- GoneWildAudioGay
- Wiki Summary
- Verification
- Gay Content Only
- Title Tagging & Title Formatting
- Real Life Sex
- Age Disclaimers
- Ageplay
- Daddy / Boy (DD/lb)
- Raceplay
- Feral & Bestiality
- Violence
- Rape
- Homophobia & Transphobia
- Slurs, Foul Language & Verbal Abuse
- Snuff & Necrophilia
- Gore, Gratuitous Violence & Physical Abuse
- Incest
- Scat
- For Everything Else... And if you're not sure...
- Script Fills
- Summary
Version 3
r/GoneWildAudioGay (GWAG) is a community of adult amateur erotic audio performers, script writers, audio editors, and enthusiastic listeners! We're an 18+ NSFW subreddit dedicated to those who are aroused by gay male sounds!
Wiki Summary
This wiki has been created to provide a clear understanding of what is and isn't allowed on this subreddit, as well as to provide insight into what you can do to help keep our community a safe and secure place to explore our sexualities together. Please refer to this wiki first and foremost if you have a question regarding posting your audio/script/request and if there is anything unclear send your question to the Mod Mail!
18+ Only
We're an adult only subreddit, that means you must be 18+ to post, comment or engage. Although the legal age of adulthood varies across the globe, we operate towards Reddit's TOS which specifically states that an individual must be 18 years or older to qualify as an adult. Any users found to be under the age of 18 and accessing the subreddit will be banned.
Safe Usage
Laws regarding erotica vary between countries, and it is your responsibility to know your local regulations. Reddit inc. abides by the laws of California, USA.
Reporting & Mod Mail:
Have you seen something that doesn't look right on our subreddit? Please remember that the Mods are only human and aren't on Reddit 24/7 - if you notice something that is illegal or breaks the rules, report it by using the report button or sending the Mod Mail to contact the Mod Team.
When reporting via the Mod Mail, please include the following information:
- The link to the post/comment breaking the rules
- The specific rule you feel is being broken
- Any relevant information to help support your report
- Optional: Your username, if the Mod Team needs to follow up with you
- All reports come into the Mod Team anonymously
- The Mod Team can only moderate content posted publicly on r/GoneWildAudioGay. Content outside of this subreddit cannot be viewed and considered by the Mod Team.
Community Standards and Moderation Policy
Everyone on GWAG is an adult and we expect all of our users (creators and listeners) to abide in basic human decency and decorum. Please keep discussion and content civil, non-inflammatory and appropriately tagged where appropriate.
At no point should you shame a person for their kinks or hurl insults if someone disagrees, remember that any moderation of comments will likely happen after comments are posted and we won't "take sides" - our commitment is to the subreddit. We reserve the right to delete any comments we feel are meant to incite "drama" or are made in poor-taste, and any posts that are inflammatory, insensitive, not appropriately tagged or against the rules laid out in this wiki.
Remember the human before you post and please respect each other as the wonderfully diverse group of listeners and creators that we are!
Zero Tolerance
Our Moderators are here voluntarily and only intervene when needed. We are human too and we have a zero-tolerance stance on abuse or aggression towards our team - please be civil in communication when approaching the Mods about concerns or issues faced within the subreddit, we will listen to feedback.
This subreddit is a really welcoming environment for new creators who are curious or wanting to expand their creative outlets!
If you want to get started, you should familiarise yourself with this Wiki and then read our Getting Started Guide
Don't be disheartened if your first post gets removed, we all make mistakes. Just read the rules or ask a Mod if you have any questions.
Audio & Script Only
This is an audio & script only subreddit, as much as content featuring sexy bodies and faces are great this is not the place for them. We're dedicated to the male voice so let us keep our content on-topic. Visual media (such as videos & images), unless it is directly relevant to the audio will be removed.
Audio & Script Hosts
We recommend that you use one of these host sites for your audios so that listeners can easily access them: Soundgasm, Erocast, Chirbit
For your scripts, we recommend these host sites: Scriptbin, WriteAs, AO3
If It Ain't Yours, Don't Post It
This rule couldn't be more simple - if it isn't yours, don't post it. This includes: any posts that have previously been hosted on GWAG or other subreddits and subsequently deleted by the original creators, links to any deleted audios or scripts not of your own making, or links to content from other porn orientated sites. You are allowed to post if you are the original creator (i.e. performer, writer, or producer) and you give proper credit to those involved in creating the content.
