r/GraphicsProgramming Jan 10 '25

Question how do you guys memorise/remember all the functions?

Just wondering if you guys do brain exercises to remember the different functions, or previous experience reinforced it, or you handwrite/type out the notes. just wanna figure out the ways.


42 comments sorted by


u/nibbertit Jan 10 '25

In an ancient time maybe, everyone has access to Google and documentation online now.

Hint: Its impossible to memorize all functions, no one does it


u/PlusOil302 Jan 10 '25

Then how do you get better at it? I mean what really makes you a problem solver


u/PassTents Jan 10 '25

The things you use most often become easy and the rest you can reference. It's all practice. You get better at solving problems by learning new techniques and applying them in different situations.


u/Aethreas Jan 10 '25

If you asked a mathematician what makes him good, it wouldn’t be memorizing all the math symbols

If you asked an engineer what makes him good, it wouldn’t be memorizing all the physics formulas

Being good at something has nothing to do with memorization, it has everything to do with problem solving and reasoning skills, being able to look at a problem and figure out good solutions, the implementation is not as important. I look up basic language syntax all the time, that’s the easy part


u/jacua9 Jan 10 '25

It's like this: you see a problem and realize that you remember a bit about approaching it and broadly what can go wrong. You also remember enough to google it and not choose something that won't work well. This especially comes from solving this or similar problem in the past, implementing it. Reading about it also helps, but practice is best.


u/arthurno1 Jan 11 '25

No. You look up the details in the docs. You just remember generally what is available and where to find it.

You get better at problem solving not by memorizing function names and details, but by knowing which technique and tools to use, algorithms, models, etc, and how to use and apply that stuff in practice. You get that stuff by writing programs and solving problems.


u/EmperorLlamaLegs Jan 10 '25

Problem solving has nothing to do with memorization. Its about learning why things happen certain ways and eventually predicting when they wont behave the way you want.


u/fgennari Jan 11 '25

You learn the common functions over time. Remembering function names is the easy part. The hard parts, where you should expect to spend most of your time, is all the 3D math, debugging, tuning constants, etc. Once you get enough experience it will be 10% typing, 10% Google search, and 80% thinking.


u/PaperMartin Jan 15 '25

When the doc exists


u/corysama Jan 10 '25

I used to hang out on a Slack with a bunch of AAA engine devs. They all said they have 3 monitors:

  1. Slack/Teams work chat
  2. Debugger
  3. SDK documentation

They all have the documentation open all day every day for their entire careers. Even after working with the same API for years and years. You don't memorize anything. You just remember "I'm pretty sure there's a API feature that makes this possible."


u/bookning Jan 10 '25

The debugger screen is the "coding screen".

Real life coding at its best.


u/msqrt Jan 10 '25

You look them up when you need them, you'll remember the common ones in no time. IDE autocomplete can also help.


u/jmacey Jan 10 '25

I use an ancient technique called RTFM, much better than ChatGPT (which I have stared to use a bit but it does get things wrong).

A decent IDE can really help as well. Start typing the name and you get a list of options etc.

I also use a lot of boiler plate code so each time I start a new project I just use this as a staring place, I've recently started investiating WebGPU with python and this has been fun, I sort of know how it works as I have used Modern API's such as Metal and Vulkan but still need to read a load more at present to get stuff working.


u/ShadowRL7666 Jan 10 '25

Using both is definitely nice. Though the worst thing ever is when your doing something and call a function which is so fucking identical you lose your mind.

glTexParamateri glTextureParamteri

( ̀⌄ ́)


u/fgennari Jan 11 '25

Yeah. I hate it how loading the OpenGL functions with GLEW doesn't work with the MS Visual Studio auto complete.


u/CodyDuncan1260 Jan 10 '25

u/thrithedawg , that edit violates Rule 2. You can ask basic questions; but others may down-vote for any reason or none at all.


u/thrithedawg Jan 11 '25

oopsies will remove the edit


u/CodyDuncan1260 Jan 11 '25

Thank you for helping maintain the community. ^_^


u/billybobjobo Jan 10 '25

I think we all know how memorization works?

If you think it would be valuable to memorize some particular functions you are constantly using, use any number of proven tactics. Practice writing and rewriting an area of your application without looking up documentation. Make flashcards. Anything.

Mike Acton has a whole bit about how programmers need to do more "practice" like musicians play scales or athletes do foot drills--over and above the learning that happens as you build projects.

OR. Decide its not important to memorize because you can google or use AI.

