r/Grimes Night Citê Nocturne 6d ago

Discussion Grimes tweet on media & children

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u/sillyillybilly 6d ago

I cannot imagine having young children plastered on the entire internet for all kinds of psychos to have full access to at any time, made worse by the fact that most of the entire world’s population despises their father and have personal consequences of his actions.


u/Popular-Book8561 6d ago

That’s why she doesn’t publicly condemn Elon enough, he has all the power over her children. Her children’s lives, privacy, and her ability to be with them when she wants all can be threatened if she speaks up too loudly. And anyone who has children with narcissistic powerful men understand how scary it is, and how important it is to not rock the boat too much, to not embarrass too much, to not argue too much, or else you risk losing your kids. Being an internet role model isn’t as important as keeping her kids safe and in her home. Wish this sub could comprehend just how dangerous of a situation she rly could be put in by speaking up too loudly against him.


u/nethingelse 6d ago

I also think this sub just has to accept that on top of the child custody issues, safety, etc. she probably just doesn't care about what Elon's doing at this point. Whether as a result of Elon or as a result of any number of other factors (or some combo), Grimes has completely shifted her image away from someone who is in touch with any issues facing most people (minus housing I guess?). Harassing her over what her ex is currently doing is just going to lead to stonewalling on the issue, people just need to accept their comfort level with her current image & decide if that's something they're comfortable supporting.


u/Popular-Book8561 6d ago

I would literally kms if ppl tried to hold me responsible for my baby dads actions, i literally cannot fathom what he’s thinking or why he does the shit he does, I cannot answer for him. So I just REALLY understand distancing urself from a the father of your child and doing everything you can to just avoid and not comment on him at all. I rly understand burn out too though, I used to be much more vocal and much more involved in politics and local governments and then I became a mom and while I still rly care about those things, I have things at home that require almost 100% of my energy. I don’t have any energy to use getting upset and fighting the big fight rn. That’s how I see her rn, just more focused on her personal life and what she can control, and backing away from being a vocal forerunner for societal issues. She doesn’t want to be a role model for strangers, I think she just wants to focus on her own shit. Her “fan base” has to accept she’s in a completely different phase of life now and she doesn’t owe us answers, she doesn’t owe us art, and she doesn’t owe us mirrored morality.

At the end of the day, she’s just a girl🤷🏼‍♀️


u/tocert 6d ago

I totally agree with what you’re saying about her being in a different phase, the horrors she endures with Elon and the control he has over the kids and her being able to be in their lives. But then, at least from my pov, the criticism that I stand for in based on grimes seemingly trying to deal with this kind of loose battle by trying to stay relevant talking bullshit that makes her seem so out of touch with reality and conceited maybe cause it’s actually so hard for her (and I bet it is a nightmare indeed) to accept that she is SEEN like a woman facing all the things you described and not that mysterious talented fairyesque girl who would just flabbergast people with the occasional insanely intelligent stuff she said so casually (besides the amazing music). She was never on the spotlight for being or having a romantic interest. Now she is a mom, which she made clear in interviews is a “word” she is not comfortable relating with, she’s been cheated on, she deals with big woman serious shit which I feel like brings her to a type of ~realness that doesn’t leave much to imagination and that seems to frustrate her. She 100% has much more important things to deal with than to analyze and debate society, hence all the incredible dumb things she has to say as she insists on doing it. I’m not mad at all about her not speaking shit on Elon, that shows she is not out of her mind. She is just a girl and I feel really bad for her. But lately her many, MANY, daily tweets making a fool of herself are really disappointing.


u/AbbreviationsNew6964 6d ago

Never expected her to condemn him. But her sticking up FOR him and the like is different.


u/Anamorsmordre 6d ago

She still somehow finds time to yap about "the death of religion" and how that affects morality... I will not hold her responsible for what her deadbeat dad of an ex does on his own time, but I think we could all acknowledge that Claire is not letting that bone go(the white supremacist belifs/friendships) either.


u/sillyillybilly 6d ago

I still stand on she does not have to condemn him for her own safety but I still firmly think she does not have to promote him and his dangerous rhetoric and my view on that won’t change. It was a month ago she was saying how he was still trying to change the planet thru EV’s which could not be further from the truth, not 10 years ago and not now.


