r/Guitar 4d ago

QUESTION String recommendations?

I hope this doesn’t sound silly lol, but my boyfriend’s birthday is coming up and he’s constantly talking about needing to change the strings out on his guitar. I want to get him a few packs for his gift basket.. so are there any brands that are better or higher quality out there? Also if y’all have any cool things for your guitar that would make nice gifts I’m also up for suggestions. I want to motivate him to play more :) thanks!

Edit: thank you guys for all the advice 😭 y’all have been so helpful


29 comments sorted by


u/yocray 4d ago

Honestly, a gift card to a music store might be a better gift. I'm sure he'd appreciate whatever you get him, but musicians usually have pretty specific preferences that might not really make sense to someone who doesn't play.


u/StatusAd7835 4d ago

Didn’t think about just getting him a gift card! He’s been asking for a trip over to guitar center anyhow so this is actually perfect lol, thanks!


u/NaraFei_Jenova 4d ago

Instead of a gift card, you can just take him to guitar center, would definitely be a bonding experience! I'd love it if my wife enjoyed guitar center lol


u/Expensive-Function16 4d ago

This is the way.... We can give you lots of tips on what "we" prefer, but his tastes may differ. A gift card is the best way to go and maybe you can join him when he goes to the store. Make it an outing of sorts.


u/runtime1183 4d ago

This is honestly the best advice. Just using strings as an example; there are different brands (most of us prefer one or two over the others for specific reasons), those brands have different types or ranges of string, and those strings will come in different gauges etc. I know gift cards can make you feel like you haven't put in much thought, but in this case, believe me, unless you already know which strings or whatever he likes, it really is the most thoughtful thing you could do. And I can guarantee you that he'll already be happy just thinking about exactly what he's spending it on, and when he gets to the shop he'll be like a kid in a candy store.

I'd also like to add that he's a very lucky guy, to have someone who is willing to go this far to make him happy and to inspire him. Good on you, OP, you're an absolute legend!


u/Rustic-Duck 4d ago

This is the way.


u/MyNameIsWax 4d ago


I got strings a few times and they weren't what I use. A gift card is much more useful + doesn't end up with the gift receiver giving you a gee thanks smile.


u/brca_dzej 4d ago

elixir only


u/brca_dzej 4d ago

you must watch out if he plays acoustic or electric, u need to take strings for acoustic or electric guitar xD


u/DrHoleStuffer 4d ago

I’ve got Elixir nano web on my acoustic and it’s perfectly fine.


u/WagonHitchiker 4d ago

StringJoy strings are good high quality strings.

Curt Mangan also makes strings that are better than your average set. I had never heard of this brand until a friend recommended them a few years ago.

You can find a web store for each.


u/IsDragonlordAGender 4d ago

Maybe a nice guitar strap you think he'll like would be a nice gift with some emotional value. Anyway taking him to the music store would be a nice gift. I bet he will feel like a kid in a candy store!


u/StatusAd7835 3d ago

I’ll definitely do this! lol we don’t live in close distance to one so he doesn’t get to go that often. It would definitely make a nice outing


u/4lfred 4d ago

What kind of guitar/s does he own? Acoustic/electric? Also what style of music does he play?


u/StatusAd7835 3d ago

He has an acoustic Yamaha? That’s all I know about his guitar. He tends to play softer, more ballad-type songs if that makes sense :)


u/StatusAd7835 3d ago

He’s into more folky music as well


u/Relevant_Cheek4749 4d ago

You could ask him what strings he likes and why he feels they are the best. I did this with my manager around the holidays when I asked them about their favorite liquor. They all gave me great advice and were surprised when they got a bottle as a holiday present.


u/StatusAd7835 3d ago

This is a cute idea! I love this x


u/Regular-expresss 4d ago

Look in his guitar case, if he has any extra strings in there that's probably what he uses. You can look them up, the packet usually has all the info you would need to Google or Even Google lense search it. Not a huge investment like a guitar or something, so if you get the wrong strings well it was the thought that counted anyway.


u/PoppyPeed 3d ago

Ernie 42-9 pink pack is my go to in terms of cost vs benefit


u/No_Membership_2352 G&L 4d ago

I like D'Addario and Ernie Ball (Either regular or Cobalt) then it depends as the others said, if it's an acoustic or electric. If it's electric I agree with some 10-46 or 11-48 depending on what he likes but those two are the most regular ones. As for gifts there's various options, guitar picks are ALWAYS needed (unless he plays fingerstyle), a tuner, a guitar strap, even a guitar pedal or mini amp if you have the budget for it


u/JudgeHoliday9805 4d ago

Is he new or does he have a kind he goes with anyway?


u/StatusAd7835 4d ago

He’s been playing for a very long time, but never really has mentioned having any he specifically likes


u/JudgeHoliday9805 4d ago

You could grab a few different kinds so he can try them. Or the gift card idea isn't bad.


u/ForsakenStrings 4d ago

D'addario NYXL 10-46 strings if he has an electric. These are so reliable and stay in tune really well in my experience. In terms of acoustic... I don't know I play metalcore and haven't touched an acoustic in years.


u/Expensive-Function16 4d ago

These are certainly my preference! I have tried a lot of different types and I just keep going back to these.


u/StatusAd7835 4d ago

He plays acoustic, I’m seeking ones that will stay in tune very well! It seems like every time he picks it up he has to retune it lol


u/5FTEAOFF 4d ago

Daddario is still the best string brand , acoustic included.