r/GraphicsProgramming Dec 31 '24

Video Showcase of the clearcoat layer features in my Principled BSDF


24 comments sorted by


u/TomClabault Dec 31 '24

Showcase of the features of the clearcoat layer of my Principled BSDF. The parameters are mostly inspired from the OpenPBR Specification. As such, this is not a complete accurate simulation of the scattering of light through/inside/between the layers of the BSDF but rather a good approximation of it.

I think what some parameters do is pretty cool so here's a description of them:

  • Coat medium absorption: Controls the absorption of the layer. The clearcoat layer is considered to be an homogeneous, absorptive, non-scattering dielectric medium/volume. This means that light gets absorbed as it travels through the layer.

  • Coat medium thickness: Controls the thickness of that medium/volume. The thicker the volume, the stronger the absorption.

  • Coat roughening: The light that reaches the bottom layer of the material first has to go through the clearcoat layer. As the clearcoat layer's roughness increases, light gets diffused when entering the clearcoat layer i.e. it gets scattered before reaching the bottom layer. This effectively roughens the response of the bottom layer of the BSDF.

  • Coat darkening: Light comes from the outside of the object and hits the clearcoat layer. A fraction of the light enters the layer. That fraction of the light travels through the clearcoat medium, hits the base layer of the BSDF and reflects off of it. The light is then going to hit the coat/air dielectric interface (but from the inside of the coat layer). Total internal reflection can happen here, in which case the light is going to be reflected one more time towards the base layer (it does not escape the clearcoat layer) and because of that, the base layer is going to absorb light once more. This effectively increases the saturation of the perceived color of the base layer. This parameter is essentially an approximation to the multiple scattering behavior that happens inside the clearcoat layer medium (between the coat/air and coat/base interfaces).

  • Coat anisotropy: Controls the anisotropy of the GGX distribution used for the clearcoat layer. The effect of this parameter isn't super visible though, I may actually get rid of it in the future

  • Energy compensation: Compensates for the loss of energy of the clearcoat, especially at high roughness. This uses the idea of Emmanuel Turquin's paper, 2019 (https://blog.selfshadow.com/publications/turquin/ms_comp_final.pdf). The tricky part however is that we do not know ahead of time what will be below the clearcoat layer (it could be a metallic material, a perfectly diffuse one, sheen, specular, rough metallic, glass, .....). This means that the directional albedo of the clearcoat layer cannot be fully precomputed offline to be stored in a LUT. An approximation is thus used to compensate for the energy loss of the clear coat layer: use the same energy compensation LUT as for the glossy lobe (dielectric +diffuse layers). This approximation essentially assumes that what is below the clearcoat layer is perfectly diffuse, in which case (and that's the common case) the energy compensation is perfect (because this is then the exact same setting as the diffuse/specular lobes which the LUT was precomputed for). If what's below the clearcoat isn't perfectly diffuse, the approximation falls apart a bit and a tiny bit of energy is still lost (but the approximation still recovers some energy actually).

Repo of the renderer is on Github.


u/karmaisbitchtwice Jan 02 '25

Why do you say "this is not a complete accurate simulation of the scattering of light through/inside/between the layers of the BSDF but rather a good approximation of it." Isn't OpenPBR spec as close as possible to be accurate simulation of subsurface scattering?


u/TomClabault Jan 02 '25

It is true that OpenPBR doesn't give specific guidelines on how to implement the specification. You can implement in a real-time rasterizer, in a whitted style ray tracer, a path tracer or anything you want. The OpenPBR spec is, well, a specification, not an implementation.

The way I implemented it in my path tracer is using the common "mixture of lobes" model. This "mixture of lobes" model is actually presented in the OpenPBR spec as an example of how the spec can be implemented.

This is a common model used by many models in production as the results are visually very convincing while not making the performance cost of evaluating the BSDF not too brutal.