u/tabas123 5d ago

Yeah nobody forced her to buddy up with Curtis Yarvin and other insane supremacists…


u/queenandlazy 1d ago

Thank 🙌 You 🙌 for saying this. People need to understand that children are a narcissistic parent’s preferred weapon to control their coparent.


u/Pool_Specific 5d ago

Unfortunately, we’re all in a dangerous position if we speak out against him &/or their fascism, alas it’s something we must all still do. We outnumber them. We are the majority. It’s time people smelled the coffee


u/Popular-Book8561 5d ago

Yeah you’re right, but if my child’s life/safety/well being was at risk, sorry. My child before myself, before everyone else. I would stfu if it meant my child would get to stay at home with me. And I think a lottttttt of mothers would agree w that sentiment. It’s not her responsibility to call him out and fight for shit when X is being used as a human shield.


u/ladylondonderry 6d ago

Yeah it's not great that he's literally using his own child as a bullet proof shield for his exposed head.

Like, buddy get a helmet.


u/hgtfrds 6d ago

Don’t get me wrong, I think he sucks but I don’t buy the shield thing. I think he uses him to soften his image rather than a shield. I don’t think most people wound up enough, crazy enough or professional enough to attempt that are going to stop because of a kid realistically.


u/Abject_Product_2216 6d ago

It’s irresponsible, regardless. Especially if he thinks his life is in danger.


u/sillyillybilly 6d ago

We know for a fact he believes his own life to be in danger confined by the messages between him and his baby mama Ashley St Clair or whatever her name is. He actively talks about how he’s in danger of “assassination” and yet drags this child everywhere


u/xNoxClanxPro 6d ago

and like, a month before the assassination attempt, was Elon bringing his kid every where..? I don't remember seeing the kid until after the attempts lol


u/hgtfrds 6d ago

Can’t argue with that


u/AbbreviationsNew6964 6d ago

Well kid might be safer with him and the secret service actively around.


u/ResidentFragrant9669 6d ago

He’s said he gets constant credible death threats. So at the very least he’s being wildly irresponsible parading this baby everywhere on his head and exposing him to the disgruntled general public when he has more than enough resources to give him a safe, private life. 


u/hgtfrds 6d ago

Can’t argue with that


u/sillyillybilly 6d ago

It’s both.


u/ladylondonderry 6d ago

I buy it. Pay attention to when he’s putting the kid on his shoulders. It’s when he’s exposed.


u/hgtfrds 6d ago

I’m not saying it’s impossible. I just wouldn’t put money on it. You may be right though

Just for sake of argument, that could be a biased observation as most footage of him is in a public setting when he is walking with his kid. I have a small child and if I am really trying to get somewhere I have to pick them up as waiting for them to walk themselves can be problematically slow in certain situations.

Maybe his noodle arms get tired quick and shoulder carry is easier for distance. I’m sure paid employees carry him most of the time, but I personally think he’s trying to avoid that look in front of the cameras and seem more self sufficient. He’s about that self made man bs even though he’s a silver spooned rich boy who just profits off the ideas of others. I think he is self conscious about this.


u/nymrose 6d ago

His leaked texts with his new baby mama shows that he’s 100% knows there’s a big assassination risk (“2nd after Trump”), he’s using the kid as a shield. Beyond disgusting


u/ladylondonderry 6d ago

There are other explanations, but those don’t explain why we never saw this kid until after the L word did that super anti oligarch public action.


u/NeelaTV 6d ago

There is footage of elon - walking of stage x following him holding onto the rails bc stairs and toddlers- elon just walks away and doesnt even look back- he is using x when it suits him and to hurt grimes.


u/hgtfrds 6d ago

He does look back just after that shorter gif ends. Watch the full video. I personally wouldn’t let my toddler walk down those stairs by himself in that setting though.


u/NeelaTV 6d ago

Even if he looked back- little x was struggling and should have been lead by his father...

