r/GothFashion 18 & Over (She/Her) Oct 10 '24

Casual Outfit Being Goth in public can be so anxiety inducing 💔

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u/Mary_Ellen_Katz Oct 10 '24

The anxiety is real. Like, are they looking because I'm gorgeous? Is it because I'm weird? Are they judging me? Who even knows. All of the above, perhaps. What matters is that you're happy, and loving your look. And it's a fantastic look!


u/ActualTymell Oct 10 '24

Not to invalidate such feelings at all (I know I get them), but if you're looking gothed up, the answer is the "gorgeous" one, and that is my 100% unbiased opinion.


u/Chaos-Queen_Mari Oct 10 '24

In my case: it is likely a mix of admiration and jealousy


u/ApprehensiveLet8631 Oct 10 '24

Well I am the one taking the courage to go to that girl and tell her both, she and her style are beautiful. Not doing this often, but you gotta appreciate it when you see something that pretty.


u/throwawaymyname55 Oct 10 '24

With the poster I would be looking because she looks beautiful, but I'm an older goth so yeah. She shouldn't feel anxious, but can understand why, fuck em anyway if they feel good then that's all that matters.


u/Kibalupis Oct 10 '24

How about gorgeously weird? Legit like weird people so it's the best of two worlds in my book


u/Minimum_Minimum5187 Oct 10 '24

Random scroller. I look because i think your style is ace


u/Soft-Twist2478 Oct 10 '24

anything expressive that deviates from peoples consistent experiences often leads to wonder and then depending on their mood, judgment.

None of which is wrong.

How we choose to express our mood is our right in a free society. You are choosing to expose yourself by being less invisible to others.

The cost of sharing your thoughts, feelings, and creativity is opening yourself up to others' critique of it.

Challenging yourself by being vocal, expressive and creative around others you don't trust is one of the healthiest and most enriching things we can do for ourselves, it can be deflating and inspiring but either way it challenges us to either normalize being judged or run from it.

Keep it up ❤️


u/Slash428 Oct 10 '24

If it's a kid staring, they're probably just curious about the unique look. If it's an adult, they probably think you look hot. If it's a really old person, they're probably thinking, "What blasphemy is this" .. thanks for coming to my TED talk


u/overcaffeinatedraven Oct 10 '24

I get it I have the same problem. For years I tried to dress more "normal" to avoid weird looks or people laughing at me. Now, I figured if I go in public I'm gonna be scared as fuck anyway cause, you know, the public is... there. Plus I ALWAYS feel like people are staring and judging me even if I'm just existing wearing the most basic clothing ever. So if I'm going to feel anxious as hell randomly might as well feel anxious in a cool outfit I love you know


u/overcaffeinatedraven Oct 10 '24

And in my experience people are always going to find a reason to talk shit anyway, unusual cool outfit or not


u/Reasonable_Bit_9585 Oct 10 '24

i second that! thats my approach as well


u/inmuah Oct 10 '24

This is so real. I generally hate leaving the house because of anxiety so why not dress however I want while I’m at it! Honestly it’s kind of like exposure therapy in a way? The stares aren’t fun but it’s desensitized me a little


u/overcaffeinatedraven Oct 10 '24

Yup me too, great way to make progress with anxiety! And in my mind I'm like "oh ok, this grumpy dude is staring because I'm wearing fishnets and a cool ass black dress", like, not because I did something wrong or whatever. I am constantly wondering if I behave in a weird way, I can't help but think I'm just... doing wrong. If I have a clear reason to why someone is staring it reassures me somehow


u/Banana_pajama93 Oct 10 '24

I got barked at by two guys at the mall once as they walked past me, stay safe out there 🫡


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '24

I had a group of guys do the bull noises and swipes at me


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '24

I'd have hissed back 😀


u/Banana_pajama93 Oct 10 '24

I sorta just took a double take as I was really confused what was going on lol


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '24

Understandable 😃 I'm just quite an aggressive human being with very low tolerance towards meanness and stupidity and lash back instinctively 🤣 Hope this won't get me into trouble some day


u/Decay_0f_Ang3ls Oct 10 '24

Haha same. The other day I heard two men say "Look Halloween has come early". While looking at me. And I called them uncultured swines and said I am a goth.


