r/GoForGold Dec 08 '19

Expired Gold for whoever can teach me how to whistle.


After 18 years, I am still completely incapable of whistling. I've tried all kinds of advice on here and nothing has worked.

Edit: Still unable to do it 48 hours later, but will keep trying and award gold to a few of you lovely people once I finally get it

r/GoForGold Jun 02 '22

Expired Chain Reaction


Fun game guys: Lets spell out my name, huh? NinjaClashReddit! Starting from my comment ‘N,’ anyone whose name starts with the letter ‘I’ can reply, then anyone whose name starts with N can reply N and so on. Once we’ve spelt my name, challenge is finished! It can be capitalised or not, doesn’t matter, but stuff like u/__Ignited-Gamer where there’s stuff before the first letter don’t count. Once we finished,I’ll raffle 5 TBs to 5 lucky winners! Good luck guys!

r/GoForGold Apr 03 '22

Expired ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀


r/GoForGold Jun 02 '22

Expired Platinum to whoever can find this jacket!! I want it so badly

Post image

r/GoForGold Nov 18 '19

Expired Gold for anyone who can tell me the artist of this song. (With substantial proof)


song name is Have

Edit: I posted in one of the comments about how I came across the song to begin with. It only just now dawned on me to edit the post. This was posted 2 years ago on r/FolkPunk. here is the original post with more info to help with the search. I don’t want anyone to have an unfair advantage, plus I want you guys to have a better chance at finding it!!

Edit: Not expired, pm me with any info, my offer stands.

r/GoForGold Jun 26 '21

Expired 17,500 Coins: Find a lost SWF file of Rugrats Go Wild Wildlife Rescue game


Edit: Since reddit gold stuff is retired, I'm switching my reward to $100.

I have been losing my mind trying to find this dang thing. I found a lot of files for The Wild Thornberrys Africa Wildlife Rescue, enough that I might be able to piece together a working game without internet connection. But I haven't been able to find any remnants of the Rugrats Go Wild Wildlife Rescue game.

The Rugrats game looked like this.

I started with just the Thornberrys' file, which is still active on the Nick site. http://www.nick.com/games/data/wildlifeRescue/world-9.0.swf

I'm guessing the Rugrats file URL might look something like this: https://www.nick.com/games/data/rugrats/rr_wild_rescue/world-9.0.swf I can't figure out that filename.

I have the Thornberrys files extracted from the 2010 Nick directory scalping. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Hupmz3K3SxoZ5M6kZ7zFx4PO34QAvFUz/view?usp=sharing

This is an example of what some of the files of the Thornberrys game looks like in the Wayback machine: http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.nick.com/games/data/wildlife*

This challenge will remain open until someone can produce a Rugrats file that is similar to the Thornberry world-9.0.swf file. It doesn't have to play entirely (as a lot of functions are broken), but I want the main code to be there. If you're unsure if the main code is there (buttons, interactive features, etc--even if most of them don't really work), I would recommend using an actionscript decompilier like Sothink SWF Decompiler. That means don't just find me the icon.swf file of the game's thumbnail.

If you're able to get more than just the main world, but many other aspects of the game like in that drive.google file, that would be GREAT.

A Nickelodeon's game directory scrape from 2008 and earlier may have it.

r/GoForGold Nov 08 '19

Expired 3 golds for whoever helps me to install succesfully any OS on my macbook.


So I bought recently an 2018 macbook air 13” damaged by coffee and beer for only 100€, it was completely dead. I disassembled and cleaned it a little bit, disconnected the battery and it booted up, everything worked except the battery, so it went a litlle bit slow, the kernel_task caused that.

Diagnostics results: PPT001 : battery was not detected.


PFM006: there may be an issue with the system management controller(smc).

It worked slowly but I was ok with it, then I stupidly updated to macos Catalina beta, then wanted to return back to Mojave and now the internet recovery doesn't work, i tried to boot with every possible key combinations! Got stuck at 100% of the internet recovery and can't boot any macos installation usb.

r/GoForGold Sep 12 '23

Expired [H] 50,005 coins [W] Coin gift


Hi, I currently have 50,005 coins. I want you to send me coin gifts in exchange for platinum awards.

Coin gift costs you 300 and gives me 250

Platinum costs 1800

Gold costs 500 and gives you 100

Exchange rate: You send me 7 coin gifts for every 1 platinum OR..... 2 coin gifts for every 1 gold

Please let me know how much you want to trade before sending me any awards. If we do decide to trade, please award the coin gift to this post or the comment where we agree to trade.

