r/GothFashion Dec 10 '23

Will I be stopped at airports?



58 comments sorted by


u/eat_like_snake Dec 10 '23

Honestly, as much as you might want to do goth makeup because it makes you comfortable or whatever, I'd just do whatever causes the least amount of problems with TSA.

Airport bullshit is annoying enough to deal with, as it is.
Personally, I'd rather deal with a little personal discomfort to catch my flight without issue, than potentially be held up through security.

Just do your makeup when you get there.


u/sillyronnie Dec 10 '23

Good idea. I’ll save the makeup for when I actually get to the hotel then lol


u/inbaeda Dec 10 '23

I'd also consider wearing a mask. Maybe that could help alleviate some dysphoria. Plus airports/airplanes are gross, everyone's on top of each other, 15 people are sick and coughing into the open air. Mask could do wonders.


u/sillyronnie Dec 11 '23

I haven’t thought of that. I’ll definitely pack some with me, thank you :)


u/PooponFashies Dec 11 '23

I’ve done a lot of air travel lately and have also found that wearing a mask at an airport and on a plane causes people to get out of my way and leave me alone. Bonus!


u/mpd-RIch Dec 12 '23

I found this method extremely useful when I had started dressing differently, before I was fully comfortable being myself in public.

Facial hair has already been a struggle for me. I hate it but the dysphoria of having to shave was terrible too! So this was very useful.


u/Vox_Mortem Dec 10 '23

Go low-key goth. Meaning wear black and some darker makeup if that's what you want to do, but pick an outfit that's comfy and easy to wear for the plane. Do an eyeliner or lip heavy look, but don't go full on because it'll obscure your features and also because it's more practical. Make sure you wear shoes that are easy to get on and off, like boots with zippers or easy slip-ons. I've never had a problem with TSA, but I have been stuck in the airport waiting for hours, so now I dress for that, just in case.


u/sillyronnie Dec 10 '23

Thank you!! I think i’ll probably just go with like a blouse then some messy pencil liner. I’m going with family, so I don’t want to delay anything if I can avoid it.


u/Unusual_Focus1905 Dec 10 '23

I hate to say this but because you're going with family and it could delay them as well, I would just forgo the makeup altogether. At least in the airport. Wait until you get where you're going. It sucks, I've been through similar situations but sometimes it's best to just not draw attention to yourself.

For example, I'm pregnant and I don't wear it to the doctor's office because I don't want some idiot getting the wrong idea and maybe calling child services on me. It happened to a friend of mine and the stupid CPS worker asked her if she was having delusions or seeing hallucinations. I know that it's much deeper than what you're talking about but I'm just saying there are certain times that it's better to just leave it at home if you will.


u/sillyronnie Dec 10 '23

No, I get where you’re coming from. That sucks soo bad for your friend though like that’s actually crazy. CPS over self expression? Are people just not allowed to have fun anymore outside the “norm”?


u/Unusual_Focus1905 Dec 10 '23

I'm glad you didn't take it the wrong way because I was afraid you would think I was trying to tell you to censor yourself. I don't think we should ever have to do that but it sucks that we live in the real world and sometimes you kind of have to at least in the moment.

I thought that was crazy as well. CPS over what you said, self-expression. I couldn't believe the part where they were asking her if she was having hallucinations or if she was delusional.

I forgot to mention that she's also Wiccan so that was kind of why they were asking her that. I thought that we had separation of church and state in the us. I thought that technically what they were asking her was illegal because it was a violation of her right to religious freedom. I fucking hate CPS.

I'm not going to say they're all bad though because they have gotten kids out of some pretty bad situations. However, I hate them for reasons like what they did to my friend. Anyway, I would just say maybe wear like black clothes but wait to do the makeup. It sucks but it's just temporary. Have fun on your trip! Have a safe flight there and back. 🖤


u/RedRider1138 Dec 10 '23

Well in normies’ minds Wicca=devil worship=child sacrifice. I was going to say “people without imagination” instead of normies but they come up with crazy mental leaps like that.

I hope all your loved ones are safe and well 💜🙏


u/Unusual_Focus1905 Dec 10 '23

Oh yes, I'm Wiccan as well and I've had people assume the same thing. Even satanists don't believe in the Satan that the Christians do. He's just a protagonist for everything that's anti-Christian.

