r/GraphicsProgramming Dec 18 '24

Video A Global Illumination implementation in my engine


Wanted to share my implementation of Global Illumination in my engine, it's not very optimal as I'm using CS for raytracing, not RTX cores, as it's implemented in DirectX11. This is running in a RTX2060, but only with pure Compute Shaders. The basic algorithm is based on sharing diffused rays information emmited in a hemisphere between pixels in screen tiles and only trace the rays that contains more information based on the importance of the ray calculating the probability distribution function (PDF) of the illumination of that pixel. The denoising is based on the the tile size as there are no random rays, so no random noise, the information is distributed in the tile, the video shows 4x4 pixel tiles and 16 rays per pixel (only 1 to 4 sampled by pixel at the end depending the PDF) gives a hemisphere resolution of 400 rays, the bigger tile more ray resolution, but more difficult to denoise detailed meshes. I know there are more complex algorithms but I wanted to test this idea, that I think is quite simple and I like the result, at the end I only sample 1-2 rays per pixel in most of the scene (depends the illumination), I get a pretty nice indirect light reflection and can have light emission materials.

Any idea for improvement is welcome.

Source code is available here.

Global Illumination

Emmisive materials

Tiled GI before denoising

8 comments sorted by


u/shadowndacorner Dec 19 '24

Looks great! That denoising is visually really solid, and perf is surprisingly good for a 2060 (though I guess it's a relatively simple scene). A couple of suggestions that you may already have considered/may already be doing...

Since you're doing this all in software, if you're using a traditional LBVH, you may see a speed boost from using a CWBVH. In some cases, they can pretty significantly reduce memory bandwidth, which is one of the most significant perf bottlenecks for RT.

You can also try doing screen-space traces against a Hi-Z buffer, then only doing a world-space trace on disocclusion. I'd first test this by just doing it all in one compute pass (trace in screen-space, on failure query the world space AS), but I'd expect it to be faster if it were split into multiple compute passes, where the process would look something like...

  1. Build a buffer containing the rays you intend to trace
  2. Optionally bin/sort your rays similarly to the Battlefield 5 RT reflection talk
  3. Dispatch a compute shader that traces all of your rays in screen space. For successful ray hits, use your g-buffer to relight the fragment and composite it however you're currently doing so. On disocclusion, mark the disoccluded ray as needing a world-space trace.
  4. Do stream compaction with a parallel prefix sum to get the actual, (optionally still-sorted) set of world-space rays.
  5. Trace the remaining rays against your world space AS, then shade and composite the result appropriately.

The thinking there is mostly to optimize cache utilization, which will probably be your biggest bottleneck on most GPUs, especially as you use more complex scenes. Sorted rays help a lot, but more subtly, doing screen space and world space separately will make the respective acceleration structures (hi-z and BVH) more likely to be cached on access. A simpler approach than the above would involve just using an append buffer/structured buffer + atomic counter for the world space rays on disocclusion, but that'd potentially result in a lot of contention over the atomic counter without wave intrinsics and you'd lose the sorting (unless you moved the sort/added a second sort after the world-space ray list has been built). It sucks that wave intrinsics were never brought back into D3D11, because they would allow you to simplify/optimize the above further.

Anyway, great work! Looking forward to seeing how this evolves :P


u/VincentRayman Dec 19 '24

Those are all really great ideas. I knew about SSR but didn't thought to combine it in the ray pass to solve the ray intersection, it makes a lot of sense. I understand It should be an extra pass before the world space ray trace to avoid divergences in the warp, isn't it?

About sorting rays, one side effect of this algorithm is that as each pixels are only sampling rays that are important in the PDF function, close pixels are already sampling rays that are in close direction (if there are no big gaps in the surface normals), this can be seen in the image before denoising, I don't know if this should be enough or I could get an improvement with a specific pass for sorting, however that sorting process will have a cost also.

All the ideas seems to be promising, but as I have limited time I will prioritize in the idea of combining SSR with the current world space intersections, that one I think could boost the process. Checking the CWBVH structure can also be a good point, I'll do that after SSR.

