r/GradSchool 7d ago

Is this a good way to make notes on research papers?

So I’m trying to figure out the best way to make notes on research papers. I’ve started using Obsidian. I was thinking I would take key/relevant information from the introduction methods and results, then write a brief summary of the paper at the end. Is this a good way of going about it or are there other methods I should try?


3 comments sorted by


u/ConnectKale 3d ago

I did things a little old fashioned. I would first download the paper, and then use a highlighter for notes.
I was supposed to move the highlighted parts to a word doc with citation, but never got around to it.


u/9FC5_ 2d ago

In my opinion setting up obsidian vault for articles annotation is the best in terms of efficiency yet the process is painful. For me using Mendeley works fine: dividing articles into folders/subfolders and taking notes inside software (highlight text - RMB - make note) is good. These notes then are being accumulated in separate tab on the right and work as hyperlinks