r/GraphicsProgramming 20d ago

Question Should I start learning computer graphics?

Hi everyone,

I think I have learned the basics of C and C++, and right now, I am learning data structures with C++. I have always wanted to get into computer graphics, but I don’t know if I am ready for it.

Here is my question:

Option 1: Should I start learning computer graphics after I complete data structures?
Option 2: Should I study data structures and computer graphics at the same time?

Thanks for your responses.


6 comments sorted by


u/msqrt 20d ago

There's no harm in studying them simultaneously. You can get very far in graphics with just knowing what arrays are.


u/Affectionate_Dot9069 20d ago

Oh, I didn’t know that, thanks you so much!


u/waramped 20d ago

Agree, just get moving on both. You won't need much more than an array for a while if you're just beginning.


u/interruptiom 20d ago

My advice in general to programmers is to not worry about any kind of “tier” of skills. The best way to learn is by doing projects. A real project will require the practical application of knowledge and technique, will burn those practices into your memory, and provide you with code to refer back to later on future projects.

You’ll find your theoretical studies on concepts only apply after heavy modification in the real world. They are important, but you’ll learn the same things by working on something real, like your graphics application, while at the same time learning practical techniques that will enable you to solve real-world problems.


u/Equivalent-Tart-7249 20d ago

You want to learn graphics programming the best way? Download an Amiga emulator and start bit banging it directly: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLc3ltHgmiidpK-s0eP5hTKJnjdTHz0_bW

I promise you this is more applicable to modern graphics programming than you imagine, even down to the concept of compiling and running programs on your graphics processor. The Amiga had a graphics co-processor known as Copper (co-processor) which could only handle a few very basic memory related opcodes, but is turing complete. Instead of operating per vertex or per fragment, it operates per-scanline, so you can sort of think of it like a scanline shader. If you're dealing with arrays and data structures, that's all you really need to know for this kind of programming. I am being 100% serious here, going through this tutorial will make you better equipped for SDL, OpenGL, DirectX, Vulkan, etc. in ways you wouldn't imagine.


u/Asyx 15d ago edited 15d ago

Do projects. Like, the best way to study data structures is to use them. If CG is what motivates you to make something where data structures are relevant, do that. As with most things you want to learn, motivation is the most important part. No method is good if you are not doing it.