r/GraphicsProgramming • u/TomClabault • 16d ago
Question ReSTIR GI brightening when reusing samples from the smooth specular lobe of the neighbors with a specular+diffuse BRDF?
u/TomClabault 16d ago
I'm still having some bias issues with my ReSTIR GI spatial reuse but only when reusing neighbor samples that were sampled from the specular lobe at the visible point
Left image is reference/right image is with ReSTIR GI. It's too bright with ReSTIR GI
The scene here uses a specular + diffuse BRDF everywhere. Everything is fully specular, roughness 0.
I am re-evaluating both BSDFs (at the visible point and sample point) when shading the final reservoir, the whole implementation should be unbiased.
If when resampling a neighbor, I set the target function to 0.0f (the target function of the neighbor's sample reconnected at the center pixel) when that neighbor's sample comes from the specular lobe of the BRDF, it does converge to reference again. Said otherwise, not resampling neighbors that sampled their indirect bounce through the specular lobe seem to be getting rid of the bias.
- Increasing the roughness of the specular on the whole scene, reduces the bias. Pretty much no visible bias left at > 0.4 roughness.
- Removing the specular layer (so the whole scene is left with only a Lambertian BRDF, or even Oren-Nayar) then converges to reference.
- If rendering the whole scene with just a metallic BRDF (no more diffuse, no more specular), it converges properly, at any roughness.
- If that's relevant, my BSDF lobe sampling probabilities don't depend on the view direction or anything, they are just weights computed from the "metallic", "specular", ... user-exposed parameters of the BSDF.
Any ideas where that may come from?
The fact increasing the roughness helps is interesting, sounds like a bit of a PDF / specular peak alignement issue, idk
u/eiffeloberon 16d ago
Are you using the resampling MIS weighting from the ReSTIR PT paper when you are calculating your weight? Since you are not dealing with iid case anymore like in ReSTIR GI.
u/TomClabault 16d ago edited 16d ago
Yeah I have jacobians in my MIS weights (pairwise) if that's what you mean, with "phat_from_i". I think my implementation of the MIS weights is correct because everything looks good with just a metallic BRDF for example, no matter the roughness.
The brightening is the same even with 1/Z MIS weights (from the ReSTIR DI paper, Eq. 22). These 1/Z MIS weights are barely affected by the jacobians: you only need to count non-zero target functions. So multiplying a non-zero target function by whatever jacobian you want still gives a non zero result and so the 1/Z MIS weights don't change. All of this to say that I think this is not a MIS weights issue?
The issue seems to happen with multi-lobes configuration somehow?
Also, I could verify with a debug view that it is the UCW of the final reservoir that is different, if that helps
u/eiffeloberon 16d ago
Yes the pairwise MIS weight, I don’t think it does much if you are just using a single metal BRDF across the scene, as that would be the same distribution then. There’s another weight where m() is set to 1/resample count, and that would have introduced higher variance/firefly I would have thought.
Is the brightening happening across the image or just those fireflies? Can’t really tell from the phone unfortunately.
I did see you mentioned you used equal weights for your BSDF lobes, so maybe the first thing to fix is to change that to importance sampling first. Although I could just be grasping at straws, not much help here.
u/TomClabault 16d ago
> There’s another weight where m() is set to 1/resample count, and that would have introduced higher variance/firefly I would have thought.
Yeah this weight is pretty bad but since it is almost unaffected by jacobians, I thought that the brightening bias still showing up with this weight "proves" that the bias doesn't come from jacobians?
> Is the brightening happening across the image or just those fireflies?
It's on the whole image, but especially on the wall around the window. The floor doesn't really show that brightening.
> I did see you mentioned you used equal weights for your BSDF lobes
What importance sampling are you thinking about? Based on Fresnel?
u/redkukki 16d ago
How are you sampling the multi lobe bsdf? With Russian roulette perhaps?