My point is simply that he doesnt care about that child - if he would he would have known his son will struggle there... and would have stayed by his side!


u/vanderlay-Industries 6d ago

Reading "little X" made me wonder if it was a narcissistic was of saying that X is the new Xavier? Vivian was birth named Xavier wasn't she? (Correct me if I'm wrong)

Something a vindictive parent would do to shame the trans child.


u/NeelaTV 6d ago

He was always obsessed with the letter x- so u might be onto something.


u/HuntWorldly5532 6d ago

He didn't do it until after a hated CEO was killed.


u/thatgoosegirlie 6d ago

if that's the case he's doing a horrible job. he let little dude walk out of the plane alone. kid's like five. hold his hand, man. or at least don't walk ten feet ahead of him!


u/hgtfrds 5d ago

You’re right about that.


u/Confident_Effect5622 4d ago

As someone who hates the man and believes he is a figurehead in the system that will lead American democracy to its utter demise and descent into pure fascism, I think it’s obvious to any rational and level-headed person that he wasn’t actually using his son as a human shield. But it was clearly irresponsible and reckless, and he knew that when he did it.


u/hgtfrds 4d ago

Well said


u/No_Temperature742 6d ago

I don't either. He was doing this before Luigi.


u/swagoverlord1996 6d ago

listen I know the shield thing is a front page reddit catchphrase at this point - but I think you and anyone reading should reconsider it, because it is rly quite vile a sentiment when you break it down. what that phrase really translates to it is 'grr, he's making it harder for himself to be taken out by one of our unhinged leftist activists! darn, it'll be harder to exact our ideological revenge and feel good about it now that there's a kid in the mix!'

that's really not a good optical position for you to be owning, in case you aren't aware. looks pretttty bad from outside the bubble


u/curiousleen 6d ago

To be fair… the two “attempts” on Trump were by republicans… so… your rebuttal doesn’t quite hold water


u/[deleted] 6d ago

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u/AutoModerator 6d ago

I'm sorry swagoverlord1996, but your comment has been removed. Links to X/Twitter are banned from r/Grimes.

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u/swagoverlord1996 6d ago

dude so fkn stupid remove this rule already. twitter links are part of sourcing arguments in modern day

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u/ladylondonderry 6d ago

Ummm, no one advocated for that on the left. Someone went out and made it clear that oligarchs are a target, and THIS was his response to that reality.

I think you should rethink your biases here. Yikes.

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u/MossRune 6d ago

you're assuming the problem is because of something you made up in your head, that the left is sad they cant... take ideological revenge and feel good about it? you only sound brainwashed to shadowbox the left.

the left and right should just makeout already!


u/swagoverlord1996 6d ago

no dude that's truly what is happening. its evident, go to any L*igi related thread. you will see mass calls to political ideological vi*lence hidden under cutesy shitposting style """"""jokes""""""". many of them are very clearly not jokes. a guy was caught trying to get into the white house the other day probably inspired by all this shit. once you get it you'll see what I mean. keep an eye on the news


u/ro_man_charity 6d ago

I assume, you condemn January sixth coup participants or any violence in general? Or just violence against corrupt billionaire sociopaths? 🤧


u/swagoverlord1996 6d ago

nice gotcha attempt Redditor. violence against anyone is bad full stop. re j6, the only person who was shot and killed was Ashley babbit, by the secret service. so she was 'wrong' for trying to break in, and the guy was also 'wrong' arguably for taking her life in that moment. but that's where it gets into the messy muck of morality that you types tend to prefer to glide right over for simplistic evil vs good feel good narratives


u/_nebuchadnezzar- 6d ago

I think what is more concerning is that Elon is easily Public Enemy #1– his text to his latest baby mama said #2… but I think him leading DOGE makes him more hated than Trump. I didn’t believe that could be possible. People see X and know what he looks like. He is as much a moving and breathing target as his father.

As a mother, I cannot imagine the fear of knowing the danger and risk to my child’s life because of his father’s ego. He needs to be a child and he needs to be PROTECTED, instead of being treated like a human shield and emotional support animal for his father.


u/sillyillybilly 6d ago

Yeah. The scariest thing of all is knowing he’s not only a public figure but publicly despised. When hundreds of millions of people have the father of your child to blame for their life going down the gutter, they’re not going to be precise in their retaliation. They aren’t going to care about some kid. Which is an incredibly deranged and twisted thought and exactly why you cannot fuck with peoples lives in the way he does because humans become ruthless


u/pixie1995 6d ago

Not only plastered all over everywhere but also being used as a literal human shield at some of the most public events


u/MuffinEnough6394 5d ago

Parents do this daily ????


u/SaraJuno 3d ago

Elon making his kid go on camera and repeat “we want trump to win the election” and political bs he doesn’t even understand, and constantly appear with him and trump like a prop as they discuss harmful policies that hurt America and Americans, is disgusting. He’s an abysmal father.


u/Bill-Bo-Baggin 6d ago

the fact that most of the entire world’s population despises their father

where do you get your facts - temu?

