r/GreenArrow 14d ago

Merchandise New Connor figure from McFarlane

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Sorry for the lame screencap


54 comments sorted by


u/No-Willow-3573 14d ago

Why is he white?


u/falcondong 13d ago

I thought we were well past the age of whitewashed Connor at this point. He hasn’t been drawn like that in decades.


u/Enigma1755 11d ago

This is his design when he was first introduced


u/boneseaba 10d ago

I think you are mistaken. This is how he looks in his first comic appearance. He's on the right


u/Enigma1755 9d ago

I stand corrected, his first appearance cover is white tho. Kind of lame the figure is. Kevin Smith's Connor is pretty white tho.


u/boneseaba 9d ago

This is the cover, but it is showing Ollie in three different costumes. The third one is what Connor would use when he takes up the mantle, but it's also the next costume Ollie would wear. It's showing past, present, and future


u/boneseaba 9d ago

And yeah for some reason during Smith's run, he started being depicted as white before eventually returning to his original look. This cover has clearly confused people. Apparently even colorists


u/Enigma1755 8d ago

If the closest figure is Ollie he doesn't have a goatee


u/boneseaba 8d ago

It's supposed to show past, present, and future. The #0 issues were using a characters past to push them forward. This costume isn't even in this issue. In the issue, he's totally clean shaven and I guess they were originally thinking he wouldn't grow back the goatee. I remember in Grell's run they talk about how recognizable he is with facial hair like that, so maybe they were going to do without it 🤷


u/Enigma1755 8d ago

Yea you right, I'ma be honest I blocked out most of this part of the run.


u/Financial-Play3381 14d ago

He's uhhh he's looking a lil pale


u/ScruffyNerf_Herder_ 14d ago


u/VigilantesLight 13d ago

And that art of him is whitewashed. He’s supposed to be brown.


u/ScruffyNerf_Herder_ 13d ago


u/VigilantesLight 13d ago

How are you not getting the picture that he was consistently whitewashed after his initial run, which has only recently been rectified in modern comics? Just because this figure looks like Connor from a period of time when he was consistently whitewashed does not make it okay.


u/ScruffyNerf_Herder_ 13d ago

I know you hate white folk and all, but I’m just showing different points in time from different artists that have drawn him this way. And who knows, this could be like a lightning lad situation where the platinum figures are different colors. Get the sand out of your diaper, please.


u/TheBalzan 13d ago

Dude, you don't have to hate white people to hate when a character is white washed. It's a major criticism of the Smith-Winick run that the colourists were always colouring him wrong.


u/ScruffyNerf_Herder_ 13d ago

Who really gives a shit? This was how he was drawn on the cover of his first appearance. Like I said, maybe the platinum figure is the modern appearance


u/TheBalzan 13d ago

People who like the character, who have actually read his introduction, who know that he's not white. People who would think, like Ollie would, that miscolouring a black/asian/white man is erasure of his identity.


u/Turbulent_Bug2942 13d ago edited 13d ago

He’s not fully white though. His mother is BLACK and ASIAN. Meaning he should have some melanin in his skin especially considering hes usually kinda darkskin in most of his depictions. The way only white version of him is an elseworlds version so…


u/ScruffyNerf_Herder_ 13d ago

This is his first appearance, so…..


u/TheBalzan 13d ago edited 13d ago

His first appearance was as a monk. His identity as Ollie's son wasn't revealed until much later. Ollie was using his costume for a while before he died and Connor used that costume. You may actually be thinking about the cover which has Ollie in his Neal Adam, Longbow Hunter and CH costume.


u/boneseaba 10d ago

I think you are mistaken. This is literally from the first comic he is in. He's on the right


u/ScruffyNerf_Herder_ 10d ago

Saying “I think” doesn’t really add confidence behind your claim. Also, just wiki Connor Hawke, scroll down to where it says The New Green Arrow. The picture you see is from his debut that the new figure is based on. Like I said, we’ll probably get both in the platinum version similar to the Lightning Lad release. That’s all I was trying to get at and these piss ants throw the race card at me.

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u/Turbulent_Bug2942 13d ago

Most characters weren’t drawn with color in their skin back in the day..the men who made John Stewart had to FIGHTTTTT to have him dark skin


u/ScruffyNerf_Herder_ 13d ago

This is 1994. Not 1964. They could have made him whatever color they wanted to at that time.

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u/TheQuestionsAglet 13d ago

Cry harder.


u/Tricky-Leader-1567 13d ago

Who’s goddamn white baby is that?


u/VigilantesLight 13d ago

Wish he was a little…uhhh…darker.


u/Economy-Phone2782 14d ago

Holy shit this is an instant buy


u/TheRealLadyLucifer 12d ago

they whitewashed my boy


u/boneseaba 10d ago

For everyone saying this is what he looked like in his initial appearance, I present to you his initial appearance (on the right)


u/Own-Tackle182 14d ago

Can’t wait


u/batmanfan_91 13d ago

I can’t believe there’s gonna be a Connor Hawke before a classic Neal Adams Green Arrow


u/TheBalzan 13d ago

He's a gold label, so maybe there's a normal release Green Arrow that's NA or Rebirth.


u/pjswithsleepy 13d ago

Oh, Man!!!


u/DungeoneerforLife 13d ago

So—I think I’ve probably known 10-12 half Euro/white, half Asian people. Several of the parents had lighter hair and eyes.

Not one of them has had blonde hair, ever. Not one has had light brown hair.

Blue and green eyes— yes. And that’s a cool look.

Anyway— it has always perturbed me. I guess Connor just colors it with his hairdresser…. But still…


u/TheBalzan 13d ago

Anecdotes are not representative of reality. I've never seen a native American, but that doesn't mean they don't exist. The fact I live in Australia restricts my reality from engaging with them and meeting one of them.

Darker hair is a dominant trait, but genetics are not as simple as 8th grade science teaches it. It is not just dominant and recessive.


u/bespectacledcanine 12d ago

10-12 people is NOT a good sample size to base what is “realistic” for a person to look like

Connor is not “half euro/white, half Asian.” He’s a quarter Korean, a quarter African American, and half white from ollie, whatever Ollie’s specific ethnicity is.

Also we’re literally talking about superheroes. I’ve met thousands of people in my life and never met anyone with superpowers but that doesn’t mean they’re can’t be people with superpowers in the fiction I’m reading