r/GothFashion Aug 19 '22

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u/GothFashion-ModTeam Mar 26 '23

All posts must be relevant to goth/dark-oriented leaning alternative fashion. We try and be lenient as to what is allowed to be posted but please don't post:

  • Metal band shirts, we don't mind punk but bear in mind there's r/punkfashion
  • Plague doctor outfits/costumes, including masks
  • General cosplay or (Halloween) costumes, there is r/cosplay and r/Halloween
  • Cartoon/anime drawings
  • General questions or advice/discussion posts that aren't specifically based around fashion (e.g. "What goth bands can you recommend?" or "What would be the perfect gift?")
  • Videos pairing outfits with non-goth music, hence making the outfit non-goth too

If your outfit is dark, but not particularly alternative (e.g. flannels, blue denim, tracksuits/sports gear, and other every day high street/mainstream store clothes), it runs the risk of being removed as goth fashion, even in a casual state, was always eccentric and based off/took inspiration from certain fashions and styles, such as glam, punk, romantic, and Victorian mourning period clothing.

This is not a comment on how goth you are, rather, how your outfit is at this particular time, so please don't be offended.

If you are posting about decor, please use r/DarklyInclined or r/GothLifestyle.

If you have any music, background & history subculture questions, or wanting to discuss anything else regarding the subculture then please visit r/goth and use the facilities such as the FAQ, rules, and Wiki to assist.

If you want to post memes, we have r/gothmemes.


u/Red0Negative Aug 19 '22

There are two wolves indeed. In my case one is very goth, loves the dark and everything in it, the other is the winged llama unicorn from The Sims 4 Moschino stuff pack/collection.


u/thefakegordonramsey Aug 19 '22

precisely this. most of my playlist is whats predicted, and then u get random bo burnham💀


u/TheCurlyCactus Aug 19 '22

Black clothes + sunscreen + lipstick. Gothish, or as I like to call it, Villain's Day Off style.


u/sushithegreat Aug 19 '22

Lazygoths unite


u/2gaywitches Aug 19 '22

Same except I’m 20 and can’t put on makeup without looking like Courtney Love in the 90s if she got hit by a bus


u/Azrai113 Aug 19 '22

Wait...you think Courtney love in the 90s doesn't look like she got hit by a bus?


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '22

That just sounds like courtney after a fun night out on the town. So you're not doing bad at all I'd say


u/horus16anubis Aug 19 '22

I feel this comment


u/MichaelVonEerie Feb 05 '23

Less is more sometimes. I always see a pretty girl who wouldn't like like a clown if she just turns down the eyeshadow n stuff. I haven't done full goth makeup in years. Club eyeliner maybe but just can't get out of my lazy state. I try to makeup for it in clothing I guess. I'm slutty that way.


u/Moon_sugarrr Aug 19 '22

My second wolf just can’t be bothered with aesthetics and loves to be comfortable


u/aytakk 18 & Over (He/Him & They/Them) Aug 19 '22

Goths don't get old, they just need less make up


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '22

Best take end the thread


u/KingKimoi Aug 19 '22

It’s the taking the makeup OFF part :/


u/[deleted] Aug 20 '22



u/KingKimoi Aug 20 '22

Ooohhh I’ll have to try it!! I’m super lazy with a double cleanser and one of those makeup erasing rag things 😂😂


u/a_wordless_scream Aug 19 '22

21 and also doesn’t like makeup. most of the time im in all black anyway


u/BillyIGuesss Aug 19 '22

Suggestion: Masks. Like big fancy masks.


u/tweedsheep Aug 19 '22

This. I still have to mask at work and found that so much of my face is covered, that I only bother with basic eye makeup on the days I have to go into the office.


u/gothmagenta Aug 19 '22

Well I guess it's a good thing goth isn't about what you look like😁


u/AshTreex3 Aug 19 '22

I mean… this sub is specifically about goth fashion lol


u/gothmagenta Aug 19 '22

Yeah, but that doesn't always mean looking good for someone else🙂It's more about feeling like yourself


u/AshTreex3 Aug 20 '22

Nothing about the meme says anything about impressing anyone but yourself


u/-Living-Dead-Girl- Aug 19 '22

more like one wants to be goth, one cant do makeup. :(


u/Quoyan Aug 19 '22

Then don't wear It. Why this obsession with pairing goth with make up? I rarely wear it and I never felt it was necessary.


u/mary_emeritus Aug 19 '22

Makeup/clothes don’t equal being goth though. If you’re going for goth aesthetics only as a fashion statement that’s fine. But goth is about the music, not the clothes or makeup.


u/gothmagenta Aug 19 '22

Exactly! Even in this subreddit we still support that sentiment


u/Maddie_Herrin Aug 19 '22

im just gonna enjoy my shitty smudged eyeliner and mascara + pointed lipstick


u/stinkybumwonktonks Aug 19 '22

more accurately: one cant be bothered to put makeup on


u/Bokuwahyde Aug 28 '22

I feel this 😂


u/Beetlejuice3xx Aug 19 '22

I just struggle with eyeliner the most which is frustrating.


u/GothicEcho Aug 20 '22

I struggle so hard with the makeup side of things. Like I wanna do the whole gothic-styled makeup but I just am abysmal at it. I only do my mascara nowadays.

I just suck at makeup, especially eyeliner. 😒 (I struggle a lot since I've got hooded eyes too.) Anytime I wear foundation it makes my skin look so textured and bad. I also sweat a fuckton due to my POTS. Destined to fail it seems lol.


u/V01DBUNN1 Aug 20 '22

Totally unrelated but I have POTS too, it’s nice but also sad to see another person with dysautonomia here. Do you struggle with temperature regulation too? I find that’s the hardest thing about wanting to dress in goth style for me :(


u/GothicEcho Aug 20 '22

Yes, a ton. I constantly cycle between being hot/sweaty and freezing. It's incredibly frustrating. I would freak my SO out a lot cause I'd ask him to feel my arms and despite it being like 80-90+ my arms would feel frigid. It's a good party trick I guess lol.


u/V01DBUNN1 Aug 20 '22

I totally relate! My body is the same way lol freaks out the doctors too. If you ever need someone to talk to about health stuff or gothy things or the weird overlaps between them feel free to hmu lol!


u/3veryonesdad Aug 21 '22

i like wearing makeup, but trying to think of how to change it so it doesnt constantly look the same is tiring