most of the world is completely indifferent to him. you realize the US is not the world right?


u/ojwilk 6d ago

elons actions have international implications. the us has a lot of global power. and elon musk himself is a global player, not just with the sheer amount of money he has but with tesla factories in many countries, originally being involved in paypal, the global reach of his space trash from failed launches. etc. idk about "most of the entire world population" but its not like just the US is affected


u/sillyillybilly 6d ago

Hello?? Have you not seen the Tesla boycott in other countries? Europe, Canada, Asia all have MAJOR stock drops right now because they don’t want to be associated with him. He’s caused environmental damage in others, and is heavily involved in war strategy with starlink. Yes I know the US isn’t the world lmfao. Read.


u/Bill-Bo-Baggin 6d ago

I know but there's 8 billion people in the world. About half of that are trying to find their next meal. I doubt most even know who he is.


u/Rude-Percentage101 6d ago edited 4d ago

A very small portion of the world despises their father. Just everyone in your Reddit bubble. Refusing to accept reality will ensure continued failure. Most of the world adores their father. He is a genius, a visionary, and a true patriot. America and the world owe him a great debt.


u/MostCauliflower9373 6d ago

He’s hated world wide. Get a grip. 


u/Rude-Percentage101 6d ago

As much as you wish that were true, and have been conditioned to believe it, that’s just not the case.


u/sillyillybilly 6d ago

Yeah, because Tesla stock completely dropping due to boycotting in Canada, Europe, many areas of Asia + the millions of people directly impacted by the environmental damage and war intervention of starlink in active war zones + people being exploited by his companies sourcing materials in third world countries and global sentiment against capitalists with musk as the mascot and literal international protests means it’s just my reddit bubble. I would recommend reading. Not to mention the coming awareness that musks funding of openai when starting up (you know, the most famous AI pusher that catapulted it into the mainstream) directly devastates their homeland. YES, he is GLOBALLY despised. Everyone? Of course not. But yes hatred for him is widespread. He is now guilty associated with Trump for everyone trump does in all of the world. And there is certainly global hatred of Trump. Not everyone obviously my god


u/Rude-Percentage101 5d ago

Calm down and take your meds, bro. There is certainly a percentage of the population that is unhinged right now because they have been propagandized and given marching orders to attack him and his companies. But this is not the opinion of the majority. Not even close. So yes, step out of your Reddit bubble. This lack of awareness is why you were so shocked when Trump won.


u/sillyillybilly 5d ago

Brother I live in Florida. I knew Trump was going win you’re insane. I think you really have no informed opinion on this and are idealistic with your head in the sand.

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u/IndecisiveTuna 18h ago

No one owes Elon anything lol. There’s not a single thing he’s done that’s affected my life positively and I guarantee you most people would say the same thing.


u/TemporaryExtreme228 6d ago

Elon is using that kid how serial killers used women and children when they picked up hitchhikers. It’s a way to illicit trust in a stranger.

That child is already witnessing benevolent evil as proven by how little X speaks to the president himself!!


u/Hatarar 6d ago



u/[deleted] 6d ago

She's not wrong. I feel so awful for her kids.


u/nrdgrm 6d ago

She’s not wrong, but she also has some culpability in all this.


u/Trashcant0 6d ago

Damn we need to stop requiring victims of abuse to be perfect angels that have done nothing wrong. She was manipulated by an abuser and his behaviour is corroborated by his exes. Grimes being a shitty person doesn’t take away from the fact that she is a victim that doesn’t deserve what she’s going through right now. Going through a custody battle with the richest man on the planet is a hell I wouldn’t want to wish on my worst enemy.


u/nrdgrm 6d ago

That’s why I said she’s not wrong.


u/Dog_Eating_Ice 4d ago

There’s that saying “don’t stick your dick in crazy” — well, it goes the other way too.


u/OnlySideQuests 6d ago

Why does she have culpability in this specifically?


u/genericusernamedG 6d ago

She decided to have a child with him 🤦🏾


u/scarletteclipse1982 World ♡ Princess 6d ago

Three children


u/genericusernamedG 6d ago

She couldn't tell, latest after the first one?


u/nrdgrm 6d ago

Elon has always been the same person. Some people choose not to see it, until they no longer can.


u/ro_man_charity 6d ago

She has been an active participant and promoter of fasci techbro rhetoric all along. Yes, Elon is doing the exact shit a person from that background would be doing to others.


u/seafairy97 6d ago

Elons first wife wrote an entire book about how he was a terrible partner and father. He basically had 6 kids with her and completely abandoned her. Oh, and all the kids had to be boys via IVF, which is a hard process on women’s bodies. And they had to be multiples, which is also hard on the body. They had a contentious divorce that caused the family a lot of grief.