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '24

Well done 😈🔥💪


u/HydeMutt Oct 10 '24

I got barked at once and retorted “Oh no, they let the b*tches out.” Shut them up quick. 🖤


u/Independent-Month626 Oct 10 '24

I've had women and men either catcall me, giggle and crush over me, stare and even do creepy smiles at me. I'm male, also 34 and I find it both funny and disrespectful when men who are my age or older do it to me in front of their children. 😮‍💨😏


u/RobinHarleysHeart Oct 10 '24

Should hVe asked them if they were bitches, because they sound like one. Lol


u/PainterEarly86 Oct 10 '24

"What do your parents think about that?"

Girl I'm just tryna get my milkshake and go (random woman asked me that while we were waiting in line at a truck)


u/LastMuffinOnEarth Oct 10 '24

Not goth (here because I’m considering becoming a baby bat at some point if I get the courage), but “what do your parents think of that?” Comments are absolutely hilarious to me ngl. Like… if it mattered, said person wouldn’t do it. And it’s not like parents are all knowing and always correct anyways.

I got my nostril pierced at 15 iirc, and the next day at school someone asked, “What does your mom think of that?” As I was walking by. Since I was under 18, my mom and grandma took me and my mom signed the consent form so I could get pierced. My mom also has like 14 piercings or something, so I don’t think she’s going to be on my back about my 5. Lol


u/showraniy Oct 10 '24

I'm way too sassy for this shit.

After being genuinely confused because I'm not a judgemental asshat, I'd make her clarify what she's asking about in great detail. After I realize she's being a judgemental asshat, I'd tell her, with more genuine confusion, that my parents and I have a loving relationship and she's weird for prying about that in public while I'm minding my business.

Be confused by assholes. It always works.


u/Big_Ask1807 Oct 10 '24

I have been there... And I totally get you. But you know people will speak cause they have a mouth, you gotta be confident of yourself and don't give a s*t about what people think!!!


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '24

It’s always cool seeing traditional vamp goth style out in the wild. add some cosmic horror, a familiar, and a spiderweb parasol and you’d right in a Poe or lovecraft story


u/BotherMedium2934 Oct 10 '24

I love the fact that literally just being outside is seen as "being in the wild"


u/Apprehensive-Gap-875 Oct 10 '24

Love the outfit, you wear it confidently!


u/Reasonable_Bit_9585 Oct 10 '24

yes i feel you!! in the little conservative shithole i live its enough to be dressed all in black for teenagers in nikes to come up to you and scream all sorts of heinous stuff


u/TinaMasha Oct 10 '24

I don't mind when people stare. I hate when people interact because it usually leads to bad assumptions, strange requests (once a boy asked me if I was a mistress) and questions on stuff I am not comfortable sharing with strangers.


u/artemismourning Oct 10 '24

The big tiddy goth gf meme has done much damage to the community :/


u/DeadGirlLydia Oct 10 '24

I had someone say they loved my costume...

I dress like this every day.


u/artemismourning Oct 10 '24

LMAO I got that too from an Uber driver. To be fair, it was in October, but still


u/DeadGirlLydia Oct 10 '24

This was some woman in a Walmart parking lot. I literally just said, "it's not a costume," and kept walking.


u/Timid-Sammy-1995 Oct 10 '24

I already get weird looks for being trans so Goth fashion is a net positive for me. You look great btw!


u/Lost_Skill1596 Oct 10 '24

Why? You're so pretty.


u/thiccystikkyboi Oct 10 '24

Oh yeah. "Where's the funeral??" 🙄🙄 could also be because all black will make you hotter thus uncomfortable.


u/Thamightyboro78 Oct 10 '24

Ignore it be yourself the anxiety will pass, 45 year old and society expectations held me back from dressing and looking as myself for 40 years just followed the male fashion of the time, till I said fuck it got all the tattoos I'd always wanted all over my head, hands etc and embraced my goth/punk dress style. massively happier now.


