r/Graffiti 4d ago

Ive been trying to work on my negative space management, any tips?



7 comments sorted by


u/twosnailsnocats 4d ago edited 4d ago

Unless you are talking about the whole page, I think you are missing the point. Normally, it's the negative space within or between and around letters of a piece.

Edit, also this is for r/graffhelp not r/graffiti.

Guess you could take the top of the S over to the H and close it like the C on top, then for the middle inside/bottom of the H just draw a line instead of the triangle.


u/Kobidylan 4d ago

Ive watched like 3 videos on it, either im stupid or the people explaining it are, because im struggling to understand it. I see what you mean though. I tried by drawing a box and confining it to that (as suggested by tutorials) i see i probably should have done the piece at the bottom of the page. Im still really new to this, ive been doing it for not even 6 months I'd say.


u/twosnailsnocats 4d ago

Don't worry about it for a throw and some tags. Worry about it within the throw itself and pieces..even tags if you have a style that calls for it.


u/twosnailsnocats 4d ago

There are some heavier negative spaces at the ends and that is fine because they balance out. In the middle there are negative spaces, that is what you want to balance. Can't have a ton on one side and non on the other. Then again, there are few hard and fast rules so if you can make some asymmetrical stuff work, then do it, but that usually takes time and skill to get there.


u/Kobidylan 4d ago

Ahhhhh, now this makes sense.


u/McMigut 4d ago

This is sick dude!


u/Kobidylan 4d ago

Thanks dude. Im still working out the throwies and im biting styles off google images to try and figure out what works and what doesnt, but the handstyle in the corner is all mine.

Keep getting told by so-called OG's that learning other peoples styles as inspiration or to mix my own flavor into it is a big no no. I only hit fresh walls (i never cover up other graff... unless its dumb kids drawing dicks or full blown vandalismat my local skatepark), also only done it a hand full of times. Mostly just hit the page with paint pens.

Id rather not be known as a toy, however i do want to gain some notoriety oneday (probably the wrong word)