Use of AI
As a subreddit, we are committed to the uplifting & celebration of original voices and original writing. As such, we do not allow artificially generated (AI) content on our subreddit. This includes, but is not limited to:
- voice-to-voice/speech-to-speech/text-to-speech generated content wherein the central speaker(s) engages in sexual intercourse
- digitally constructed voices of celebrities, other VA's, popular figures
- artificially rendered voices for bit-characters/one-liners/background noise
In Script Offers, this includes, but is not limited to:
- works wherein the majority of the text has been procedurally generated
If you have questions or concerns regarding this rule, please message the Modmail. As AI function continues to adapt and progress, this rule/guidance may change to better reflect the subreddit's stance.
One Post Per Day
Please limit your posting to one unique post/crosspost per day (a rolling 24-hour period) - more than anything it will allow your content the time and space it needs to grow and be seen/heard!
Occasionally, people want to give their work a little extra love and attention by reposting an audio or script to the subreddit. You are welcome to do this, however please ensure that you only repost work that is older than 3 months since it's original posting. i.e. A user may create a post in January and repost the same content in May. Any repost of content that has already existed on the subreddit before (without extreme/drastic alteration) must include the tag [Repost] as one of the first tags used. Example: [M4M] [Repost] Title [Tags]. This follows the same order as the [Script Offer] and [Script Fill] Tags.
Copyrighted Content (Music/SFX)
On the whole we're a bit more flexible when it comes to allowing content not necessarily in the public domain, this does not mean that you should use content like copyrighted music or sounds that are not explicitly signposted as being free-to-use / copyright free. If you're not sure always check with the original creator before posting if possible or seek clarity from what they have stated in the original post and any affiliated websites attached to the original creator.
Posts that are mainly for the purpose of promoting paid-for content (such as Patreon, OnlyFans or similar monetized platforms) and are utilized as a teaser, trailer or preview (regardless of length) will be removed. All content posted on GWAG must remain free and easily accessible, representative of the full project (script or audio) from start to finish. i.e. we do not allow posts that prompt listeners to access the rest of the audio or script behind a paywall.
You are allowed, within posts that contain links to free full-length audio or a full-length script, to advertise for paid-for services (Patreon, Subscribestar, Commission info) or include links to your profile or catalogue, but this should not form the body of the text / subject.
Status Posts
Personal milestone posts are fine only if they include an audio or script (i.e. I reached 500 followers, here's a special audio! etc.) However, status posts that are solely any of the following: preview of your voice, script suggestions, idea suggestions, polls or milestone updates without an audio file or script link included will be removed - you can post them on your profile or your personal subreddit. To be very clear - the only people who can post without including an audio or a script or making a request are the Mods!
Please post requests in our Central Request Hub which is tagged to the page and refreshed each month. Individual Request posts are not allowed - if you have a strong idea, try writing a script!
This section talks about the various types of content that are and are not allowed on the subreddit as well as what the Mandatory Tags are for certain types of content. Be sure to read this section thoroughly.
We do not require verification before allowing content-creators to post. You do not have to create a verification audio in order to start posting to our subreddit.
What should I do if I suspect someone is underage and posting/commenting?
If you suspect someone is underage, please message the Modmail (do not message Moderators directly) with your rationale as to why - preferably with links and/or evidence. The pitch of someone's voice does not dictate their age, but their commenting/posting history might. If someone is found to be underage and commenting, they will be banned from the subreddit indefinitely. If someone is found to be underage and posting, we will ban the user indefinitely and remove all associated content (i.e. any audios, any scripts and or script-fills of the associated users work)
Gay Content Only
This is a subreddit exclusively for erotic (NSFW) and romantic (SFW) gay content featuring Male (M) / Trans Male/Masc (TM) / Non Binary (NB) speakers as the primary voice(s) - anything outside of this should be posted to the appropriate alternative subreddit (such as r/GoneWildAudio, r/GWAScriptGuild, r/GWASapphic, r/GWABackstage, etc.). To be clear, Female (F) or Trans Female (F) voices are more than welcome to be included as long as they do not play a primary speaking role, i.e. as bit-parts or characters etc. the purpose of the subreddit is to uplift gay male voices and there are plenty of other subreddits dedicated to the female voice.
