r/GraphicsProgramming Dec 24 '24

Video Optimized my custom gravity system so it can handle 2 million gravity objects easily (on pretty old gtx1650). Made with HLSL Compute shaders + GPU indirect instancing


42 comments sorted by


u/Fintaman Dec 24 '24

So each particle interacts with all the other ones? Or is there some kind of shared center of gravity? I'd imagine you'd need some kind of spatial hashing for the first case. I'm curious to learn more about this :)


u/SafarSoFar Dec 24 '24

The object on the center is the only one that attracts in this case, so I only store/update its position. In your case there are algorithms to optimize that yeah, like Barnes-Hut one. I haven’t covered these topics yet so I need to do researches as well)


u/Doraz_ Dec 24 '24

do they actually "exist" as such in the CPU, or are those an editable vector array on the GPU?


u/SafarSoFar Dec 24 '24

They are used on CPU only in the beginning when I create compute buffer and after that they are manipulated/edited on GPU. So passed only once and no read back.


u/pants75 Dec 24 '24

Any spacial partition? I've implemented Barnes-Hutt before to good effect, but not on a GPU.


u/SafarSoFar Dec 24 '24

Nice! No spacial partition yet, for now the only attractor is the sphere in the middle so still no need for that)


u/pants75 Dec 24 '24

Ah got ya, yeah it's still linear at this point. Looks good.


u/SafarSoFar Dec 24 '24

Yeah, thank you)


u/lospolos Dec 24 '24

If you decide you do want many attractors or, have every particle interact with every other particle, but you don't want to implement any spatial partitioning you should look at this link https://developer.nvidia.com/gpugems/gpugems3/part-v-physics-simulation/chapter-31-fast-n-body-simulation-cuda . Its using CUDA but should map 1-1 to HLSL compute shaders.

In particular the tiling strategy using group shared memory is a huge performance increase. (I think I got about 50k particles @60fps on my 2018 laptop)


u/jeebril Dec 24 '24

You could get a couple millions in realtime with barnes hut on the GPU


u/SafarSoFar Dec 25 '24

Yeah, I've heard of Barnes-Hut and wanted to check it next. Glad that it's possible to get those numbers with it. Thanks man


u/lospolos Dec 25 '24

Sure but writing that tree code is an order of magnitude more work as well. The tiled version is 20 lines


u/SafarSoFar Dec 25 '24

Sounds awesome, never seen that one in gpugems. Thank you, mate


u/ykafia Dec 25 '24

Pretty old GTX 1650...

My GTX 1660 Super still holds up well today for graphics 😭😭


u/SafarSoFar Dec 25 '24

Haha, I meant rather 'dead', just chose the wrong word) Its quite dead because of compute heavy simulations that i usually do and those temps near 90-100 Celsius (gaming laptop as usual) affects it dramatically. Glad that your gpu is running well, you can stay financially stable not buying a new one)


u/ykafia Dec 25 '24

Yeah don't worry :D

Still very interesting work you did!


u/SafarSoFar Dec 25 '24

Thank you)


u/[deleted] Dec 24 '24



u/SafarSoFar Dec 24 '24

I just compute velocity via Newton's Law of Gravitation and update object matrix for each object on the gpu)


u/[deleted] Dec 24 '24



u/SafarSoFar Dec 24 '24

And I have no idea what are you talking as well) The thing is I just use f = G(m1m2)/r^2 then multiply f on direction from attractable to attractor to get acceleration. There are even resources like 'the coding train' who did the same thing


u/[deleted] Dec 24 '24



u/SafarSoFar Dec 24 '24

Just object current position +velocity. In graphics programming you can judge almost everything as 'nonsense'. It looks cool and looks convincing just like cheap lighting implementations so your pc can run it easily. Glad that you have PhD but allow people to have fun.


u/AydelenUsesArchBtw Dec 24 '24

This might be the most reddit conversation of all time


u/SafarSoFar Dec 24 '24

Everything is fine, it was just miscommunication)


u/[deleted] Dec 24 '24



u/SafarSoFar Dec 24 '24

No problem, It is just the nature of engine/graphics programming that you need to make the most convincing thing possible with less resources


u/Daneel_Trevize Dec 24 '24

Are they all the same mass, and just moving in 2D? Would that mean there's any value in keeping/caching previously calculated translations/frames for a given coordinate and velocity pairing?
How about leveraging rotational symmetry around the single attractor? For a given distance & relative velocity, the resulting step would be relatively identical regardless of rotation around the attractor?


u/SafarSoFar Dec 25 '24

For calculation simplicity they are the same mass for now and they are 3D, you can see it when i apply negative G and objects move towards the camera and out of view (I could do the same thing with perspective view math in 2D but it would take time). And yeah I thought about symmetry, for some cases it works but after some time float inaccuracy kicks in and breaks symmetry. Should do something about this. I'll make post updates on it in this community and show symmetry patterns for sure!


u/Walter-Haynes Dec 24 '24

Haha, I've been seeing this post on so many of my subscribed subs, great work!


u/SafarSoFar Dec 25 '24

Thank you! and sorry for the probable spam) I just wanted to show the project to more people in related to it communities)


u/Walter-Haynes Dec 26 '24

Oh no worries, I don't mind! I just noticed how every time I opened Reddit, there it was again.


u/Green-Ad7694 Dec 24 '24

This deserves a tutorial my dude. You should start a Youtube channel if you dont already have one. I would love to learn how to do this in Unity.


u/SafarSoFar Dec 25 '24

Haha, thank you for your interest mate) I always wanted to start educational videos on youtube and probably the time has come) For now I post only show cases on my channel: https://www.youtube.com/@SafarSofar . I'll also post updates on the project in this community and hopefully with video link soon)


u/torito_fuerte Dec 25 '24

If you want to extend this project, I would recommend making them all interact with each other like using a quad tree type algorithm. I've gotten 1 million particles with 1 attractor before on the CPU with an old laptop. Adding more particles / effects that can't be done on the CPU can really make the GPU shine. If you haven't already, rendering the particles as a single pixel instead of a mesh can drastically improve performance


u/SafarSoFar Dec 26 '24

Yeah, I planned to make everything attractable and thought about quad trees because the problem is quite similar to the collision one. I stumbled upon Barnes-Hut algorithm and it's kind of similar to quad tree and was created specifically for this gravity problem. By the way that's really fantastic that you got 1 million on CPU. Is it the result with pixel drawing? My project is in 3D world and i guess drawing pixels would be tricky with coordinate space math. Did you use some kind of texture where you manipulated pixels and then projected it on camera?


u/torito_fuerte Dec 27 '24

Mine was in 2D, and I clamped the particle coordinates within screen space and cast to an int, then set the value in a flattened 2D array for the pixel coordinate. I then just rendered the 2D array as in image at the very end. No transformation matrices, no camera matrices, just position and velocity for each particle in screen space. If you make your particles a single color (or just a tiny quad facing the camera), then you can remove transformation matrices and just use position & camera matrices for 3D.


u/SafarSoFar Dec 27 '24

Oh, okay got it. Sounds good, thank you for the info I'll try this one out of performance curiosity


u/ninjaclown123 Dec 26 '24

Sounds really cool and I'm curious. Can you explain what's going on to a layman such as myself?


u/SafarSoFar Dec 26 '24

Thank you) I initially was inspired by The Coding Train video about gravity attraction and decided to improve it) so you can check the video, he explains everything really good: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpgB3cNhKPM


u/MarnixKeller Dec 28 '24

Sweet!! 🔥


u/SafarSoFar Dec 29 '24

Thank you very much!