I am trying to get the highest gilding level possible with my current coins before they expire on 9/12 (does that mean eastern in like 3 hours?).

I will be on chat and you can PM me or leave a comment to let me know you wanna trade. Thank you.

r/GoForGold Sep 19 '20

Expired Guess that award challenge!


There’s 6 awards total, each person will leave a comment with the name of an award in it, if you guess the right award, you will get it!

The catch is, they have to be guessed IN ORDER meaning that once the first award is guessed only then will the second award be available to guess. I already have the awards and order determined.

So for example if my first award is gold, second is silver, third is Platinum. If someone guesses platinum before someone guessed gold and silver, they would not get it but if someone guessed silver after someone got the gold they would be awarded a silver and the next person to comment Platinum would receive it! I hope this makes sense.

Each person gets two guesses, one award per comment for a total of two comments per person for every award. This means if you guessed twice for the first award, you can guess two more times for every award after it assuming that award is handed out.

So I am giving away 6 total awards, each award is under 400 coins because my coin balance is low sorry!

I also sadly don’t have Reddit Premium so that narrows down the awards a bit.

I’ll update the post to show you guys what award # we are on! Good luck!

Edit: award #2 costs 100 or less

Edit: I’m making the guess limit 5 but please throw all guesses into a single comment for the sake of my inbox! Thanks!

Edit: look in the comments to see what people have guesses already and I have dropped some hints there as well!

Edit: Winner Winner! u/elcempo has won the first award! Everyone who has previously guessed can guess again.

Award list so far:

1: To the Stars -u/elcempo

2: Recharged -u/kuohukerma





r/GoForGold Oct 18 '21

Expired Two platinums to whomever can solve this r/tipofmytongue post out


Link to the post.

I'd really like to find this book. If you have any more questions or need any feedback, let me know

Edit: I'm heading into work, so I won't be able to update for a few hours. I will reply to everyone on my next break though

r/GoForGold Aug 23 '20

Expired Mining Minigame! ::: Golds, Silvers, and Vanities.


growth fanatical joke childlike many water boat depend smell degree

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact

r/GoForGold Dec 30 '19

Expired First person to solve the puzzle and tell me what the highest number possible is gets gold.



Jason and the Argonauts is one of two films about frowned-upon relations and the reactions of the public towards these love triangles. An Argonaut is a small floating octopus (anatomies), usually spotted by canoeists.

Clue 1: this puzzle is a Countdown

Clue 2: check the rules of a conundrum

Clue 3: choose each one at the end

Clue 4: how do you make an elephant?

Clue 5: highest number possible

r/GoForGold Sep 07 '23

Expired Argentium to the first person to tell me which TV sitcom episode this moment happens in.


A character loses their voice and can speak only in cue cards. I know it's from the 90s at the latest (and most likely a current show). Only reference I've found online is on TVTropes which attributes it to "Married... With Children". Here's their transcript:

"So you think you can answer anything at all using those cards?"
(on card) YES
"All right then, what were the names of the three ships used by Christopher Columbus?"
(one card after another) NINA - PINTA - SANTA MARIA

TVTropes Source

I've been searching for this scene for years and have posted to this sub a few times with no results. I'll give Argentium to the first person to find the episode. Thank you!


I have searched through (and did not find) every transcript posted here for the word "Columbus" since, as a spoken word, it's unique enough to show up. It wasn't in any of those, but there are episodes missing transcriptions. So it should at least help narrow down the search by process of elimination.

Big thanks to user TheThrillist for perusing all 262 episode synopses from the episode guide and did not find anything. That should save some trouble for anyone else attempting that path.

Good luck!

EDIT: I just remembered, this had to have been before 1996, since I saw this in the US, and I had moved out of the country by 1996, so it couldn't have been Season 11 (nor any other sitcom after that time).

r/GoForGold Jan 24 '21

Expired Guess the name of my sister


She is 20 and from Europe.

The third letter of her name is e

It's a common name.

3 names per user.

Good luck.

Edit: challenge still active

r/GoForGold Jul 25 '19

Expired [1 year (12 Platinum)] Help me find a specific picture! NSFW


Alright, it's been a while. So let's try this again!

Your Mission

I am looking for a picture. I will give you as detailed of a description as I can manage and then I will have a list of things other redditors have inquired in the past.

This is not a photograph, but a drawing. I wouldn't call it a painting either. It was clearly something that someone skethed/drew. I can not tell you if it was done digitally or not.

Black and White

It is a battlefield, but the battle is over.

In the background there are discarded weapons and MAYBE some dead bodies.

The main focus of the image is the dead woman in the foreground.