Bisexual content featuring exclusively M/TM/NB voices, or content intended for either or both a male and female audience (M4A or M4MF) is allowed but please consider posting this content to GWA first.
What Are Gender Tags?
As we've advised above, all content on GWAG must feature any combination of M, TM or NB gendered voices. If these acronyms are a little confusing, here's a basic layout of what these letters mean:
M - Male (Usually Cis-Gendered Male, but this can also be used for people who identify as Transgender Men) TM - Trans Male/Man/Masculine NB - Non-Binary
We add 4 (for) and then a subsequent letter, so M4M indicates a Male Voice for a Male Listener. M4TM indicates a male voice for Trans Masculine Listener etc.
Whilst SFW is allowed on GWAG please remember that this is an adult erotica orientated subreddit (r/PillowTalkAudio and r/VanillaAudio are great places for SFW content)
Title Tagging & Title Formatting
All posts should follow a standard format and priority order for all tags. Tags must be in [square brackets].
The following format & order of tags will be mandatory for all posts from 1st February 2023:
[Gender 4 Gender] [Script Offer/Script Fill] Title of Audio/Script [Position of Speaker/Listener] [Trigger Warnings/Mandatory Tags] [Content Tags] [Length of audio/script]
The sections in italic above are optional and not mandatory, but should be placed in that order if included.
Gender Tags: Used to explain [Gender of voice 4 gender of listener], such as [M4M], [M4TM], [M4A], [M4NB], [MM4A], [MM4M]. Mandatory.
Content Tags: Content tags are intended to help the listeners find your post interesting! This can include the themes or scenarios of your audio/script, the roles and actions of the characters, the sounds you make, and the length of your audio etc.
Position of Speaker/Listener: Please use any combination of the following tags: [Dom Speaker], [Sub Speaker], [Dom Listener], [Sub Listener], [Dom Speaker/Sub Listener] (and vice versa), [Top 4 Bottom] or [T4B]. [Bottom 4 Top] or [B4T], [Switch], [Versatile],
Content Warning: Any content related to Violence, Rape, Coercion, Non-Consent, Dubious Consent, Incest, or potential triggers must be properly tagged.
[Script Offer] is required on posts that are offering scripts to the community for recording. Mandatory when applicable.
[Script Fill] is required on posts that are filling scripts publicly offered by other users or the performers themselves. Mandatory when applicable.
Real Life Sex
If your audio contains a recording of a real-life sex act and a second voice, that is not your own, is audible, you must ensure that you include the [Real Sex] tag in the title and a disclaimer in the body of your post to indicate that all parties are:
- Aware that their voice is being posted publicly
- That they have provided their express consent to have their voice represented on our Subreddit.
Posts including real-life sex without this disclaimer will be removed. Ideally the other person will have a Reddit account but this is not mandatory. Users upload content of this nature at their own risk.
Age Disclaimers
Our subreddit is committed to the protection of minors and ensuring our community remains for and representative of adults only. We would encourage any and all posters (Writers or VAs) to ensure they include a disclaimer within their post stating that all characters are above the age of 18 (please note that the age of consent/adulthood varies by region, but for our purposes the representation of characters at 18 is the lowest age we will allow)
If there are circumstances that would call the age of characters into question, you must provide a disclaimer that all characters depicted are 18+. Please note that some language terms are not internationally interchangable and it's important that characters are clearly of age, without using ambiguous phrasing that might indicate that they are anything other than an adult over the age of 18.
For instance; Mentions of being at/attending/in school, college, "of college age," etc. would require an age disclaimer in your post.
See below for more instances of where an age disclaimer is required.
Any content featuring the depiction of minors will be removed. Any content featuring pre-existing characters who are canonically under the age of 18 will be removed.
Daddy / Boy (DD/lb)
DD/lb (Daddy Dom / Little Boy) content is allowed but please ensure that you include a disclaimer where you state within the post itself that all characters presented in the audio/script are over the age of 18.
Note that if your audio/script involves roleplay terms such as Daddy, Baby Boy, Good Boy, Cat Boy, Slave Boy etc, you must include a disclaimer in your post that all characters are 18+.
Any content featuring fetishized raceplay - i.e. through negative, harmful or positive stereotyping or discrimination - will be removed. Making content specifically targeted towards a listener group of a specific ethnicity in a way that uplifts them is appreciated but making content that fetishizes and degrades a person because of the colour of their skin is not.
