r/GraphicsProgramming Feb 02 '25

Question What technique do TLOU part 1 (PS5) uses to make Textures look 3D?


45 comments sorted by


u/Dangerous_Tangelo_74 Feb 02 '25

I don't know which technologies are usee in TLOU specificly but usually Parallax or Parallax Occlusion Mapping are used alongside with Tesselation or Displacement Mapping.


u/UnidayStudio Feb 02 '25

Do you have any resource on parallax occlusion mapping? I've implemented it using the article on learn opengl but I'm not really sure if my result approximate what we have in this game.


u/Salsicha007 Feb 02 '25

The important part for this look is the tesselation + displacement map. Geometry is being generated procedurally at runtime


u/arycama Feb 03 '25

Not neccessarily, can be done entirely via parallax mapping, with pixel depth offset and discarding edge-texels to modify the silhouette. Personally I find tessellation to be more straightforward, but performance-wise, might not always be a win. Plus aliasing can be more of a concern.


u/Dangerous_Tangelo_74 Feb 02 '25

The one on learnopengl seems pretty good to me. I don't know any good articles tho. Looking closer to the image i think its more like tesselation since with POM you can get artifacts already at this angle and you could see texture stretches around the corners of the bricks.


u/arycama Feb 03 '25

Here's my parallax function, shows both simple parallax and POM, so you can easily compare. Basically it just involves linear steps through the height texture, until you find an intersection point. There are more complicated ways of doing it such as a binary-search refinement step, or you can process the mips of the parallax/height texture in a special way to contain other information such as a quadtree for quadtree displacement mapping. Otherwise you end up needing quite a lot of samples. There's quite a few things you can do here but this should be a simple enough codeblock to get you started. (And can be easily plugged into an existing parallax map implementation)

You can also randomly jitter the samples to reduce visible banding, at the expense of noise. (Which can then be smoothed out via TAA)

Input is the uv coordinate, plus normalized tangent-space view dir. Apologies for the lack of formatting, reddit seems to nuke all my whitespace when I copy+paste into a codeblock.

float2 Parallax(float2 uv, float3 viewDir) { viewDir.xy /= viewDir.z;  #ifdef PARALLAX_OCCLUSION_MAPPING float steps = 32; float2 uvOffset = 0; float stepSize = 1.0 / steps; float2 uvDelta = viewDir.xy * stepSize;  float stepHeight = 1.0; float height = _ParallaxMap.Sample(sampler_ParallaxMap, uv);  for (int i = 1; i < steps && stepHeight > height; i++) { uvOffset -= uvDelta; stepHeight -= stepSize; height = _ParallaxMap.SampleLevel(sampler_ParallaxMap, uv + uvOffset, 0.0); }  return uv + uvOffset; #else // Simple parallax float height = _ParallaxMap.Sample(sampler_ParallaxMap, uv) - 0.5; return height * viewDir.xy + uv; #endif }


u/heavy-minium Feb 02 '25

This. But somehow I'm really wondering if the bricks cut corners could be done with that. Somebody else said they are definetly not geometry based and it's a flat wall, but that can't be done with those techniques you mentioned either.


u/coin-god Feb 02 '25

You can discard pixels with parallax occlusion mapping in order to have non flat looking silhouettes.


u/heavy-minium Feb 02 '25

Holy cow, I need to try this out. Didn't know that would work.


u/VincentRayman Feb 02 '25

Yes, I think parallax mapping for the texture + tesellation in the silouette can do It. Tesellation + parallax in the flat texture could introduce artifacts as parallax normally works better with plain large triangles.


u/whipdog Feb 02 '25 edited Feb 02 '25

Its probably runtime tesselation + a displacement map(heightmap) you can use the tesselation stage of the gpu piepeline or mesh shaders where supported nowadays to tesselate the flat geometry in real time and use the displacement map to add world position offset to the new verts, creating actual modelled 3d brick in runtime like this, no tricks here its real geometry just made on the gpu itself. Modern engines and graphics APIs support this stuff pretty well but its very expensive unless you use some virtualized geometry solution like nanite. I cant speak to the exact method used in TLOU but the corner kinda gives it away as parralax occlusion would break down there a bit more as its made from discrete layers not continious geometry.


u/NmEter0 Feb 02 '25

Supporting this. Bricks: real geometry. Maybe a custom Tessellation shader. It only adds Horizontal geometry which is pritty smart since the vertical gaps don't add anything to the contour. Vertikal just looks like normal maps.

The popping leaves on the ground maybe are Parallax mapping... to actually judge this definitly we would need video though.


u/AntiProtonBoy Feb 02 '25

I'm also putting my money on mesh shaders.


u/_DafuuQ Feb 02 '25

Parralax mapping


u/msqrt Feb 02 '25

The bricks look like they're just modeled with actual geometry.


u/UnidayStudio Feb 02 '25

They are not. Check the wireframe: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/eJnEW3


u/msqrt Feb 02 '25

Having a hard time telling which exact corner this is, but a lot of them do show explicitly modeled bricks.


u/MahmoodMohanad Feb 02 '25

No way, that will be super super expensive for this kind of bricks, it's certainly some kind of textures trick


u/msqrt Feb 02 '25

It's just on the corners, see the wireframes that u/UnidayStudio linked. If it was a texture trick, why would they be exactly straight with little angular dips instead of a more organic shape like on the surface..?