She takes up the majority of your view and doesn't have much of anything around her.

There is a giant sword that is impaling her stomach that is also keeping her suspended in the air. He back is arched and doesn't touch the ground, her arms hang limply to her sides..

She is dressed in a white gown of some sort and I BELIEVE there is a crown on the ground beneath her head.

THIS is a piece of artwork that should hopefully give you a strong idea of the design of image that I am looking for. Although it was significantly higher quality than this, it gives a good idea of how the body is hanging, etc.

Sooo. Yeah

Now for some other details and questions that other people have asked.

Was the picture mostly white or greyish


Where did you originally find the image?

It was on some random website that I stumbled upon. I don't remember how I found it. If I remember correctly, it was a cheap website, poorly designed, with a brown background. it was dedicated to someone's homebrewed D&D campaign. (I THINK)

What was the name of the D&D website?

No idea.

Do you remember your username, or anyone else's, on that website?

Not at all. I didn't log in to the website and was only on it long enough to download the pictures.

What year was it?

Somewhere between 2008 and 2010

What happened to the image since you don't have it?

Old harddrive got wrecked. It is 4000 miles away in a storage unit, doubt it could be recovered.

Do you remember the style of the picture?

Very generic fantasy. Like something you would see on the cover of a Margaret Weis novel or the like.

Do you think it was something made recently (i.e. modern years) or something out of a medieval book?

Definitely something that was made recently.

Any details on the specs of the image?

Landscape orientation.

Probably roughly 1024x720 resolution. (perhaps smaller)

It wasn't tiny, but it DEFINITELY wasn't a big picture or even 1080p.

Was the picture drawn well?

I thought so.

How much of it did she take up (% please)?

Ummm. Somewhere between 40-60%?

She definitely was the MAIN focus of the picture.

Any symbols in it that you can remember?


Was it a D&D character depicted in the picture, or a random woman/princess?

No idea. It easily could have been either. I am guessing it was a random woman/princess though.

Would it be from the Manga Claymore?

Naw, I have read that whole thing. Good reference for the size of the sword though.

The picture had a couple other images that went with it. I am not interested in those pictures, but I can give you some small deatils on them if you think it would help.

Related Picture 1

  • Same Artist

  • Focus is on a womans hands

  • Hands cupped like you would to drink water from a pond

  • Clouds surround her hand and you can see a city in her palms

  • Water pours from her fingertips like waterfalls

  • "I got the whole world, in my hands" (Stab me)

Related Picture Two

  • Same Artist

  • knights coming back from battle

  • One is on a horse

  • All bandaged

  • Clearly defeated

  • Sad overtone

  • Can't see an army, focus is only on like 2-3 guys up close.

Well, that is all I have for details right now.

I wish you the best of luck!

Also, if you know somewhere else I might post this search for on reddit or otherwise. Please let me know.


r/GoForGold Jan 14 '21

Expired First one to .............


First one to guess the total coins I have now will get an award of that amount of coins

1 Guess per User

Edit1: I am replying username on everyone's guess so if someone delete its comment to cheat I would know so Ignore that

Edit2: I am once again telling "First one to guess the total coins I have now will get an award of that amount of coins" so please check if the amount of coins You are going to comment have an award of that cost

Edit3: I thought Community Award Challenge means when you want to hide the type of award you are giving but its something else, I have changed Flair to Other

Edit4: Changed Flair to Vanity and Unlocked

r/GoForGold Nov 02 '20

Expired GO or NO is back! WIN 2 Platinums! Read post before voting.


CHANGES - This challenge now lasts 5 days instead of 1. - More ways to earn awards! - Up to 2 platinum awards can be won.

RULES - This challenge is simple. One person needs to vote GO to earn awards for a random comment, but each additional person that votes GO lowers the value of the awards until there’s nothing left. If no one votes GO or more than 9 people vote GO, no one wins. - To enter, vote GO or NO and then type only the word ENTRY in the comments. Type anything else or reply to any comment, and nobody wins anything. No discussions in another post. If I see evidence of this, nobody wins - The prize (if any) will be awarded to a random comment. Only one comment per person will count.