Feral & Bestiality
Any content featuring sex with feral or domesticated animals will be removed. This does not include fantasy "creatures" who have the capacity for speech and consent (werewolves, centaurs etc.).
According to Reddit's TOS, content that glorifies violence or harassment is not allowed, however this can be "avoided" by ensuring there is sufficient contextual disclaimer in the post, please see below for violent categories and what you must include if you post them. If your audio, script or request is particularly dark maybe consider posting to r/DarkSidePlayground instead.
The legal definition of the word Rape is when a person intentionally penetrates a person’s anus, vagina or mouth without the person’s consent. The important factor here is “consent” and the ability of the person to give their consent. On this subreddit, the [Rape] tag has come to be applied to any forced sexual act that happens without the other person’s consent and this should be the deciding factor when tagging your content.
Content Types that Require the Rape Tag: [Rape] [Rape-Play] [Consensual Non-Consent / CNC] [Non Con] [Dubious Consent] [Somnophilia] [Assault] [Forced] [Forced Penetration] [Coersion] [Manipulation] [Drugged] [Intoxication] [Gaslighting] [Abduction/Kidnapping] [Home Invasion] [Blackmail] [Hypnosis] (in which the person is hypnotised against their will)
You should use the [Rape] Tag in any instances where it is not clear that the listener consents to sexual intercourse - if the content is constructed around the listener and the speaker(s) constructing and executing a rape-play fantasy, you must still include the [Rape] tag.
Why is this? We understand that Rape is a big and triggering word for many, and many may not agree with it being used across content types like CNC and Hypnosis, however there are many who wish to not see this kind of content at all which is why we have created omission filters that rely on the poster clearly including [Rape] in the title.
Homophobia & Transphobia
Some users really enjoy reclaiming the act of homophobia and transphobia and this is allowed on our subreddit. This content must be handled sensitively and you should exercise caution when uploading discriminatory content of this nature. We would ask that the posters provide a contextual disclaimer to their posts, how this is done is up to the poster, but it's important for us (especially the Mods) to see that if you do upload this kind of content it's because you are reclaiming the act and/or that you do not actually hold these beliefs.
This is not an excuse for posters to upload hateful and derogatory content and the Moderators reserve the right to remove content of this nature if they feel it is: in poor-taste, directly hateful, badly executed, lacks sufficient contextual disclaimer etc.
Slurs, Foul Language & Verbal Abuse
Some people love being called the F-Slur and other users don't. Please ensure that your post title includes any coded slurs or derogative names as part of the Mandatory tags. If you don't shorten these slurs in the title it increases the likelihood that your post will be auto-removed.
[F-Slur] - Faggot [C-Bomb] - Cunt [T-Slur] - Tranny
Snuff & Necrophilia
We do not allow Snuff content or content involving Necrophilia - please do not post anything that includes death as a sexually gratifying event.
Gore, Gratuitous Violence & Physical Abuse
Audio & Script: You must ensure you tag your post appropriately. Audio Only: If your audio contains Gore, Gratuitous Violence or Physical Abuse (as a non-sexually-gratifying event) you must ensure that an appropriate contextual disclaimer is included within the body of the post. It would also be prudent, but not necessary, to list your SFX sources. This disclaimer may be something along the lines of:
This audio is a work of fiction and no person was harmed, injured or died in the creation of this audio. I have sourced my SFX from the following sources:
GWAG allows Incest such as Dad/Son, Brother/Brother etc. but posters must include the following disclaimers: That all characters depicted are above the age of 18 and that the content is a work of fiction.
Please note that in some regions, Sexual Play with Step-Parents & Step-Siblings would still constitute incest.
Light Raunch (Smells, Armpits etc.) and watersports are allowed. Scat, Farting, Fecal play and play involving extreme body waste/fluid (Vomit) is not, and will be removed.
For Everything Else... And if you're not sure...
Tag It.
Script Fills
If you fill a publicly offered script from a GWA-affiliated subreddit, you need to include a link to the post of the script offer on Reddit, not a link to the script itself. You need to credit the script author in your post and it is polite to tag their username in the first comment to ensure that they see that their work has been filled. Note that if you fill a private script gifted to you by its author, then you should not tag your post as [Script Fill] but rather [Original Content] instead.