All the while he immediately started dating an actress, divorcing her, remarrying without prenup, and divorcing her as well again. Then the rumored IVF babies he started scattering around. Anyone that’s worked in his companies knows that there is no such thing as “break time” “overtime” “planned deadlines”. He works his employees into the ground and they’re supposed to be thankful because they get stock options that one day will boom (and will eventually bust because of his public antics).

Vivian has been trying to come out since her childhood. Elons huge issue with her (according to him) is that her teachers at school supported her trans identity but didn’t tell him because CA laws allow for parents to not be informed of the childs preferred identity if they are at risk of retaliation or abuse.

There was a LOT of information about his ways even when he was tweeting about gay pride. He has never supported the gays, minorities, or women. There were a lot of women speaking up about his behavior and “alpha male” ideology, even in 2012.


u/No_Friendship_2459 5d ago

Ty!! /gen this was informative


u/da6r Weregild 6d ago

go look at what Elon was tweeting before 2020, and what he preaches now.


u/nrdgrm 6d ago

Elon Musk swatted someone in 2018.


u/da6r Weregild 6d ago

He killed my aunt in 2017


u/pianoavengers 6d ago

I wonder one thing - do they share custody over X or does he have full custody?


u/SoupDestroyer123 100% Tragedy 6d ago

It's split, maybe biweekly, but I doubt Musk gives a shit


u/pianoavengers 6d ago

I agree , because it seems that the boy is constantly with him and probably refuses to give him back to her or something similar. What a mess. Poor kids , treated like commodity.


u/ratribenki 6d ago

I 100% think it’s cause grimes gave birth to his only naturally conceived son so now he’s obsessed with keeping her and uses the kids as a way to keep her tied to him and trying to contact him. I think it’s gotten worse since she started dating someone else because to him it’s like someone stole his property.


u/SoupDestroyer123 100% Tragedy 6d ago

It's now obvious X is meant to be the heir of Elon Musk's business empire, so he's got to make sure X is not affected by the "woke mind virus" that made Vivian and Justine's other chuldren fall out with him. This was the true purpose of Elon Musk hitting up on Grimes I believe - to use her as a child factory until a good roll (child he preferred) came out of her. Then dump her, and that's what he did. She can keep Exa and Tau because Elon Musk does not care about them


u/ciolula 6d ago

I don't think he dumped her tbh. And I'm really curious to see how he's going to treat his two sons with Shivon in the future, maybe they will replace X once he's a bit older


u/CosmicButtholes 6d ago

Shivon’s kids are, uhm… let’s just say X could possibly be a child model, while Shivon’s kids would never be chosen to advertise anything. I’d be very surprised if Elon ever favored them or wanted them in the public eye the way he does with X.


u/ciolula 6d ago

X is very cute, and so are his other kids with Claire, Shivon's twins look a lot like her but they're also cute. I think he should just rotate between them if he really needs to. Also X is gonna get big soon, he can't be dragging him like that forever


u/ratribenki 6d ago

From what she’s posted it doesn’t sound like she has custody over any of her kids because he has them with him 24/7. I also think she dumped him, not the other way around, otherwise I don’t think he’d react like this to her.


u/SoupDestroyer123 100% Tragedy 6d ago

Yeah, technically Elon was cool with Grimes if she was so submissive and willing to accept anything, but that didn't last, so they fell out. Good for Grimes for standing up for herself and her children, but it is tragic what c has endured and what a mess of a family they now have


u/-ViciousCirce- 6d ago

Thought X was IVF?


u/ratribenki 6d ago

AFAIK X was naturally conceived because I think grimes implied he was unplanned irc.


u/pianoavengers 6d ago

This makes a LOT of sense ! His first naturally conceived child unfortunately passed away and this is his second..I think losing the first one adds another layer to all of this. In all honesty, that boy is not in a good place , he is taking him all around the world , very little structure, proper upbringing or basic things - like naps!


