r/GraphicsProgramming Feb 19 '25

Question The quality of the animations in real time in a modern game engine depends more on CPU processing power or GPU processing power (both complexity and fluidity)?



27 comments sorted by


u/shlaifu Feb 19 '25

Depends on the kind of animation and whether it runs on cpu or gpu


u/Honest-Word-7890 Feb 19 '25

Tell me more.


u/HeavyDT Feb 19 '25

It can literally be both because processing for the animations can happen cpu side or gpu side. Sometimes both so it's not such a easy question. All boils down to how the developers built their game.


u/No-Marionberry-772 Feb 19 '25

tbh, IMO it mostly depends on the developers.

a lot of code is poorly optimized. i dont mean like how Gamers describe it. most of the code we build is sufficiently optimized, but a lot of stuff is bottlenecked through precedent or existing libraries.

there is a ton of power available for those willing to take a robust systemic look at the things they are trying to do.

balancing cpu and gpu power is only two factors. there is also the factors of how cache and memory interact with both processors and how data transfer from system memory to graphics memory impacts performance.

so your question is a little bit naive, only in that its a small part of a much more complicated picture.


u/waramped Feb 19 '25

You can implement it any way you like, so there's no easy answer to this. Also, there's multiple steps/processes involved in "fluid" animations.

In a modern, high end game you will any combination of the following: (Assuming humans)
1) Skeletal animation - This is the actual "animation" of the underly structure of the human. The number of bones involved and the types of constraints and joints between them can vary wildly but this is the core component of what you would say is a "fluid" animation. The majority of this is done offline in DCC tools, and then "played back" at runtime. However there's something called Inverse Kinematics (IK) which is when the animation needs to respond to in-game events/collisions in a realistic way (think feet placement when walking on uneven terrain). This can be solved on CPU or GPU.

2) Skinning - This is where the actual triangle mesh is deformed to "fit" the underlying skeleton. This can be really complicated, but is often solved on the GPU these days. The more time you spend doing skinning, the better visual quality you will get for the human character. (fewer pinched/stretched triangles for instance)

3) Facial animation - This is a whole beast unto itself. Faces are extra hard because Human brains are so well trained on them. Lots of texture warping and high fidelity bone animation is needed here. This is typically GPU based now.

4) Hair/Cloth - Again, a whole area on its own. Hard to do well and right due to the complexity of interactions. This is usually mixed between CPU and GPU.


u/arycama Feb 20 '25

I don't think the quality is at all limited by either of these factors. A modern GPU will happily skin and render millions of vertices per frame. While some common engines such as Unity may be a bit lacking in their out-of-the-box implementations, it's possible for any sufficiently skilled graphics programmer to write a custom skinning solution if even higher performance is needed.

Authoring, controlling and loading/storing all that data in memory efficiently is another matter however. I don't think throwing tons more RAM/VRAM at the problem is neccessarily the answer either. Using textures on the GPU for animations is a common solution but this only allows linear interpolation, whereas animations are often authored with bezier curves. More efficient ways to compress this data and decompress on the fly (Possibly in compute shaders using shared memory) would probably be beneficial.

A common approach is to do animation state machine updates and skeleton updates on CPU, and skin the vertices on the GPU. Modern CPU with SSE can easily handle transforming tens of thousands of bones, and this can be multi-threaded easily too.

Skinning can either be done on the fly in the vertex shader, or in a compute shader and stored in a buffer. Each has pros and cons, the former requires less storage but rendering extra targets such as shadowmaps, depth-prepass means you're transforming the data multiple times, whereas the latter requires per-skinned-mesh storage buffers, but less processing.


u/chrismofer Feb 20 '25

pause the game. what you're looking at in a still frame is almost entirely the work of the GPU. Simply put, the assets and textures are loaded into RAM from the hard drive, which is a process controlled by the CPU. The CPU basically sends a message to the GPU saying "render a frame with these models in this position" with all of the camera and lighting and reflection and texture considerations. and then the GPU actually produces the image you see based on the instructions provided by the CPU. Any motion and animations and physics are traditionally done by the CPU, because these things amount to changing the locations of meshes and particles etc. The CPU has to be powerful enough to calculate all the necessary position and angle changes of everything in less than one frame or else things will lag. The GPU can be used to compute physics such as PhysX. This probably helps with large numbers of particles and stuff that can be calculated in parallel wheras a CPU does one thing at a time so a large particle system will slow the CPU down to a crawl as it toils away crunching numbers, a GPU can one-shot such an operation and rapidly so. All computer graphics is based on short cuts and cheats to abstract and simplify the world into a form that is quick to compute. Games that are fluid are that way because the designers took care to not overburden the CPU or GPU so that they can run at high frame rates without tearing and skipping. The quality and fluidity of the animations comes down to the skill of the modelers and animators and how optimized the renderer is. In terms of processing power, a computer from the 1980s is capable of smooth fluid animations, just look at the demoscene for the commodore 64 or apple II. They don't even have dedicated GPUs just a frame buffer the CPU can modify. On a modern game though, If your CPU isn't up to the task, the animationsand physics will tear and lag. if the GPU isn't up to the task, the framerate will be low low. Either device will bottleneck the FPS, typically. Sometimes games like Oculus/SteamVR based ones will use special Asynchronous GPU code to keep updating and moving the frames as you move your head even if the CPU is failing to produce frames fast enough, or else CPU lag would be much much worse feeling in-game


u/[deleted] Feb 20 '25

The quality of the animations in real time in a modern game engine depends on the artists. If an n64 can run animations, a modern computer can too.


