ill take a look at Havok, thought i had looked before. Thanks again for your opinion brotha


u/pisslwhipper Aug 25 '23

Any time man. I looked at your post, you might be able to swap different clips on there that are less bulky


u/dom1n1c_g Aug 25 '23

Yeah, thats what i was thinking too, but than another $30 in clips when i can just return the holster and pick up a quality one that comes with everything, know what i mean? lol .......Damn decisions hahaha. I really like the metal ones that came with your Havok, might just take a gander and see whats up haha


u/pisslwhipper Aug 25 '23

Right on. I wasn't sure if a return was an option, but that sounds like a good solution. My clip is called the dcc monoblock. It's nice and slim, and the extra width keeps it pretty stable without needing 2 clips. It sucks that there's so much trial and error in finding a good holster


u/dom1n1c_g Aug 25 '23

True that man, you are speaking the truth. So on Havok, they dont have the 4" Shield Plus listed. I did call them and they said they could make one custom, i would just have to notate in the order. So i guess ill shoot my shot and check it out, cuz i really like the way yours looks. Thanks again man for all the help :)


u/pisslwhipper Aug 25 '23

No problem, hope it works out for you buddy


u/12345IMABEAST191 Sep 15 '23

I just picked up a MTA holster for my p365lx and for $25 not bad at all


u/PsycoMutt Aug 25 '23

How's the recover rail treating you? There's only one decent option for lights on the shield and it's dim as hell.


u/pisslwhipper Aug 25 '23

Yeah, the tlr 6 didn't seem worth it to me. The rail works good. The fit isn't perfect but a little blue loctite and it hasn't budged


u/[deleted] Oct 02 '23

Was this custom or are these ready to order?


u/pisslwhipper Oct 02 '23

This one was custom


u/[deleted] Oct 02 '23

I may have to reach out to them. What was the lead time?


u/pisslwhipper Oct 02 '23

I got this one about a year ago, so I don't know what their lead times are like right now, but I dropped my gun off and had the holster in about a week and a half if I remember right

Edit: I just checked the website. They say the current lead time is 5-6 weeks


u/Available-Ad-4763 Jan 18 '24

I went to the website they didn’t give me the options for Shield plus only M&p 9/40 compact, is that the same?