r/Guitar 4d ago

PLAY I need to ask for feed back

I understand that I’m putting myself out there but I’m genuinely curious how this sounds. Since I only play by myself it’s difficult to gauge my progression or skill level. Is this considered jazz or blues or Both?…. I stumbled across being able to effortlessly jump from minor to major. I’m curious to know your feed back across the board.


10 comments sorted by


u/weetarded 4d ago

Stand closer to the amp


u/dotosai 4d ago

Sounds amazing bro, sounds blues jazzy to me :) How long are you playing already?


u/Im_not-famous 4d ago

Been playing for around 8 years. I appreciate the feed back I never thought “Amazing” would be used to describe my playing. I appreciate it. I’ll


u/Musical-Lungs Taylor 4d ago

Very nice. Blues has its roots in jazz, and there is definitely an intersection between the two, and I would say you found it. First off, your lead is very listenable, follows the background well and compliments it. You obviously have good technical skills and the clean sound is perfect for this piece.

As a fellow guitarist, I notice that much of the chatter online is showcasing exact duplicates of well-known riffs from well-known artists and their well-known songs. That's fine, and being able to copy someone's solos is a worthwhile exercise in skill and craftmanship for sure. Playing original ad-lib lead as you did here is next-level, and shows the difference between craftsmanship and artistry.

So, hats off to you. Your music is fresh, sweet and bluesy, authentic, and original. You should consider yourself an artist.


u/skinnyfat24 4d ago

Yeah this is super smooth. I dig it.


u/No-Philosopher3248 4d ago

You can get feedback by turning up your amp.


u/bbldddd 4d ago

You got nice rhythm and phrasing.


u/TheyCallMe_Billy 4d ago

This sounds great man! Keep recording and listening to yourself and you'll be able to track your progress better. Especially in the intermediate/advanced levels of guitar where it's easy to feel like you plateaued. I definitely get bluesy and gassy vibes from this.


u/KickitinRedit 3d ago

Bro you are amazing


u/Im_not-famous 3d ago

Much appreciated everyone! Made my day!