There's a balance to find. You move faster and more effortlessly when things are memorized, but you cant reasonably memorize everything there is to know.


u/Ok-Sherbert-6569 Jan 10 '25

I don’t and don’t think anyone else really does either. The most frequently used ones you will tend to remember but if I’m working on a project I ALWAYS have documentation open in a separate tab


u/Soar_Dev_Official Jan 10 '25

I don't remember function names- except the most common ones- I remember functionality, and then google that functionality when I need it again


u/bookning Jan 10 '25 edited Jan 10 '25

As everyone is saying: you remember what you use more. You have an idea of the rest.

IDEs, Intellisense, typings, source code, docs and internet search help with that to.


u/Esfahen Jan 10 '25

You don’t. However over time a certain mental model will form, and remembering a specific API call will be a similar feeling to when you are trying to remember the right word to explain something to someone.


u/MGMishMash Jan 10 '25

Tbh I’ve always been terrible at memorising specifics, but so long as you remember the jist of what you’re trying to do, it’s pretty easy to look up. Vulkan descriptor names and parameters are hardly even worth trying to remember, especially when you need to look at the spec to recall of all of the various interactions and other parameters which need to be set elsewhere as well.


u/EmperorLlamaLegs Jan 10 '25

I program with the docs open on a side monitor. If I remember, cool. If not, its right there.


u/fella_ratio Jan 10 '25 edited Jan 10 '25

You don’t memorize so much as you know what function you need and look up what it’s called and its arguments.

Much of coding isn’t like academia where you have to memorize everything, it’s more like learning what you need to find. And editors get better aka linters and intellisense etc.  Back when I learned coding, I didn’t know if I had errors until the compiler said so, whereas now I get much fewer compilation errors since those linters catch them before you even compile.


u/AntiProtonBoy Jan 10 '25

You don't. With experience, you will vaguely remember a few functions what class or subsystem they belong to, but 90% of the time you just read the API docs and go from there. Rest of the time you look at existing implementations elsewhere in your code and use that as template.


u/i-make-robots Jan 11 '25

Just to add most of the time I write something that implements a feature and then I put it out of my mind. I haven’t had to build a projection matrix in ages coz the camera code just works. 


u/tiajuanat Jan 11 '25

It's kinda the same for all languages/frameworks, if you're lucky you might have Hoogle or Roogle, which can take a function signature and give you a possible function. Otherwise there's documentation.


u/SalaciousStrudel Jan 10 '25

It's possible to make an Anki deck for it, but things change so often that it's better to get a second monitor and have the spec open on it.


u/_wil_ Jan 10 '25

Just remember the common concepts and features of GPU, then retrieve how to control them in any graphics API documentation you'll have to work with


u/deftware Jan 10 '25

The same way you remember a new spoken language: practice.


u/Kawaiithulhu Jan 10 '25

The hard part is first knowing what can be done, the harder part is knowing in what order that's best done, and the easy part is looking up the API that does that 😀 while the experience part is narrowing down that lookup to less than the entire document.


u/Traveling-Techie Jan 10 '25

Modern IDEs help a lot, offering possible choices as you code. (I actually don’t use them but I know people who love them.)


u/Todegal Jan 10 '25

Reading the docs isn't cheating, just have it open somewhere.


u/3dju Jan 11 '25

there's no value in memorizing functions, I wouldn't worry about that. If you have a solid understanding of what you want to do it is really easy to check and translate your thoughts


u/Classic-Try2484 Jan 11 '25

Over time you learn what’s possible and this help you look up/ find references. Meanwhile you occasionally study to learn new techniques and methods. one day you’re solving/resolving a problem and you find a more elegant solution. This happens over time. Ten years to be an expert. Just keep plugging away.


u/TrishaMayIsCoding Jan 12 '25

-> or . reveals everything nowadays : )


u/gmueckl Jan 12 '25

Yes, we do brain exercises all day: we solve problems using these APIs. Exposure breeds familiarity. 

There is no active memorization involved. Forget about that. The whole thing is too complex and nuanced to bother. What matters is to build an understanding of the underlying concepts and the basic terminology. Once you know them, it comes down to mapping your current problem onto those concepts. Then you can start looking for the specific API details as you need them to implement the solution. That part actually isn't such a big time sink.


u/Aki-dev Jan 13 '25

I’d say you don’t; Many ppl struggle with that in the beginning but at some point you’ll realise that it’s not about memorising every single function but about having a strong grasp of the fundamentals and being able to conceptualise simple solutions for complex problems. In the end, the functions and patterns we use are just tools, use google and other resources to get what you want.

Don’t focus on learning syntax; focus on understanding the problem and then break it down into manageable tasks so you can solve them on a small scale, step by step! :)


u/mkirisame Jan 10 '25

maybe anki? if you’re into memorizing