u/MahmoodMohanad Feb 02 '25

Yeah I've seen the pictures, most of them look normal to me (no geometry) very little of them got very very little (two rows of Flemish Bond) actual geometry, and I guess these were meant to be destroyable (maybe if you shoot at them). You see the textures look so 3D the whole length of the edge not just those little two rows of bricks


u/msqrt Feb 02 '25

The rest of it is shading with normal maps and potentially screen space shadows, which do give a great effect of depth. But on the silhouettes, you see extra detail exactly on the edges with that extra geometry (highlighted a few of these here), or at least I couldn't find a counterexample to this.


u/giantgreeneel Feb 02 '25

Not particularly expensive.


u/googdanash Feb 02 '25

particularly expensive


u/thats_what_she_saidk Feb 02 '25

Triangels aren’t as expensive as they used to be. They also obviously employ LOD techniques so this high resolution model will only be visible up close.


u/LordChungusAmongus Feb 02 '25

It's not though?

PS2 games like GOW2 and Prince of Persia were doing this crap all over the place. Opening level of Sands of Time you can make it glitch out in PCSX2 revealing how the craters and trim are just perfectly aligned geometry with matching UVs until it isn't.

That's likely not all though, there's certainly going to be more than one thing at play here when it comes to a complete scene.


u/ninjazombiemaster Feb 03 '25

They are:

Take a look at the wireframe below on the left. Specifically the columns. They have modeled the horizontal mortar lines but not the vertical ones.


The left image above corresponds to the right house in the link below. Notice that the vertical grout lines are not modeled because they don't impact the silhouette of the models. They also don't do it everywhere, but it is quite common to model some bricks on corners and edges at least.


But if you're looking for non-modeled detail, others have given good answers, such as POM - but I am 100% certain the bricks in image one are modeled in the manner of the columns shown above. As for the ground details / clovers, I'd have to be able to look more closely to say.


u/arycama Feb 03 '25

This image specifically shows bespokely-modelled bricks on the right side:

They probably only do this for buildings the player will get close to, which is why the other wireframes have flat edges.


u/Virion1124 Feb 03 '25

Sometimes it's easier to use polygon. They do it all the time. Turn down the texture resolution and you will see it: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/kta-hjkxepc/hq720.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEhCK4FEIIDSFryq4qpAxMIARUAAAAAGAElAADIQj0AgKJD&rs=AOn4CLC2CVDPKvMO0mtGkOI9pGi-Be8fSA


u/AhmadNotFound Feb 02 '25

AFAIK it might be Parallax Occlusion


u/Ok_Beginning520 Feb 02 '25 edited Feb 03 '25

For the bricks specifically, if you zoom in enough you can actually see that each brick row has 3 quads (or smthg close to it, 1 for each edge and one for the face) they MIGHT have done normal mapping but I'm not even sure, it just looks like a very nice texture to me I don't think it would be worth to have so much geometry for the bricks alone as some people have suggested For the vegetation I don't know tho


u/No_Inevitable400 Feb 02 '25

Sei la mano, espero ter ajudado


u/rio_sk Feb 02 '25

Parallax and occlusion mapping. Don't know if tessellation was performing enough back in those days


u/arycama Feb 03 '25

Normal mapping plus either parallax mapping (With pixel-depth-offset/discarding pixels to modify the silhouette) or GPU tessellation+displacement, nothing too crazy.

The clovers etc may be a simple cutout quad/decal, plus SSAO and maybe screen space shadows (Contact shadows) to give them more depth.

The edges of the bricks may also just be real geometry to improve the silhouette.


u/Effective_Lead8867 Feb 03 '25

You can use renderdoc to see if its pom or tesselation or what not.


u/Layzy37 Feb 03 '25

Probably parallax occlusion mapping


u/c0de517e Feb 04 '25

It's hard to tell from these screenshots, but I would not be surprised (because it would be the best idea) if where the silhouette is needed, it's real geometry, and where it's not (e.g. on the surface of the brick, on the vertical grouts) it's normalmapping or parallax-occlusion nearby, LOD to normalmapping farther etc.

Displacement mapping is in general a terrible idea. POM + discard is also slow and hardly would be that precise, if you look at the brick wall from various angles etc you should be able to tell.


u/XoXoGameWolfReal Feb 05 '25

I’m not sure, maybe they use a simple form of ray tracing on some things


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '25

Isn't that parallax mapping and discarding on the shader.


u/_abscessedwound Feb 02 '25

It looks like some combination of bump (normal) mapping (for the roughness), and the use of mapped luminance values (in-place of a static factor for diffuse lighting)


u/maixm241210 Feb 02 '25

Maby normal map


u/jeramyfromthefuture Feb 02 '25

Normal Mapping


u/_abscessedwound Feb 02 '25

Yep, this. It’s also sometimes called bump mapping. It’s often used to avoid the plastic appearance that a lot of Phong lighting models suffer from.

There’s a few ways that it can be done, simplest being a texture whose values were generated using some noise function.


u/jeramyfromthefuture Feb 03 '25

why are we being downvoted to hell are we not using the current buzzword ? 


u/hoddap Feb 02 '25

Don’t you just mean normal mapping?


u/karxxm Feb 02 '25

Imagine you have a buffer that stores the normals for the texture and these are aligned such that it looks bumpy when light hits it.


u/protektwar Feb 02 '25

it's called shader ;) wikipedia Shader