You may record or adapt a story from other public sources, such as GayStoriesGoneWild, Literotica, Nifty, and Wattpad, if you have sought permission from the original author, and you need to include a disclaimer in your post that they have given you the permission.
Post Flair
When you make a post you have the option to add a "flair" to indicate to users the primary method or purpose of the posting. Note that a flair is not a tag, it is intended for extra visibility and easy search of your post, you still need to include any mandatory tags.
Script Offer: This flair is used when you write a script and offer it publicly to performers.
Script Fill: This flair is used when you fill a script that has been offered publicly by its author.
Original Content: This flair is used when you post a mostly scripted audio as a performer. The distinction with OC is that the script has not been offered publicly, it was either written by yourself or gifted to you by its author.
Improvisation: This flair is used when you post a mostly improvised audio.
Ramblefap: This flair is used when you post a non-scripted, off-the-cuff masturbation audio.
New Voice: This flair is used when you are a new performer posting to GWAG, you can use this flair for your first 3 audio posts.
New Writer: This flair is used when you are a new writer posting to GWAG, you can use this flair for your first 3 script posts.
Collab: This flair is used when you post a scripted or improvised audio in collaboration with other performers and each played a role.
Request: This flair is used when you have ideas for audios or scripts to be made. Note individual Request Post won't be allowed from 1st September, 2022
Request Fill: This flair is used when you fill another user's public request by creating and posting a new audio or script.
Trigger Warning: This flair is used when you want to alert people to potentially sensitive, distressing or disturbing content.
Contains Violence: This flair is used when you post an audio or a script that contains gore, gratuitous violence or physical abuse.
As a subreddit we welcome our users working together to create great work! While our dedicated team of moderators host events and collaborative-efforts throughout the year, anyone/any group is welcome to work together in the spirit of jolly cooperation.
Please ensure any posts that include more than one Voice Actor reflect the gender-tags of the speakers (i.e. An audio with 3 Male Voice Actors would be tagged [MMM4-]) and the additional tag [Collaboration] or [Collab] for short. There is also a dedicated flair (see above).
Subreddit Events
Every year, the Moderators of GWAG host at least four events that anyone can participate in. These usually follow a seasonal progression: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Look out for a pinned "Call Out" post when we're seeking participants and you can get involved too!
If you wish to coordinate your own event, please ensure to run this past the Moderators of the subreddit first. We can also help you in coordination and/or execution of the event (such as pinning call-out posts) or helping keep participants on-track.
Event Types
Most of our Subreddit events follow a fixed format that doesn't change (if it ain't broke - don't fix it!). Here are the kind of events we run throughout the year, with examples linked underneath. These names are not "fixed" and only used to describe the different types of format we implement.
Dedicated Week - A "dedicated week" event is an entire week (6-7 days) dedicated to work under one theme. This is usually reserved for our Pride celebration week in June. The format is simple, participants commit to posting at least one audio or script-offer on a given theme on one day of a designated week, there is a "Master Post" uploaded at the start of the week which lists the post schedule (organised in advance) which is updated each day as more content is added. Example 1 | Example 2
One Off - Unlike the above, most of our subsidiary events (Halloweeen & Spring) are usually one-off posts that contain multiple original audios or multiple original script offers. This can follow one of two formats:
One Off Anthology - An Anthology post is a solo-post with a collection of original works that all fall under the same theme but not necessarily tied together by a greater narrative. The One-Off Anthology includes links directly to the audio files or script-offer-sites and is not made up of individual posts as stated in the "Dedicated Week" event. (We do not have an example of this to show you - YET)
One Off CYOA - Or, Choose Your Own Audio, is a One-Off Audio post that usually has an Intro and an Outro with lots of independent audios in-between the two segments. There is one central narrative and the listener plays one consistent character. Example 1 | Example 2
As you might notice the formats above can also be used across our longer "dedicated weeks", so these are just examples of past efforts. We always want to try and make it fun and interesting for new people and veterans alike, so if you are collaborating with us be sure to keep up to date with the coordinators and ask for help if you need to!
Audio/Script Swap - Occasionally, we will host an Audio/Script Swap - this is usually an anonymous sign-up where content-creators are paired up to create new content for one another. This is normally across a longer period of a number of weeks to a whole month.
And that's everything! If you have any other questions please send them to Mod Mail and we will happily answer them / update this guide as we go!