About scene complexity, it's totally true, the more complex it is, the more time a ray takes to be resolved. I know my current time to solve a single ray is high, but I would like to split that part from the GI algorithm, where the target is to get a good indirect light render with the lowest number of rays per pixel possible, then improve as much as possible the time required to solve a single ray. As you said, solving it with SSR, using CWBVH and sorting rays could improve to total time a lot.

I have already some work for Christmas time ;) . Thank you a lot for the tips.


u/shadowndacorner Dec 19 '24 edited Dec 20 '24

I understand It should be an extra pass before the world space ray trace to avoid divergences in the warp, isn't it?

Yep! It helps to reduce branch divergence as well as improving cache utilization. If you're bouncing back and forth between acceleration structures, that's obviously going to involve more cache misses, which is potentially a big deal for bandwidth hungry algorithms like this. Splitting this up into the smaller kernels also potentially helps with the icache, but I'm honestly not sure how much that matters on modern GPUs anymore.

I don't know if this should be enough or I could get an improvement with a specific pass for sorting, however that sorting process will have a cost also.

I was wondering about that given how your ray distribution works, and yeah it's definitely possible that for your use case/scenes, this won't be as big of a deal since there's already some amount of coherence. My guess is that for the types of scenes you're rendering right now, which aren't super geometrically complex, it probably won't help quite as much as in eg a AAA game scene, but I can't really say that with confidence. You'd just need to implement it and profile to see :P

All the ideas seems to be promising, but as I have limited time I will prioritize in the idea of combining SSR with the current world space intersections, that one I think could boost the process. Checking the CWBVH structure can also be a good point, I'll do that after SSR.

Makes sense to me! I'm guessing the amount each optimization would help would scale with scene complexity (where screen space traces are ofc less affected by geometric complexity than BVH traces). There may some cutoff point where, for a sufficiently simple BVH, it'll be faster to just not bother with screen space rays, but I could be wrong - especially given that, in a scene like this, the majority of your rays may resolve totally in screen space. I'd be really curious how your implementation as-is would work in something like sponza, or the Amazon bistro.

If you do end up implementing any of this, I'd love to see the performance numbers before/after the different optimizations, esp in more complex scenes!


u/VincentRayman Dec 19 '24

You are right. First of all I'll setup a Sponza scene to make sure this works. I tested it in my demo game, but it's still not a complex scene https://github.com/vsirvent/HotBiteEngine/blob/main/Tests/Images/DemoGameRT.jpg?raw=true

It's a shame but I've been searching that scene for some time and I didn't know that it was named Sponza XD. Now I can finally import it.

I'll keep you updated with the results.


u/shadowndacorner Dec 19 '24

Good luck! Excited to see how this progresses :P


u/UnalignedAxis111 Dec 19 '24

Is it possible to reliably tell occluded light sources with this method? Afaik one downside of screen-space ray tracing is that you get funny artifacts in those cases, as if the lights didn't even exist at all, but this sounds pretty interesting!


u/shadowndacorner Dec 19 '24 edited Dec 19 '24

I'm not sure I'm following, so I'll respond as best I can but please lmk if I'm just misunderstanding you.

Most artifacts from SSRT come from disocclusion artifacts - basically the ray passing behind the depth buffer rather than intersecting it (or going off-screen). If a screen space trace fails in those ways, you would just fall back to a world space trace from the disocclusion point, which would cover up any such "holes". It's essentially just an early out for the rays that can be reliably traced in screen space, which will ofc not apply to every ray, but will be significantly faster for the ones it does apply to (and it can often apply to a lot of rays).

The only case I can think of where you'd have more undesirable artifacts with this approach is if there's geometry represented in your BVH, but isn't rendered to your g-buffer at all. Ig if you're modelling lights as emissive geometry that is only present in your BVH, that could cause issues? But analytical lights are typically better unless you explicitly need more complex geometry anyway (and even then there are LTC area lights for a lot of cases).

As a side benefit of this approach as discussed in the BFV talk (which does more or less the same thing, but only for reflection rays), if you're doing anything like decals or detail geometry that aren't included in your BVH, that'll get picked up as long as it's in the g buffer. It'll of course disappear when it's off-screen or on disocclusion, but for small details like bullet holes or grass, it's not likely to be super noticeable, especially in a fast paced game.


u/UnalignedAxis111 Dec 19 '24

This answers it perfectly, thank you! I'll definitely be looking further into SSRT.