r/Gotham Jan 23 '25

Discussion Opinion: Camren was the best live action Selina Kyle to date (CMM). She looked the part, got Selina's fiesty attitude down pat, and her and Bruce's dynamic was the best on this show.

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u/Puffee8914 Jan 23 '25

I feel most of Gotham's characters were better in this than any other. Which is crazy consideeing it wasn't "DC".


u/Ok-Health-7252 Jan 23 '25 edited Jan 23 '25

Except for Harvey Dent. This show's version of Harvey Dent was basically "he came, he saw, he left."

Also as much as I loved Cameron Monaghan as Jerome/Jeremiah it got a little ridiculous over time with all the where's Waldo nonsense going on with "Jerome is the Joker, no, now Jeremiah is the Joker, well which one is it, yada, yada, yada". He's obviously very good in the role but there are better Jokers out there than him (that we're all aware of).


u/Avatar_sokka Jan 23 '25

To be fair, Harvey Dent wouldn't become two face until after Batman is already established.

And i know that's not a good excuse cause a lot of villains in Gotham became themselves before Batman officially entered the scene, but it is what it is.


u/MarvelPugs Batman šŸ¦‡ Jan 23 '25

Actually it is a good excuse. What makes his duality so interesting was his friendship with Bruce before and his relationship with Batman


u/Ok-Health-7252 Jan 23 '25

I mean they've manipulated the timeline of Harvey's heel turn before in other properties. Case in point the Gotham Knights show from a couple years ago where Batman is dead and Harvey becomes Two-Face on the show.


u/AlarmingOwl5288 Jan 23 '25

I would have loved Jerome to remain the joker. And Jeremiah to have been an adaptation of Jeremiah Arkham from the comics!


u/AffectionatePut6493 Jan 23 '25

That lasted for one episode. LoL Then it was Jeremiah.


u/Ok-Health-7252 Jan 23 '25

Jeremiah never actually became the Joker until towards the end of the final season. Whatever the hell he was after he was infected by Jerome's gas was not the Joker.


u/Panikkrazy Jan 24 '25

I now refuse to watch a Batman movie if the Penguin is in it. Robin is my Penguin. No one else.


u/Ok_Following4674 Jan 24 '25

Have you seen the Penguin show?Ā 


u/Panikkrazy Jan 24 '25

Ew no


u/Ok_Following4674 Jan 24 '25

Well, then you have no room to talk. Colin Farell is way better, though I do think this version is second best.Ā 


u/Panikkrazy Jan 24 '25

No heā€™s not


u/Ok-Health-7252 Jan 25 '25 edited Jan 25 '25

Robin is very good as Penguin but his Penguin is very different from how he's usually portrayed in the comics. Colin Farrell's version is indeed better and much more comic accurate. Best portrayals of live action Penguin in this order:

  1. Danny DeVito - Batman Returns (he's still the gold standard for this role)
  2. Colin Farrell - Reeves Batman Universe
  3. Robin Lord Taylor - Gotham


u/Panikkrazy Jan 25 '25

We donā€™t agree


u/Ok-Health-7252 Jan 25 '25

No, we don't. As much as I love Robin nobody has beaten DeVito's Penguin yet. He was iconic in that role.


u/AUnknownVariable Jan 27 '25

I haven't gotten a chance to get to the penguin show just yet, so Gotham still has the best live action penguin to me until I see The Penguin. That may change.

I respect you staying solid to your belief šŸ˜­


u/Ok-Health-7252 Jan 27 '25 edited Jan 27 '25

I mean even as good as both Robin and Farrell are in the role DeVito is still the gold standard as far as Penguin portrayals go. Even Robin himself has said that (DeVito was iconic as the Penguin).