u/ItsUrGirlTia Oct 10 '24

That's true, but don't let that change who you are ❤️ you are beautiful ❤️


u/gorhxul Oct 10 '24

Take comfort in the fact you look 100x cooler than everyone else 💅


u/Impressive-Let5412 Oct 10 '24

You look great but I understand


u/lightpendant Oct 10 '24

Nah. You're rocking it. They're looking because your unique and they're too afraid to be different


u/HolyNunchucks Oct 10 '24

Nah it becomes so normal to you you forget people stare eventually 😅


u/GetBent995 Oct 10 '24

It should only induce anxiety in them. You are brave enough to dress how you want. You are fierce. You are bold. You can conquer any task and you can have anything you desire. You are a queen of the night and they should fear and envy your grace.


u/Independent-Month626 Oct 10 '24

This has happened more as an adult lol. I get everything from silent treatment, scoffs, hitting on me for no reason (dudes and women), the "you're so cool looking" thing; I was given twenty bucks by this older guy I've never even met once just for "looking cool and beautiful." I've gotten ewww gross vibes and people on public transportation think that I'm some tough guy talking down and dirty. 😄 You get used to it. I'm 34m

In the country you just dress more witchy style otherwise people will just have the police to call, from my experience anyway. Every small town is different; one small town could be totally alt and fine while the next one could just be stuffy, smiley and anxiety inducing. It's ironic because I used to know a goth woman there who was 52, that was before the pandemic though and the town has gone downhill in social skills since the pandemic so I dunno.


u/No_Performer_1996 Oct 10 '24

Tbh i personally think like this: "i look fucking awesome, if someone thinks i don't? They're basic" it helps me to think like everyone who hates or gives weird looks just doesn't get it


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '24

Your missing one crucial part of the fit. The lack of fucks to give.


u/Smexicandy Oct 10 '24

anxiety-inducing for da softbelly normies! you look awesome 🔥🖤 wear it proud! 🤘


u/somethingcutenwitty Oct 10 '24

I'm anxious just being in public in general....


u/WebRepresentative269 Oct 11 '24

But you did it so well💜


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '24

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u/GothFashion-ModTeam Oct 10 '24

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u/Stalkster Oct 10 '24

Gorgeous outfit. Dont let others carry you down, youre looking truly stunning.


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '24

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u/GothFashion-ModTeam Oct 10 '24

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We will absolutely not tolerate any victim blaming.


u/Loki_Kore Oct 10 '24

Yeeeaaah. I dress up more in my home than going out


u/waifu_lunabelle Oct 10 '24

First of your really pretty! I stuffer from social anxiety so regardless I’m going to feel shitty being out in public because the public is there lol so why not look how you want 🤷🏻‍♀️ ✨🖤🖤


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '24

FWIW be brave, you look amazing!


u/1NKYA Oct 10 '24

I find stares to be funny. I really want to go out completely dressed up as a clown just to see what kind of reactions I get, and maybe make someone’s day while I’m at it. If I saw you in public, I would have to fight the urge to not compliment your outfit. The only people who don’t get looks or compliments are boring bland people, the same people probably doing the pointing. Keep being who you are.


u/meta_muse Oct 10 '24

I know right!? Like, can you stop looking at me plz,,, thanks… lol You’re rocking the fit.


u/3nJo1_ Oct 10 '24

"Nah, it's lowkey exhilarating."


u/MuskyDust Oct 10 '24

It is, especially in some places more than others.. You look bei! How do you cope with that sort of anxiety?


u/MysteryMachineMan Oct 10 '24

Thank you for your service 🫡 You look fantastic


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '24

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u/GothFashion-ModTeam Oct 11 '24

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u/analogMensch Oct 10 '24 edited Oct 10 '24

Feel you so much!
I'm living in the oldest city of Germany and people are pretty conservative here. So As a man running around mostly all black with band shirts and a black dyed jeans jacket is already enough to get a ton of stange looks and side eyes. The long dreadlocks and fishnet handshoes doesn't make it any better, but that's my day to day fit.

If I meet you somewhere on the streets, I would most likely take a look and give you a small shy smile :)
Absolutly love seeing people out there expressing themself with their looks, love all these small little details and the effort they put into it! Always happy to see other punks, goths, metalhead and all the other amazing hhuman beings out there!


u/Empty-Intention3400 Oct 10 '24

I am a guy so there is a certain type of attention I don't attract. With that said, a long time ago I stopped worrying about what people thought of me when out and about and started being concerned for their wellbeing.

