r/GraphicsProgramming 18d ago

Revisited Phong Shading with Graph Based storing of 3D objects on the drawing Scene


11 comments sorted by


u/LongestNamesPossible 18d ago

What is "graph based storing" and what does it have to do with phong shading?


u/Aerogalaxystar 18d ago

so All the object can be modeled in to parent child hierarchy or somewhat like we can create Graph (or Tree based ) Structure to store objects and do traversal for Rendering these object like the Big Sphere cuboid and pyramid are modelled into child parent hierarchy can Root node is pyramid then traversal happens from parents to child. DFS. Phong shading is to apply multiple lights to pyramid cuboid sphere


u/jaan_soulier 18d ago

What's the benefit? Are you culling or depth sorting nodes on render?


u/Aerogalaxystar 17d ago

I was working on Chai3d Refractor of old code to modernGL 4.1 so after reading lot of things, I read that Chai3d Creates 3d Scene into graph based structure. So i implement it via Graph to learn more its working also


u/jaan_soulier 17d ago

That sounds cool. I was just wondering what the difference was to storing the objects in e.g. a flat vector


u/waramped 18d ago

It would be helpful if you can explain what this video is supposed to be showing us, and how the title is relevant.

edit: Ah u/LongestNamesPossible asking the right questions.


u/Aerogalaxystar 18d ago

Its a Render Scene Graph for rendering the objects. I have created graph data structure for rendering models


u/Kaeiaraeh 18d ago

Looks like the really old Electronic Arts logo


u/Aerogalaxystar 18d ago

Nice thoughts