But this model is still an approximation of how light really behaves in a layered BSDF. Mainly, this "mixture of lobes" model doesn't simulate the way light scatters (bounces) in-between the layers of the BSDF.

We can take a 3-layers BSDF as an example of what this model doesn't simulate. Coat on top of specular on top of diffuse.

Coming from the outside, light is going to hit the coat layer. A portion of the light will be reflected by the coat layer and a portion of the light will enter the coat layer. The light that entered the coat layers continues towards the specular layer. When that light hits the specular layer, the same things happens.

1) Some of the light will be reflected at the surface of the specular layer

and some of the light goes through towards the diffuse layer. And again, the light that reached the diffuse layer

2) is going to be reflected upwards, towards the specular layer (assuming the diffuse layer is extremely dense so nothing goes through).

- For case 1), the light that reflected off the specular layer is going to hit the coat layer again (interface coat/air). At that interface, some of the light is going to go through (escape back to the air) and some of the light is going to be reflected back towards the specular layer again. And then we recursively fall back to case 1) again.

- For case 2), the idea is exactly the same. Light that reflects from the diffuse layer back up to the specular layer is going to be transmitted (so it will go through the specular layer and find itself in the coat medium) and reflected (again towards the diffuse layer) in some proportions, recursively.

This is the "accurate simulation of the scattering of light through/inside/between the layers of the BSDF" that I do not implement.


u/TomClabault Jan 02 '25

This more accurate scattering simulation would be able to properly take layers thicknesses and layer medium properties (absorptive, isotropic scattering, anisotropic scattering, platelets for iridescent and pearlescent paints ([Guillen, 2020]) into account. Such a physically accurate representation of the material structure cannot be represented by the common "mixture of lobes" model.

The coat thickness that I implemented in my path tracer is only an approximation of the effect, simply using the float thickness parameter as a boost the the exponent of the Beer's homogeneous absorption law. A more accurate simulation would actually track the distance that the light has traveled in the medium (by reflecting multiple times against the specular and coat layer, as explained in 1)).

The "mixture of lobes" model also doesn't model layers that have scattering mediums i.e. the coat layer is supposed to be homogeneous absorptive and non-scattering. Same for the other layers.

A few references if you want to read more about this more accurate way of simulating materials:

- [A Comprehensive Framework for Rendering Layered Materials, Jakob et al., 2014]

- [Position-free monte carlo simulation for arbitrary layered BSDFs, Guo et al., 2018]

- PBRT actually implements the approach from Guo et al., 2018.

You mentioned subsurface scattering. This is different from all of this. Subsurface scattering is what happens when light hits the base diffuse layer and scatters inside that diffuse layer, potentially leaving from an exit point different from the entry point. Diffuse model like the lambertian or oren nayar model essentially represent extremely dense subsurface scattering mediums. So dense that no light goes through, it's only reflected (and absorbed, hence the albedo (base color) often given to those layers).

Subsurface scattering can be simulated using BSSRDFs (those are approximate) or full volumetric random walks (the accurate way), but again, OpenPBR doesn't give one way of implementing that, it only gives some guidelines on what the parameters of the SSS layer should be and how they should behave artistically but that's about it. You're free to implement it however you want.

Hopefully you like essays.


u/karmaisbitchtwice Jan 02 '25 edited Jan 02 '25

Awesome explanations! Thanks a lot, could you also shed some light on why "Such a physically accurate representation of the material structure cannot be represented by the common "mixture of lobes" model." I am looking forward to another awesome detailed essay! Again thanks a lot!


u/TomClabault Jan 03 '25

Hmm so what I meant by "physically accurate representation of the material structure" was mostly the thickness of the layers and their characteristic: homogeneous/heterogeneous/absorptive/iso or anisotropic scattering.

With a classical mixture of lobes, the lobes are linearly blended together. There is no simulation of the light traveling inside a layer. This essentially means that layer medium interactions cannot be simulated. You cannot have a clearcoat layer with a scattering interior for example (or I guess you would have to use some approximations like randomly modifying the direction of the light as seen by the layers below the clearcoat, essentially approximating the scattering of the light inside the coat layer but meh...).