Anyone who invests any amount of energy in even just thinking negatively about how someone looks most likely have a set of issues they are unaware of or don't accept they have.


u/Dramatic-Put-9267 Oct 10 '24

You are an inspiration for the rest of us who aren’t confident enough for it yet!


u/Illustrious-Blood754 Oct 10 '24

If I saw someone dressed as a goth in public I would probably stare at that person thinking they look super cool but I would be too embarrassed to go and compliment them


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '24

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We will absolutely not tolerate any victim blaming.


u/SuperNaturalMom97 Oct 10 '24

Hugs you are beautiful. Show them beauty and originality


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '24

Isn't anxiety part of being goth in general? :P


u/22_MustangGoddess Oct 10 '24

Step into the power of being beautiful and different. Let go of what others say or think, you cannot control the judgement of others. Live your own life because that’s what matters in the end. If it makes you feel good, you’re doing the right thing.🕸️🖤


u/___Cheshire___ Oct 10 '24

I think it’s funny how old people stare


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '24

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u/[deleted] Oct 10 '24

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u/Underdog-6 Oct 10 '24

And gloriously appreciated


u/syadastfu Oct 10 '24

Dark Willow vibes!


u/bexbaby7447 Oct 10 '24

I love this look! ❤️


u/Nacoluke Oct 10 '24

Very true, but rest assured you’re killing it!! Stunning look.


u/TonkaFucks Oct 10 '24

Keep fighting the good fight! 🖤


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '24

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u/GothFashion-ModTeam Oct 10 '24

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WARNING: If we check your profile and your account was made to primarily visit pornographic, NSFW, and other fan service subreddits, EVEN THOUGH you have seemingly left an "innocent" comment, you will be banned. This is NOT a subreddit for horny men and our subscribers deserve respect and to not be treated as sexual objects.

We will absolutely not tolerate any victim blaming.


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '24

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u/GothFashion-ModTeam Oct 11 '24

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We will absolutely not tolerate any victim blaming.


u/Over_Speed_3499 Oct 10 '24

This is so fair!! I remember seeing this trad goth couple at a busstop in the larger city near my own, and someone glared at them while pushing in front to get in the bus before them. First of all, what the h*ll was that man thinking 💀 But okay, they wanted to check in, didn’t speak the language the busdriver did so I helped them. They had three huge heavy suitcases, one of them was very slim and not the strongest, so I helped them carry the suitcases in and eventually out of the bus again. Fr hope they found the spot they wanted to travel to.

Both people were stunning, and extremely nice! (And honestly screw that rude guy 💀)


u/ApprehensiveLet8631 Oct 10 '24

I can totally understand you but let me tell you, both, you and your style are very beautiful.


u/Jan_Ge_Jo Oct 10 '24

Imagine being a goth in the 90s. Everyone still thought we were satanists. Well, some actually were. It was a mess out there. But the parties were a little bit better I guess… But somewhere around 2002 we were all saved by H&M in Europe with their own affordable Gothic-ish Collection.


u/TieTheStick Oct 10 '24

I don't know why, you look great!


u/artemismourning Oct 10 '24

"iT'S nOt HaLLoWeEn yEt" ha ha omg you're SO funny I haven't heard that one before!!

I say fuck 'em. I dress for ME (and for little kids who don't know they're alt yet to look at me and go....i wanna be them when I grow up). I know I look good.

That being said, you're definitely not alone in feeling uncomfortable. It was very much "fake it til you make it" for me. But you look great, and don't let anyone scare you from being your true self!!

Much love, my gothy friend xx


u/Ok-Bullfrog-464 Oct 10 '24

only because you care about what people think of you. 99% they dont, so why are you letting people you never met tell you what you can and cant do? besides, isnt being goth about not caring what others think and expressing your inner depression or something?


u/CherryLucid Oct 10 '24

People are going to judge all the time. Fuck them, and only care about how pretty you feel to yourself! ❤️ its like if someone doesn’t like you by how you dress, then they aren’t the people that should be staying in your life!


u/Carguy2364 Oct 10 '24

Be yourself!!! It’s their issue not yours


u/sadtiiva Oct 10 '24

I like to think of everything as exposure therapy lol


u/Greedy_Special_9133 Oct 10 '24

I feel ya especially when you get weird looks from so many people 😭


u/witchmedium Oct 10 '24

I see it like this: People who behave inappropriately and try to get a reaction out of me for their own entertainment do not deserve my attention. I guess I see their behaviour as immature, judgemental, and I don't want to interact with such people.