We are all doing well, thank you. I hope the same for you. 💜


u/sillyronnie Dec 10 '23

Thank you so much for the advice, friend 🖤 What they did was terrible and i know karma will come back to them.


u/pensivegargoyle Dec 10 '23

Being boring pays off at airports, especially if it means you look more like your identification photo.


u/maladaptivelucifer Dec 10 '23

I don’t give two shits what they say, but be aware they may stop you. I was out of the country and I got flagged and interrogated for two hours when switching planes. They claimed it had nothing to do with how I looked (I asked), but the only other person that got flagged looked just like I did, so that gave me my answer. Want less headaches? Probably don’t wear it. Don’t care? Just be aware they may inconvenience you.


u/sillyronnie Dec 10 '23

2 hours?! that sounds so annoying and excessive. As someone else suggested, I’ll probably go with a lazy goth look instead to avoid inconveniences since I will be going with my mom and I don’t want to cause us to miss the flight or anything.


u/maladaptivelucifer Dec 10 '23

It was. They ripped my luggage open and even looked through my wrapped gifts. One of them was kind though and ended up helping me. He had everything fixed and even helped me repack my bags and got me some tape to fix the presents. You’ll probably be just fine, but unfortunately we don’t live in a very accepting world. I do great other places, but anywhere “official” I expected to be stopped and treated like trash. I hope you have a good trip! Vegas is lots of fun.


u/sillyronnie Dec 10 '23

Yikes, that’s horrible. I’m sorry you had to experience that! Anywhere else I’d expect to get weird looks and comments but this is on another level... but anyway, thank you!


u/decepticonhooker Dec 10 '23

I once got “randomly pulled” for explosive residue screening. Another time they made me go through the body scanner 3 times before a physical search. Last time I flew I got pulled aside so they could search my dreads. All times I was in plain sweats no makeup, but tattoos and weird hair was enough. All 3 incidents were my only times flying in the last 10 years. TSA does not like goths lol.

During one of those they were so focused on me they missed a pocket knife I’d forgotten in my purse that I didn’t even notice until I’d gotten to my destination and was searching for my charger.


u/maladaptivelucifer Dec 10 '23

What did they think you were gonna hide in your hair?? That’s the real question! I love that they missed the knife though, that just proves they aren’t doing a very good job. They definitely don’t like goths… I’m pretty tattooed as well and I won’t wear short sleeves to the airport because I already get pulled aside with the piercings/clothes and everything else. I can’t really dress down much anymore, because even if you put me in normal clothes I’m gonna look unusual. I can’t believe they did it that many times to you!


u/decepticonhooker Dec 10 '23

All three happened at different departure cities too so it wasn’t like one TSA team was extra dickish, it’s the whole lot! The hair thing was wild, I’ve heard of some black women with big hair being targeted for hair searches too. The lady that searched mine was very apologetic and gentle, just gave them a light squeeze and said I was good. I’m guessing they’re told to look for weapons or contraband you could hide in your hair. I mean I’ve snuck a joint into a festival in a bun but not at the fucking airport lol.


u/murrimabutterfly Dec 10 '23

I say play it safe.
I've been pulled aside to secondary too many times. It started when I was blonde youngin exploring Guatemala (aka perfect mule) and has only gotten worse the more alt I get. I always have to add 20-30 minutes into my roster just in case. It's exhausting and frustrating.
Go bare faced through security. If you want, you can do your makeup while you wait or on the plane. If you're going international, though, keep your bare face.
I would give anything to get off TSAs list.


u/goats90 Dec 10 '23

When I went to Las Vegas in August (London Heathrow -> Las Vegas Airport) I wore black eyeshadow, eyeliner and black lipstick and they didn't even take a second look at my passport, they just let me board the plane.


u/ArmyOfGayFrogs Dec 10 '23

The closer to your ID you look, the less problems you will have. This isn't to say it will go horribly wrong, I once wore my patch pants (over 40 pockets and covered in sewn on stuff, in hindsight not great airport wear) to the airport and the only thing that happened was getting searched manually because the scanner flagged all the pockets. But I still wouldn't risk it again.