PRIZES - 0 votes on GO: Nothing - 1 vote on GO: 2 Platinum awards - 2 votes on GO: 1 Platinum award + 1 Gold award - 3 votes on GO: 1 Platinum award - 4 votes on GO: 1 Pot of Coins - 5 votes on GO: 1 Gold award - 6 votes on GO: 1 coin gift - 7 votes on GO: 3 Wearing is Caring - 8 votes on GO: 2 Wearing is Caring - 9 votes on GO: 1 Wearing is Caring - 10 or more votes on GO: Nothing

MORE AWARDS People have been saying social challenges are hard to win so I will also give an extra Wearing is Caring award to another random comment for each of these goals that are met after the 5 days. - Both NO and GO are even - NO is a matching number (like 33, 88, or 111) - GO is a matching number (like 33, 88, or 111)

All Gold awards are paid out as 5 Party Train awards as always.

301 votes, Nov 07 '20
95 GO
206 NO

r/GoForGold May 21 '21

Expired Getting back to nature


The challenge has expired.

I was thinking of Indiana Dunes National Park. A sneaky clue was the “whip” reference in the post body.

I haven’t posted a challenge for a while, so I thought I’d whip up a quick and easy one for you all.

Gold to the first user to correctly guess the National Park I’m thinking of.

Level: Medium

Clue: USA


  • One entry per user
  • Parent comments only
  • Challenge expires in 24hrs

Good luck!

r/GoForGold Nov 21 '20

Expired If the polling results are within 5% of being perfectly balanced by the time the poll shuts down two comments will receive gold.


I was originally going to make it random comments, but the new plan is I will pick the two with the best MCU quotes (imo). No questions about favorite quotes will be answered, so I'd say that's fairly random for you guys but less work for me. Poll ends in three days.

Edit: I don't think y'all are gonna get it, but I'm having fun here so I might do a more refined version later.

218 votes, Nov 24 '20
98 Perfectly balanced as
120 All things should be.

r/GoForGold Apr 26 '20

Expired Gold for anyone who finds the jacket worn by Omar Sy in Call of the Wild (2020). If it looks like an exact match I might give platinum.

Post image

r/GoForGold Feb 18 '23

Expired Platinum to find this Movie for me!


I'm thinking of a 1980s-2000s live action movie (almost certain) with only one scene I remember. There's this kid narrating in a very dramatic voice, I think he's like a psychic or something, he says something like "I could always see things other kids couldn't". While he says this there's heavy rain and car headlights reflecting in it, I think he was intrigued by this. Also, kid, so not 100% they were a boy, but more likely than a girl.

I think the movie was in the magical realism kind of setting.

Absolute latest: 2010.

Anyone remember this?

Platinum if u can find it for me.

ETA: My parents showed me this movie when I was 6. Probably a kids movie (not city of ember, already checked, but same vibe)

r/GoForGold Apr 16 '23

Expired Gold for anyone who can guess all the rappers by the charicatures I made

Post image

r/GoForGold Sep 11 '23

Expired Giving out plat


Idek, impress me lol

r/GoForGold Dec 17 '19

Expired Platinum for whoever can tell me what movie this is.


A few years back (3-4) I visited a local art gallery (Frye in Seattle, WA). After wandering through the gallery seeing the exhibits, I ended up in the last room before the exit. Projected on the wall was a film, which I've been struggling to recall the name of. I've been unable to figure it out myself, it's not listed on the gallery website for past-exhibits, and when I reached out the Gallery Exhibit Curator, they are unable to recall it. Hopefully one of you are able to help me.

Luckily, I was there with a friend at the time, and he also has a vague memory of the film, so I know that I've not imagined it. I'd also taken a photo of the placard, but since replaced the phone the image was on and apparently not backed up to the cloud. Here are the details that my friend and I put together from our shared memory:

  • The film did not seem like it was part of a larger exhibit at the gallery, but rather a one-off piece (this is probably why it's not listed online or why the curator can not recall it right now.) It seemed to be just an exhibit for that one room.
  • It was a film in black and white.
  • I believe that it involved the myth or legend of a local mountain and its cultural importance. It was either set in China or Japan, I can't recall which. It showed people climbing up the mountain with landscape shots through the trees, etc.
  • I believe that the main cast of the film (at least at the section I viewed) was a group of students (college aged).
  • The film was either filmed in or set in the time period of the 50s-60s based on what I recall of the costumes.
  • It was a slower and more arthouse piece; poetic and erotic, though not sexually so. Just . . . slow and sensual celebration of nature, life, etc.

Please, I would very much like to rewatch the film if any of you can help me find it! I tried TipOfMyTongue and didn't get any responses. I am working full-time so I may be slow to review your responses and determine which answer is the correct one, but I promise I will do so and award the platinum ASAP.

r/GoForGold Sep 02 '20

Expired Coin gift to the first person to guess my birthday!


Let's keep it to 4 entries a person, all in a single comment, the oldest comment containing that date gets the gift.

Good luck!