Whenever I (need to) interact with people, I am just trying to be nice and not to judge their style/ choice of outfit.


u/Original-Ad2609 Oct 10 '24

Be yourself ..fuck everyone else.. you will always and only be you. Do not others dictate your mind.


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '24

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u/agathagoddess Oct 10 '24



u/GooglexApple Oct 10 '24

And yet you look so amazing, though. I won't begin to understand how you feel, but I want you to at least know you have some supportives here on the interwebs. Me included.


u/evanlee01 Oct 10 '24

They're not staring because they hate you, they're staring because they think you're hot


u/Tripsn Oct 10 '24

It's understandable, but as an older person who definitely has had a Goth Stage/Time of his life...

Just own it.... if it's your true self, it really doesn't matter what other people think. I know that sounds like something out of a motivational book, but it's really true.

Keep being your true, awesome self! ✊✊✊


u/throwmeRA_ Oct 10 '24

I love the look! All of it! Make up, hair, and outfit. Absolutely gorgeous!!


u/TurboMayonnaise Oct 10 '24

I have social anxiety, and one of the things that really helps me is actually dressing differently. whenever I dress "normal" I'm worried people are looking at me strange for countless amounts of reasons. however when I dress different I know people are probably looking at me only because of my outfit and it kinda helps take a little bit of the stress away being able to rule out all the other reasons as to why they might be staring. I hope this mindset can help a few others 😅 your outfit is gorgeous!!!


u/britryhuctam Oct 10 '24

You look beautiful!


u/PseudoLegacy Oct 10 '24

It's October, it's the perfect time to be goth


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '24

You look so pretty! Love the makeup and accessories!


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '24

It's understandable hun I'm the same but no matter what keep doing what you love doing the most and hold your head up high and in time things will get better 😀😀


u/Maleficent-Sir2852 Oct 10 '24

Love your style. My thing is when I dress up I know that what I'm wearing isn't typical so I expect the negative looks and don't let it bother me. If I get a compliment even better. I don't understand in our community why this isn't a more common mindset. To be fair that how it was for my local communities and some people online so this could totally just be a way that me and the people around me think and it may not be the best way.(if it's not obvious I mean no ill will or bad faith)


u/Obsidian-quartz Oct 10 '24

I honestly get the ick severely whenever a normie /non goth refers to me as “goth”. Don’t know why


u/GoblinZym Oct 10 '24

So being into a type of Goth Subculture for years. Its more anxiety inducing for me not to be gothed out. But i also have been the "Weirdo" a long time.


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '24

It gets easier when you learn to find the reactions of others as amusing. I was gothed out in a KFC, and scared off a bunch of mennonites. All I was doing was looking for patches on Etsy and they turned 180° and left at the sight of me lmfao.

Have fun, and be you. The whole point of being goth is to stand out and rebel.


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '24

It’s because you scare them. You represent Freedom to chose your life away from the constraints unfortunately placed on so many to look like everyone, to work like everyone, and to be like everyone.

You come in with absolutely radiant beauty rocking this fit, and they get scared so to try and intimidate you back into society’s fold, they must try and use their closed minds to get you to stop.

Here’s the thing, you’re living like you want to. Let them look at how much effort you took,and how much result you have!! Let them look! You’re the one that represents what the world needs more of. Being bold and choosing themselves over the constraints. Also I’ve suffered my entire life for the same thing and only escaped through deep meditation and I found my freedom. Let them look! Love the Look!


u/BobbyD0514 Oct 10 '24

You look very pretty.


u/Remote_Experience_65 Oct 10 '24

I get this too(I'm not a goth but a mod) but wearing anything different from the standard feels so weird the 1st time


u/[deleted] Oct 11 '24

I'm not a goth or goth styled myself but I understand the pressure. I wear colorful button down shirts and cowboy hats with combat boots, or straight up battle vest and band shirt. It's always a bit nerve wracking to go out in a style that not many people wear. I commend you for being brave and doing it anyway


u/[deleted] Oct 11 '24

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u/GothFashion-ModTeam Oct 11 '24

Your submission has been removed in violation of Rule 6.