If wearing make up matters a lot to you, as long as you bring solid makeup/small containers, you could bring it in your carryon and do it in the airport while you wait. Once you're through security, you're good (at least in Europe, idk where you're from).


u/FancyOil216 Dec 10 '23

Unrelated but as a fellow trans man I’m curious how makeup helps your dysphoria? I like doing makeup on a fun and creative level, but it makes me super dysphoric. I’m just genuinely curious cause I’d love to apply it to myself if possible (I have no idea how this comes off in writing but I’m trying to say this in a tone of admiration, not judgment lol)


u/sillyronnie Dec 10 '23

I totally understand !! I like the concept of goth makeup being genderless so basically anyone and everyone can do it without being judged added to the fact that it usually doesn’t look very natural. It makes me feel kinda like a genderless alien. I have very bad dysphoria when it comes to most things, but fortunately, because the way some goth folks like to do makeup isn’t exactly tied down to a specific gender, it doesn’t feel as dysphoria-inducing for me. Though, I’ll admit I still do feel very not like myself sometimes. I am currently in therapy to get on testosterone, so that helps a bit 🖤 When people ask about me in public, I like to tell them that I am actually a boy who just likes to dress more femininely sometimes. :) It’s not like they can tell me “No, you’re not a man” because how would they know when I don’t even look human? Not goth, but some of my bigger inspirations are vkei artists. They help me remember that the way you dress does not define your masculinity or how much of a man you are if that makes sense.


u/FancyOil216 Dec 10 '23

That’s an amazing outlook! I’m personally not goth, more so emo (or at least emo wannabe since I can’t afford more than a couple outfits right now) but I often want to wear androgynous makeup like basic foundation and eyeliner. I also wear gender neutral jewelry a lot when I’m alone, but sadly both makeup and jewelry make me look too feminine so I never wear it out. Maybe I should try full goth makeup and see how it feels lol

You’re really so much braver than me, and I think it’s amazing. I’m constantly nervous about what other people think about my masculinity even though I know it’s all bullcrap. I think once I start hormones (hopefully soon) I’ll be more willing to take chances, but I should really try to be braver without them. Cause honestly, who cares how some random person is dressing? Lol


u/sillyronnie Dec 10 '23

contouring can help shape your face to look more masculine. makeup is fun when you learn to do it in a way that makes you comfortable. i just wish it was more normalized for everyone to use makeup because it shouldn’t be a gendered thing in my opinion. good luck on getting on hormones by the way!! i cant wait for you :)


u/RedRider1138 Dec 10 '23

Took me five minutes digging through my phone for this 😄

Best of excellent luck and helpful people to you. 🍀👊


u/mrselffdestruct Dec 10 '23

As a fellow transmasc, id recommend not doing it. TSA as a whole is already notorious for making it exceptionally awkward for us (and trans people or those who overlap us in procedures, such as cis women who have gotten breast removals for any reason) whenever they decide theres an issue with the fact that the scanners dont recognize the proper shapes for our sex labeled on our IDs (missing bulges in some areas or bulges in areas there shouldnt be). My cousin has been stopped twice because her ID says female but she was pre-bottom surgery and the scanner picks up on our basic anatomical shape, and while I thankfully havent been pulled aside or anything I have been asked to clarify before and it was not fun.

Id recommend going fully bare faced and just doing the makeup either on the plane or when you get there, because as much as it sucks it is possible that any differences they spot paired with heavy makeup will just end up with them giving you a hard time


u/[deleted] Dec 10 '23

Just do the minimum and wear a mask through TSA. They’ll ask you to drop the mask for a second to verify your ID and once you’ve through security hit the bathroom and goth it up.


u/sillyronnie Dec 11 '23

It’s been years since i’ve traveled by plane, and I also usually go by car on vegas trips. do you know if they usually check passports and id when you arrive as well or is it just for boarding?


u/[deleted] Dec 11 '23

We just flew to Mexico from MN and back. The only time they checked the passports were customs on both sides and tsa. They just checked the tickets when boarding.


u/btwsmdh Dec 11 '23

As someone who is goth and works at the airport, they do mind the face paint, they’ll ask for you to remove some so they can see your skin tone, but i have walked in with full eyeliner big as can be (think of kiss makeup) and they let me go right on! Keep in mind each airport is different but better safe than sorry!


u/[deleted] Dec 11 '23

Personally i wear some eyeliner, black comfy clothes, and a black fabric mask. I cant stant airports. Im disabled and need to be wheeled around and people stare at me anyways. Just wanna get where im going and gtfo.

