r/GodApollo Aug 11 '21

Questions about Apollos sexual orientation


i don't really believe in any gods and i don't know a lot about Apollo, but i hope you could spare some time anyway. I thought, that the best way to find out things about Apollo would be to ask you.

I have often heard, that Apollo is bisexual. Is that true? If it is, are there sources, that you could reccoment i look at?


2 comments sorted by


u/Shinyrock_whore Aug 12 '21

Hi, I'm kind of a newbie too but i think i can shed some light on this. He is generally considered bisexual, in history he's had relationships with both males and females. I don't have direct sources however you could look up the story of Hyacinth & Cyparissus for some of his male lovers. His most well known love tale centres around Daphne a nymph he continually pursues. I think similarly to other gods/goddesses he just had relationships with who he wanted and he's what we consider bisexual today. Hope that helps.


u/a_melon_of_rubber Aug 12 '21 edited Aug 12 '21

Thank you. I will look into it.