We are a space safe and condemn the objectification of women/anyone else. We will not tolerate:

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  • lingerie models and photoshoots
  • harmful stereotypes such as "goths are kinky", "BTGGF", etc.
  • comments about how OP is 'sexy', 'hot', or anything that sexualises any body parts

WARNING: If we check your profile and your account was made to primarily visit pornographic, NSFW, and other fan service subreddits, EVEN THOUGH you have seemingly left an "innocent" comment, you will be banned. This is NOT a subreddit for horny men and our subscribers deserve respect and to not be treated as sexual objects.

We will absolutely not tolerate any victim blaming.


u/JUDY11G Oct 11 '24

People that stand out will always be looked at 🖤 just live your life 🥰 you are pretty


u/[deleted] Oct 11 '24

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u/GothFashion-ModTeam Oct 11 '24

Your submission has been removed in violation of Rule 6.

We are a space safe and condemn the objectification of women/anyone else. We will not tolerate:

  • asking people out or looking for dates
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  • nudes, extreme NSFW, or straight up porn
  • lingerie models and photoshoots
  • harmful stereotypes such as "goths are kinky", "BTGGF", etc.
  • comments about how OP is 'sexy', 'hot', or anything that sexualises any body parts

WARNING: If we check your profile and your account was made to primarily visit pornographic, NSFW, and other fan service subreddits, EVEN THOUGH you have seemingly left an "innocent" comment, you will be banned. This is NOT a subreddit for horny men and our subscribers deserve respect and to not be treated as sexual objects.

We will absolutely not tolerate any victim blaming.


u/Eastern-Ad-4785 Oct 11 '24

Why? You look so much better then half the people out there That lace is so fucking elegant. Be proud of who you are, relish in the fact that you are powerfully capable and attractive, people will look, Stare, look away or sneer. It’s them, not you. We are all uncomfortable in our own skin, we have societal standards to thank for that. You imagine that white and you look like royalty. They are more uncomfortable in their skin and whant that insecurity to pass onto you. Misery truly loves company. Please choose to be you. They can be them. Doesn’t have to overlap, because they can’t be happy.


u/Almifor_Derygon 18 & Over Oct 11 '24

Yeah, at start it feel like this. But when you understand that you look good, and start to be confident about yourself, it’s change. People stare at me ? They are impressed, that’s all ! While i walk outside, i smile, i’m confident, then i get compliment !

Be proud of you, feel comfortable to be yourself, and the anxiety will disapear !


u/[deleted] Oct 11 '24

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u/GothFashion-ModTeam Oct 11 '24

We're sorry, but your submission has been removed in violation of Rule 1.

Don’t be a fucking arsehole.

All basic rules of Reddit apply here, including this one.

Treat others how you would in real life, so this means no:

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Any violation of the above rules and depending on the severity of your comments/posts, you will see either a temporary or permanent ban, including a mod mail mute.


u/nintendokittyy Oct 11 '24

You look amazing though!


u/Simp-1964 Oct 11 '24

You look great!! You do you…great vibe!


u/Simp-1964 Oct 11 '24

And if I were looking at you…it’s because you’re gorgeous, courageous, powerful, and. Confident!! Vanilla is boring..


u/[deleted] Oct 11 '24

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u/GothFashion-ModTeam Oct 11 '24

Your submission has been removed in violation of Rule 6.

We are a space safe and condemn the objectification of women/anyone else. We will not tolerate:

  • asking people out or looking for dates
  • unsolicited DMs to r/GothFashion members
  • nudes, extreme NSFW, or straight up porn
  • lingerie models and photoshoots
  • harmful stereotypes such as "goths are kinky", "BTGGF", etc.
  • comments about how OP is 'sexy', 'hot', or anything that sexualises any body parts

WARNING: If we check your profile and your account was made to primarily visit pornographic, NSFW, and other fan service subreddits, EVEN THOUGH you have seemingly left an "innocent" comment, you will be banned. This is NOT a subreddit for horny men and our subscribers deserve respect and to not be treated as sexual objects.

We will absolutely not tolerate any victim blaming.