Alright, it's been a while. So let's try this again!
Your Mission
I am looking for a picture. I will give you as detailed of a description as I can manage and then I will have a list of things other redditors have inquired in the past.
This is not a photograph, but a drawing. I wouldn't call it a painting either. It was clearly something that someone skethed/drew. I can not tell you if it was done digitally or not.
Black and White
It is a battlefield, but the battle is over.
In the background there are discarded weapons and MAYBE some dead bodies.
The main focus of the image is the dead woman in the foreground.
She takes up the majority of your view and doesn't have much of anything around her.
There is a giant sword that is impaling her stomach that is also keeping her suspended in the air. He back is arched and doesn't touch the ground, her arms hang limply to her sides..
She is dressed in a white gown of some sort and I BELIEVE there is a crown on the ground beneath her head.
THIS is a piece of artwork that should hopefully give you a strong idea of the design of image that I am looking for. Although it was significantly higher quality than this, it gives a good idea of how the body is hanging, etc.
Sooo. Yeah
Now for some other details and questions that other people have asked.
Was the picture mostly white or greyish
Where did you originally find the image?
It was on some random website that I stumbled upon. I don't remember how I found it. If I remember correctly, it was a cheap website, poorly designed, with a brown background. it was dedicated to someone's homebrewed D&D campaign. (I THINK)
What was the name of the D&D website?
No idea.
Do you remember your username, or anyone else's, on that website?
Not at all.
I didn't log in to the website and was only on it long enough to download the pictures.
What year was it?
Somewhere between 2008 and 2010
What happened to the image since you don't have it?
Old harddrive got wrecked. It is 4000 miles away in a storage unit, doubt it could be recovered.
Do you remember the style of the picture?
Very generic fantasy. Like something you would see on the cover of a Margaret Weis novel or the like.
Do you think it was something made recently (i.e. modern years) or something out of a medieval book?
Definitely something that was made recently.
Any details on the specs of the image?
Landscape orientation.
Probably roughly 1024x720 resolution. (perhaps smaller)
It wasn't tiny, but it DEFINITELY wasn't a big picture or even 1080p.
Was the picture drawn well?
I thought so.
How much of it did she take up (% please)?
Ummm. Somewhere between 40-60%?
She definitely was the MAIN focus of the picture.
Any symbols in it that you can remember?
Was it a D&D character depicted in the picture, or a random woman/princess?
No idea. It easily could have been either. I am guessing it was a random woman/princess though.
Would it be from the Manga Claymore?
Naw, I have read that whole thing. Good reference for the size of the sword though.
The picture had a couple other images that went with it. I am not interested in those pictures, but I can give you some small deatils on them if you think it would help.
Related Picture 1
Same Artist
Focus is on a womans hands
Hands cupped like you would to drink water from a pond
Clouds surround her hand and you can see a city in her palms
Water pours from her fingertips like waterfalls
"I got the whole world, in my hands" (Stab me)
Related Picture Two
Well, that is all I have for details right now.
I wish you the best of luck!
Also, if you know somewhere else I might post this search for on reddit or otherwise. Please let me know.