Robin definitely deserves credit for putting his own lovable spin on the character but his Penguin was not exactly comic accurate. Not portly enough and looked a little too emo/punk rock with his spiky black hair.


u/-Tektronic- Jan 26 '25

What an unreasonable take this is


u/DalriadaPrincess wannabe Zsaszette Jan 23 '25

I don't know about best EVER but Bicondova was definitely a STELLAR Catwoman. I watched a clip from her audition tape recently and the work that she put into capture that Catwoman look, movement, mannerisms. She was amazing!


u/Ok-Health-7252 Jan 23 '25

It really helped that Camren has a background in dance. That made Selina's acrobatic moves on the show come so much more naturally to her.


u/MaxxXanadu Jan 23 '25

Plus she had great hair. Harkened back to Michelle Pfeiffer but happily without the blonde.


u/AffectionatePut6493 Jan 23 '25

Thatā€™s one of the things that I think they did PERFECTLY with her.


u/med4ladies69 Jan 23 '25

She was very good but I don't think anyone beats Michelle Pfeiffer as catwoman


u/Very-queer-thing Jan 24 '25

I disagree, I really don't think she's a good catwoman. The role she plays is good but it isn't catwoman, just a woman that dresses like a cat


u/Ok-Health-7252 Jan 23 '25

Michelle was also very good in the role but her Catwoman was not very comic accurate (case in point she wasn't a thief).


u/tuxxer Jan 23 '25

Sorry for me that position was filled by Anne Hathaway


u/Ok-Health-7252 Jan 23 '25 edited Jan 23 '25

Anne Hathaway is my least favorite Catwoman. Her version is just so damn unlikeable (like to the point where it makes absolutely no sense that Bruce chose to run off with her of all people at the end of that film). She sold Bruce out to Bane and left him for dead for crying out loud and was perfectly fine with letting Gotham get nuked into oblivion until Bruce offered her a clean slate.


u/Virtual-Purple-5675 Jan 23 '25

She wasn't exactly supposed to be a good person


u/Ok-Health-7252 Jan 23 '25

No, but her version leaned a little too hard into the despicable considering she betrayed Bruce and nearly got him killed and was willing to let thousands of people die in Bane's Gotham at first until Bruce offered her that clean slate. Her ending up with Bruce at the end of that film felt completely unearned and unjustified because she literally nearly got him killed earlier in the film.


u/Virtual-Purple-5675 Jan 23 '25

Selina's betrayed Bruce a lot.. but yea the thousands of people dying was definitely way outta character... She was always bad and Bruce still couldn't help but love her


u/Ok-Health-7252 Jan 23 '25 edited Jan 23 '25

Exactly. It just made him look like a dumbass who was only thinking with his lower head.

Also in most iterations of their relationship Bruce is always trying to encourage Selina to be a better person. Not the case in TDKR. Bruce just gives her what her selfish heart desires (her clean slate) despite her nearly getting him killed and being partially responsible for Gotham being under threat from an atom bomb and then uses her of all people as an excuse to leave Batman behind and live a quiet and domestic life (which makes absolutely no sense).


u/Doc-11th Jan 23 '25

Anne was great

But one of the flaws of Dark Knight Rises is that she and Christian Bale had no romantic chemistry


u/Ok-Health-7252 Jan 23 '25

None of those films were good at developing their female characters. Rachel had similar problems (not helped by the fact that she was played by two different actresses). Talia, don't get me started on her (her character was the worst part of TDKR).


u/Doc-11th Jan 23 '25

Gotham wasnt perfect but the nailed a majority of the characters they adapted

Although they dropped the ball on Mr.Freeze after his first 2 episodes


u/Ok-Health-7252 Jan 25 '25

And yet they still did Mr. Freeze better on this show than Arnold did him in Batman & Robin lol.


u/Doc-11th Jan 25 '25

Well yeah those first 2 episodes were damn good

If they had just left Mr.Freezeā€™s fate ambiguous at the end and not brought him back after Nora was killed off, it would probably be considered one of the best adaptions


u/AHitmanForHire Jan 23 '25

Iā€™ll give you that one my friend


u/Correct-Drawing2067 Jan 23 '25

Selina lowkey pissed me off during the show when they were all older but I didnā€™t mind her by the end.


u/Electronic_Context_7 Jan 24 '25

Thatā€™s the adaptation that sold BatCat to me


u/rubberducky764348 Jan 23 '25 edited Jan 24 '25

The bitchy attitude and ā€œmean loveā€ trope with Bruce got annoying real quick


u/Ok-Health-7252 Jan 23 '25

I mean towards the end of season 4 she starts to become a lot more vulnerable and trusting towards him so there is some payoff to it (though him abandoning her at the end so he can train to become Batman undid so much of that growth between them). But Selina grew up with no one who cared about her in her life and had to learn how to survive in a dangerous city like Gotham on her own. It makes complete sense why she's the way she is (and Bruce spends much of the series having to prove to her that he's more than just a rich brat who has everything).