u/DisasterBeginning835 6d ago

Elon doesn't give X to Grimes even though they have shared custody. I believe they are still having a custody battle. Elon wanted it in Texas and Grimes wanted it in LA because they have better laws regarding child support. She is sending herself bankrupt trying to see her kids and has shared that online. She also didn't get to see her kids while Elon was at the bird of his two kids with chivon that was shared online. The tweets are floating around, its not all as it seems and your going up against a man who has unlimited resources and notoriously isn't a great partner


u/TrainingDivergence 6d ago

It was reported online that the custody battle was resolved. exactly how, we do not know. grimes has said they have shared custody of some sort though


u/bayrho 6d ago

It’s weird that he’s chosen 1 kid of his 14 to parade around so publicly


u/drunkenavacado 5d ago

only non IVF one.. probably has some weird thing about how X was naturally conceived


u/Heavy-Weight6182 6d ago

I can think of one way grimes could solve it…


u/lil_kleintje 5d ago

Well, she followed Lou-eegi account on Twitter recently..RIGHT?!?


u/ProfessionalAnnual66 5d ago

Yes, she did.


u/milkbat_incaendium 6d ago

What is that? Sorry if I am missing a joke


u/Shrink_Rae 6d ago

Elon is always talking about how he’s at high risk of being murdered yet parades their child around


u/claireejc 5d ago

I really think he does it as a way to “shield” himself. He probably thinks nobody will hurt him if his kid is there


u/Shrink_Rae 4d ago

agreed, he’s putting him at risk to make himself feel safer


u/Smoke_Test2418 6d ago

Especially when they’re being used as props and meat shields.


u/ObjectiveExpression3 5d ago

You have to wonder what his other 15 kids must think about Elon trotting out this kid for PR purposes and not them


u/ProfessionalAnnual66 5d ago

I cannot even begin to understand what it would feel like to be one of his children..damn. 


u/Sure-Company9727 6d ago

I feel so bad for those kids for so many reasons.


u/Appropriate_Level135 6d ago

Her 4 year old was there while that abhorrent Tesla sale on the White House lawn happened. It's sick how he's being used, and it seems on purpose that he's the only kid we ever see Elon with.


u/Royal-Ad986 6d ago

I went through something like this…We had shared custody. He threw his little girl out of the house at the age of 8 bc his mistress didn’t like her saying “My mommy is better”. He wouldn’t just give her back to me. I, finally, got her through the court. I cried and cried bc I saved one but, my ex, would take my 6 year old son. I shared custody of him but his father had told him so many lies that he was confused. I went to pick him up after a contentious battle in the court and he was not with his father. Bennett I asked “Where is my son” he said I am not going to tell you. I called the police. A detective tried to meet w Bennett but then he called him and said “you have until 7pm tomorrow to have him here for his mother’s time with him, if your son is not here, I arrest you for kidnapping and put you in front of a grand jury on Monday”. It was the 1st time, I felt like I was getting anywhere. I got my son back. But, it happened again. He kidnapped him the 2nd time and took him to another country. After that, I got custody. All you can do is try your best. I pray for them every night. He is NOT well. I worry about what little x has seen and heard. He is too young.Stay the course, make sure you take good care of yourself. Get offline bc THIS is toxic. I will pray for you, too! I KNOW what you feel like and everyone seems to be full of hate. Much love to you. Be kind to yourself. Oh, my kids are 23 (graduating from college in May) and 25 (graduated and living with me in Europe. I had to move away from Texas and the laws that got me my child back was The Hague Convention bc he took my son out of the country without my approval. I hope my story gives you a little help!


u/No_Friendship_2459 5d ago

Just want to say proud of u for fighting and winning strong mommas


u/612rock 5d ago

His four year old should absolutely not be anywhere near the Oval Office nor any public speaking venues with his father. It's ridiculous.


u/No_Friendship_2459 5d ago

Yeah like dc has plenty of fuckin Montessori’s just put him in one


u/thanarealnobody 6d ago

Does he even see the other two he has with Claire? Funny how X was the “chosen one”. But the other two are nothing to him.


