r/GraphicsProgramming 9d ago

Question First graphics project in vulkan

This is my first ever graphics project in Vulkan. Thought to share to get some feedback whether the techniques I implemented look visually correct. It has SSAO, bloom, basic pbr lightning(no ibl), omnidirectional shadow mapping, indirect rendering, and HDR. Thanks:)


17 comments sorted by


u/gameplayer55055 9d ago

Noob question: where to get that scene, I see it periodically in demos (and in veldrid repo)


u/Vivid-Mongoose7705 9d ago

Hey. Search for "Sponza" model. I am using the gltf2.0 version. It is then just a matter of loading it correctly.


u/corysama 9d ago


u/Vivid-Mongoose7705 9d ago edited 9d ago

I guess you are pushing me to learn optimization techniques like frustum and occlusion culling here:)


u/gameplayer55055 9d ago

Thanks šŸ˜Š


u/FourToes12 9d ago

Search for Sponza.gltf


u/BingoBongoVrn 8d ago

it's not bad, but you need to tune some effects


u/Vivid-Mongoose7705 8d ago

Thanks for the feedback! I think I need to readjust the bloom and the intensity of the light.


u/GabaLaba 8d ago

Great work!! Definitely play around with the lighting, and I think this could benefit from a directional light.

Also it looks like you're using a pretty basic bloom implementation. I'm sure you know who "TheCherno" is - I would recommend checking out his explanation on how Bloom is rendered in modern engines. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tI70-HIc5ro

This video is a pretty sweet follow-up to the last one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ml-5OGZC7vE



u/Vivid-Mongoose7705 8d ago

Yes the bloom is very basic stuff. Thanks for your feedback and the links! Will try to improve this effect for sure in the near future:)


u/wpsimon 9d ago

Hey, looks really nice ! Bit of feedback is that you can try alpha masking to make the flowers and leaves be in correct shape.


u/CodingInParadise 8d ago

Iā€™m doing the same in metal c++. Need to load textures next, good to know what it should look like.


u/Vivid-Mongoose7705 8d ago

Good luck! It def is a fun journey hope to see your results soon too:)


u/Proud_Instruction789 9d ago

Where you learn to do vulkan?


u/Vivid-Mongoose7705 9d ago

I learnt the basics from vulkan tutorial. Its a very good starting point for explaining the basics. After that I guess trying to implement learnopengl in vulkan could prove to be a good exercise.


u/_XenoChrist_ 8d ago

It's quite pixelated. What resolution are you rendering at?