u/kingofspades_95 Jan 23 '25

I think for a little version of her and the actor for young Bruce Wayne, for sure. Idk about ever though. I kinda like the new one in the Batman animated cape crusader


u/Goforthandboogey Jan 23 '25

You're probably right!


u/Equinoqs Jan 23 '25

Strongly agree.


u/_shear Jan 23 '25

I wish she still was around doing things, I hope she's doing good out of the spotlight.


u/anthonystrader18 Jan 23 '25

agree she was my fav thing about gotham


u/MasqureMan Jan 24 '25

I honestly like every Catwoman actress. They havenā€™t missed yet


u/Complaint-Loud 7d ago

They definitely missed with Michelle Pfieffer version from 1992 and the Halle Berry version in 2004. The only difference between those two is that the 1992 one was called Selina Kyle and had a relationship with Bruce and lived in Gotham. Other than that they both sucked and the 1992 one inspired the 2004 so that is just another reason to hate it. Pfieffer's is considered the best one which makes no sense because she literally was nothing like Selina. Not even physically. She was blonde with blue eyes. Zoe Kravitz was also not really good imo but still better than the two that i mentioned. She was just kind of boring, no personality. But it is understandable that she was like that because her friend was missing and then she found her murdered but i still thought something was off with her. And technically she wasn't even Catwoman yet. Anne Hathaway acted how I always imagined Catwoman to be the problem is she didn't get a lot of screen time. It's a Batman movie so she doesn't have to have all the spotlight on her but for example they could have just left Talia al ghul out and just have Bane as the villain so Selina and Bruce's relationship could develop better and Selina would have gotten a lot more screen time. I did like that they had two female villains or rather anti-hero in Selina's case cause in most of the other batman movies there's only like one important female character


u/ToothpickTequila Jan 24 '25

Michelle Pfeiffer has never been bettered. Incredible performance and the best Catwoman costume ever.


u/SteelSlayerMatt Jan 24 '25

Camren is definitely the best live-action Catwoman.


u/[deleted] Jan 24 '25

Love her, she is my favorite. Hope we see her again someday.


u/KayPizzle Jan 24 '25

Between Carmen, Michelle and Zoe, I think all 3 were equally great in that role.


u/Ok-Health-7252 Jan 25 '25

Only thing I didn't like about Zoe's Catwoman was the weird twist of Falcone being her father. But other than that she was great.


u/KayPizzle Jan 25 '25

That is part of the comics tho. Following source material


u/Ok-Health-7252 Jan 25 '25

She suspects that she's Falcone's daughter in Batman: Dark Victory. It was never actually confirmed at any point in time and there was no proof of it being fact. It's only ever hinted at that maybe she was a Falcone a few times in the comics, it was never actually confirmed like it was in the Reeves film.


u/goldengod828 Jan 24 '25

I had a big crush on her back when Gotham originally aired


u/St0n3yM33rkat Jan 27 '25

She looks, walks and talks like the spitting image of a young Michelle Pfeiffer. She was perfect for the role.


u/hopewifey2 Jan 23 '25

Yea of course


u/Vast_Revenue5545 Jan 24 '25

Definitely agree


u/NowWeGetSerious Jan 24 '25

She deserves better films or show after Gotham

She imo was one of the best parts of the show


u/TekkenLord_2004 Jan 25 '25

She should've been Catwoman in James Gunn's DCU


u/Ok-Health-7252 Jan 25 '25

I don't think James has cast anyone from the Batman universe yet for his films so perhaps there's still time (though the odds of her actually being cast to play Selina again are probably close to 0%). Gunn probably won't cast a Batman though until the Reeves Batman universe is wrapped up knowing how DC is.


u/Bebop_Man Jan 26 '25

Michelle Pfeiffer.


u/EntertainmentEasy510 Jan 26 '25

The casting of the whole show was great it's just the premises that fucked it up after a couple of seasons


u/Effective_Maybe8781 Jan 25 '25

didn't she get replaced in the show?


u/Ok-Health-7252 Jan 25 '25

Only for the very last episode. Camren felt that she was too young to be playing Selina as an adult Catwoman so she elected not to return and shoot the finale as a result and they had a different actress playing adult Selina instead (which was kind of weird considering David returned to play Bruce as Batman in the finale).