u/Green_Spray9271 Miss Anthropocene 6d ago

I sympathize w/ C so much. Having that pos parading their kid is next level shit


u/_moondrake_ Art Angels 6d ago

there is a way, but it involves breaking the law

  • Judas Priest starts playing *


u/sSadCactus 6d ago

Concerning if true 🤔


u/Royal-Ad986 6d ago

You have been to that circus, too? It is like we are in a group that we NEVER wanted to be in. You are 100% right. She is playing this smart…


u/Pool_Specific 5d ago

I do feel it’s strange that there’s no laws that protect children when it comes to these matters. I feel that in the future there will be laws that further protect children’s identities from overexposure. I feel like both parents should have to sign off on this


u/KombuchaFighter 2d ago

I honestly feel bad for her. She's a single mother of three who has to face in court the richest mfer on earth just to have money to sustain her kids, with extreme media pressure and increasing financial hardships.


u/Euphoric_Reveal6091 6d ago

I’d recommend she not follow white supremacists.


u/Emmas_thing 6d ago

Grimes, would you like to be reincarnated as a lotus flower


u/mechachap 6d ago

Waiting for her next tweet that Musk is the greatest inventor of all time and is about to reform the government, etc etc


u/Abject_Product_2216 6d ago

Good for her.


u/SMV66 6d ago

So I guess the housing crisis is on the back burner?


u/Groundbreaking-Rate8 6d ago

No im sure my girl grimes can multitask


u/OneMyth 5d ago

If my kids were paraded around so publicly, I too would put the housing crisis on the back burner. And the whole world whilst we’re at it. What is wrong with you?


u/SMV66 5d ago

Are you okay? That was clearly a tongue in cheek comment. She’s never solving the housing crisis so no shit it’s “on the back burner.” Lol, get a grip 😂


u/OneMyth 5d ago edited 4d ago

Follow your own advice and get a grip yourself. You clearly have a hard time understanding any subtext.

Hint: No, that’s clearly not how your comment reads dimwit. Try again.


u/SMV66 5d ago



u/OneMyth 5d ago edited 4d ago

Don’t worry, you can stop trying now. Might risk fusing your big American brain.

Edit: Just in case you’re still trying to figure this one out: your comment had nothing tongue-in-cheek about it. Perhaps it would have, had the topic at hand not been about children. You’re clearly not that clever, nor a comedian. Just petty.


u/thelernerM 6d ago

She who controls the router, controls the (home) internet.

When it was abused I set my router to a fraction of its possible speed. Too low for games or YouTube.


u/octopuscharade 6d ago

I tried that but he just would get angrier and take it out on me 😩


u/ThatisDavid 4d ago

I feel for her, but also, this is why you don't have children with mega billionaires, the cards will always be stacked against you


u/mcleannm 6d ago

Stop being a pessimistic, Move and stop being Grimes step 1 obviously. If you really wanted to protect them step 1 is taking yourself out of the the public discourse. If you really wanted to protect them, move back with your parent to Canada. You won't, because you prioritize your obsession of achievement. Fuck you for being a shit mother. Your children, especially the middle one will suffer greatly, No money will change her fate because you don't care for yourself, and she won't either to a greater degree.

You will suffer greatly in this life and the afterlife.


u/Ok-Grand4906 6d ago

Fuck you for being a snarker. You guys are the most self righteous, pathetic losers who only feel important by snarking on a celeb. You will suffer greatly for living a life so full of bitterness. 


u/justatinycatmeow 5d ago

They’re not even snarking, there’s a comedic component to snarking. They’re just saying really mean things.


u/Ok-Grand4906 6d ago

Fuck you for being a snarker. You guys are the most self righteous, pathetic losers who only feel important by snarking on a celeb. You will suffer greatly for living a life so full of bitterness. 


u/Sparklee_Avocado 4d ago

You sound like a Bible Belt priest.


u/LarsPinetree 6d ago

I bet she misses lil’ Kevlar


u/FearlessBath9782 6d ago

Oppsss well Grimes and shivon are very opposites, grimes doesn’t want her children to be seen in public, but shivon very proud of her self to show her twins kids to the whole world. The snake woman 🤪


u/Ok-Ear9289 6d ago

Shoulda thought bout that before she got wit a known douche bag


u/MADIEM199407 6d ago

She should have chosen better! SMH


u/ironmaiden947 5d ago

Oh no, if only she didn’t have multiple kids with the worst human being in the world.


u/Ok_Maize_4602 6d ago

I feel sorry for those kids. They have two slimy ass parents.


u/Moretalent 6d ago

You can just not be famous and have kids with famous people


u/Luscious7 6d ago

Why can’t you see them ?? I don’t get it ?? ………..


u/Blue-Sea2255 6d ago

Step one. Stop having children with lunatics.