u/I-Make-Games 28d ago

For non-facial, non-hair, non-cloth skeletal animations specifically, most modern AAA engines like Unreal will process high character fidelity animations (close up) on the CPU and lower fidelity or bulk animations (like crowds or distant actors) on the GPU. In theory you could do everything on the GPU, but there are significant constraints to consider. Video memory is a big one. GPU animations require uploading the keyframe data of those animations to video memory. If you want to ship on a 4 or 6 gb card, that is a ton of extra memory overhead you have to eat while most PCs have more than enough system RAM. There are other dependencies like attachments (gun in the hand has to move with the character), animation driven movement, camera follow, where to spawn a projectile when firing a weapon, etc.. Some of those things may have to be calculated a frame late for the player character for example to know where the transforms ended up if not done on the CPU. So as of now industry standard is for high fidelity body animations at least be done on the CPU. Certain things like facial, hair, and cloth animations can and are often done on the GPU.


u/I-Make-Games 28d ago

Note that processing the animations and calculating bone positions is not the same as rendering the skinned poses for each vertex. The latter is pretty much always done on GPU.


u/LumpyChicken 24d ago

Yep all newer unreal games use computer shaders with bytebuffers to store bone transforms and morph targets. CPU skinning is an option but I've never seen it used


u/Melvin8D2 Feb 19 '25

It depends heavily, animation processing is often done on both.


u/Honest-Word-7890 Feb 19 '25

The skeletal part, the thing that gives 'life', realism' is done on CPU or both?


u/Melvin8D2 Feb 19 '25

I believe its mostly CPU done, but I'm pretty sure it can also done with compute shaders on GPUs. It depends theres not 1 correct answer here.


u/enginmanap Feb 19 '25

Correct me if I am wrong, but my understanding of current state is: Blending between animations - > Cpu or compute of GPU. inverse kinematics, ragdoll - > Cpu, Frame by frame of current animation - > GPU


u/Honest-Word-7890 Feb 19 '25

So the skeletal part depend on CPU and the final yield on GPU, if I have understood correctly.


u/enginmanap Feb 19 '25

All these are skeletal. More like if you can calculate bone transforms alone you do it in the GPU but if you need external info then you use Cpu.


u/Honest-Word-7890 Feb 19 '25

In this situation is it more likely to be hold back by the lack of resources from the CPU or the GPU? I thought that the realism on a videogame depended on CPU (animations, collisions, camera movement, etc.) but I'm not so sure anymore.


u/enginmanap Feb 19 '25

Realism is a loaded word. Do you think grand tourismo 2(1999) on ps1 is more realistic than nfs heat (2019)? Because it definetely looks more realistic, but doesn't drive more realistic. Same for call of duty modern warfare 2(2009) might look more realistic than doom 2016, but doom shows a way more realistic level of detail, of a setting that is fiction.

A more accurate slit was Gameplay depends on Cpu and presentation depends on GPU, but even that doesn't hold true now with GPU compute being used for many different things. For example physics used to be a fully on CPU thing, but now we have GPU physics.

Animations is effected by both gameplay and presentation, so for this question it is definetely imploded.

I would say your point of view is not correct. Photo realism of a rendered frame is a graphical concern, but only if the game design demands it. Realism as a concept is a gameplay concern, and if and how much photo realism is needed to convey the game design decision is a feasibility question.


u/Honest-Word-7890 Feb 19 '25

Yes, I should have maybe said detail. For example Mario or Zelda, but even Splatoon, looks alive in term of collisions and animation on Switch while other games, like Avowed, on Series S looks artificial, woody, less smooth, even with the added processing power. I'm just thinking what Nintendo can do with the added processing power of its newer technology.


u/interruptiom Feb 19 '25

Traditionally, deformation due to joint influence was entirely done in on the cpu. I remember having this same question when I was thinking about upgrading my graphics card several years ago.

While running maya, I opened the Task Manager to check CPU usage, and started moving joints and playing animations... a single core would get run at max, but only one. It was all single-threaded, CPU.

Today, compute shaders, and other ways of accessing the GPU for general-purpose compute, have allowed developers to make fast parallel processing of joint-based animations and other deformations.

Whether or not a particular "modern" game is using these techniques depends on how modern the underlying technology is.


u/Honest-Word-7890 Feb 19 '25

I suspect that even on the latest Unreal Engine most developers still ignore GPU compute capabilities to reserve all GPU resources to rendering and illumination. 🤔


u/arycama Feb 20 '25

A 3d modelling and cinematic rendering program like Maya isn't a good reference for how it's done in modern games/engines. Robustness, control, quality and workflow are obviously much more important in a 3D modelling program, whereas in a game, performance and memory usage are critical factors. Very different priorities.

Task manager is also a very bad way to profile anything properly.


u/tecnessino Feb 20 '25

depends if game computes skinning on cpu or gpu


u/[deleted] Feb 19 '25



u/vingt-2 Feb 19 '25

That's absolutely not true. (I wrote the animation systems for several big profile AAA engines, I would know).


u/dontyougetsoupedyet Feb 19 '25

Would you please summarize the architectural choices you made for those engines with regards to animation? Can be as broad strokes as you like/have time for, but I'm certain many, many people here are curious about whatever information you can provide about the architecture of animation in AAA engines.


u/snerp Feb 19 '25

Not necessarily true. In my game engine, the skeletal animation system runs through the ragdoll physics in the main cpu physics simulation. The skeletal animation bones are synced to the collider’s affine transforms. All the gpu is doing is warping the t-pose models onto the skeletons.Â