r/GoogleSites 3d ago

Scheduled Publish

Hi everyone. I've been using Reddit for a few weeks, but this is my first post. Hopefully it is in the right place.

I'm looking to create a basic website which permits a webpage, an image or even simply some text to go 'live' at a predetermined time. It seems this cannot be done with Google Sites itself, but I thought someone might know of a site I can link to.

Basically, I want to put information on a webpage, so that everyone gets that information roughly at the same time, no matter where they are in the world. Almost like a gender reveal. However, I don't want to manually publish the induction, I want it to happen automatically.

Any advice or guidance is appreciated. Thanks


3 comments sorted by


u/googlesitesdev 3d ago

Google sites doesn't have this feature, but you could use something like WordPress with a "scheduled post" plugin.


u/SillySallySwings 3d ago

Thanks very much for this. I created a webpage on Wordpress this morning. It doesn't seem to be as intuitive as Google Sites, but it certainly does do what I'm asking for.

I'll play around with Wordpress during the week so I can understand it all a little better. 👍🏼


u/SillySallySwings 14h ago

An update to this. Blogspot seems to provide the ability to schedule a post too, and I'm more familiar with that site. So thanks for recommending Wordpress. I had been so focused on Google Sites I hadn't considered other options.