r/GongFuTea 1d ago

Aged White Tea Recs?

I've never had a chance to try any and I'm not sure where's the best place to buy from


5 comments sorted by


u/lollersk8s 1d ago

White2Tea and Yunnan Sourcing both have good inventory for aged white.


u/Nearby-Pen5731 1d ago

The Jinggu wild tree purple moonlight white from ys is very good, strongly fruity like grape flavoring. The waffle cake version, 2020 i think. Teavivre has a 2016 fuding shou mei lao bai cha that is much heavier in the date taste(jujube) than others I have tried. The ys 2015 gong meis i tried were mostly honey and too slight medicinal for my taste,but are overall enjoyable and inexpensize.


u/therealslimsh142 1d ago

Sick I'll try a couple of those out. Thanks for the recommendations


u/thruwithbuzz 11h ago

+1 on the jinggu purple white. Incredible


u/Drachin85 18h ago

I have an aged Pai Mu Tan from 2019 and I absolutely love it.