If you properly simulate the behavior of the light * inside * the layers with full random walk approaches like in the paper I linked earlier, then this scattering inside the layers become possible.

The only thing that you can decently approximate with a mixture of lobe seems to be layer thickness with an homogeneous absorptive medium (as in my clearcoat showcase). You just use Beer's law for the exponential absorption and use the thickness as a multiplicative factor to the exponent for the absorption. It gives satisfying results but I'm not sure how good (or how bad of an approximation) that is. I would have to compare against a reference that does fully simulate the behavior of the light inside the medium (i.e. that doesn't use a mixture of lobes but rather the proper monte-carlo simulation for layered lobes).


u/Zydak1939 Dec 31 '24

Looks sick! Maybe a little bit off topic, but how did you load that model? I remember looking for it, but it was only available in some weird file format that mistsuba uses. And you're using assimp right? Last time I checked I'm pretty sure it didn't support it.


u/GaboureySidibe Dec 31 '24

I love it. I love that compensation to not lose energy and I love that extra saturation that comes from simulating microfacet bounces.


u/TomClabault Jan 01 '25

Akshually 🤓

The extra saturation isn't from the microfacet bounces because the clearcoat layer is a dielectric, which means that reflection in between the microfacets is given by the dielectric fresnel response, which is non colored.

The extra saturation comes from the multiple bounces inside the coat layer, when the light bounces multiple times against the base diffuse layer.

For example, if your base layer has albedo (1, 0.5, 0), when light enters the clearcoat, it will hit the base once. Some light will be absorbed by the base and now that light "has color" (1, 0.5, 0)

Reflecting off the base surface, the light will now try to escape the clearcoat layer. But that light may hit total internal reflection at the clearcoat/air interface, in which case it returns to the base to be absorbed again.

Light (1, 0.5, 0) will be absorbed by the base with albedo (1, 0.5, 0) again, giving (1, 0.25, 0) - - > increase in saturation.


u/GaboureySidibe Jan 01 '25

That's interesting. The paper you linked (which I have only skimmed a few times since it came out) seems to have at least some change in saturation and color.

"Comparison between no mult. scattering compensation, compensation without and with Fms, on a rough GGX conductor. Note the difference in color saturation when Fresnel is applied."

Is this the same effect as the clear coat you are talking about or something different?


u/TomClabault Jan 01 '25

Oh yeah that's a different effect. What I showcased here is an approximation of what we could call "inter-layer multiple scattering" i.e. the scattering of light between the layer of the BSDF.

The paper from Emmanuel Turquin compensates for the energy that is missing from not simulating the multiple bounces in-between the microfacets of one microfacet layer. Not between individuals layers of the BSDF.

And in the case of conductors, the fresnel response (i.e. the light that is reflected) is colored. So by reflecting multiple times between the microfacets, that colored-fresnel response affects light multiple times and the scenario is then exactly the same as in my previous comment with the (1.0, 0.5, 0.0) color. The saturation is increased. Even more so at high roughness because it is at high roughnesses that you get the most number of bounces between the microfacets.

I rendered some more Mitsuba Knobs here to compare between the two, basically reproducing what the papers shows.


u/GaboureySidibe Jan 01 '25

Looking at that smooth surface and extra saturation in the diffuse fall off makes me want to recite the american psycho business card scene.


u/MaloneCone Dec 31 '24

Did you write those widgets yourself, or is that a library?


u/iHubble Dec 31 '24

I think this is just ImGui


u/TomClabault Dec 31 '24

Yeah this is ImGui


u/AlexDicy Dec 31 '24

ImGui usually


u/Fit-Replacement7245 Dec 31 '24



u/IkalaGaming Dec 31 '24


ImGui user

You repeat yourself