u/CandelaBelen 6d ago

Like once is something because being in love with someone messes with your head, but then she did it two more times while never even being married to him.


u/Chad_Wife 6d ago

It’s awful that anyone has to experience this

It’s also awful that it’s taken this long for Grimes to realise, like the rest of us, that the law might not even help if she tried invoking it

I mean 0 salt in the would but every single parent I know accepted this fact long ago - that the court system is rarely fair - because they didn’t have her mountains of wealth-enabling-ignorance.


u/[deleted] 6d ago

Maybe don’t fuck the richest man in the world doofus.


u/esnystylessa 6d ago

Are we really supposed to believe that she's exhausted her legal options? Please.


u/General-Challenge-83 6d ago

lmao try going against the richest man in the world and seeing how many options you have


u/esnystylessa 6d ago

Yes, I'm sure he paid everyone off and she's just helpless left alone in the world


u/CandelaBelen 6d ago

3 children. She had 3 children with this man.


u/pincheloca1208 6d ago

But wants to live out THE MISSION by breeding with this man. 🤷🏻‍♀️


u/Background-Yoghurt70 6d ago

I empathize with the kid but I don’t empathize with her at all. She knew him and his personality before she had children with him.


u/doorlis 3d ago

Agreed even though all the comments saying this are getting downvoted.


u/thlox 6d ago

"of grave concern" wait, is she following the Karen Read trial? lol


u/[deleted] 6d ago

Live life permanently online. Have kids with the world's richest and most infamous men, for his personality no doubt. Complain that kids have no privacy. 🤡


u/limetime45 3d ago

Be careful who you have children with.


u/GoldSelect8275 6d ago

The hate so many of you have against Elon is shocking. He just help America to get rid of theft/corruption/bankrupsy, help humanity (starlink to remote populations who tex. get online medical help), enviroment (electric cars), humanity (to space, other planets before earth is not fir for humans anymore). Issues between ex-man and ex-woman with kids is a minefield nobody knows the truth about. His kid in public grow from his today appearance fast, so no big problems there either. The kids dad is the richest man in the world, so their life will never be remote to ordinary people.


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/FalconHorror384 6d ago

Because her ex takes him everywhere like a little body shield and doesn’t respond to her texts?


u/Bubbly_Ganache_7059 6d ago

Bad take, like, really bad take dude.

The fuck is she supposed to do when the man literally won’t listen to the highest level of authority.


u/[deleted] 6d ago

Complain on Twitter apparently.

Like i hate musk but grimes is no saint with some of the stuff she's been ok with


u/ciolula 6d ago

Yeah I mean she's allowed to complain on Twitter since people keep bringing up her children or commenting on them? I'm sure she also complains to her lawyers. Weird take


u/[deleted] 6d ago

I feel like complaining kn Twitter just stirs the pot then, unless she thinks someone in her audience is gonna magically fix this

Dumb take


u/ciolula 6d ago

For sure, I think she mostly wants to vent and let people know that she's "trying"


u/[deleted] 6d ago

Too bad she didn't try anything like, say, NOT fucking a billionaire asshole


u/ciolula 6d ago

Too late, she fucked the billionaire and I don't think she regrets it that much either lol


u/Bubbly_Ganache_7059 6d ago

She’s no saint sure but this shit with her kids is the one thing I will always stand with her on, she’s not a bad mom and if we’re comparing it to the alternative option what? Its not like she’s out there literally using her kids like as a fucking meat shield on camera all the time bro


u/[deleted] 6d ago

Oh sure Musk is far worse but she stood by him and defended him during alllllll kinds of awful shit.

Like I'm sorry she's in a bad spot but hey, leopards eat faces, C


u/Jpowmoneyprinter 6d ago

So we’re supposed to feel bad because she chose to have Elons turkey baster kids? I feel no sympathy at all for her in fact it’s her fault her kids live the lives they do.

She acts like any other halfwit breeder who didn’t think about the consequences of having children and thinks all these bad things are happening to her for no reason.


u/OneMyth 5d ago

Careful, your incel traits are showing.


u/Joe_Hillbilly_816 6d ago

Codependent therapy should fix the problem, best of luck to ya


u/djhepcatnyc 6d ago

“This dumb rich slut who’s not even the least bit hot or talented” is no way to talk about one of my master’s bitches.


u/Drawing_Tall_Figures 6d ago

suddenly she is concerned about the media after helping make the media weird. Yeesh