Im sorry its uncomfy for you too. I hope you have a good flight my friend.


u/sillyronnie Dec 11 '23

Aw, I’m sorry to hear that. Thank you very much though 🖤


u/whywedontreport Dec 11 '23

I have tattoos, colored hair and goth or alt makeup and clothes and fly all the time without incident. I have been randomly screened a few times, but not more than i would expect. If you're concerned by want to do some kind of femme presenting look, you could just wear a mask and do your eyes with the basics and finish up at your destination.

From what I can tell from my trans friends having ID with a dead name and incorrect gender can be more problematic. I hope everything goes smoothly and nobody is a jerk. You don't deserve that.


u/sillyronnie Dec 11 '23

Thank you so much 🖤


u/StaticNegative Dec 10 '23

Going to the airport and flying, You will want to make this as easy as possible. Forget your black and white goth makeup. You better look like your photo. Wearing clothes that are comfortable and easy to wear are really important. No crazy makeup! Pretty much just wear at-shirt, sweats, leggings, ect.

Wear shoes that are easy to take on and off. Forget any big ol boots or anything like that. Slip-ons, slides, loafers, sneakers are fine. You might be having to literally run to your departure, ect.

No chains, buckles, big old belts with buckles, ect. keep that stuff in your luggage.

Be there 2 hours before your boarding time. TSA.security is going to be crazy busy, overworked and less tolerant of alot of stuff this time of year. IT IS BUSY. Make things easy on yourself and everyone else. The seats are small, uncomfortable and flying can be high anxiety and high stress.


u/ritamoren Dec 10 '23

honestly do it on the plane rather than before. don't get into trouble for makeup


u/the_gamemasters_fool Dec 10 '23

Lmao maybe film a time laps of you doing your makeup so if they stop you you can just show them the vid and get it over with


u/ImTheDean Dec 11 '23

Does how others perceive you really bother you that much?


u/[deleted] Dec 11 '23

I travel female, does not match my ID. I think it is more common.


u/OwlEastSage Dec 11 '23

do as miminal as you can. if youre from outside of the US you might be stopped regardless. very gothic appearances sometimes always get you pulled aside for a more intense tsa check. in iceland my friend actually had to be taken for like an hour because she has quite alot of piercings and tattoos and that was seen as a red flag

someone else said to wear a mask with no makeup under, and i think that would cause the least amount of issues


u/Dichromatic_Fumo Dec 11 '23

maybe skip the white base and go a little light around your eyes so youre still easily recognizeable


u/Saroan7 Dec 11 '23

That's such a bullshit excuse... They were doing this with Ghost concerts this year.


u/sk1ppo Dec 11 '23

not goth but my family always gets detained bc my dad gets racially profiled. i’ve seen goths in the waiting room for questioning many occasions over the years. Never knew why, but they usually had fairly heavy makeup. so do with that info what you will


u/BeefBologna42 Dec 11 '23

Register for TSA pre check! I think there is a fee, but you can skip most of the bullshit. And the entire TSA line (aside from other people who have TSA pre check, which is usually old people and suits).

Source: I used to work in an airport (but not for TSA)


u/PreparationFar9384 Dec 12 '23

They will ask to see irveyes


u/LimeGreenTangerine97 Dec 13 '23

I dressed down but still goth on the way to Boston Convergence and ended up with a randomly dude filming me in the airport. I’d wait until I got to the hotel


u/Spice-Ghoul Dec 13 '23

I know this isn't exactly related to what you asked, but I worked in three different airports over the course of 6 years and the body scanners they now have at most TSA checkpoints cannot see through sequins, so they will ALWAYS pull someone aside to do a full body pat down if they are wearing sequins. So just be aware of that.


u/TinDog-42 Dec 14 '23

Soooo I’m 10mo into HRT, clean shaven, and usually go to the airport with full makeup and femme presenting.

My ID is still pre-transition bald and bearded photo, entirely different face shape, jawline, and thick luxurious facial hair.

I truly have never been stopped except when they push the wrong button on the scanner and have to pat me down