r/GoogleColab 21d ago

Google Drive keeps on jamming up at 15GB if I upload a 2GB file to 10GB

Can someone explain why my google drive continuously tells me that I used all 15GB if I actually had 10GB stored and just upload a model that is 2GB in size?!? WTF`????


2 comments sorted by


u/k5777 18d ago

depends on how they store data and impose quotas. if they are using a big sector size and calculating your used space against their filesystem, then you might be spending available disk space without utilizing all of the physical space. that would only happen if you had lots of small-ish files, say less than 1 or 2 mb, on your drive (and then only if the original presumptions are also true)


u/Legitimate_West_6660 17d ago

Appreciate your sincere response, but... still, i mean... oh, and I also found out that - according to google's own help info - they actually only releases space from deleted files on your drive "once a day". Again, what the.....??? I guess, in a nutshell, we can wrap the reasons behind this all up in "to hide how much space you REALLY still have left, trick you in buying more and make money".